In game map/sketch of discovered places


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To start with I just want to inform you all that Im from Norway so pleace forgive me if my vocabulary is a bit dull.

I have been playing the game for a while now and i think the game is great! Cant wait for the story mode!

The game is missing one obvious thing, though. Some sort of map, but lets call it a sketch. See it from my perspective:

Im lost (imagine real life situation) after a plane crash or something. Its cold and bad weather. I need food, heat, wather, shelter and more. I walk and walk and bearly make it to a cabin. Ok, found some food, water, wood, matches and a ski jacket. I can live for 4 days with this. The Cabin is great and I could stay here for a long time but i need to go out and gather some more stuff in order to make keep myself substained for a long period. I wake up the next day and go outside the weater is nice and the view is good. So i start to draw a skech of a map so I can find back to the cabin I also note down what Items of importans i leave behind. If I was to return to the cabin tonight i problably wouldn't need it, but say, after 100 days and 40 other dicovered locations I whould really need this sketch...

Ok, fast forward 100 days... The skech/map now has grown to 5 individual sketches/maps and whenever I am at a know location or have this location i my sight, say, an old gas station I can of course pinpoint my location on my sketch... So whenever I am walking in daylight and clear weather I can pinpoint my location on the sketch. I also know that the sun is riseing in the East and sets in the West so I have a north on my map and a vague compass based on the sun and some common sense. BUT if it blow's up a snow storm in the middle of 2 known locations, I can look at my sketch and pinpoint what known location I came from and estimate an angle of my direction and take an estimated guess where my present whereabouts is, I cannot pinpoint, but maby set a ring... And the ring gets bigger and bigger the more I walk In the snow storm and i can only pinpoint  my location if I bump into a known location or If the weather clears up so I can see my wherabouts.

This option is missing in the game and its a shame because what everbody is doing is to google maps drawn by players and use these with spoilers and more... So it kind of ruins the game. I Know, I know! Exploring is a big part of the game, but I do not see the meaning of exploring if you are not allowed to note it down. And I also know that the maps will be memorized. I for example do not need a sketch/map in mystery lake. But I maby will forget if do not play for a while. And if I play other maps i will maby forget or start to mix things up. But If I could look on my old sketch I whould know that I left a rifle and and axe on Trappers cabin...

One other thing; I did a search in the forums with the word "map" with zero hits!!! Am I the only one missing this thing??? Maby many feels it whould ruin the game experience in my opinion the lack of it ruins it even more... The game is still great though ;-)



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There are actually 3 versions, including spoiler-free one.

There has been a lot of battles over this issue, i dont know how you managed to not found any of them.

So, my, the best of them 8), idea is simple. One of preset locations have a topographic map of the current region. Its not a minimap or anything, it doesnt show player location. Just map. After player finds it, in addition to already marked locations(that is norm for such maps), like train tracks, player can make notes on it, both automatic(for example when he finds trapper cabin, an appropriate icon appears on map) and manual(for example to mark location of the corpse). Notes are made with pencil and can be easily deleted.

Then player can find compass, that would provide some additional help with navigation. Its an another topic as well, battlefield that has thousands of spears broken on it and i still maintain my position that compass would work under game conditions.

And third item is notepad. Notepad allows player to keep track of supplies and resources. If prior to finding notepad player could only mark locations, then after finding it, player can make notes for every location, with possibility to automate process, where stuff that is found and stored in located in automatically added to location roster.

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Like others have mentioned - a compass would be a great addition, although I know that is certainly no easy feat as an additional handheld item in the game. But yeah, maps in the game would be pretty cool, or the ability to sketch one in the journal area. Or better yet to occasionally find regional maps in homes or say even the Quonset Gas Station in Coastal Highway.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A stationary map in the Quonset, Camp Office, Signal Hill, Lighthouse and Mountaineer's Hut would all make sense and be a great help for those areas. I like the idea of being able to add points of interest. It doesn't give you a lot of on-foot navigation but it helps get a sense of the land and where you have been/need to go next. I'm sure a lot of long time and diehard players know the maps by heart by now but I'm a light player and routinely get lost and I'm sure there are a tonne of locations I've never even been to for simply not knowing they exist. 

