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Posts posted by SuperStriker16

  1. 27 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Timberwolves definitely included in that!

    Your right about that… got mauled on the way to the prison by a pack, and without so much as a box of matches to my name, dropped dead. 🤬 you timberwolves, what did I learn from my experience, just leave if you get caught in blackrock, lol. Don’t worry, it’s try, try, again and Never give up time. 


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  2. I will be heading to the Blackrock Prison Buildings next, as there is a possible improvised knife, not sure if it can be there on interloper but I will be looking for it, it would be very good to have a knife this early. As well as there being tons of loot there anyway. 

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  3. 23 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

    I recommend making primary encampments in each region you visit.  That way, no matter where you go... you have yourself established.

    Don’t worry about that, I will definitely be setting up at least small bases in almost every region, make sure to vote (if you haven’t already) for a MAIN base location, which is going to be where I will spend most of my time at, and will be where I dump most of my extra supplies. Make sure to Tell me why you picked whatever location you choose.

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  4. Timberwolf Mountain cabin is the mountaineer’s hut, ( forgot its name when typing the poll) to clear up any confusion.

    I will @ everyone I know on here and recommend you all vote and make sure to justify your answer. @Leeanda @Laika Ivanova@conanjaguar@Glacia@ManicManiac@Serenity@Pencil@mfuegemann@Kranium@Jotunheim Thank you to all of you for helping me out with this, and just being the kindest, most helpful, and most supportive people I’ve ever met. 

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  5. A costly, but renewable and reliable source of fire, especially for interloper, when a mag lens doesn’t work because it’s cloudy or night, and you don’t want to waste matches or just don’t have any. 

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  6. I have a bunch of ideas for things to add to the game and will make many separate posts so you guys can give feedback for each idea.

    Having some sort of tree forts or tree stands would be pretty helpful as small bases that are safely away from predators that you could build yourself. What I was thinking is that, you can harvest pallets for planks about 2kg a piece and reclaimed wood, and make nails from scrap, use the heavy hammer, 10 planks, and 20 nails to build a tree stand. You could build them between 3 or 4 trees that are near each other or a stand against a tree, and depending on the height, make a ladder from hammering planks into the tree that you built the tree stand or build one like this picture. You could even add walls to keep out weather and wind as a upgrade.


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  7. I like the way you think Zack, the crafting recipe could be, 1 bow, 1 stone, 1 cedar firewood, 1 stick. 40% base fire start chance + whatever from skill, tinder required no matter what your Fire starting skill is, 2% per attempt = 50 total uses.

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