Did he just say what I think he said?


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Hey all, I’m a long time player, but new to the forums. Well, sort of.  I’ve actually been a lurker for quite some time. I really enjoy reading about everyone’s survival experiences and I’ve learned a lot scanning through countless posts. I’ve always wanted to post about my own playthrough, but never have until today.  I’m pretty close to reaching 500 days for the first time and originally planned to write about it after the fact, but something strange happened just a moment ago that I wanted to ask about.


Pleasant Valley has always been my favorite. Being the largest region, I find that it has so much to see from the iconic Farmstead to the birch bark forest to the plane wreck on skeeter’s ridge.  I don’t mind the sudden weather changes. I have spent so much time there I could find my way to a warm cave or well stocked shelter even in the worst of conditions. It helps that I’m playing on a voyager save and so I can afford to be out in the open for long periods of time.  My favorite place in PV has to be signal hill. On a clear morning the view, in my opinion, surpasses any other in the game looking down on the vast region in all its magnificence.  My character (I’m playing as Will) is currently in mystery lake on day 490 and I plan to spend the final days in PV, waking up in the radio tower on day 501 to come out and see that view again.


Coming back from an extended hunting trip at Broken Railroad, I stopped by the camp office for some ammo and supplies before heading to PV. I keep a lot of my material storage at this location, it being a central waypoint of sorts. I was picking out my gear when it came time to decide how much food I should take. I only had cooked fish available. I had a crap ton of bear meat sitting on the porch of the Farmstead so I wanted to bring along just enough food for the trip. After all, there was no sense in tempting wolves with my scent when I was this close to day 500. I had just realized if I max out my hunger bar, I could easily make it to the transition cave where I probably had a morsel or two saved when Will spoke one of his signature lines about being hungry. He said “I’ll die if I don’t find food soon”..but then followed it up with “I need to get to Timberwolf Mountain.” In all my ~400 hours of play, I’ve never heard any voice lines about timberwolf mountain so I wondered if it had something to do with my approaching 500 days. I have seen a lot of folks post on the forum about spending their final day there. Has anyone heard anything like that before?


I decided to go through with my plan to start the trip with no food and a maxed hunger bar. I ended up spending the night in the trailer next to the dam. I had to call it quits to get in to work early tomorrow so I’ll post again when I play more.

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I'm not familiar with the dialogue of the characters at all, as I play with the Speech off. But its interesting that your character said they needed to go to a specific place. Hey, maybe it does have something to do with the 500 days and Will wants to stand at the top of the highest point of Great Bear Island to celebrate surviving so long!

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Hmm, it’s possible I just misheard as my sleep deprived brain was focused on the task of selecting gear when he uttered it. Work has been so busy that I find myself trading sleep for a bit of time with Will.  I’ve always wanted to reach 500 days and I’m so close I can taste it!  My wife is also 7 months pregnant so this might be my only chance to hit the milestone anytime soon.  Still...I have to admit some other strange things have been happening with my save.  It is a pretty old file that I started a couple years back and it’s weathered several major updates. I’ve run into interesting bugs occasionally like floating items, bears fleeing at strange moments. My favorite bug was when a pursuing wolf suddenly froze in place, standing upright. It continued to growl, but stopped reacting to me completely.  I found it hilarious.


This one thing that happened tonight was not so funny though..


I woke up at the trailer near the dam on day 491 to some overcast weather. On my way to Winding River, I stopped near the dam’s workbench to craft a few extra arrows as I had run low from killing so many wolves in BR. It was overkill since I also had the rifle with me, but hunting is my favorite thing to do in The Long Dark and I love alternating between the two weapons. I was almost out of the dam when I suddenly noticed that it had been eerily quiet. I don’t usually have the music on since it can get repetitive. Then of course there was the sound of the contents of my backpack shifting around and my footsteps, but something felt missing. I stopped moving and eventually realized the clanging noises of the dam settling were absent. It was so quiet you could hear tinder drop. To be honest I felt a little unnerved since I’m kind of an easy guy to get spooked. I felt better once I got out in the winding river. The sun had come out and I immediately equipped my bow ready to deal with the wolf down below. He wasn’t around though and I proceeded through the river without challenge. 


