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Posts posted by SuperStriker16

  1. 43 minutes ago, FlamingFuball said:

    I'm with Manic here, and the reason is that the three guns in the game have their niches: the rifle is for hunting, the revolver is for scaring off wolves and timberwolves, and the flare gun is for protection against bears and moose. I've seen the shotgun requested a few times, but I've never seen how it fills a niche the other weapons miss. Hunting rabbits and ptarmigan isn't hard even with just stones, and isn't particularly profitable on the food-side, and with buckshot the shotgun wouldn't function significantly differently from the hunting rifle.

    With birdshot, the shotgun would be able to take out multiple ptarmigans especially when they fly away, and buckshot while similar in power to the rifle currently in the game, would be much better at closer ranges, making deer hunting a bit tougher leaving that role to the rifle or bow whatever you prefer. It’s effectiveness at close range basically guarantees the prevention of wolf struggles by instantly killing those wolves before they can get to you, while yes, if you were good with reaction speed and good at aiming with a revolver, killing or injuring wolves before they can get to you is no challenge. Not everyone is that good at that thought or has a revolver or ammunition, so it would help beginners especially on lower difficulties with stopping wolves and giving more ways to stop wolves. Stones are easy to find and get, but they only stun one animal at a time which if your over encumbered or the wind is in your face, they might get away, and stones require you to get real close so that doesn’t happen. With a shotgun however, you can kill many of them from a distance no matter what’s going on, preventing any possibility of escape. Now with more cooking and the new crafting recipes with the down of those ptarmigans, people most likely won’t just be killing them to eat immediately, and if they were, the shotgun would make things a lot easier. Basically depending on the ammunition you have, it would serve it’s purpose better than stones and revolvers as well as having a secondary role to the rifle allowing you to bring one gun to the hunt, rather than a revolver, a rifle, and a handful of rocks. The loud bang and pellets could stop/stun charging bears to help as a last ditch effort when the distress pistol runs out of flares inevitably, or you don’t want to waste a flare, or you don’t have a flare gun to begin with. It’s a gun that can serve many purposes and that’s why we need it, but it would remain balanced as to not entirely prevent the use of other guns.

    I hope this provides any clarity to what you and others were thinking about this.

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  2. @conanjaguar 

    For the .338, I was thinking that the only place that you would find the ammo would be with the gun (in the house or location where you find it, there would be 20-50 rounds depending on difficulty), and for the shotgun shells, you would find some only in the most hunting themed locations like the ones I listed above and the small hunting shacks dotted randomly in the woods (such as draft dodgers cabin). They would spawn separately from rifle and revolver ammo so it doesn’t limit their spawns, but sense these rarer types of ammo only found in specific locations, it would be more balanced out. 

    Thank you for your concern, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

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  3. Ok I can understand that people think we have enough guns currently in TLD, especially with the new variants, which are cool and all but I’m talking about some fairly major changes that more guns could bring to the table, such as a bigger rifle that could take down a bear in one shot if it headshot at base rifle skill or a shotgun that could take out multiple rabbits or ptarmigans with one shot.


    The Shotgun: now with ptarmigans in the game, having a shotgun added to the game would be very helpful for taking out as many as

    possible in a few shots and could also work the same against rabbits with birdshot loaded. Adding buckshot would be good too and it

    would be great for easily killing wolves, being pretty effective against deer (it’s called buckshot for a reason) and also it would be cool if

    it could stop or stun a charging bear, maybe not kill it outright but definitely injuring it. The shotgun could be a 12 gauge or 20 gauge as 

    long as it has access to both bird (for much smaller targets having almost no effect on larger creatures) and buckshot (the medium 

    game round that would be wasted on smaller critters but would be best used for self defense against wolves or hunting deer, not good 

    for moose or bears however). To compensate for the versatility it could weigh a lot (6 kg I was thinking) and/or making the ammo 

    harder to find than rifle ammunition. It would also be more expensive to craft the ammunition back after you fired it: 

    1 12 gauge hull (the empty shell)

    1 set of buckshot balls / birdshot pellets (crafted with lead scrap like the other bullets)

    .03 kg gunpowder (3 times more than regular)

    It could be a side by side, over under, or pump action, all would fit well in the current game. Another thing you could do with the shotgun 

    would be to saw off some of the barrel and the butt stock making it into a pistol grip. This would make the gun much lighter (3 kgs) and 

    like with the warden’s revolver, be quicker to draw making it better for self defense or pulling it out when you get snuck up on by fluffy

    but at an obvious sacrifice to accuracy making it worse for hunting deer but potentially better for ptarmigans and rabbits as it would 

    have a much higher spread both with birdshot and buckshot.