(For the record I have referenced the topographical maps online but it's a hassle to TAB between windows all the time, and doesn't help in tracking where you left your most recent kill)

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I've had similar thoughts on this and think some sort of map/compass would be great.

While I do eventually memorize the landscapes in game, it would be helpful to find a physical map randomly at locations or even have some sort of a mental map that gains detail the more you pass over specific areas. Sort of like a cloud or radius that gets clearer/tighter to show your location in reference to key locations. It wouldn't be exact, but it would give you an idea of where you are, where you've been, and if you've stashed things anywhere. Of course it would be weather dependent.

That being said, I think finding a printed map is the most realistic option and probably fits best with the game. 

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Im not a fan of maps, especially minimaps, but the suggestion of a stationary topographic map interests me.

The player would have to mark on the map the locations using their own memory so that its not overpowered. 

Making your own sketched map on scrap paper as you discover things is pretty fun though and is easier to draw than using the mouse.

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I would definitely second this. I have drawn my own maps but its really annoying to constantly scribble stuff out and redraw it, the game should track it for you (IMO). I also got spoiled by looking at online maps but I found no other method of finding my way out of zones (e.g. finding the pleasant valley hidden cave tunnel...)

It would also encourage people to explore the edges of the map.

Timberwolf mountain might be a little tricky however..

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Hi, again. Just to clarify about my propoasal.... I did not mean that the sketch was to be drawn manually by mouse, but by the game automaticly. And by the the vague compass I did not mean to use the magnetic field of the earth, but the sun or as mentioned the stars ( great idea by the way). And for those of you that have read my initinal post, I hope you understand that Im not talking about a minimap here. And folks, how many of you have been looking on the maps on steam when your lost or want to go to certain location? To me it feels like cheating, even if I just look at the spoiler free ones. I just want to play the game withouth having the urge to look on maps on steam or use pen and paper... The game needs an ingame map of some sort.

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37 minutes ago, NightlySteel said:

Hi, again. Just to clarify about my propoasal.... I did not mean that the sketch was to be drawn manually by mouse, but by the game automaticly. And by the the vague compass I did not mean to use the magnetic field of the earth, but the sun or as mentioned the stars ( great idea by the way). And for those of you that have read my initinal post, I hope you understand that Im not talking about a minimap here. And folks, how many of you have been looking on the maps on steam when your lost or want to go to certain location? To me it feels like cheating, even if I just look at the spoiler free ones. I just want to play the game withouth having the urge to look on maps on steam or use pen and paper... The game needs an ingame map of some sort.

Agree!  Does NOT add to the Game Experience by making a paper sketch of what I've discovered, or finding other player maps online...

Burnt Sticks/Brands used as charcoal on Birch tree bark...? 

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This could actually make a fun mini-game. The game could make simple sketches of each landmark and have them as separate "puzzle pieces". Placing them onto the map (and in the correct location!) would be up to the player. No snap to grid or notifications of incorrect placements either. The map would be a convenience... but woe to you if you place something wrong ^_^

If binoculars are ever added to the game then sighting landmarks could be used to help place map pieces.

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22 hours ago, AZHockeyNut said:

there is always birch bark and charcoal from camp fires and stoves to write THAT would be primitive....have to believe in the office in ML there would be a map on the wall and probably some at the gas station or in the houses in PV maybe the market store there?


I'm sure there'd be plenty of paper, pens and pencils scattered about in the various houses across the map. ^_^

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7 minutes ago, cekivi said:

I'm sure there'd be plenty of paper, pens and pencils scattered about in the various houses across the map. ^_^

true that! my point is even the crudest of tools is available to sketch a map so that ability should eventually make an appearance even if a compass would no longer work.

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