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Everything posted by DiscoJonny

  1. I've been playing TLD off and on pretty much since it came out. I've taken plenty of breaks off and on and typically play whenever a new region is added or during some special event, like Winter in July and Escape the DarkWalker. My preferences are more in line with first person shooter games that combine action and base building as I love those types of games, but TLD puts a special spin on the genre that's for sure. @hozz1235, you mention the Fallout franchise and honestly I could see TLD having that kind of depth and longevity. So far so good and now I eagerly look forward to experiencing that final episode and hopefully they are able to tie all the loose ends together and really bring the story to a well explained conclusion. and now for my little rant... If and when there's a TLD II in the future, I hope the world environment is a lot more accessible in terms or player interactions. I want to be able to move crates and planks and stack them, be able to place objects on the top shelf and if its not too much to ask for, be able to jump up a couple of feet so I can clamber up a little ledge or jump up on the hood of car. Maybe, just maybe, when the fat lady sings her final song as the story is wrapped up, the modding community will be welcomed with open arms and some of things we've all read and commented on in the wish list will finally come to fruition! And if it's not to much to ask, can we maybe finally be able to sit down? oh, one more thing! Can I get a third person view? I'd really like to see myself walking across the frozen landscape as I'm being stalked by a pack of wolves...
  2. No, that bear has always been able to do that... I always assumed I was safe in there, but no! It does help to have a fire going in the burn barrel and be standing right behind it. but not always. He once walked in while I was sleeping and kicked my ass! But since his approach is pretty direct, ie. line of sight, hiding behind the burn barrel is kinda outta his view and reach. The safest place to be or course is on top of the railcar. You can clamber up the fallen tree and drop down onto the roof. Sometimes I make a 12 hour fire in the burn barrel and then go climb up to the roof outside. The heat from the barrel below is enough to keep you warm, as you are in close proximity so you get the heat buff making sleeping under the stars possible. Plus you get to take pot shots at the bear from relative safety! Been a while however since I bivouac in the ole poacher's camp.
  3. Hinterland certainly did a superb job indeed in using their musical score to set the mood and the pace of the game. Those instances when the music suddenly erupts thru my headphones after periods of silence where the only sounds I've been hearing were the blowing wind and the cackle of crows always seem to jolt me into action. Especially the feeling of dread that I get whenever the music plays when I've entered a dark mining tunnel or transitional cave. I would have to say that the guitar melody typically played around sunset is one of my favorite. The music reminds me to pick up the pace and get myself home, to the warmth of a nice fire. as good meal and the comfort of my soft bed...
  4. I like the Fishing Camp on CH as temporary base. The lack of an indoor fireplace makes it less than ideal in my opinion as the weather on the coastal highway is to unpredictable and I hate having a 12 hour fire go out due to windy conditions moments after I get it started and loosing all that fuel wood. I like the quonset hut for that reason as well as the abundant shelf space the garage affords me on account of all that loot I'm always hauling around! As for TWM, it has become my one of my favorite long term base camps. A thought just popped into my head, since Ash Canyon is only accessible via TWM, wouldn't it make more sense to explore it now? Considering all the loot you have, I bet that technical backpack giving you an additional 5 kilos of carry capacity should come in pretty handy as you move all your possessions to their respective base camps? eh?
  5. I once spent 250 days on TWM in stalker mode and something similar like that happened to me. I just went up the ice river to the area with the arch and killed the bear up there a couple of times and suddenly the one down by the broken wing spawned almost immediately. You might just want to leave the region, spend a couple of days down in the hatch on the PV side of things and let the algorithm reset it self. It's a nice little diversion and you really aren't walking that far if you think about it.
  6. wasn't that the movie where the freeze vortex shot down from high altitude or something like. Everything and everybody just froze instantly, but the hero survived because he was burning books in the library? that movie sucked balls
  7. Looking pretty stylish there. Your new name is now Nanuck of the North!
  8. I dropped a tab of acid once and played TLD for 9 hours straight. It was in pilgrim mode cause I knew going into it that I didn't want to have to deal with wolves attacking me every other minute. Anyways, walking out on the ice of Coastal Highway at night with a full moon during an aurora and it was one of the most spiritual experiences I've ever had playing a video game. However all that was soon to change... It wasn't until I was really tripping balls that the weather changed and a raging blizzard rolled in and as I struggled to make my way to safety, the snow demons began to form around me and their howling and shrieking literally had me shivering in fear. They somehow managed to lure me the wrong way and soon I fell thru the ice. I was so immersed in the moment that I actually thought I had hypothermia. When my roommate came in to check on me, he said he found me literally bathed in a cold sweat and trembling uncontrollably. It was at this point I swore never to take acid again... I still see apparitions in the game when the snow is blowing really hard.
  9. I always laugh when I read some like this... "It's gotten quite boring. I still love the game and everything, I love all the needs and upregulating them it's just not fun anymore." In my best John Wayne voice... "Sounds like you outta step up your game and get off Pilgrim mode, Pilgrim!"
  10. Lol, all you see is the shoes... Occupied!!!
  11. oh, that just reminds me of joke my grandpa used to tell... One day, a new baby is born into the tribe. A young boy witnessing the moment asks his father, "How do we name the members of our tribe?" The man tells his son, "Well you see, when a child is born, and the new mother and father walk outside with the newborn for the first time, it is named after the first animal they see. That is why your sister is named 'Soaring Eagle' and your brother is named 'Dancing Fox'. But why do you ask, Shitting Wolf?"
  12. Wow, were on Gods little island did you find all that stuff? I'll take the Grizzled Survivor Starter Pack please. and can I get two extra boxes of bullets with that? maybe throw in an extra whetstone and a bottle of lamp fuel oil...
  13. Fount this old Canadian film about Igloo building. I know we got the snow shelter, but this would be pretty awesome to have in the game.
  14. It's been a long time since I played and I think all the changes are fantastic. any chance on bringing back the old Milton Mailbag? I know your busy and all all, but it sure was nice back when you would answer questions on a regular basis. I came back looking for it but it looks like its been inactive for over 3 years. I guess I got a lot of catching up to do! Either way, great game!