                      27962D7F-1C33-45D4-AFEB-F1F6C7BACA37.thumb.webp.2c5b110feeb2738694f54c387854f800.webp                                                 B00AA9CD-2BDE-4648-911D-888A4E01D1D8.jpeg.ad7d91fd86ad86c24c01571d3bc26989.jpeg  

    Remington 870, the model for the pump action shotgun.                      Over under (left) next to a side-by-side (right)

           B40D72A6-3D9C-4F9F-879F-821627483B10.jpeg.8a7008191b11ec487cceebf313e52264.jpeg                 62CFBF8F-D0EC-4F91-9B3B-4884EFF7C526.jpeg.a620e2730c9a9049ad7887d63d647e81.jpeg

          what a sawed-off side-by-side shotgun could look like         The difference between 12 gauge (right) and 20 gauge (left)


    .338 caliber rifle: a common gun for big game hunting known for it’s power, a .338 rifle would be perfect for killing all those annoying 

    bears and moose that spawn next to your base. it would be able to one shot bears and moose if you headshot them at base rifle skill.

    Being quite the powerful cartridge that it is, it would be more expensive to craft:

    1 .338 casing 

    1 large caliber bullet (3 crafted from 1 lead scrap instead of 6)

    .02 or .03 kgs of gunpowder


    With all due respect to the .303 Brit, it’s a pretty powerful cartridge, but hunters living on great bear knowing what kind of animals they 

    are hunting would realistically opt for the biggest gun they could realistically get and use, and I feel it would fit in the game pretty well. 

    to further compensate for it’s power, the ammo would also be pretty rare and the gun would be extremely rare with only 1-3 spawns on

    the entire map on non interloper. Depending on the difficulty (3 on pilgrim 2 on voyager and 1 on stalker, also changeable in custom


    Potential spawn locations include: Trapper’s cabin, Mountaineer’s hut, the Riken, any of the cabins in ash canyon, gray mother’s house,

    The hunting lodge in broken railway, and the summit of Timberwolf mountain.

                                           .338 rifle potential design 

    To anyone from hinterland (potentially) reading this, having these guns would be pretty cool, but at least consider the shotgun, it wouldn’t be too game breaking, and I’m aware that you said that you were happy with the current guns that were in the game already, but at least consider some of these gun additions.

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  4. I found a sack of potatoes, cooking them up is easy enough, are there any recipes I should be aware of before I end up inhaling all 7 that I found? It would be bad if there was a cool recipe that requires potatoes and I ended up eating them all.


    I’m glad hinterland added more cooking options, and more food items, it really does add a more cozy vibe to some parts of the game.

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  5. I’m going to give fishing a shot, the new lures seem pretty cool, so I made one and I’m going to find out just how much it helps your chances, do any of you know if there’s a difference between the lures? Like do specific ones attract different fish better or is it all the same? I’m giving this one a shot.


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  6. I’ve been gone for quite a while, but I have been playing TLD on and off here and there, I got really burned out playing this game and posting and decided to shift over to other survival games. I apologize for my sudden disappearance and I decided to come back to the game intending to finish this realistic run, part three will make things a lot more interesting. I will only post when something major or interesting happens though. I am continuing this run until I finish it starting today, and I’m determined to make that 500 day mark, thanks for staying interested.

    @conanjaguar @Leeanda

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  7. I realized I haven’t been posting much, I’m finally feeling better and I don’t think I’m sick anymore, school is almost over only got about 7 school days left. So summer’s almost here for me. I also have been varying the games I play. Things have been interesting lately. I might play and post more during the summer. 

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