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Everything posted by SuperStriker16

  1. I was worried we would have nothing to do in the late game. I don’t really care about the loot, it’s just something to do in the late game when there really is not much to do. It adds some adventure back in your game after it all fades away.
  2. I find removing it from quick resume to be an easier way to reset a game(before, you would need to go into a different game or press “stop playing” on the game). If you don’t like it then there is another way to check the problem and it’s what I’ve been doing recently. I’d save my game by going into a building, then return to the menu and then press resume, this will make sure it saves and should put you back to the same spot you were in before quitting. If it doesn’t, then go completely out of the game and remove from quick resume or click stop playing to fix the problem. If I get the glitch again, I’ll upload a clip of me doing this.
  3. I also play on Series x, found out that you can remove TLD from quick resume to re-set it which seems to fix it, if you don’t see the save icon in the corner when sleeping and entering buildings, then it means it didn’t properly save and you lost that progress. At that point there is nothing you can do, if you see it, immediately reset and make sure the save icon appears, then you should be fine to play with it actually saving. Hope it gets fixed soon because it’s really annoying to me too.
  4. I was bringing deer meat back, and this happened… IMG_0130.MOV It was late and my mom was telling me to get off the game, so when I was listening to her, I had taken my headset off. So I didn’t hear the wolf that was coming towards me.
  5. I was able to successfully forge a knife, hatchet, and 8 arrowheads like last time. I’m glad this run is going well, and will try hard not to die.
  6. look at this bedroll spawn. Made it to mystery lake. IMG_0125.MOV A wolf jumped me after coming out of the trailer. Arriving at the camp office. All my tools and things on display.
  7. I'm sorry that I haven't been posting as usual, I started a few new runs that didn't go well... But finally gut one that stuck! I spawned in Pleasant Valley finally. I found a HH in signal hill on day 2 which felt great. I've made it to Camp Office and I'm getting ready to forge my tools. Don't want to post too much until I know I can survive.
  8. Your wish is my command! The hunting system is at best times, simple and other times, just confusing in TLD. like how you can walk within 5 feet of a rabbit and it just be chillin out sniffing and walking around, or 20 feet from the front of a deer just by squatting down. Or how all animals are basically restricted to their spawn locations. Or how you can be reallllllly far away from a bear, shoot it, and then it runs after you as if you were right in front of it (I’m still a bit salty about that one). You get the point, for a game that strives for realism, but is very unrealistic At least in this regard. First things first, deer, rabbits, and other things (like wolves when they hear a gunshot) should flee from 3 times the distance to prevent rabbits from being in grabbing range if I squat down. Second similar to hunting games, wildlife should have need zones, for example, deer in herds coming to feed on acorns or grasses for a few in game hours, then going over to the water, (they should be able to drink from waterfalls or punch holes through the ice in frozen fresh water sources. And finally finding a place to bed down and sleep, (then they would be easier to sneak up on). It would be similar for predators, but they would stalk the herds of deer and pick one off here or there to eat. if the animals cannot manage this simple cycle for long enough, then they die. The zones should be scattered around the map so the animals can move long distances. How players find these zones would be to track down the deer (in this case) by following its foot prints in the snow, which would stay on the ground until it starts snowing, which the tracks slowly become indistinguishable from the other terrain over 10-30 in game minutes of continuous snowing depending on how heavy the snowing is. Once a zone is descovered (a feeding zone for herbivores could be nibbled short grass and a feeding zone for carnivores could be multiple carcasses in an area with some bones for good measure) it could then be marked on the map kinda like how rabbit groves are. Another thing that would help realism is over hunting, by killing fawns or their mothers and especially if you over hunt one gender of animal over the other which would decrease the population largely, requiring players to take out 1 male for every 1 female. This is easy enough to tell for deer, moose or if they add them, caribou/elk as the males have antlers while the females have smaller ones or don’t at all. It gets more complicated for wolves, bears, and birds, and cougars when they add them, as they don’t have obvious differences between them. For them they could have fur/plumage differences in color, differing reproductive organs, or for females have their offspring follow them. Also if you hunt and successfully kill a deer (for this example) the others should avoid the area you killed it at for some time. Kind of like hunting pressure in COTW for anyone that plays it like me. This concludes my TED talk.
  9. Just got done reading it, glad they are at least fixing some bugs.
  10. Long dark is getting an update! Hope it’s bug fixes.
  11. I’m glad to say, I am now on spring break! I have 10 days off of school, now I can play the Long dark a lot more.I will also be posting more as a result, still gotta get a good run going again…
  12. Whale song? Like a bunch of whales singing while in Coastal highway, is this a new feature, because it sounds pretty crazy ngl for TLD. I will keep my ears out just in case.
  13. That must be absolutley horrifying to have a wolf charging you, kill it, but it still looks living and standing no matter what you do. I've encountered a number of really annoying bugs myself, but not this one (yet). have you seen the ones where a bear looks like it's dead but is actually sleeping? lvl 100 jumpscares.
  14. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting things to change. I think I went so insane that the wolves can come out of rocks now… IMG_0121.MOV seriously, where’d this wolf come from, I would be fine with dying if there was a reasonable excuse for where the ______ this wolf came from. It sounded like it was coming out from the ocean but no. I must be tripping because it’s not every day I hear the rocks growing, and one comes to attack me. Never give up? Gonna go for a PV spawn next.
  15. Just tested it in a save where I would die anyway, your theory is true, deleted that one too, this is probably the issue.
  16. Are you referring to one of the poi plane crashes or do planes randomly crash now? is this a new feature I haven't heard of?
  17. Oh, so they stopped the exploit? that makes sense I guess. at least this time it wasn't a bug, guess that's what I get for using it then.
  18. Add FULLY DELETING MY SAVES to the list.
  19. I agree, lots to hunt, nice location, fishing, firewood, and many other benefits. the only reason i don't use it as a main base is because I use it too much, and want to go elsewhere.
  20. I was thinking about doing some testing about saves with a new voyager save. Narrow down the exact issue and prevent it, or at least attempt to so there wont be problems with my interloper run. i just really hope it doesn't happen again.
  21. Since I think i've narrowed down the issue to saves and leaving the game, I guess I could give this thing one more shot. if it doesn't work and the game deletes my save again, then ill abandon this whole 500 day thing. I had a save with 152 days and no save problems. so it must be something to do with this update. I don't want to give up, but it feels like the game is forcing me to stop. gotta somehow keep up the positivity. try, try, try, try, try, try again.
  22. yes, it's frustrating, i would probably be leaving ash canyon right now. currently both saves are now lost mysteries. I hope that the problem rather gets fixed, or i might just give up TLD entireley, the threat of any save just magically disappearing is horrifying, what if i got 499 days in and that happpened? Untill i can get closure on the issue, i will not be playing it at all.
  23. It's safe to say i just won't play the long dark until the next bug fix, this is really upsetting to me.
  24. Nevermind, this save left too, was going to say how this was lucky how I was getting good clothes and gear, but a wolf struggle with no weapon happened, I left the game to go back to the last save, and it deleted my game again! Same issue, and it’s not the wolf, I’ve done this exploit before. Seems like it’s something to do with quitting the game and coming back, again, no clue what happened.