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Everything posted by Glacia

  1. New clothing items: Good and balanced additions for all game modes! They also fit well on the game concept. 10/10. Fire-Hardened Arrows: I think there is a bit of 'Noisemaker symptoph' here, an addition what was it overthinked for balance reasons. This leads to release an almost completely useless item with zero impact. The arrows have several problems but most of them lies about the inefficiency of crafting/using them. You can just use them to hunt rabbits (Stones are a better option, sure they re harder to land but renewable and free), and you can avoid or fight wolves with several other resources. While leveling archery with this arrows may seem interesting, you are gonna spend a lot of feathers. I mean.. i like the idea. I don't like how it was executed, there is even a new UI feature for the arrows for a mechanic that 99% of the players are never gonna use on any game mode. 3/10. Acorns: I really like the new acorns! It's a refreshing experience and enjoyable feature, i think however this resource have exactly the same as the previous: Overthinked for balance reasons. The idea of a renewable coffee source stopped when players know that acorns are actually non-renewable and they don't respawn. This plus the whole process to make coffee, make an otherwise interesting mechanic, as only another minor and irrelevant feature. I think most players really like the acorns but think they should be renewable and the process less tedious. Also, please move the acorns UI to 'First aid' section! 7/10. Enhanced Prepper Bunkers: Excelent feature! Not a lot to say here, they are just an enjoyable feature and well applied. 10/10. Enhanced Beachcombing: This is exactly the opposite of the fire hardened arrows or acorns, a feature released without thinking of balance, you can get massive loot supplies. This is not bad anyways, the new beachcomb it's actually incredible good and enjoyable! With re-balancing and bug fixes it's more than enough, but the feature it's awesome. 10/10. Handheld shortwave, Signal Void and related bunkers: This is the best part of the update and again shows how great and creative the dev team of HTL is. Not just offers a lore-rich content but also a fully new gameplay experience, revitalizing old regions, encouraging deep exploration and a high risk-rewards scenario. Unlike the TLD dev team of many players affirm, the players like the GAMEPLAY of the tale and not exactly the LOOT. You don't need tales to progress or get the best clothing, you experience the Tale because you want the challenge and gameplay. And this is why excluding interloper for the tale was an atrocious mistake! Anyways, the tale really brings a new enjoyable and fun experience, it's a 10/10 for me. I really hope to see soon an update to add tales to interloper to make every player happy. ¿Overall? 9/10. This update comes with new rich and enjoyable content, a great step for the game and demostration of what tld devs are capable of. Altough new items have a few balance problems and most players suggest a tunning (Hello, acorns), this can be changed later so not a big problem. I think it's better to separate the Interloper exclusion of the Tale to the patch content. This can be fixed/changed, but the content it's still great.
  2. It's working almost at 100% now. The author released a 1.1.1 version with many bug fixes, However the journal it's still buggy (Not impact on gameplay anyways). Im playing standard interloper with the mod and it seems to work, i need more testing anyways to confirm it's working at 100%. Thanks @Fuarian!
  3. Copied from discord: You can find them with the shortwave but the locations are always the same. So you can go there without having the shortwave and it will still be there. But to uncover it the game checks to see if the transmitter is repaired and if there's an aurora, not if you have the shortwave. This is because you will only ever find the bunker WITH the shortwave if the transmitter is repaired and there's an aurora. So they check for those 2 things instead of having the radio in your inventory. Right now the mod let the player get the shortwave, but have no use because if the transmitter it's absent, you can't enter any bunker anyways. The transmitter small cabins only spawn if resources are set to at least, Medium (Stalker standard). Also i don't know if fussibles and wires spawn on interloper settings, this could be another problem for making a mod to work. In order to have a full working loper with tales, we need to have the transmitter stuff avaliable. Thanks for the modder for the ongoing work!
  4. As said on this post, if the books give skill points (5 or whatever number), this could be incredible overpowered on all game modes. And if it's random like 1/5 books give something, most players are gonna ignore them anyways. I think several cool ideas can be applied to books to make them more than just a firestarting item. For a example, in project zomboid you can get depressed or bored if you stay a lot inside (Something like cabin fever). If you read books or magazines you can cure them. Reading a book (once per book) can be an interesting choice to remove or reduce cabin fever risk. So keeping a few books in case of emergeny can be reasonable. I like your idea anyways, but i think it should be better if the points are a random ocurrence than a permanent mechanic. Like reading a random book and after X hours the book is fully readed, a message box appears and say "You find a bit of knowledge on this book, your cooking skill have gained 3 points", with 15% chance and random skill, for a example.
