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Everything posted by Moosemaster

  1. Ah I’ve seen you’ve met Nigel, he likes to patrol the prison and is the best guard we could have asked for. Just dont cause trouble and he should leave you alone
  2. I stay in my store, the rural store in pleasant valley, come on down to Moose’s store today! We sell the finest pelts, guts, and repair supplies in all of great bear! we work off a bartering system, we give you supplies you give us the equivalent in food, drinks, and medical supplies.
  3. I’d say that was the climber, the notes say he went to the summit of the mountain to see the crash, he most likely didn’t survive to tell the tale. for me it’s Matt’s truck or stone church, what drove Matt off the side of the road like that, and why did he have a rope and prybar? And what broke down the wall of the church and ripped the door off the hinges (and stole the lectern)?
  4. Maybe hinterland just wanted to set themselves apart from most story games where half the story is choices like those that change nothing 🧐
  5. I agree with the sewing machine for repairs after you can’t find any sewing kits. And I agree with the special animals but if they were to add that I would say a better way to do it would be to add animals like the stags. Now with Does they have less meat than stags, it would be cool to find bigger and stronger bears/moose (like how there’s the strong wolves) that give extra meat and guts and possibly more pelts at the price of having more health, being more dangerous, and being much harder to find.
  6. If they run far enough so you can’t see or hear them they will despawn to help the games frame rate. This is more common on interloper because of their difficulty. Its to make people risk their lives following the animal that could attack back
  7. Things under the “Gear” section in your inventory (the axe) can be ruined in wolf fights, one common instance of this is getting attacked by an animal and dropping your gun then having it lose some condition. Keep in mind not everything but most and also expands to bear attacks
  8. Well i mean while nobody’s there now it’s obvious others lived there before. Even with thre aurora animals would still know to fear fire as all animals are fully grown its highly unlikely they haven’t been burned at least once in their lifetime and learned to stay away
  9. Tell that to the wolf who killed me through a fence
  10. Ehh I feel like even as it would be a lot of work it would remove a lot of difficulty to have a companion, the game thrives off the feeling of being alone with nothing but corpses and things that want to kill you or you want to kill. An NPC would break the Emerson for a lot of the game. However seems like a good idea for story mode 😁
  11. It usually work if the bear walks over the fire, I wouldn’t try it unless you have a path strait to you so the bear can’t go around it. This also works in the hunted part 1 as his AI makes it so he is more reckless 🤓 but to directly answer your question, no a fire itself wont deter the bear and u can get mauled over it if your to close. But burns will make him run in fear most of the time.
  12. What kind of achievements would YOU like in the game? This could mean something extra for Wintermute, an extra challenge for survival games, something to work for if you’ve completed a challenge, or maybe even a new feat. I personally would like to see an achievement for completing every single side mission when episode 5 releases, probably as a gold or even platinum depending on the amount of side quests. Maybe an achievement for finding all secret cashes or killing 50 of every animal. And a one for completing all 3 parts of the hunted or maybe for completing hopeless rescue or ETDW or something else with a time limit in a short amount of time (say like 3 in game days or 2.5 IRL hours)
  13. Expedition parka, Mariners pea coat, 2 wool ear wraps, rabbit hat and mits, wool touk, deer boots and pants, mil pants, 2 wool long Johns, 2 climbers socks, fisherman sweater and fleece sweater. All in all my warmth bonus is 23 and windproof its 15.5. I’m on stalker and day 52. Consistently warming up unless major blizzard, was also the save I got both resolute outiftter (47 successful repairs btw 😎) and both achievements for spending nights outside. Tip:if u want these just use the stone church as it counts as an outside location but is protected enough I never once got hit by a wolf.
  14. Absolutely agree with this. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen bears stun locked just because I’m far enough away for the bear to find and lose track of me infinitely. I’d also like to say that Idk if it’s a known bug but if you get a wolf to chase you into an enclosed fence (gotten the best results in carter with the gate closed) the wolf will continuously restart the growl sound and animation until you get to close or to far and it either runs away in fear until you approaches again or attacks you through the fence 🐺
  15. As it says in their update. As of the release of TFTFT most (or all idk 🤷‍♂️) loot tables, spawn points, animal spawns, and animal behaviors have all been scrambled and animal placements will continue to change in this next year to fit regions. (Hoping for timberwolves in Timberwolf mountain for once 😌)
  16. So after doing a play through of episode 3 (good job but a little tedious) and I ran into the same but not once but 3 times. I think I have found out what causes it. So the glitch begins after I get attacked by a wolf pack while transporting a survivor, specifically any of the 3 NOT from the plane. I fight them off like normal nothing goes wrong there. But it seems that if I run into wolves less than 3 minutes after the initial attack the wolves become aggressive, however they do not start the hunt sequence (where they call their friends and the health bar shows up) instead they just chase me like normal wolves and because no matter how many times I scare them they won’t go away, I’m forced to either all my flares to slowly and painfully transport the survivor 5 meters at a time to a shelter so I can sleep for 4-5 hours so they go away. Or just reset back to my last save and completely avoid where the wolves are. This bug seems to be caused by back to back wolf exposure and can completely kill a good run if the timing is bad. Personally I had to spend an extra 2 hours trying to figure out a path to let me avoid any more than 1 wolf attack per survivor. It also did not help that like a dummy I left all my medicine and kerosene at the plane not knowing I needed it and had to go all the way back there just to die to a bear by the barn after getting it and having to go all the way back 😵‍💫
  17. After getting the game a few days ago I’ve already completed Wintermute (will say they did a great job on episode 4 🤌) but now I want to know what challenge to do next. I thought about starting a stalker game but TFTFT will be arriving to PlayStation by the end of February (hopefully) so I don’t want it to be deleted. What challenge mode do you suggest I do first?
  18. I found her! How I’ve missed that wolf 🐺. Thanks for telling me but if you’ll excuse me I need to go trade stories with my best friend
  19. Currently whenever you sharpen a Knife/Hatchet or clean a Gun you must do it 5% of the Whetstone or Firearm cleaning kit at a time. Just as a quality of life change allow us to choose how much we wish to repair the item so it uses all the time at once. Example: I use 50% of a whetstone and get that much added to knife in one session of sharpening.
  20. About curing faster near fires. The point of curing a pelt is that it will make it malleable and not fall apart. In order to do that you need to let them air dry or salt dry for faster curing in bigger hides. Curing won’t work by a fire