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This is a list of improvements, reworks and additions i could think of to make the game more challenging and realistic.  

Struggle changes

  • Flare gun selectable as weapon in a wolf struggle to instantly scare them off

    Note: The option to instantly scare of a wolf in a struggle is a very helpful and realistic addition to the game and the rare amount of ammunition for the gun prevents it from being too strong

  • being able to use an already activated flare  in a wolf struggle to scare them very fast

Item changes

  • Knife/hatchet condition rework: the higher the condition of these items, the more damage they deal in a struggle and the lower the time to harvest carcasses and branches etc.

    Note: the current condition system is not very realistic and this change improves the gamepay in a couple of ways. Not only is it realistic that sharper weapons do more damage and sharper tools harvest faster, it also increases the incentive to use whet stones. These stones are usually useless in the early or mid-game or in non-interloper games in general, because of the huge amount of tools available in the game. This way players are also motivated to keep their tools sharp all the time.


  • Being able to move more objectives by rightclicking them
    note: there are many objetives in the game that should be able to moved around (boxes, planks, small carcasses). These objectives are not too heavy for the player and the player should be able to move them around, however this should come with a very high movement speed penalty to keep it situational. (moving carcasses towards a campfire or out of the wind/ moving bosxes or planks towards a campfire to break them down)


  • Taking a „torch“ from a campfire doesnt result in obtaining a normal torch
    note: the previous mechanic (taking a burning branch from the fire that can not be relight) was way more realistic and getting a free torch also made one of the already few crafting items obsolete to craft

Animal changes

  • More fur color variety for animals, especially for wolves
    Note: a more grey-ish or white fur color makes them look more realistic, it would also make the game harder in a very iteresting way, if they are much harder to detect 


  • Wolves roam around in packs
    note: change to reflect the natur of wolves and also make the game more interesting. The more wolves in a pack, the more aggressive are they, less wolves have a higher chance to run away in fear


  • New animal: fox (more passive and less damage than wolves)
    note: just a addition to makte the world feel more alive and interesting. This would also introduce a new type of fur and more options for crafting items


  • New animal: Mountain lion (more aggressive and more damage than wolves)
    note: again, to make the game more interesting and dangerous for the player

Carcass harvesting changes

  • Ravaged carcasses only harvest 1 guts and no hide
    Note: the huge amount of revaged carcasses and fixed spawnpoints forces the player to play in a certain way to be effective. The appearance of the ravaged carcass deer also indicates that you cant use the hide anymore and it should have less useable guts. It also makes the early game a bit harder and increases the incentive for hunting, if you dont have so many free guts and deer hides available in the early game


  • Being able to „harvest“ arrows that are stuck inside a dead animal over the harvest option

    Note: at the moment you just lose too many arrows depending on how the animal drops on the ground


  • Being able to harvest bones/antlers from dead animals to craft primitive weapons and tools with low condition (bone knife, bone arrowheads)

    Note: this will add more variety to the game and provide a simple alternative for the early game


  • Being able to harvest animal fat from dead animals or as a product from harvesting meat (similar to oil from cooking fish) to use it as fire starter

New items

  • Adding more maps to the game
    note: this should be an addition to the current charcoal mapping system. I was thinking about typical „foldable tourist maps“ for each zone. These maps should not be as detailed as the handdrawn map and only show major point of interests, streets, certain houses etc. In addition to that there should be a map of the whole „world“ which only shows the different zones and how they are connected. These maps can be found randomly in the world and maybe also on the wall of certain builds, like the mistery lake house, post office in milton, gas station in coastal highway, etc. Most of the experienced players dont use the current map anyway and it would be a nice addition tot he game.


