Make the game remember your last tool-choice in all actions


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Hey, a short HUD related wish :)

I think its quite annoying I have to de-select my hatchet everytime I want to break a branch, this also applies to chairs and other objects you can harvest by hand.  Could you please make the game remember the player's last chosen tool for each object type? Meat, Pelt, Guts, Branches, Chairs, Benches, etc. 




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  • 2 months later...

Yes i agree. Also for the game to maybe suggest the best option for the task with a way of making it clear what suggestion it is and not easily missed and then regretting you looted a dead deer with a hacksaw and not a knife afterwards. Maybe it could simply not let you start a task until you specifically select and choose a tool or bare hand. That way no task can accidentally be started without clearly knowing what tool you chose or if you wished to do it with bare hands. 

Maybe simply quick tasks that need only harvesting with hands is only done with hands. no tools are required or selectable there for no tool is wrongly used or delay in doing a quick task.

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5 hours ago, Dirmagnos said:

Id like to see an 2 checkboxes in options, where player selects either "remember my preferences for this particular task" and "automatically select best possible tool for this particular task every time".

Also, this! :crosseye:


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