The new Prepper Bunkers


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I rarely if ever find Prepper Bunkers in TLD, but when I did rarely stumble across one, it never really looked like sort of thing a prepper would live in, let alone design.

Sure, the inside was stocked with loot, but it felt less like an actual prepper's hideaway, and more like someone's basement with a bed crammed in.

But now...


Whoa. Now that's a prepper's hideout.

A corkboard filled with all sorts of notes and theories and speculations. A radio setup to monitor what is (and will be) happening. And plenty of boxes of food and water, because you can't survive an apocalypse on an empty stomach.

Even the walls and ceiling look well-fortified, as though the bunker was purpose-built to survive a nuke. Which it probably was, all things considered.

I can hardly wait to explore a place like this.

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I've posted this elsewhere, but.....

I'd like to see a prepper stash/bunker in every single region - or at least, the possibility of a bunker in every region.

And the reason is this. For me at least, knowing that there aren't any bunkers in ML, PV or Blackrock has resulted in a real disincentive to explore following TFTFT. So extrapolating from that, a bunker in every region would have the opposite effect, so long as like previously, the actual location was randomised, you'd want to search everywhere. And that, I think, would really help with long-term and repeat play - no more being able to skip large areas of maps because you already know there isn't going to be anything there that you really need.

And that need not have an affect that spoils gameplay on harder difficulties - the bunkers would be there, they just wouldn't have an awful lot in them (but could have one of the rare and important items that does occur anyway on that particular level of difficulty).

Another thing - on my runs post TFTFT, I get the impression that Hinterland have already done a bit of tweaking to item availability as the game progresses? So that a region like MT, where you would normally expect to find lots of really useful loot (particularly on easier settings and where it's your starting region) doesn't seem to hold that much good gear, even on those easier difficulties, if it's the third or fourth region you visit. Now if I'm right about that and Hinterland have introduced a "there's less good stuff in a new region if you've already got good stuff" mechanic, then a bunker in every region wouldn't have to unbalance things on any difficulty.

Just a thought.....

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2 hours ago, Kain said:

I'm guessing this will have no impact on Interloper plays?

We don't know if the bunkers are gonna be avaliable on interloper.

Old bunkers (Except the PV one, near TWM entrance) were never avaliable on interloper, it's likely the new ones will follow the same rules.

But... maybe the bunkers are now related to the Tales or certain new game features of the new patch, if this is true, bunkers should be avaliable on all game modes.


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I think the bunkers should still be there in Interloper. Just empty

I completely disagree that bunkers are the only incentive to explore though. You don't need bunkers either. It's just some extra loot. Or something you do because it's there. There are areas of some maps I don't go to much, but I explore many areas to collect all saplings.

Edited by Serenity
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20 hours ago, Serenity said:

I think the bunkers should still be there in Interloper. Just empty

Or with minimal loot, like most places in the map on interloper.

I really dislike the cut content of interloper games, feels incredible artificial and breaks a bit the game inmersion. Isn't just about the bunkers, also some houses on CH town are burned and so on.

This is even worse with the DLC update and new items, there is not a single item variant avaliable on interloper games. This means that you can't access to certain contents of the game unless you play custom loper or other settings :(  And of course this is gonna get worse with the upcoming content in the year.


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On 2/20/2023 at 3:33 AM, kkeemmss said:

Does anyone know, if game is already in progress when they add back bunkers, will they just reappear in old / new / random locations, or will we have to start a new run to find new bunkers?

You should be able to explore new content on your current run once the new content is available. Thank you for your question! 

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On 2/14/2023 at 3:28 PM, Glacia said:

And of course this is gonna get worse with the upcoming content in the year.

Ooh, makes me think an item varient for a heavy hammer would be cool.  Maybe it churns out things faster but with a 5 percent condition knock on the new item. 

Or it's more useful in wildlife struggles but less so in crafting. 

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