  • Bear trap

    Note: being able to place the trap and bait wolves or bears with meat and bleed them out with the triggered trap


  • Snow shoes
    note: a very loved piece of equipment in many winter survival games, which increases your walking speed on (deep/fresh) snow


  • More variety of handcrafted fur clothing
    note: there should be a craftable item for every major equipment slot in the game

Hunting changes

  • Note: in my opinion hunting needs one of the biggest reworks in the game and hunting deers/rabbits and fishing should be the primary source of food in the mid- to late-game. Therefore it needs a lot of small changes to make hunting more interesting and challenging


  • Change respawn time of animals (being able to set the approximate days for a respawn in the custom settings instead of low/medium/high)
    note: the respawn rates are just way too fast (even on the slowest setting) and it would be much more interesting when the wildlife takes a couple of weeks to respawn. This would also force players to travel between the zones constantly


  • Wildlife wildlife roams around the world instead of having fix spawn areas

    Note: searching or tracking down animals should be a major part of hunting but that is currently not possible with fixed spawn points


  • Big wildlife is leaving foot tracks while they are roaming around the world
    note: makes hunting more interesting and the weather should determin how fast these tracks fade away


  • Wildlife detection range should be much higher
    note: at the moment you can jsut sneak up too far to an animal an literally be 2 feet next to a rabbit and they dont detect you. to compensate that you should always be able to shoot your bow when you are crouching because it makes no sense to not be able to do that. It also makes snares much more viable again because hunting rabbits with stones is just way too easy

Survival Skill changes

  • Note: skill systems are a very important way for survival games to reward the player and keep the game interesting and create incentives to do something and make the players better at what they are doing, but it should not make the game much easier in a unrealistic way and take away some important survival aspects. The current system is outdated and here are some ways to change this and make it more realistic.


  • Fire starting always needs tinder
    note: tinder is essential to start a fire and you should always have to use tinder to keep it realistic (in my opinion survival skill systems should only make players better in what they are doing). Not having to use a certain item anymore also removes an important survival game aspect to always be prepared and plan ahead and gather things.


  • Fire starting skills dont incrase the burntime of a fire.
    note: it jsut not very realistic and the fire starting skills should be increased to 10 levels or more and each level should increase the chance to start a fire by 5% and reduce the time to start a fire by 5%


  • Remove cooking skill 5
    note: being able to never get parasites or food poisoning just breaks the endgame. Again, this just makes the endgame so much more easy and a survival game should not do that in my opinion. There are already so few afflictions in the game and removing 2 of them makes the game a lot more boring. Being careful with mouldy and parasite infected food is a good survival aspect and it should not be removed from the endgame


  • Carcass harvesting skills should only reduce the time to harvest guts and meat
    note: again, to be realistic you should not be able to harvest carcasses by hand that are significantly frozen or only with hands in general



  • Adding more base characters to the game
    note: each character should be a specialist (chef, hunter,…) and start with a specific boosted survival skill


  • Crafting books
    note: it would be intresting to introduce books that teach the surviver to craft a certain item after finishing the book

Custom setting changes

  • Being able to increase the duration of blizzards

    Note: i would like to see blizzards that last for a couple of days and that i have to sit out in a shelter


  • It would also be very interesing to change the duration of how many hours of daylight you have every day (even being able to play with 24hours of night each day)

Affliction rework

  • Increase the recovery time for some afflictions

    Note: the recovery time is just way too low in many cases and there should be put significant meaning to it (broken ribs are a step in the right direction) and a sprained ankle or wrist should not be cured after sleeping for couple of hours (this also increases the value of medicine, hence makes the game harder in a realistic way)


  • Add some new afflictions like a simple cold or flu
    note: jsut some simple and realistic ways to make the game so much more interesting


  • Empty ressource drawbacks
    note: each empty ressource should have a negative effect on the player, just like low stamina reduces the weight you can carry. For example having an empty stomach should also decrease the weight you can carry. This makes the game more interesting and challenging, even if it is jsut a very suttle drawback

That all being said…the list above is just a list of improvements i could think about in a very short time and i hope it makes clear that the most important thing this game needs is mod support. TLD is a game that focusses on detail and atmosphere and you can imagine that the game is not that much fun when you have all these improvements in mind that will probably never get adressed or only in a couple of years. Every friend i know who plays the game says the same thing, that they have fun for a couple of hours after each patch but then it gets boring and unplayable because they are just to many things that need tob e improved, and only the community can change that issue if they are able to give their input with mods. Custom settings are a good step in the right direction, but by far not enough.

