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Posts posted by SuperStriker16

  1. 2 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    but you could get the Centurion Achievement (survive 100 days).

    I'm assuming that I can still get other achivements like faithful cartographer, will to live, and skilled survivor right? I already got Centurion with my voyager run from the past before the update. 

  2. I recorded this one diffrently than the others, I was able to watch it on my I Pad. My school has Securly on our computers (which i'm typing on rn btw) which i'm assuming is the issue, I was able to bypass securly to be able to type on this forum and log in with my account. Unfortunatley, it takes me off my unblocking software when I click on any videos so I can't know for sure. 

  3. This is the start of my “realistic” difficulty run. If you do not happen to know that that is, I have stated that in the polls associated with this run. Hope you enjoy watching me (hopefully) survive.

    Made it to the dam, and immediately got a knife, hatchet, prybar, and revolver and other things. Got a bunch of food as well, I changed it to voyager loot last minute because I was afraid that if I did stalker or loper loot, there would be no good clothes, or food and I wanted the ability to get every item in the game. An unintended side effect with making time 3 times slower was the fact torches burn 3 times as long as well as fires, stats drain 3 times slower, and now that I realized it, animals will take 3 times longer to bleed out.





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  4. I don't think i'll be doing a NOGOA for a good while, i'm not that skilled. Thanks for letting me know what a dead world challenge is, I might try a dead world interloper, sounds interesting, id have to buff beachcombing loot, since id be living entirely off of it, is fishing allowed in dead world? by the time you pull them up, they're dead.

  5. 1 hour ago, xanna said:

    I'm considering a dead world run for myself next

    what is a "dead world run" sounds like an intresting challenge for after the 500 days is complete. 

    1 hour ago, xanna said:

    sounds awesome to me. I especially like the decrease in wildlife. To me, it sounds like you've got a great idea going there and I say: go for it, Survivor!

    If custom wins, ill hold another vote for the features that will be in it and some preset custom difficulties like "gunloper" or my "Realistic" difficulty.


    Thanks to all for your participation on my poll so far.

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  6. Made my way back to CO in mystery lake, the last stretch was hard because of being hungry and not wanting to lose +5 kg carry capacity from well fed, I also had to deal with 3 wolves but was able to scare them off with a flare. I had some rancid syrup in my backpack that could give 850 kcals but at a 40% chance for food poisoning, I don’t want to eat it unless an emergency happened and I had nothing else. Fortunately, I didn’t have to as I found a deer, shot it and ate it. I did have to eat some emergency crackers I carried just in case. 

    Me looking toward the dam.

    finally made it back to CO

    I just now survived over a month.


    I’ll repair my clothes from the 2 wolf struggles that I had, then make myself my bearskin cloak (it’s finally cured) and deerskin pants. Then I’ll make my way to Mountain Town, get gear, and work on getting a moose hide satchel, and go to ash canyon.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

    Another option is get a custom game... maybe start with the Stalker template and then tune the various values to something you find interesting (without canceling the firearms or loot you'd like to preserve).   And again, if you find there's too much loot... you can always opt not to take it.  We can always challenge ourselves to see how little we can live off of without a new "difficulty mode" being invented.  :) 


    I was seriously considering doing a kind of custom difficulty like a interloper with guns (gunloper) or a kind of difficulty that’s harder than voyager but easier than stalker and I was going to call it realistic mode to make the most life like survival experience (extending day and night length, seriously dropping the rate food, water, and fatigue drain, decreasing wildlife to be almost nonexistent (predators and prey as well as fish) decreasing loot to stalker levels, increasing weather shifting to interloper, gets colder over time and wildlife becoming rarer over time removed and many other changes. I might do some personal challenges as well.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I definitely like interloper, but interloper doesn’t have guns and the new fancy items such as the spelunking lantern. I would like to go in to an easier version of the game to find guns and explore more. I have lots of experience with voyager, but feel it’s a bit too easy, but after being recently humbled by interloper and its lack of good loot and guns, I’m willing to give voyager another shot. So I’d like to start a new game on an easier difficulty and get the cooler guns and tools. I’m not doing this to give up on interloper(I will play them both about 50-50), I’m still alive on my most recent save, but would like to make the game a bit more fun and max out all skills, not leaving out gunsmithing or the gun skills so I can get skilled survivor, and perhaps complete some other challenges. I will look forward to your feedback and please justify your suggestions.

    @Glacia@Leeanda@ManicManiac@conanjaguar@xanna Thank you all for following my 500 days run and giving feedback.

    • Upvote 2
  9. Unfortunatley I haven't been able to upload the clips and screenshots for the last 2 days. School is really annoying and is taking up my time, I had a close call with a wolf and made it to coastal highway. I haven't found the guaranteed matches yet, but i hopefully will soon. next i will be making my way to Desolation Point after this and then to mountian town.

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  10. I was busting up pallets outside of carter, (the broken ones that take like 45 minutes to break up with a hammer). I was in interloper, progressing nicely but on low health, i was actually warm as it was the end of the day becoming night, so it was about to become cold. I had sucessfully broken up a 45 minute one for 3 or 4 reclaimed wood and needed more, so I found a 2 hour one that would give me 12 wood, it had just started getting slightly cold (one arrow down) and thought i was fine. so i started breaking up that 2 hour pallet with 30-40% condition... 

    a blizzard hit immedeatley and I should have paid more attention as i was distracted at the moment irl. I froze to death super fast as i was already cold before. R.I.P.

    • Like 1
  11. I’m sorry for not saying it earlier, I was taking a break from tld (if I grind a game too hard for long enough, then I usually lose interest) my save is fine, everything is the same as when i left. I hunted a bear and skinned the 40 kg of meat off it. I got the hide and guts curing in the camp office but left some meat at trapper’s (I killed the bear at trappers). 


    I’m running low on matches, finding the guaranteed matches at PV and FM, there are 3 guaranteed match spawns in coastal highway and desolation point, which I haven’t visited yet. Just cooked some meat and are ready to head on a nice long journey.


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