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Everything posted by Moosemaster

  1. Take one:🥛☕️🍺🍸🍷🍹🧉🍾🫖🧃🥤
  2. bro you have consoles? i play on my Samsung smart fridge
  3. Well lucky for me as a true gamer I haven’t touched grass in 20 years and won’t need to use it 😎
  4. At least we are getting updates. Some other player bases aren’t so lucky.
  5. Keep in Keep in mind this is the same guy that takes 10 minutes to break down a limb with a hatchet
  6. If it released on the 5th of December then this is the 9th week
  7. It’s not a problem with the bow it’s a problem where the matchbox got stuck on your hand. I fixed this with the rifle by using a match
  8. These are the same people who tired to ban video games because they “cause violence” despite years of research showing that it’s the household they grow up in that changes it and usually they play more violent video games to vent frustration. I wouldn’t take their ratings very seriously
  9. What snow? Do you see any snow? Cuz I certainly don’t see any snow around here
  10. Tbh the episode is a good one but the only thing I hate is the scripted fog. It’s so annoying and so unnecessary because of the map. But it drives me crazy trying to get to the north tower. Also I found out that if you go to the north tower first you won’t meet the bear there for some odd reason. Yet to try it out with the south east tower but if somebody can test it and confirm if it works that’d be cool
  11. I like food what food from the game (that you haven’t tired) would you most like to try if you had the chance? personally i would like to find out what the flavor “summit” tastes like
  12. I’ve tired it its actually a good combo in my opinion. The flavor clash of sweet vs savory works well, it all depends on if you like the items by themselves. And as a big grape drink fan I give it a 10/10 👍
  13. No the bear in the story is an insta kill. Also you only get your stuff back if it was in the cabin. I also suggest waiting for the bear to move as in no part do you start in the same level of he cave expect the start where your meant to stealth it
  14. Yes when he drags you to his cave he will destroy any clothes not at 90%+ and will take all items from you and you cannot get them back, keep in mind they take them from you in episode 4 but i had to restart the whole sequence cuz I couldn’t get enough materials to get to the damn the first time. The only items in the cave to retrieve are the pre spawned items
  15. I have a feeling that’s a hardened survivor thing, i also had 2 TW packs and a bear following me to the radio tower
  16. Yeah it’s especially annoying in the last stretch, after you recuse all survivors and need to get to the radio and escape I’ve tried multiple saves and every time there is constant blizzards that never end. So i think they are scripted
  17. If you go back to a save before the cave i suggest leaving all your items behind near the transition point, they wont despawn so i sued that to get everything back on my 2nd playthrough optional objectives
  18. There are no normal wolves in episode 3 except the first wolf you encounter which is meant as a revolver tutorial. Also I’ve beaten the episode already
  19. I hear the best thing to do is find a way to get renewable food for the rest of the run, and to get the best clothes in the game and grind for any achievements you don’t have