What are your thoughts about these things?


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12 hours ago, ben91 said:

well sometimes they do attack, and hydrophobia could be a interessting affliction aswell ^^

Rabies would be a bad affliction to add to the game, given its inevitable result without intravenous antibiotics. I could see it being something one might add to a multi-player version of the game... once the rabies becomes active, kill the player-character connection so the player can start a new one, and turn the character into basically a zombie npc that needs to be killed by the other players active in the region for their own safety, but as the game stands now, if you get rabies as an affliction might as well jump off the trestle bridge in Ravine.


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Very good, very comprehensive list! 

I especially like your ideas about using flares in wolf struggles. And I definitely would like to add support to the return of burning brands instead of low-condition torches, survival skill changes, more and harsher afflictions, and better animal AI and pathing. 

In fact, the only one I didn't like much was having character classes with special skills. I think it's a bit naff, to be honest, and you can already give certain buffs to a starting character if you unlock Feats. 

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Flare Gun:

No. if the gunshot two seconds before it jumps me doesn't scare off the wolf, it'll ignore the flare as well. It isn't consistent with the other weapons. If you change the flare gun to be usable in that fashion, you need to change the rifle as well.


Knife/hatchet condition rework:

While it make add a level of realism, the game is basically a Binary situation with only occasionally stooping to the percentages having an effect on results. If you change the knife, you need to change everything. it would be a fundamental reworking of the game mechanics of TLD. You might as well be playing a new game. You cannot change just one aspect of one item's fundamental game mechanic and not change every item that uses the same mechanic. Which in this case is, everything.

And I disagree about the Whet stones. In stalker, they are EXTREMELY useful at every stage of the game. Given the possibility of your equipment breaking if the condition is too low (not just reaching 0%, but can break as high as 30%, in some cases) you have a vested interest in keeping your knives and hatches sharp at all times. The need to make it part of combat just adds more random factors to what is already a "Click very fast" combat system.

Realism is not part of the combat. Let's not kid ourselves.


Being able to move more objectives by rightclicking them:

While I can get behind this in some cases, I have to object to cardboard boxes or crates. Right clicking an item is a way to get around weight limitations. For example, if I have my mood hide satchel, I can have up to 49.99 kg of items and still move at a somewhat fair clip. It's not amazing, but it's not that slow either. Rope, on the other hand, is 5 kg of weigh and a pain to get down TWM. So, I always keep the rope off to the side and use right click to carry it down the mountain. it saves me 5kg of space.

if you expand the right click move function, I assure you, I will find a way to abuse the CRAP of this. I'm already thinking of a way to move items to build a bridge to interesting places.

Sorry. No Right clickable crates. EVER.

Taking a „torch“ from a campfire doesnt result in obtaining a normal torch:

And where do we get the cups for the tea we brew? Sorry, but it's just a simplification of the game mechanics. Yes, going to gather up snow THEN melting the snow would be more realistic, but would it be more interesting? There is a point where needless level of details take away from the flow of game play. Using a fire to make a torch is cheesy. I'd prefer it didn't happen at all, but it's part of the established lore, so unfortunately it would need to stay.

More fur color variety for animals, especially for wolves:

Recoloring would be nice. However, just re-color for re-color's sake is a bit insulting. I would like to see white wolves. Albino wolves that are different. They never attack, they just follow you. At a distance. Then they howl and the other wolves come. It never gets close and runs if you approach it. So if you hope to snipe it, it's not happening by the thing running up to you and saying, "You dropped some guts? Why yes, you can shoot me in the face!"

Wolves roam around in packs:

This I could get behind. I'd like it as an option. Pack tactics turned on and off. When on, wolves will gang up and surround you and try to circle you, then they rush you all at once. Less wolves being cowardly would be a great game mechanic.