I stepped into the transition cave to PV and looked around for the morsels mentioned earlier to tide me to the Farmstead. I remember leaving a few kilos of cooked venison near the opening, but couldn’t find them. I figured I must have placed them somewhere further down, perhaps in a dark spot, so I looked around with my lantern only to waste some fuel. After a few minutes of this, I decided I’d just double back out and take out a rabbit instead. The sun was out, I could save a match if I hurried. Except I couldn’t find the entrance to go back out. I could just be going crazy, but going back the way I came just had me loop around back to where I had been looking for the meat. Being the stubborn person I am, I must have wandered around going through that loop for 20 minutes scouring every tunnel 4-5 times before I finally gave up. Looking back I had to have just been overlooking something dumb which I tend to do when I’m tired, but at the time I swore up and down the way back de-materialized.


I went into PV and started for signal hill. I lost my well fed buff since I putzed around in the transition cave so long. This compounded with my lowering fatigue made me way over-encumbered, so I decided to ditch a few things at an outside cave a ways down.  When I got to the tower, I found I had raw venison inside. I cooked the meat and boiled some water over a mag lens fire at the fire barrel, ate, put Will to sleep, and then quit to take a nap in real life.  Hope to play some more tomorrow depending on when I get home.

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Thank you for the congrats, but something is not right with my save file.  I got a full 10 hours of sleep IRL and I woke up fully refreshed.  Besides, there’s no imagining what I experienced in tonight’s playthrough. I mentioned before I get spooked easily.  I personally can’t stand any kind of horror game, but there’s a lot of people important to me who feel contrary. A couple weeks ago, my friends threw a “Spooktober LAN Party.” The main event was playing some CO-OP Phasmophobia. I didn’t want to be perceived as a wuss, so I took part without any reservations.  Of course, I’m the guy to get killed like 15 minutes in, complete with the creepy animation of hands reaching onto the screen from behind. I ended up leaving the party shortly after that. They were all really nice about it, but I did end up feeling embarrassed.


My wife wasn’t able to attend, but she probably would have enjoyed that game. She’s not a horror game junkie by any means, but she does love a game that presents tension with some jump scares mixed in.  I can appreciate the former, but not the latter. The Long Dark isn’t a horror game of course, but there is a lot of tension in the game. There’s plenty of times where you need to sneak by predators to get to some goal that will keep you alive. Crouching to avoid detection, slowly creeping through a wolf riddled territory with less than perfect visibility, and suddenly you hear a howl..much closer than you’d expect. It certainly gives me a rush, but I can deal with that.  I don’t know if I can deal with what happened tonight.


I woke up in the radio hut at signal hill on day 492. There was a little more venison in stock, but certainly not enough for the remaining 8 days. I set out to the farmstead for that pile of bear meat. I had my bow drawn to deal with any wolves and my ears open to detect the crowing of any bears. Luckily, I thought, there were no encounters as I arrived at the Farmstead. I ran up to the house, went around to the back side, looked onto the back porch, and… nothing.  Maybe I left it inside?  I searched the house, the basement, the front porch, near the fire barrel. There wasn’t a shred of meat to be found. OK I thought, I’ll need to catch some food here.


I went out behind the farmstead to check the rabbit groves.  I passed through the dead orchard, again unchallenged by wolves. This was odd since I’m accustomed to there being at least 1 wolf in the back, if not the front, of the homestead’s orchard.  The rabbit groves were empty and there was nothing else in sight.  I doubled back and went past the farmstead into the field of hay heading up to the barn. There was commonly a herd of deer in the area..and at least a wolf or two further down. But again, nothing. I started weighing my options. It wasn’t just that the Farmstead had no meat, it had no food of any kind.


