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20 hours ago, Edsel said:

Is the nintendo switch getting the version 2.02 update too? Because its still currently on version 2.00

Yes, the update is still on its way for Switch. Switch tends to take longer because of the update process at Nintendo. We appreciate your patience! 

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52 minutes ago, Admin said:

Yes, the update is still on its way for Switch. Switch tends to take longer because of the update process at Nintendo. We appreciate your patience! 

Thank you very much for the reply.

I thought the switch was not getting any because its a lesser device compared to the other systems.

Edited by Edsel
Needed to change something
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To the admin and the game developers. . .

Thank you.

This is by far my favorite game.  It is beautiful.  It is peaceful.  I enjoy disappearing into this world almost every day.  I can't WAIT to see what Ep 5 brings.  If you create more challenges, that is so cool.  But even if nothing else is built or changes, thank you for making this world for me to play in.

And yes, when you get Pay to play up and running, I will be subscribing.

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Well "toward the end of September" has now come and gone with no new update.  Back in April they said a more detailed update on new content would be given "well before" the launch.  So I'm guessing it's safe to assume we won't be getting anything this year.  The lack of communication is getting frustrating.  I understand that it could take longer than expected to get things done right, but I don't understand why that can't just be communicated.  

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30 minutes ago, Wellwater said:

Well "toward the end of September" has now come and gone with no new update.  Back in April they said a more detailed update on new content would be given "well before" the launch.  So I'm guessing it's safe to assume we won't be getting anything this year.  The lack of communication is getting frustrating.  I understand that it could take longer than expected to get things done right, but I don't understand why that can't just be communicated.  

I believe from  watching a ytube video that raph has  had to delay the dev diary until next week. No reason given but I'm sure they are very busy.. 

Some sort of info would  be nice on the forum though.


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35 minutes ago, Serenity said:

If you want current updates from Raph you need to check his Twitter. He is extremely active there:



Thanks for the info but I don't have Twitter or any of the others either? Just seems a bit unfair that the forum is the last to know.

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26 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Thanks for the info but I don't have Twitter or any of the others either? Just seems a bit unfair that the forum is the last to know.

Yeah, unfortunately if you want the most current info, you'll have to look on twitter. It would be nice if Raphael copy-pasted his tweets into the forums but unfortunately, he does not. What someone should do / what the admins should do is make a thread where they only post updates from the 3 twitter accounts. (Raph, intoThelongdark, and hinterland) so forum-only people can see it. 

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Just now, SpanishMoss said:

Yeah, unfortunately if you want the most current info, you'll have to look on twitter. It would be nice if Raphael copy-pasted his tweets into the forums but unfortunately, he does not. What someone should do / what the admins should do is make a thread where they only post updates from the 3 twitter accounts. (Raph, intoThelongdark, and hinterland) so forum-only people can see it. 


I get my info from a regular ytuber  but even then it's only mentioned during his gameplay .   While it has turned out to be reliable ,this  forum should really be the main go to ,I would've thought anyway.

   im sure I'm not the only one who doesn't have or want Twitter etc .

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17 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

im sure I'm not the only one who doesn't have or want Twitter etc .

You certainly aren't Leeanda. I never have and never will touch them with a bargepole.

These forums are the official place for players, people who love the game, people who have literally been with them from the start.

OK so Raph may not have the time but SpanishMoss is right, the solution is incredibly simple. Are they trying to say that *no-one* has the time to do a bit of copy & paste to update the real supporters? The threads wouldn't even need to allow direct responses.

Surely its a matter of common courtesy, something I really, really had hoped Hinterland would show.

It's the communication (or lack of) that upsets me. Not the delays etc which can happen for so many reasons.

I know many of us are hugely grateful for the game we have received for such a small price. Many of us are welcoming a new structure for paid access to new content etc. We don't expect greatness for nothing, or the vast majority don't anyway.

But loyal players and fans who are going to be mainstay in bringing along this new format are quite literally being kept in the dark and sidelined. It hardly inspires confidence to put your hand in your pocket later on.

Please forgive the rant. I love this game. Have for so many years. And I have been impressed with how Hinterland have conducted themselves in such a greedy, poor quality environment that many game makers inhabit.

But all this does start to get you down a bit, you know?

End rant

29 minutes ago, SpanishMoss said:

Yeah, unfortunately if you want the most current info, you'll have to look on twitter. It would be nice if Raphael copy-pasted his tweets into the forums but unfortunately, he does not. What someone should do / what the admins should do is make a thread where they only post updates from the 3 twitter accounts. (Raph, intoThelongdark, and hinterland) so forum-only people can see it. 