What I'd like to see if wolves have a "hunger" score. If I feed a wolf, of he just ate, it will scare easier, or just not care if I'm nearby. I'd like if only wolves who have not eaten a bunny or deer lately was willing to rush a human with a rifle.



Do we really need more types of fur? Do we really need to add something between bunny and wolf? What does this bring to the game? Sorry, I'm not liking it as an option as it just adds one more inventory item to keep track of. I'm already abandoning hides all over the place just because I have too many.

Now a Boar that was a lower profile then the moose, about the same amount of meat, MUCH more aggressive, but when you harvest it, you get un-cured leather, now that would be nice. Right now the only renewable source of leather is to kill a moose, make a Moose satchel, then harvest it for 1 cured leather. That or getting lucky with wandering the edge of the ice.

Mountain lion:

Big fan of cats, but what does it bring to the table? My boar suggestion makes a very dangerous, but ultimately renewable, source of leather. What does the mountain line bring us? How does it make the game more interesting? Sorry, I'm not seeing the case for a mountain lion that bloats my database.


Ravaged carcasses only harvest 1 guts and no hide:

Currently carcasses eaten by wolves have nothing. If you don't interrupt them, nothing is left to harvest. Not sure why you want wolves to leave guts behind.


Being able to „harvest“ arrows that are stuck inside a dead animal over the harvest option:

GOD DAMN YES. That is absolutely BRILLIANT and a much better way of handling the game mechanics. You are correct. The way the arrows disappear under the snow and I have to search for the ONE PIXEL that will allow me to have my arrow back is annoying as hell.


Being able to harvest bones/antlers from dead animals to craft primitive weapons and tools with low condition (bone knife, bone arrowheads):

I had a whole rant about this. I will cross post it.


I want bones the item you can craft. No bones from rabbits, but bones from wolves, deer, bears, and moose. I want to make pointy stabby things out of bones.

I want to make bone plating so I can upgrade a coat to make it have extra armor at the cost of mobility.

I want a belt made from the spine of a wolf, not because I want any benifit from it, but because I hate these goddamn wolves.

Finally, I want to harvest the skull of the bear and the moose. I want the bear skull to be craftable into a hat. It is a lousy hat for warmth, but AWESOME for armor.

And the moose skull? I want the antlers still attached. I want a hat with HUGE MOOSE ANTLERS. I want to wear that damn thing and I want it to slow me down in the wind and I want it to make sprinting impossible, because I DON'T CARE. I want the next moose to look at me, see my stupid moose antler skull hat and piss itself as it turns to run in terror.

Oh. And I want to be able to collect Wolf Skulls. They don't do anything, but I do want to be able to make it hollow so I can eat nachos out of it.

Oh Yeah. I figured out what to do with the wolf skulls. If you collect 50 of them, a Moose Skull, two rifles, and a metric ton of wood and guts, you can build an awesome throne of skulls with the moose antlers on top, and two crossed rifles right below it.

I can do without the rest. I want a throne of skulls to sit on at the end of the world. I want to build it on top of the mountain. You can make it a challenge for all I care so it isn't part of the story mode or sandbox. But Give me a Throne Of SKULLS.


Being able to harvest animal fat from dead animals or as a product from harvesting meat (similar to oil from cooking fish) to use it as fire starter:

No. Game balance issue. No. It's the only thing that fish have going for them. You make fish utterly pointless. No. No. No.


Adding more maps to the game:

Uhhhh... finding some other explorer's map and adding it to your own might be a nice thing to stumble across. However, you play the game long enough, you stop needing the map at all.


Bear trap:

NO. Bears should be a thing of terror.


Snow shoes:

Thematically nice. However, I find any game mechanic that allows the change of speed to be a dangerous thing to add to a game. Speed Kills. You want to win, you need speed. ANYTHING that you add to a game that improves a player's speed needs to be examined with an scanning electron microscope.


