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Everything posted by javijungle

  1. Yeah! Milton Basin, what a great place to fish and hunt and few wolf spawn.
  2. Hi, I finally got my 500 day live achievement, on voyager, pretty easy once you reach level 5 in all skills, to the point of spending days sleeping and consuming meat and water non-stop. My last 100 days at Paradise Meadow Farm were more fun thanks to Bruno and Rufus. Going down to the Milton Basin to hunt the moose and eat the meat in the cave ensures a few days of routine. One curiosity I discovered is that if you leave the sleeping bag open on the ground, once it gets all messed up you can still sleep without benefit of heat but that's something. I recommend you to get the achievement, once you find the most affordable area of the map with lots of food (bear, moose, fishing...) it is very easy.
  3. Bienvenid@ @JohnLovesCoffee Summer greetings from southern Spain! and best of luck with that annoying bear 🐻☕
  4. Spending my last days of the 500 days achievement at Paradise Meadow with Rodolfo's company
  5. In addition to the need to wash regularly, how about the need to urinate and defecate? 💩
  6. Welcome @Undetected_YT from the south of Europe! ☀️
  7. Clearly Ravine for absence of wildlife threats and scares, but I found my experience at Bricklayers's Retreat in Blackrock very peaceful, except for the eventual moose, there are rabbits and deer and wolves don't prowl the lake. I also spent a very peaceful few days at Creek bed Cave although without as much abundance of food.
  8. Very interesting! thanks for the contribution👍 It's obvious that in TLD the bears attack to eliminate the threat and not to feed 😂
  9. Just curious, how many hours of sleep did you put in, and was it in a basic sleeping bag or bed? It looks like a game bug occurred during sleep, hunger can increase fatigue which also causes health condition decrease, but quite a long time should have passed for it to completely drain the condition due to the low condition consumption rate. https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Fatigue "Starvation If a player remains starving for a long enough time, the maximal amount of rest that they can acquire will start to gradually decrease. It is noticed by the yellow exclamation mark that appears beside the eye icon and by the red colour that starts filling up the inside of the fatigue bar."
  10. Extend @xanna reply:
  11. Many thanks to Ralph @Admin for the honest and extensive information, and to all the Hinterland team for their effort, as it is commented in the game itself "Made by People without Crunch...", people come first, plans are sometimes unpredictable, it is the continuous deception of the stressful world we live in. The amount I paid for the game at the time more than compensates the amount of hours of gameplay. As Seneca supposedly said: "To err is human, but to persist in error is diabolical". Good luck!
  12. I had the same experience after the upgrade on my way up Ash Canyon as I approached the snow shelter coming up from Fire Overlook, at first I thought it was the distorted and very high pitched sound of a falling branch.
  13. javijungle


    As rightly suggested by @piddy3825 there is a mod for what you are looking for, I also believe that the warming effect of alcohol is a bit of a myth. Myth: Drinking alcohol warms you up and fights the cold. Fact: Alcohol produces a momentary sensation of warmth by dilating blood vessels and directing blood to the surface of the skin, but within a short time the body's core temperature decreases and you feel colder.
  14. I post here a video of @MyUsualMe where he confronts a moose with 100% protection.
  15. Well, you'd be surprised how complicated it is for my male counterparts to simply mend a sock or put a button on a shirt 😂
  16. Thanks to @hozz1235 and @UpUpAway95 for your comments. I finally found a mending book at Broken Railroad and I could see the progress result on the bar after the five hours of reading, only 10 level points. Really the progress in level 4 is so slow or progresses with very few points mending clothes, that explains my perception that I was not advancing.
  17. On one occasion in ash I encountered the bear just as I got to the bones on the way to the foreman's cabin, I backed up to the bridge and when the bear wanted to cross the bridge the bear came down the canyon wall to the bottom and just hung around.
  18. Hi, I'm traveling the island with my voyager survivor and reaching day 300 pursuing the Skilled Survivor achievement, all my skills raised to level 5 except one, the mending skill. This skill stopped at some point at the beginning of level 4, about 20%, from there on it doesn't advance by repairing or crafting clothes at all. My doubt, for which I hope someone can answer me, is if I must find a mending book to continue improving the skill or is it probably a bug related to a recent update. Thanks and best regards.
  19. Thank you very much for the update and the fixed 👌👏 After the update process on Steam on my laptop PC, the game started with a black screen ⬛. I have tried the Steam option to verify the local files of the game and after the 100% verification it has detected 4 missing files that it has downloaded again, and finally the game starts without major problem. I just wanted to leave it here in case someone had the same problem.
  20. Wow! looks amazing and spooky at the same time, I'm close to the Madeira Islands and its great trekking trails, it's a pending destination for me.
  21. Definitely a mission for a future multiplayer mode 😁
  22. Personally I think it was a great decision by Hinterland to give an attractive use to the visor of the cars, I would recommend that if you do not want to reveal those caches simply do not open the visors of the cars.
  23. On my current trip to Black Rock to get to the ammo forge and acquire the Skilled Survivor achievement, I stopped at Keeper's Path to explore this transitional map. With the updated ambient sounds from the latest update I find it a small but satisfying environment.
  24. Hi @Avelyan , i had reported this bug too, through Hinterland Support Zendesk platform. I thought Hiterland had already fixed it. https://hinterlandgames.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new