  5. A mod to enable the tales on loper games could be great 😁 In the past, various mods enable custom parameters for interloper like choosing the initial region or enable certain items. I still remember the "cannery workshop" mod, basically an interloper overhaul with several features.
  6. I have a question, ¿it is possible to get archery points for crafting improvised arrows? You can get points for hiting animals but im not sure if you can level up just crafting them. If it's the case, this should be an extremely fast way to level up archery to 5 not even needing a bow or regular bow materials.
  7. In fact you can emulate loper with the Tale included but this is not just enable or disable an option. Using the resource avaliablity at "Medium" means you are gonna find ALL non avaliable items on loper like tools, better clothing and indeed, a massive amount of resources. So there is not a "loper with tales" settings, it's more like an "Stalker with some parameters of loper". 90% of the Interloper challenge comes from the lack of certain tool or items and very low resources early, and you can't experience this playing "loper with tales". If an option to enable/disable could be present, i think no one should be complaining but people with very long runs. I have my survivor still alive from the day 1 of the DLC and at day 470, and i wish to keep playing and enjoying the content every patch. Four months of playing to be unable to access contents just because i like the interloper settings. And i can't even emulate well my gameplay in another run!
  8. Im pretty sure this was something related to time of release than a serious balance choice. Interloper loot tables are not even working at 100% (altough mostly fixed) , isn't hard to believe that developers have been focused on the content and not the specific changes needed to make the Tale works on loper games, likely because it is a hard or pesky work. However they are listening to the community and while this is not a confirmation of a patch to add tales to loper games, i'm very happy about knowing we are being listened. My advise it's still to upload a hotfix to add the Tale to loper games, not even thinking about balance because a later patch can fix or change problematic things. Anyways, i highly appreciate the dev team!
  9. I agree with @Serenity about the DLC concept, actually i find the update truly awesome. The problem about excluding the tales of Interloper isn't exactly about balance. As stated several times, experienced players can survive even in bad scenarios without needing any special mechanic. Interloper players don't need the Tales but instead want them. That's exactly why everyone is complaining about the update!, Hinterland focuses on balance and this is good, but interloper have reached a point where keep excluding features or items it's meaningless. Not everything it's balance, it's rather about the experience. Yes interlopers can't use firearms but can use weapons and hunt, the same applies to inferior tools or clothing pieces, you can still survive after all. But the Tales are a new gameplay experience, keeping interlopers out of this makes a bad feeling about the game. I think Interloper it's working as intended for a very long time ago, we don't need changes about the content we can play or not. The challenge works as intended, so it's better to let the players do the new content at late game. Also, while i haven't experienced the content yet, i think wandering at night with a full aurora during interloper early game seems very.. crazy. You should do it at late game and again this is not a problem of balance because you should already have everything to endless survive.
  10. It seems most people have their favourite choice for the second feat, and cold fusion remains a mandatory pick. Efficient machine, of course, isn't core or essential to survive. It's just an small but noticeable enchancement for all tasks, indirectly improving most of the gameplay. This feat is arguably the best "Meta" feat for purely competitive reasons, but there are more feats to be considered. In fact, feats in this game are very different to other survival games with expanded "Initial traits" who have a massive impact on gameplay. Feats are just an small, and not essential, bonus rewarded for doing specific tasks in your gameplay. As stated by @ManicManiac, a lot of players (me included) prefer a "Featless" gameplay. In my case i have my interloper survivor at day 300 without using feats and i have never feel a significant difference between my run and runs with meta feats. Run cold fusion and use the other slot for your favourite choice 😉
  11. Very niche, can be worth picking if you live in a base with a lot of rabbit dens nearby, like trapper cabin. It is worth to note that snares can't produce an infinite spawn of rabbits, on harder settings with longer animal respawns, you are gonna experience most of the days without trapping anything even if you have 50 snares. The feat just makes the task more efficient, but does not offer an endless food source.