More variety of handcrafted fur clothing

I think there should be more cartable stuff, and what "blueprints" you have access to should be dependent on your skills. However, you should never be able to craft head gear. From a game balance perspective, it is just too game breaking. It renders the loss of your hat from being a nightmare to being a trivial inconvenience. But crafting everything else? Sure. Just as long as the items suck and nobody would want to ever use them from a practical stand point. They should look nice, but suck.


Change respawn time of animals:

Yes. Respawn times are WAY too fast.


Wildlife wildlife roams around the world instead of having fix spawn areas:

I like the concept. I fear that coding it would be complicated and cause DB bloat. However, if its easy to code, then I like the idea.


Big wildlife is leaving foot tracks while they are roaming around the world:

Yes. Tracking should be a big part of the game. It isn't because even your own foot prints disappear when you blink.

Wildlife detection range should be much higher:

I think it should have a wider possible range, but not a flat out universal increase. I don't know about you, but I deal with feral animals all the time. You'd be surprised how it's easy to lull certain animals and get in close. And I'm talking feral cats that will take your face off. I have caught a bunny by waiting for it to run past me.

(No. I did not break it's neck. It was a Baby bunny under my shrub.)

However, all you are talking about is making snares more useful.


Fire starting always needs tinder:

From a realistic point of view, I agree. From a game mechanic point of view and how the skill progressions are handled, no. It makes absolute sense from a mechanic perspective and in fact, is mandatory. I would add it as an option in the custom settings, however. Let the player decide.


Fire starting skills dont incrase the burntime of a fire:

Again, this is part of the game mechanics. I know it's not realistic. This isn't realism. This is a video game. The other skills have similar progressions and Firestarting must follow those progressions. It's how the game mechanics are laid out and they are required to follow the set pattern.

Remove cooking skill 5:

The capstone of cooking is mechanically correct. However, I do agree I dislike how easy it is to amass large amounts of rotting meat and eat it with no problem.

Instead, i propose that if you COOK food, it does not have parasites, EVER, but you still get food poisoning when it drops below 30%. However, here's the kicker...

You can RE-COOK food.

When you re-cook food, you lose 25% of the calories, but you add +50% to the food. And if you re-cook again, you lose 25% of the ORIGINAL amount. So you can keep re-cooking everything, but sooner or later it'll just vanish.

But it should be an option to keep up forever for players on the custom menu.

Carcass harvesting skills should only reduce the time to harvest guts and meat:

Again, realism vs game mechanics. Sorry, but this sort of progression is integral to the mechanics of how the game functions.

Adding more base characters to the game:

Go play Unturned.


Crafting books:

I want there to be a learning tree for the unlocking of blueprints.


Being able to increase the duration of blizzards:

Sure. I'd like that as well.


Affliction/empty resource drawbacks:

You want to change the fundamental mechanics of the universe? Sorry. I need a better excuse then, "I'd like it better this way". I need a fundamental flaw or exploitable loophole that is too easily abused to upset the fan base by over turning such an applecart.


What are your thoughts about these things?

Rather brutal. Don't take it personal. I just call it as I see it.

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10 hours ago, TheEldritchGod said:

Flare Gun:

No. if the gunshot two seconds before it jumps me doesn't scare off the wolf, it'll ignore the flare as well. It isn't consistent with the other weapons. If you change the flare gun to be usable in that fashion, you need to change the rifle as well.

so your Argument is realism there? the flare gun in this game is designed to scare off every single enemy instantly, thats why it doesnt have to be consistent with other weapons.


Knife/hatchet condition rework:

While it make add a level of realism, the game is basically a Binary situation with only occasionally stooping to the percentages having an effect on results. If you change the knife, you need to change everything. it would be a fundamental reworking of the game mechanics of TLD. You might as well be playing a new game. You cannot change just one aspect of one item's fundamental game mechanic and not change every item that uses the same mechanic. Which in this case is, everything.

well, a huge aspect of TLD is atmosphere and realism and it is farily obvious that they went for some mechanics that were not very smart but had to be done as a small company, so if a fundamental rework is might just have to be done.