I had a suspicion that my removed pile of bear meat was the result of an update. In case you’re unfamiliar with the mechanic, if an update to a region is performed, all items you have on the ground near the updated terrain is moved to a “lost and found” box.  These boxes appear at well known locations dependent on the map. In PV, one of them may appear on the porch of the Farmstead and I had already confirmed there was no such box. The other was at the rural store in the town at Thomson’s crossing. The catch of course was that ruined meat disappears from containers, so it was a question of how long ago the meat was harvested. I recalled instantly killing and harvesting a bear right before leaving PV the last time I was there. In fact, I’d even cooked most of it.  So I opened up my journal and back tracked to when that was. Turns out this was roughly 58 days ago, so multiplying by the cooked bear meat decay rate the math worked out in my favor.


I cut through the hay filled field back to the road, passing another barren rabbit grove. I crossed Contemplation Bridge and noticed my hunger and thirst bars were exhausted, yet I could only remedy the latter. I didn’t realize it until much later, but Will had completely stopped talking. He didn’t complain about his needs nor did he even breathe heavily at the end of a sprint. I guess I was too fixated on finding food to notice at the time.  I finally got to the town and..what I saw was... puzzling.


You’ve probably noticed that certain buildings in some maps are burned down and inaccessible. You might also know that on interloper there is a chance for more buildings to spawn in a burned down state than in other difficulties. However, no matter the difficulty, the community hall should not be one of those buildings, nor the Rural Store, yet here they were completely destroyed on my voyager save. This was despite the fact I had looted them within the first 100 days. In fact, every single building in the town was demolished.  After browsing the town, I stared at the screen for a good minute in disbelief before finally checking the lost and found box. No meat..but there were a handful of cattails, enough to keep me for a few days. There were also some fishing tackles. This gave me the idea to head to Pensive Pond.


Will was getting tired at this point (although not voicing it) so I ended the day on the way to the pond inside the forest cave nearby.  On day 493, I woke up to an overcast day and walked over to the pond. Casting my tackles in the fishing hut, I spent about 6 hours catching nothing before I exclaimed in frustration “Is nothing left alive in this game?” I had fishing level 5 and have never had this much bad luck. Outside the hut, I noticed that visibility was degrading due to weather. Annoyed, I decided to head over where I dropped all that gear by the winding river/ML entrance earlier as it was so close. I had more inventory space since I shed some stuff at the radio hut.  Then I could make it full circle by heading back there and could see if I could make it to day 500 on a starvation diet between the remaining venison and cattails. 


Hugging the edge of the map I passed by the transition cave entrance to ML - or I would have if it had not disappeared into thin air. It was just gone. The ridge leading up to where the cave should be was still there, but it was a solid wall instead of an opening.  Further down, I found my stuff, but instead of the neat pile I dropped it in, it was strewn about all over the ground.  Some items were missing. At this point, a thick fog had rolled in and I could barely see 10 feet in front of me. But like I said earlier, I’ve spent a lot of time on this map so I was able to find my way back to the radio hut. When I got around the building to the door, I found it ripped off its hinges lying on the ground nearby. It looked heavily dented by something. Flabbergasted, I stepped inside the hut... there was no map transition. It was like stepping inside the hunting lodge at Timberwolf Mountain, one map- no loading screen with a tip. The furniture in the hut was all over the place and the venison I had was laying in the middle of the floor. I picked it up and then Will finally spoke, which is what made me realize he’d been quiet so long. I swear he said “Something’s been here.” I didn’t have long to process all this.


About a month ago my wife played through Subnautica which is another survival game with a more unsettling atmosphere. I don’t want to spoil too much for any potential future players, but there’s a certain enemy creature called a Reaper that has the most horrifying roar I’ve heard in any of her video games. That was the closest thing I can latch onto to describe what I heard outside the hut. I’d never heard anything like that in The Long Dark, and it sure as hell was not a black bear roar. It was loud. It was close. I made a bee line for the cliff. I climbed down the rope. My heart was beating out of my chest as Will slowly descended. As I was 2/3rds down, I heard the roar again and I started slipping on the rope despite still having some fatigue to spare. I hit the ground with a crack and had torn clothing and a sprained ankle, but no major damage. Through the fog, I hobbled as fast as I could to the barn out near Heartbreak Bridge not far from the Farmstead. When I got inside I closed out the game. I had made one giant circle in PV encountering one anomaly after another ending with...I don't know what. I don’t have any explanation for what happened, but one thing is for sure. Something is still alive in the game, and it is messing with me.