  12. Cold fusion is mandatory, there is not a single reason to not pick this great feat! Despiting what most players will advise, it is NOT advisable to pick the campfire feat. Yes, nv3 firestarting can help early but leveling firestarting it's incredible easy and fast. Also you can use Books to start fires early game for the extra %. You should always pick an usefull feat for every scenario, picking niche feats like blizzard walker or book devourer isn't very advisable. With this in mind, the best overall feat it's efficient machine! If you find yourself sprinting a lot, the feats related to it can be an alternative choice for efficient machine. This enchances sprinting in all game stages 😉
  13. There is already a mod for that, it's called 'Bury Corpses'. You can download the mod here:
  14. Yes it's a new asset, similar to the one at the cannery anyways. For me, it's the border of the Bleak inlet region, near the hidden island and coastal highway terminus landmark. You can't travel further because of the thin ice, but you can see a forest not too far from the other side, similar to the one at the screenshoot.
  15. The prepper bunkers will spawn on Interloper?
  16. I find forsaken airfield as a tricky and hard region, however i think there is something that you are doing wrong. The temperature it's incredible cold and explore the map with high winds can be a headache, but it's just about to wait the best scenario (a clear weather near nightfall). A problem about the region it's the ¿Emptyness?, sure it's vast but you can actually explore few buildings or points of interest! If you know where to go, you can loot and explore the entire region without many problems. About long-term, i think the only viable base it's actually the island cabin rather than the airport itself, because you can use the fishing cabins nearby for unlimited food. Just come to the region with fishing nv5, lots of fishing tackles and keep fishing/killing wolves near the cabin. Surely there are enough sticks on the island to keep a fire on the fishing cabin! The main problem should be the boredom anyways 😅
  17. QoL (Quality of life) means just fixes, improvements or small changes without impact on the gameplay. Im not sure if the patch notes have the full info about the update, since it's a big one (like 3 gb), but most QoL updates are hotfixes and surely we are gonna see the full details in the upcoming patch soon ☺️
  18. I don't think Methuselah it's actually a real character like grey mother or mathis. I think it is an illusion or hallucination, for obvious reasons like his ability to ¿teleport? or being in several places without reasons at all. Methuselah judge the protagonist and their decisions, and makes will question about himself. In fact, one of the most important aspects of the history it's the evolution of the characters in an apocalypse scenario. Will and Astrid attempt to keep their humanity and good will, Jeremiah don't care too much about anything, and Molly enjoys the new order. Every character shows different evolution in the new world, but that's not the case with Methuselah, he is more of an observer or a judge. I think it's just part of Will imagination
  19. I find this possible if it just a 3D/Animation rather than a full new character, with own voicelines. Like a full new 3d model/animation for a character but using the standard voicelines or not even any voice at all. There is a new fantastic mod called 'Personality', it changes the 3D model of your character according to your current worn clothing. The mod creator it's even working on two new playable characters Also.. we have already seen (Or even played, in game terms) as a new character. You play as Molly a few seconds at the start of the episode 3, the cutscene actually have their own animation/3d model for molly holding a riffle. It would be very fun and unique, but unlikely because of the work behind a feature like this.
  20. Unfortunately, no. You can't restore a deleted save It's highly advisable to make backups of the game, not just for accidents like this but also for bugs or other issues. You can find the data location at %LocalAppData%\Hinterland\TheLongDark (Windows+R), just copy and paste the contents on a backup folder. In case you lost your save progress for any reason, you can just remove the contents of your game folder and paste the backup ones. (Disable steam cloud before doing this)
  21. Excellent and well explained! Currently the only missing item for certain tasks like this should be the Nails, because we already have a Hammer and wood. Something that has been requested since the first days it's being able to repair the TWM Hut roof, or shortcuts with improvised bridges to Bleak Inlet cannery. I hope that with the safehouse customisation update we get some things like that, like 'Tasks' or 'Quests' inside certain locations to upgrade or improve the base.
  22. Right now? Maybe... there are various bugs and problems with the loot tables. The content isn't bad at all, it's actually very good but scarce, most of the DLC contents will be released later. I hope that part 2 of the DLC will fix most of the bugs and set a solid base for the upcoming content. If you're a big fan of the game, buy it without doubt. But if not the case, it's highly advisable to wait a bit for more stable and solid versions (And also more playable content).