And I disagree about the Whet stones. In stalker, they are EXTREMELY useful at every stage of the game. Given the possibility of your equipment breaking if the condition is too low (not just reaching 0%, but can break as high as 30%, in some cases) you have a vested interest in keeping your knives and hatches sharp at all times. The need to make it part of combat just adds more random factors to what is already a "Click very fast" combat system.

Realism is not part of the combat. Let's not kid ourselves.

the Thing is that in These game modes there are just so many Tools around that you can just Switch them out all the time and get to a couple of hundret days playtime without even having to use a Stone.

realism to a certain extend is always part of a game, especially for a survival game, and escpecially for a game like TLD. arguing that realism is not part of a mechanic is jsut a worthless Statement by itself and makes no sense to argue about.


Being able to move more objectives by rightclicking them:

While I can get behind this in some cases, I have to object to cardboard boxes or crates. Right clicking an item is a way to get around weight limitations. For example, if I have my mood hide satchel, I can have up to 49.99 kg of items and still move at a somewhat fair clip. It's not amazing, but it's not that slow either. Rope, on the other hand, is 5 kg of weigh and a pain to get down TWM. So, I always keep the rope off to the side and use right click to carry it down the mountain. it saves me 5kg of space.

if you expand the right click move function, I assure you, I will find a way to abuse the CRAP of this. I'm already thinking of a way to move items to build a bridge to interesting places.

Sorry. No Right clickable crates. EVER. 

well, it is definetly Needed in the game and they already did implement it for a couple of Things. so ist jsut a question of time until they make it possible for more and more objectives. and it is their Job to Balance it and find the best mechanic to make it happen.

if you are one of the typical Players who try to abuse everything they can think of, i dont have a Problem with that, but you have to realize that you are not the Kind of Players i am arguing for here.


Taking a „torch“ from a campfire doesnt result in obtaining a normal torch:

And where do we get the cups for the tea we brew? Sorry, but it's just a simplification of the game mechanics. Yes, going to gather up snow THEN melting the snow would be more realistic, but would it be more interesting? There is a point where needless level of details take away from the flow of game play. Using a fire to make a torch is cheesy. I'd prefer it didn't happen at all, but it's part of the established lore, so unfortunately it would need to stay.

part of the established lore and it has to stay? it was not always working like that, and in fact the majority of the time it was working as suggested until they changed it. this is absolutly no example of a needles level of Detail, and would make the game more interesting because crafting a torch became absolutly useless with that Change.


    More fur color variety for animals, especially for wolves:

Recoloring would be nice. However, just re-color for re-color's sake is a bit insulting. I would like to see white wolves. Albino wolves that are different. They never attack, they just follow you. At a distance. Then they howl and the other wolves come. It never gets close and runs if you approach it. So if you hope to snipe it, it's not happening by the thing running up to you and saying, "You dropped some guts? Why yes, you can shoot me in the face!"

re-color for re-colors sake is insulting? a Major part of this game is atmosphere and like i said.... a simple Change like different fur Colors makes the game more interesting in some ways. not even going into your passive Albino suggestions because it has absolutly nothing to do with my Suggestion and i like to stay on the Point.



Do we really need more types of fur? Do we really need to add something between bunny and wolf? What does this bring to the game? Sorry, I'm not liking it as an option as it just adds one more inventory item to keep track of. I'm already abandoning hides all over the place just because I have too many.

- do we really Need more types of fur? why not
- what does it bring to the game? more fur variety and more craftign Options
- not liking it as an Option because ut adds one more inventory item to Keep track of. well, why do you even Play a survival game in the first place where keeping track if inventory items is a Major part of the gameplay?
- im already abondoning hide all over the place just because i have too many. well that is an issue i tried to adress with a lot of my changes.


