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Everything posted by Glacia

  1. Also, several times the players have suggested being able to fully repair and restore ruined clothing items with tailoring Nv5, and makes sense, after all you are teorically a 'tailoring master' A sewing machine could be very interesting anyways!
  2. I have explored all bunkers on Interloper and everything empty. The patch notes says nerfed loot but actually all bunkers are fully empty, just a bed. ¿Maybe another bug?
  3. 80% fatigue , almost full. And with 40% protection i got oneshoted using the hammer. Maybe it's a bug and not an intended feature, but you can 100 to 0.
  4. Currently the bow variant it's more something like a trophy than a serious weapon, surely you can use it for a lot of time but soon or later the bow breaks and you can't keep using the bow variant in your entire run. This is something that doesn't happen with the riffle variants or other item variants, you can keep using them with certain effort. I think adding a note near the bow to unlock the blueprint can be a good idea for late-gameplay. Indeed crafting a variant bow should require more materials and time! Also, adding a note with a blueprint on interloper can unlock the item for later crafting, not breaking the early-mid balance of the game.
  5. Indeed, the ballistic best it's the worst gear piece in the game, but have a certain niche on the tale. The problem about signal void are actually, accidents. The low visibility, erratic behaviour of the wolves, and using the shortwave can lead you to a unexpected scenario, and with 40% protection you can go to 100 to 0 in a single attack from an aurora wolf (I losted a very old interloper run for that reason). Of course a 100% protection build isn't very interesting for overall scenarios, but i think can work very well for specific tasks like the tale.
  6. Im being curious about what happens if you reach 100% protection, the wiki offers some info but im not sure if it works as intended. Im currently building a 100% clothing, exactly 101% with the right items. Someone have tried struggles with max protection? You are completely inmune to struggle damage or rashes/contusions still damages you? Also it's likely you still can get bleedings, infections and clothing damage. Even if the max protection just makes you inmune to struggle damage but not afflictions, it's still very noticeable. Offers a safe solution to complete the tales on Interloper.
  7. You have multiple spots near the residences and the lighthouse: - One a few steps right next to the fishing hut near the residences. - One behind the lighthouse, close to the island. - Another near the second fishing cabin, this can be hard to notify on bad weather. Also you can find a few items near the cannery, notably sometimes a truck. There are more spawns near the isolated island but very far and inside TW territory, making this few spots very dangerous. It's advisable to just BC the spots near the residences and check the cannery sometimes, the other spots are just irrelevant.
  8. I have suggested a similar feature in the past, being able to find ruined weapons and craft your own bullets with the ammunition workbench. I don't think it's bad, i think most players are just gonna ignore the feature because of the long and hard work involved. Surely riffles have different features than the bows, like being safer and effective for certain hunt scenarios, but most players already have mastered the bow so im not sure..
  9. Always happens, not just with TLD. TLD it's the kind of game that you can revisit at any point and do what you want, without pressure. It's very different for other games seek look for a more permanent player base (MMO's, Mobas, and so on). I have losted the interest on this game many times, sometimes because the life, playing other games or just being bored with the game after playing non-stop for weeks. Then i come back and enjoy the game again
  10. After exploring most regions caches, this is the most solid advice if not mandatory point of all. No matter what you do or how carefull you are, it's very common to end on an accidental struggle due to the nature of aurora nights. The ballistic best paired with good protection clothing like the Moose coat and other high tier clothing, offers an unmatched protection %, enough to survive most wolf attacks without losing critical condition. I really like the fact that after a lot of time, finally the ballistic best have a solid use.
  11. Im noticing a higher calorie values on the prepared acorns, exactly from 80 to 100 from single and 360 to 400 for the big portions. I have not checked the coffee or the craft values, but maybe other things have changed. It's a very welcome change!
  12. Im using a setup to have "safer" aurora nights for the tale, and works in most regions. First of all: Always carry the ballistic vest and good protection clothing. Makes an inmense difference and saves you from otherwise deaths. The strategy consist on: Make a campfire with full duration in a shielded outdoor place near the part of the region you want to explore. Then have full scent and start exploring the region a bit to draw the attention of everything, killing the wolves in any place or leading them to the campfire for safer kills. This should be doed before the night, at the last hours of the day. Once the region it's clear, wait at the campfire or a safehouse for the aurora. Use teas before traveling and carry at least one heated tea with you; don't hesitate to make any count of quick campfires with a piece of coal to warm up sometimes. Another option i have tried and works very well, it's setup various full duration (shielded) campfires around the place you are gonna explore, and using them as stops for warming up, saving time and using them as landmarks for easy navegation.
  13. This should be in the base game, it's an amazing job!
  14. Congrats! It's actually easy anyways, you just need to be very careful descending from the right of the plane, and rarely you just get sprains and minor injuries. Saves a LOT of time
  15. I don't think 'usable' items are gonna be movable, like beds. Surely it's a pure cosmetic feature, and it is better that way. Possible mechanics inspired by mods: - Basically adding the 'placing anywhere' mod to the base game. - Collectibles with no weight, as decorations. - Remove clutter, reorganize stuff and containers inside safehouses and certain places with no loading screens, but not outdoors. - Nails and furniture craft. - Moving most stuff indoors in your desired placement. - Unlikely, fixing certain features in some safehouses to improve certain things. For a example, repairing the TWM hut roof and closing the windows with planks. Adding a lot of collectibles, cosmetic items and other stuff could be very interesting; it has no survival porpouses but offers a very fun new system to the game.
  16. Glacia

    Less birch

    Birch spawns after blizzards and have static spawn points, it is not defined by a loot parameter and not affected by patches. Also, on world generation all birch will be already spawned on their common locations, if you are in a spot with few birch maybe you have already picked them up, go back after another blizzard Actually, there are more batteries on the world than before. Not just near the transmitters but also in new places like the maintenance yard, and i can see a tiny increase on overall % of batteries inside cars, at least on interloper.
  17. Since Acorns introduced a new QoL change of converge various items on a larger portion, ¿Why not on cattails? Like using 5 to make a larger portion with the same calories and weight of the original single cattails
  18. Me too ! Im also sure we are gonna find a hidden bunker or medical complex inside the Mine, related to the next tale.
  19. It's very very rare anyways, almost a 0.1%. Marine flares are relatively common, giving the player an additional renewable fire source. However, I think it's a good change. Fire have been renewable for eons thanks to the maglens, now we have more options, albeit very limited for the rarity of items washing.
  20. Thanks for your info gathering washed items, there are various items spawning on your list, albeit rare at the point of most people think it's impossible to get. Revolvers can spawn very rarely on containers, as well as ammo. Flare guns and flare shells are incredible rare but possible, even on Interloper! Metal pieces becomed more common recently, i think HTL have touched a bit the system without noticing the players. Quality tools are rare now. All clothing pieces avaliable on Interloper but the ear wool wraps are avaliable via beachcombing. Containers can even have flight jackets, combat pants and other mid-tier clothing. Im not sure if items like the fisherman sweeters can spawn on lower settings, but it's likely. Im gathering info to write a detailed table on the Wiki, but since loot tables are confusing and unbalanced right now, im gonna wait a bit more for later patches.
  21. Confirmed at the end of signal void, but im not gonna give more details because of spoilers 😁
  22. The next region for the DLC it's the Industrial Mine, the web says it's an open mine with hidden secrets of the island, related to Signal Void and likely the next tale. ¿What do you think about the new region? I can imagine the region with two parts, a big mine with complex caves and travel systems like HRV but man-made, and an open basin with more natural resources. Like a mega blackrock mine, with more mechanics (like the chemical hazards) and way way bigger.