I don’t know if I’ll play again. I only have 6.5ish days to 500, but I might need a break. I’ll post again if I pick it back up.

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I thought about what happened all day at work, didn’t get much done. I didn’t get much sleep either. I haven’t tried to rationalize the odd occurrences in my game. I’m not crazy, what happened did happen. Maybe it’s new content of some kind or a mod that was installed without my knowing. I don’t care so much as I’m just really bummed that I don’t think I’ll get to 500 days, because.. I didn’t think I could play anymore. I can’t stand this kind of stuff. When my wife was playing Subnautica, I would always find an excuse to leave the room as I couldn’t even listen to the creatures and the music of that game. I really want to tell her what happened on my save, but then she’d probably just be intrigued and want to go find whatever that thing was. It’s not that she’s inconsiderate about how I feel, it’s just that..she doesn’t really know. I’m not sure why I fired up the game again tonight. I guess my insecurities about being a coward overpowered my fear of the game momentarily.  Now though, I can assure you that has been rebalanced..


It was mid-afternoon of day 493 when I was in the barn near Heartbreak Bridge. I sustained a sprain falling off the rope and decided to medicate it away with a few hours of sleep. Then I contemplated what to do next. It didn’t seem like I was going to get any more food unless I got out of PV. I likely had enough venison and cattails to get to day 500 if I factored in healing from sleep. What I didn’t have on me was water. I had exhausted my final half liter before sleeping off the sprain. The Farmstead had an amply supply neatly lined up on the kitchen counter, but that would require going outside. I stared at the barn door for a good minute, debating if I should just close the game when I found myself opening the door. I had hoped that the foggy weather would have passed and I could see anything coming at me from afar. Instead, the fog was WORSE, definitely worse than allowable in the normal state of the game.


I shifted forward staring into the thick grey abyss not knowing if anything sentient stared back. Visibility was so bad that there was no way I could even navigate it without an aid. That aid was a set of power lines that run from the road directly to the Farmstead that I was able to run into and follow. The world was so quiet that the crunches of Will’s footsteps were deafening. There were no sounds of crows, howls from wolves, not even any wind. There were no signs of life, but I had a mini-heart attack at the first dead tree in the orchard I wandered close enough to see. Eventually I barely made out the outline of the car next to the house so I knew I was close. When I got to the front door, I found a note. I looked for it on the wiki later to be sure, but I knew there’s not supposed to be a note here. I took a deep breath then clicked it. 


“Ascend the Mountain.” Yeah, ok. I got it, game. You’ve made it abundantly clear now. You want me to go to the summit of TM. I don’t want to do that. I won’t. What kind of mental torture waits for me there? I wanted to end my 500 day run on the top of signal hill looking out below. If I can’t have that, then I’ll AT LEAST be in that region elsewhere. I went inside the Farmstead, laid out my supplies, paused the game, and went to number crunching. There was a little more than 6 days remaining. I now had more than enough water. I’d been rummaging outside for the past couple days AND slept a night in a cave, so I wouldn’t hit full blown cabin fever until I had about 2 days remaining.  After that, Will would likely become exhausted after a day of inactivity leaving 24 hours left. Rationing the food perfectly would give me about 1500 calories remaining after the last sleep session (waking up with full health) which calorie burning at the rate of standing there doing nothing would get me to about a day and a half left until I was out of food. Losing 1 condition per hour for 24 hours due to no sleep plus another 1 per hour starving for ~36 hours leaves me with about ~40 health left on my 500th day. So then, I thought, I’m not leaving this house again. I'll sleep and pass time until CF hits, and then wait it out. A depressing way to reach the milestone for sure, but it’ll be on my terms. The day was drawing to a close and it was hard to see in the house. I went upstairs and passed time to get tired enough to sleep through the night. Then around 10pm game time, I ate 5 cattails, drank water, and set the menu to sleep for 10 hours.