Edited by Sgt Socks
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5 hours ago, _Rudolf_ said:

Немного русского языка вам в тему)
Вы думали здесь сидит только англоязычное комьюнити? Вы ошибаетесь. Обычно я пишу на английском, но сегодня решил на русском (я не из Росси, и не хочу никаких политических обсуждений в форуме, связанной со столь атмосферной игрой). Я хочу поделиться опытом  своего томительного ожидания. Вы не представляете, как я жду новый дневник, ибо я уже подготовил свои накопления для покупки "сезонного абонемента". Да, название и в правду не самое лучшее для атмосферной игры про выживание. То что я писал раньше про пятиразовое обновление форума, превратилось в пятидясятиразовую проверку. Скрин с локацией (по моему мнению) из DLC только подпитывает мою нетерпеливость. Также я очень жду инфу о 5 эпизоде, ибо я выстроял огромные логические цепочки и теории, которыми могу поделиться.

Thank you for your patience. We have a fantastic player community around the world, and we are just as eager to share updates with you as you are to receive them. There is quite a bit of information planned for the latest Dev Diary, and we are still confirming a few final details.

We appreciate your support as we head toward these major updates, and we are excited to share more information very soon. 

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3 hours ago, Admin said:

Thank you for your patience. We have a fantastic player community around the world, and we are just as eager to share updates with you as you are to receive them. There is quite a bit of information planned for the latest Dev Diary, and we are still confirming a few final details.

We appreciate your support as we head toward these major updates, and we are excited to share more information very soon. 

Thank you Admin.

However we would be grateful if you could take note of the comments regarding updating us here, particularly regarding Raph's Twitter feed.

There is also an item regarding this in the Wish List, posted by @SpanishMoss . Titled "Forum Change - Dedicated Twitter Side Bar".

There is definite frustration here that these forums, the official Hinterland forums, do not hear directly and have to see Twitter for updates. Many people do not use Twitter or any social media and therefore are left in the dark.

Many of us have supported Hinterland and TLD since the beginning and it doesn't feel good that we are forgotten here when it comes to hearing the latest news. Especially when it is common courtesy to inform loyal followers about such news, and in the official community space. It is only because of members here who do have access to Twitter feeding back to us that we get the information.

It is the lack of communication which is frustrating us, and the loss of common courtesy we have come to expect from Hinterland. It isn't delays we have a problem with on the whole.

You are also endangering the success of your future push into a (deserved) paid expansion realm, looking to reach both old and new players. Goodwill is huge in something like this, and many of the oldest supporters are feeling taken for granted because of the emotional investment we have in the game.

All we ask is to keep the forums updated. Surely that is easy, makes business sense and offers common courtesy to all your supporters?

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39 minutes ago, Sgt Socks said:

Thank you Admin.

However we would be grateful if you could take note of the comments regarding updating us here, particularly regarding Raph's Twitter feed.

There is also an item regarding this in the Wish List, posted by @SpanishMoss . Titled "Forum Change - Dedicated Twitter Side Bar".

There is definite frustration here that these forums, the official Hinterland forums, do not hear directly and have to see Twitter for updates. Many people do not use Twitter or any social media and therefore are left in the dark.

Many of us have supported Hinterland and TLD since the beginning and it doesn't feel good that we are forgotten here when it comes to hearing the latest news. Especially when it is common courtesy to inform loyal followers about such news, and in the official community space. It is only because of members here who do have access to Twitter feeding back to us that we get the information.

It is the lack of communication which is frustrating us, and the loss of common courtesy we have come to expect from Hinterland. It isn't delays we have a problem with on the whole.

You are also endangering the success of your future push into a (deserved) paid expansion realm, looking to reach both old and new players. Goodwill is huge in something like this, and many of the oldest supporters are feeling taken for granted because of the emotional investment we have in the game.

All we ask is to keep the forums updated. Surely that is easy, makes business sense and offers common courtesy to all your supporters?



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2 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:

Thank you Admin.

However we would be grateful if you could take note of the comments regarding updating us here, particularly regarding Raph's Twitter feed.

There is also an item regarding this in the Wish List, posted by @SpanishMoss . Titled "Forum Change - Dedicated Twitter Side Bar".

There is definite frustration here that these forums, the official Hinterland forums, do not hear directly and have to see Twitter for updates. Many people do not use Twitter or any social media and therefore are left in the dark.

Many of us have supported Hinterland and TLD since the beginning and it doesn't feel good that we are forgotten here when it comes to hearing the latest news. Especially when it is common courtesy to inform loyal followers about such news, and in the official community space. It is only because of members here who do have access to Twitter feeding back to us that we get the information.

It is the lack of communication which is frustrating us, and the loss of common courtesy we have come to expect from Hinterland. It isn't delays we have a problem with on the whole.

You are also endangering the success of your future push into a (deserved) paid expansion realm, looking to reach both old and new players. Goodwill is huge in something like this, and many of the oldest supporters are feeling taken for granted because of the emotional investment we have in the game.

All we ask is to keep the forums updated. Surely that is easy, makes business sense and offers common courtesy to all your supporters?

Couldn't have said it better... 

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The latest Dev Diary is on its way. It contains a lot of valuable information, and we are still finalizing a couple of details. We will share it as soon as we can (we're currently estimating around a week from now). 

Thank you again for your patience! 

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