Trying to hunt a moose

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6 minutes ago, Just some guy being a dude said:

So I’ve been trying to hunt a moose

Welcome, @Just some guy being a dude.

In ML moose may spawn in several locations.

  • The meadow at Trapper's Homestead, between the cabin and the barn.
  • The frozen river below the bridge near Carter Hydro.
  • The birch forest near Lonely Cabin.
  • Also, the first marsh area on the right after leaving ML using the tunnel to FM.

There may be others but these are a good start. Best of luck my friend. :coffee:


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If you notice scraped trees, a moose will likely spawn in that location at some point during your playthrough, although they may not be "up" at the moment you discover the scrapings.  A few moose will spawn in locations with or without scrapings.  For example, AFAIK, the moose near the Trapper's Cabin will eventually spawn even though the scrapings may not be there.  They can be rather fickle... spawning and then despawning the moment you, say, go into a building nearby only to spawn in again a couple of days later... or a week later... in that same location.  I'm not convinced this is all as intended (e.g. there may be some bugs involved), but it does make it more "interesting" to hunt them.  Good luck on your hunt.

Edited by UpUpAway95
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All keep in mind that Moose is a super rare spawn, and kind of move between regions on the backend logic.  So you have to either camp an active spawn point (marked by scraped tree bark) for days or weeks on end...... or just get super lucky.     I've seen 3 so far.... and always caught me off guard.  Manged to come back and murder all of them before they disappeared......  and 2 of those times it had a bear come in to back it up.   

The one I ran into at the gas station was a trifecta of everything that could kill you all coming at the same time.     Moose on one side, Bear on the other, the place crawling with wolves.... and a blizzard decides to say hello.  Wolf gets wind of me, and I botch the arrow shot as it charges me.   So I'm now I'm bleeding on top of all that, and the other wolves are trotting over to check out the smell.  Cost me 2 revolver rounds to scatter the wolves, so I could make a break for the garage.

So you bet your butts after the storm cleared, I was intent on killing everything still there.   Wolves and the Bear was gone, so I put all of my revenge work to lure the moose to the pumps.... and I screwed up the AI, so it started running away to the shoreline... where the wolves go when not at the gas station.   Eventually it came back, and finally took it down with a 3 arrows to the head.   

DO NOT underestimate how much of a pain they are. 

Edited by starlin
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I have found that if the moose is "wounded" emitting relatively constant sounds [as if in distress], as opposed to when it is just threatening, that a second good hit seems to be much more effective at taking it down.  Of course, YMMV. 

Good luck.


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On average I find one can take down a moose with about two (sometimes three) well aimed shots to the head.  If you stay outside their detection range, they will only flee a short distance before starting to roam around again.  A player can fairly easily take down a moose without fear of being trampled, if they take the time to get a little better at taking more "ranged" shots. special tricks needed.

(Specifically I meant that I have been able to hunt moose successfully with an average of 1-2 well aimed shots with the riffle, and 2-3 well aimed shots with the bow)

Edited by ManicManiac
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