I'm not sure how much time had actually passed when the screen faded back to a pitch black room. The majority of Will’s fatigue was still depleted. I knew the game was about to screw with me so in a panic I clicked the bed to force him back to sleep. It rejected this with a message. Usually this message reads something like “You’re not tired enough to sleep.” This time it was “It isn’t safe enough to sleep.” There was a crunching sound above me on top of the roof. I instinctively looked up. Silence. Then again, but this time farther down.


*crunch* *crunch*


Something was walking around on top of the rooftop's snow. The source of the sound drifted to the end of the room to the wall, just above the window by the bed. The glowing window started to darken as a shadow passed over it. I bolted out of the room. Unfortunately, I don’t usually carry the lantern or flares to conserve weight. Combined, I have stayed a couple hundred days at the Farmstead. Long ago, I learned how to use the windows to navigate to and from downstairs in complete darkness to conserve resources. I made it to the bottom of the stairs in record time when I heard the sound of something hitting the ground outside. I stopped and listened in terror. My hands were trembling. After a good 10 seconds of silence..


*thud* *thud* *thud*


Something was knocking into the door in front of the stairs.


*thud* *thud* *thud*


I did have matches. I lit one, much too scared to care about being wasteful.


*thud* *thud* *thud*


It wasn’t just a sound. I could now see the door shaking with each hit. At the moment, I could do nothing but stare until my match went out.


*thud* *thud* *thud*


I lit another match and ran back into the kitchen frantically searching for my lantern when..another set of rapping started on the door to the back porch to the left, louder than the one coming from the front.




I started crying.




The noises were getting more violent. The beating began on the door on the right of the kitchen leading to the front porch as well. There was so much noise coming from all directions that I could only tell that the same was occurring to the door leading to the basement by it’s shaking under the flickering of my waning match. I pressed the ESC key to close the game, but yet no menu came up.





I don’t know which door it broke. I hit alt-f4 and the game closed. I had a good cry before coming here to post this. I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight. I feel like such a wuss, but I just couldn’t handle it. I’m not going to play anymore. Thanks for listening to me vent. I’m too embarrassed to talk to anyone I know about this.

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I lied about my friend’s party. My wife was there. The reason we left early was because I **** myself when the kill animation came on the screen. I’m sure my friends could tell. My wife asked me about it in the car. I lied to her too and said I was sick. She pretended to believe me and comfort me, but I know that she knows and I hate it. It was disgusting. I am disgusting.


When I launched the game, my save was automatically loaded. There weren’t any menus. It was the morning of day 494 and my character was standing by the bed as if that nightly invasion never happened. But it did happen. I’m not crazy. I’m not trolling. I’m just telling my story. The game made it clear it wasn’t going to let me hibernate in the Farmstead until day 500. So I found my missing lantern, gathered the appropriate gear for one last trip, and left the house stepping outside of the broken front door. When I exited the Farmstead, I was not at the Farmstead. I was at the abandoned prepper’s cache behind skeeter’s ridge, right next to the rope leading up to the Timberwolf Mountain region. It seems I was being ushered along by an unseen force. There were maybe a dozen human arms lined up pointing toward the rope in the shape of some unholy arrow. I’m guessing they came from the bodies at the crash site nearby. Having a full energy bar and probably not enough food I climbed the rope up and entered the Timberwolf Mountain region. 


The fog had actually dissipated, but it was overcast and snowing lightly. I trekked past the area with the landing gear in utter silence. I could no longer hear Will’s footsteps or the contents of his backpack. There was no other ambience. There was simply no sound. Again the burrows had no rabbits, crystal lake was without bear and wolf. The mountaineer’s hut was burned down. I had gone to the summit and looted what I wanted around day 50 and had never been back, in this save or any other. I’m pretty strict about not looking at maps and I was in no condition to explore. This meant I was stuck repeating the one path up I knew. It started with entering the first transition cave of the journey near one of the jet engines. Other than the uncanny silence, navigating the cave was uneventful and I emerged at the other end returning to the gloomy snow.