Now a Boar that was a lower profile then the moose, about the same amount of meat, MUCH more aggressive, but when you harvest it, you get un-cured leather, now that would be nice. Right now the only renewable source of leather is to kill a moose, make a Moose satchel, then harvest it for 1 cured leather. That or getting lucky with wandering the edge of the ice.

well, There is one Thing you should realize before you start aguing with ppl. its not my Intention or Job to come up with the eprfect Solutions for everyone and everything, i am jsut here to give a Kind of Input to think about. I would like to see boars in the game. i am not an expert on lether but i also realized the issue of the cured leather ressource in the game and my initial idea was to refine cured deer learther into a couple of cured leathers.


Mountain lion:

Big fan of cats, but what does it bring to the table? My boar suggestion makes a very dangerous, but ultimately renewable, source of leather. What does the mountain line bring us? How does it make the game more interesting? Sorry, I'm not seeing the case for a mountain lion that bloats my database.

- what does it bring to the table? more threads, more ressources, more caution, more gameplay opportunities
- what does mountain Lion bring us? see above and below
- how does it make the game more interesting? Players have to Play more carefully, Players get more/different ressources, These ressources could be used for different/new crafting items

again, it was just a Suggestion i put on the table to think about, just like you did with your boar idea. it kinda feels a Little bit like you dont really get the Point of These suggestions in the forum


Ravaged carcasses only harvest 1 guts and no hide:

Currently carcasses eaten by wolves have nothing. If you don't interrupt them, nothing is left to harvest. Not sure why you want wolves to leave guts behind.

thats not the ravaged carcas i am talking about. i am talking about the huge amount of ravaged deer carcasses that can be found in each Zone and harvest 2guts and 1 hide. above you were talking about the Problem of too many hides, and here is a simple and realistic way to deal with that "Problem".


Being able to harvest bones/antlers from dead animals to craft primitive weapons and tools with low condition (bone knife, bone arrowheads):

I had a whole rant about this. I will cross post it.

again, you dont really seem to get the Argument here. i dont agree at all with the bone suggestions you brought up but thats ok, because that is what you want, and its totally different to what i want. so it would be almost useless to go into my criticism about your suggestions, because that is not really the Point here.


Being able to harvest animal fat from dead animals or as a product from harvesting meat (similar to oil from cooking fish) to use it as fire starter:

No. Game balance issue. No. It's the only thing that fish have going for them. You make fish utterly pointless. No. No. No.

maybe there is a bigger issue behind that if you think that is the only Thing that fish have going for them? like i my opinion hunting (and getting Food ressources) Needs the biggest reworks of all in this game. meat from animals is way too easy to get and changing this would also make fish more valueable. and changes i suggested like a massive increase of spawntimes, much more difficult hunting mechanics etc... would adress that issue

if you see it that is absolutly no game blance issue at all

in the beginning you did not mind that taking a torch from a campfire actually results in obtaining a torch that can be relight again and made the crafting of a torch utterly pointless, and now you argue against something because it makes something pointless in your opinion? that makes no sense


Adding more maps to the game:

Uhhhh... finding some other explorer's map and adding it to your own might be a nice thing to stumble across. However, you play the game long enough, you stop needing the map at all.

like i said....most experienced palyers dont Need maps anyway and it would just be a nice Addition to the game that is not too strong, doesnt make the charcoal map System obsolete and is jsut a nice Feature for unerperienced Players, to whom this changes is adressed to.


Bear trap:

NO. Bears should be a thing of terror.

let me guess... when you try to kill bears you often abuse ways to make it easier?

i rather have a more interesting way to kill them than using such exploits.

again....jsut a difference of our playstyles and not really something to argue about. but jsut in General you seem to be someone who just like to argue in his favour and is not very open to other playstyles. maybe you think about that and realize that this is not what These lists should be about.