I hiked up the hill to the outside wind protected cave with 3 entrances. I stopped here to replenish Will before the next rope climb ahead. Before getting some sleep, I checked the hunger and thirst bars and found them to be completely greyed out. I tried to eat a cattail to be sure. “I won’t need to eat again.” Will said. What an optimist, I thought. I did still seem to have a waning energy bar, so I got out my bed roll and slept into the early morning of day 495. It was dark now, but the weather hadn’t changed. I set out for the rope around the corner and climbed to the next level of the mountain.


When I reached the top of the climb, it became clear what happened to all the wildlife that was missing. The deer clearing and surrounding areas were a blood bath, a mass grave of rabbit, deer, wolf, bear, yes- even moose. There had to be hundreds of corpses carpeting the area, some much more gruesome than the game’s stock graphics...missing limbs, popping eye balls, intestines spilling out. I was grossed out for sure, but curiosity got the best of me and I checked one or two to see if these were harvestable (they weren’t). As I waded through the corpses to the next rope, I asked myself what this was really supposed to be. Had that creature hunted and brought the remains of all those animals here? Or..did I do this in some way? Was the game presenting all the wildlife that I had killed for food and my own entertainment? My greed?


I ascended the rope to the secluded shelf and entered the last transition cave. This one was not like the first. All along the way to the other side of the cave, there were polaroid pictures. These were reminiscent of the ones you find throughout the regions pointing you to vistas that allow you to draw swathes of the map. Except with these, each photo was labelled with a number and each picture featured a person doing something. I think you see where this is going. Each photo was a screenshot of Will...of me going about my day every day, for 495 days. The game has been watching me this entire time, waiting for me to get here. The pictures were in seemingly random order, on either wall and ceiling of the cavern. I did look for photos with numbers 496-500 for a while, but I knew they wouldn’t be there.


It was noon now and Will was exhausted from the past two climbs. I probably needed a full bar for the final ascent, so I got out the bedroll and slept a good 8 hours. It was the early evening of day 495, and it was snowing more heavily than before. I approached the final rope to the summit and began the climb. It was ironic how the last time I’d been here I was so excited to reach the top. It had felt like an achievement, an adventure of discovery. The best feelings that the game, any game could instill in me. And now, I was feeling the opposite. Dread and fear at whatever horrifying thing awaited me. But I couldn’t quit the game again, I had to endure it if I was to stop hating myself, as silly as that might sound.


Will silently crawled up onto the summit. The game broke habit and did not print the location’s words. Otherwise, everything looked normal so far. I walked forward and saw the cave to my left, passed the landing gear and the wing, and went into the tail section. Everything was as I left it, all the discarded items I had deemed not worthy of carting down.  I went to the edge of the plane and looked down on the region. It was dark now, but I could still make out most of it. It was beautiful..not as cool as PV, but a gorgeous sight nonetheless.  I turned around and walked out of the tail section to see it standing there watching me. It had followed me. It stared at me, on its hind legs with its 4 long clawed appendages wafting as it breathed heavily. I didn’t run, didn’t plunge myself off the ledge like I’d imagined I would. Instead, I got out the rifle.


The game’s silence was broken as it let out an impossibly loud roar. It leapt onto all 6 of its legs and made its way to Will in mere seconds. I shot that bastard in its chest, but it didn’t seem to mind as it tackled my character to the ground. My hands instinctively positioned themselves to press alt-f4, but they stopped short. I didn’t shut my eyes. I watched as the thing ripped into Will in a display of gore that made the mass grave seem tame. No struggle bar appeared and Will was verbose in his struggling and screaming. And I had thought the audio for a bear mauling was uncomfortable. The whole thing lasted much longer than it should have, and honestly was more than a little traumatizing. Eventually the screen faded though and I saw the words.


You have faded into the long dark.


The game asked me if I’d like to save my journal, which I did. It brought me back to the main menu and I quit for the night. It was done. 495 days, a good run. I’ll start a new one soon.


Last night I slept pretty good, although I did wake up around midnight. You see there was a crunching noise on the roof of my house. I looked over to my wife and she was still fast asleep. It wasn’t long until the crunching noise faded to a loud rapping on the front door downstairs.




I went downstairs and saw the door shake as it was beaten from the outside.




I opened it.


And there was nothing.


I’m not crazy. Well...maybe I am. But I’m definitely not a wuss.

Thanks for reading, happy Escape the DarkWalker Event!

Edited by greatbearfate
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  • 1 month later...
On 10/27/2020 at 10:01 PM, greatbearfate said:

Thank you for the congrats, but something is not right with my save file.  I got a full 10 hours of sleep IRL and I woke up fully refreshed.  Besides, there’s no imagining what I experienced in tonight’s playthrough. I mentioned before I get spooked easily.  I personally can’t stand any kind of horror game, but there’s a lot of people important to me who feel contrary. A couple weeks ago, my friends threw a “Spooktober LAN Party.” The main event was playing some CO-OP Phasmophobia. I didn’t want to be perceived as a wuss, so I took part without any reservations.  Of course, I’m the guy to get killed like 15 minutes in, complete with the creepy animation of hands reaching onto the screen from behind. I ended up leaving the party shortly after that. They were all really nice about it, but I did end up feeling embarrassed.


My wife wasn’t able to attend, but she probably would have enjoyed that game. She’s not a horror game junkie by any means, but she does love a game that presents tension with some jump scares mixed in.  I can appreciate the former, but not the latter. The Long Dark isn’t a horror game of course, but there is a lot of tension in the game. There’s plenty of times where you need to sneak by predators to get to some goal that will keep you alive. Crouching to avoid detection, slowly creeping through a wolf riddled territory with less than perfect visibility, and suddenly you hear a howl..much closer than you’d expect. It certainly gives me a rush, but I can deal with that.  I don’t know if I can deal with what happened tonight.


I woke up in the radio hut at signal hill on day 492. There was a little more venison in stock, but certainly not enough for the remaining 8 days. I set out to the farmstead for that pile of bear meat. I had my bow drawn to deal with any wolves and my ears open to detect the crowing of any bears. Luckily, I thought, there were no encounters as I arrived at the Farmstead. I ran up to the house, went around to the back side, looked onto the back porch, and… nothing.  Maybe I left it inside?  I searched the house, the basement, the front porch, near the fire barrel. There wasn’t a shred of meat to be found. OK I thought, I’ll need to catch some food here.


I went out behind the farmstead to check the rabbit groves.  I passed through the dead orchard, again unchallenged by wolves. This was odd since I’m accustomed to there being at least 1 wolf in the back, if not the front, of the homestead’s orchard.  The rabbit groves were empty and there was nothing else in sight.  I doubled back and went past the farmstead into the field of hay heading up to the barn. There was commonly a herd of deer in the area..and at least a wolf or two further down. But again, nothing. I started weighing my options. It wasn’t just that the Farmstead had no meat, it had no food of any kind.


I had a suspicion that my removed pile of bear meat was the result of an update. In case you’re unfamiliar with the mechanic, if an update to a region is performed, all items you have on the ground near the updated terrain is moved to a “lost and found” box.  These boxes appear at well known locations dependent on the map. In PV, one of them may appear on the porch of the Farmstead and I had already confirmed there was no such box. The other was at the rural store in the town at Thomson’s crossing. The catch of course was that ruined meat disappears from containers, so it was a question of how long ago the meat was harvested. I recalled instantly killing and harvesting a bear right before leaving PV the last time I was there. In fact, I’d even cooked most of it.  So I opened up my journal and back tracked to when that was. Turns out this was roughly 58 days ago, so multiplying by the cooked bear meat decay rate the math worked out in my favor.


I cut through the hay filled field back to the road, passing another barren rabbit grove. I crossed Contemplation Bridge and noticed my hunger and thirst bars were exhausted, yet I could only remedy the latter. I didn’t realize it until much later, but Will had completely stopped talking. He didn’t complain about his needs nor did he even breathe heavily at the end of a sprint. I guess I was too fixated on finding food to notice at the time.  I finally got to the town and..what I saw was... puzzling.