Snow shoes:

Thematically nice. However, I find any game mechanic that allows the change of speed to be a dangerous thing to add to a game. Speed Kills. You want to win, you need speed. ANYTHING that you add to a game that improves a player's speed needs to be examined with an scanning electron microscope.

as it is with everyting. but if you get the Point you realize that it will just be a nice Addition to the game (if well executed)


More variety of handcrafted fur clothing

I think there should be more cartable stuff, and what "blueprints" you have access to should be dependent on your skills. However, you should never be able to craft head gear. From a game balance perspective, it is just too game breaking. It renders the loss of your hat from being a nightmare to being a trivial inconvenience. But crafting everything else? Sure. Just as long as the items suck and nobody would want to ever use them from a practical stand point. They should look nice, but suck.

well again, different Point of view. i absoutly think they should be craftable gear for every Major item Slot. and the "game breaking" Argument is absolutly not valid in my opinion because The custom Setting should jsut provide Tools like "making the world even colder" to adress These issues. thats the Point. the game should over the most variety of Things and each individual palyer should jsut be able to choose  the Settings that fit their playstyle the best and is most fun for them. this should make clear that arguements like "game Balance perspective" should not really be an issue to argue about here.


Fire starting always needs tinder:

I would add it as an option in the custom settings, however. Let the player decide.

finally you seem to get the Point of all this here.


Fire starting skills dont incrase the burntime of a fire:

Again, this is part of the game mechanics. I know it's not realistic. This isn't realism. This is a video game. The other skills have similar progressions and Firestarting must follow those progressions. It's how the game mechanics are laid out and they are required to follow the set pattern.

"again, this is part of game mechanics. i know its not realistic. this isnt realism"   if you think that way why are you even in that Forum category or even come up with suggestions yourself,  if you use such an Argument? thats makes no sense and it should have absolutly no place here because it is the Definition of being Counter productive. i have absolutly now words for such an Argumentation.


Remove cooking skill 5:

The capstone of cooking is mechanically correct. However, I do agree I dislike how easy it is to amass large amounts of rotting meat and eat it with no problem.

Instead, i propose that if you COOK food, it does not have parasites, EVER, but you still get food poisoning when it drops below 30%. However, here's the kicker...

You can RE-COOK food.

When you re-cook food, you lose 25% of the calories, but you add +50% to the food. And if you re-cook again, you lose 25% of the ORIGINAL amount. So you can keep re-cooking everything, but sooner or later it'll just vanish.

But it should be an option to keep up forever for players on the custom menu.

"custom" .... you slowly seem to realize what this is all about


Carcass harvesting skills should only reduce the time to harvest guts and meat:

Again, realism vs game mechanics. Sorry, but this sort of progression is integral to the mechanics of how the game functions.

again, that Argument is absolutly not valid and should have no place in These discussions.


Adding more base characters to the game:

Go play Unturned.

again, jsut a way to put more variety into the game that doesnt affect you if you dont like to.

let me Quote you to make it clear: "I would add it as an option in the custom settings, however. Let the player decide."


Crafting books:

I want there to be a learning tree for the unlocking of blueprints.

i guess we all agree that the current System jsut Needs a rework and the perfect solution would probably be a mix of a variety of suggestions.

on the other Hand i could jsut say...."Again, this is part of the game mechanics. I know it's not realistic. This isn't realism. This is a video game."


Affliction/empty resource drawbacks:

You want to change the fundamental mechanics of the universe? Sorry. I need a better excuse then, "I'd like it better this way". I need a fundamental flaw or exploitable loophole that is too easily abused to upset the fan base by over turning such an applecart.

again so many flaws in your Argumentation. i dont even get more into it again sicne you should get the Point by now.


What are your thoughts about these things?

Rather brutal. Don't take it personal. I just call it as I see it.

i wouldnt call it brutal, rather a Little bit far away from the subject and not very substancial in some cases. i dont take it personal, just like i hope that you dont take it personal that your way of Argumentation is very confusing sometimes and does not make sense in a lot of cases, and you did unfortunately not seem to understand the Point of some suggestions that were brought up. But i think in the end you kinda got the Point that it is basically all about the palyer and they personal gameplay and the game should just try to maximize the personal gameplay experience.

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