You’ve probably noticed that certain buildings in some maps are burned down and inaccessible. You might also know that on interloper there is a chance for more buildings to spawn in a burned down state than in other difficulties. However, no matter the difficulty, the community hall should not be one of those buildings, nor the Rural Store, yet here they were completely destroyed on my voyager save. This was despite the fact I had looted them within the first 100 days. In fact, every single building in the town was demolished.  After browsing the town, I stared at the screen for a good minute in disbelief before finally checking the lost and found box. No meat..but there were a handful of cattails, enough to keep me for a few days. There were also some fishing tackles. This gave me the idea to head to Pensive Pond.


Will was getting tired at this point (although not voicing it) so I ended the day on the way to the pond inside the forest cave nearby.  On day 493, I woke up to an overcast day and walked over to the pond. Casting my tackles in the fishing hut, I spent about 6 hours catching nothing before I exclaimed in frustration “Is nothing left alive in this game?” I had fishing level 5 and have never had this much bad luck. Outside the hut, I noticed that visibility was degrading due to weather. Annoyed, I decided to head over where I dropped all that gear by the winding river/ML entrance earlier as it was so close. I had more inventory space since I shed some stuff at the radio hut.  Then I could make it full circle by heading back there and could see if I could make it to day 500 on a starvation diet between the remaining venison and cattails. 


Hugging the edge of the map I passed by the transition cave entrance to ML - or I would have if it had not disappeared into thin air. It was just gone. The ridge leading up to where the cave should be was still there, but it was a solid wall instead of an opening.  Further down, I found my stuff, but instead of the neat pile I dropped it in, it was strewn about all over the ground.  Some items were missing. At this point, a thick fog had rolled in and I could barely see 10 feet in front of me. But like I said earlier, I’ve spent a lot of time on this map so I was able to find my way back to the radio hut. When I got around the building to the door, I found it ripped off its hinges lying on the ground nearby. It looked heavily dented by something. Flabbergasted, I stepped inside the hut... there was no map transition. It was like stepping inside the hunting lodge at Timberwolf Mountain, one map- no loading screen with a tip. The furniture in the hut was all over the place and the venison I had was laying in the middle of the floor. I picked it up and then Will finally spoke, which is what made me realize he’d been quiet so long. I swear he said “Something’s been here.” I didn’t have long to process all this.

On 10/27/2020 at 10:01 PM, greatbearfate said:

About a month ago my wife played through Subnautica which is another survival game with a more unsettling atmosphere. I don’t want to spoil too much for any potential future players, but there’s a certain enemy creature called a Reaper that has the most horrifying roar I’ve heard in any of her video games

About a month ago my wife played through Subnautica which is another survival game with a more unsettling atmosphere. I don’t want to spoil too much for any potential future players, but there’s a certain enemy creature called a Reaper that has the most horrifying roar I’ve heard in any of her video games. That was the closest thing I can latch onto to describe what I heard outside the hut. I’d never heard anything like that in The Long Dark, and it sure as hell was not a black bear roar. It was loud. It was close. I made a bee line for the cliff. I climbed down the rope. My heart was beating out of my chest as Will slowly descended. As I was 2/3rds down, I heard the roar again and I started slipping on the rope despite still having some fatigue to spare. I hit the ground with a crack and had torn clothing and a sprained ankle, but no major damage. Through the fog, I hobbled as fast as I could to the barn out near Heartbreak Bridge not far from the Farmstead. When I got inside I closed out the game. I had made one giant circle in PV encountering one anomaly after another ending with...I don't know what. I don’t have any explanation for what happened, but one thing is for sure. Something is still alive in the game, and it is messing with me.


I don’t know if I’ll play again. I only have 6.5ish days to 500, but I might need a break. I’ll post again if I pick it back up.

"Detecting multiple leviathan class life forms in region, are you certain whatever you are doing is worth it?"

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