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Everything posted by I_eat_only_wolf_meat

  1. Look at the communities for almost any pursuit, profession, or hobby. It's just human nature.
  2. Did this actually happen on this forum? I don't read every thread on here (not even close!) What I did see were some somewhat testy exchanges, and probably some elitism on the part of interlopers, but never anything I would characterize as "berating" or abuse.
  3. Barely scraped past the pack of timberwolves in Bleak Inlet to finally stagger to safety in the cannery residences. I was exhausted, dying of thirst, and bleeding. I drank some water and went to sleep in the safe, warm bed.
  4. I've been pretty rigorous about doing all the exploring in TLD myself. That means that, although I knew about the existence of a place called Hushed River Valley from forums, I had no idea where it was or what it looked like. To find it behind a completely boring looking cave just blew my mind. I was terrified to explore there for a long time because it's so confusing. It's really, really engaging for anyone who wants to explore it for themselves. The signal fire was one of my real "OMG no way" moments in gaming.
  5. The joy is in finding it and figuring it out for yourself 😁
  6. Maybe someone who's played through this can comment: is part of the reason for the Tales content not being in interloper the fact that the bunkers introduce perfect, warm shelters in a way that makes interloper not as hard? It seems like it would have been pretty easy to nerf the loot. Maybe not as easy to make the bunkers themselves less survival-friendly. I haven't played it yet as I'm (still) hoping the content will be made officially available for interloper players.
  7. I think it's like that because filling it with supplies is part of one of the Wintermute episodes.
  8. Well, the revolver (and maybe the rifle?), and the store-bought hunting knife are already in the interloper game. They can sometimes be found in memento caches. Out of any "contraband" loot, by far the most useful is the knife because it's light in weight and lets you complete crafting and carcass harvesting in less time than the forged version. You could easily add any of the in-game rifles or the revolver without affecting difficulty very much. Level 5 archery is so deadly that carrying a gun really isn't worth the weight. I have a revolver in my 500 day interloper run and it's a shelf trophy.
  9. I don't care if we get anything at all. The loot really doesn't matter much, as all interloper players have their own workarounds for everything that's missing. What most of us would really like is a chance to play through the lore / puzzles / whatever without starting a new run to do it. However, if there was going to be a "reward" at the end of it, it could be a minor variation on an existing item. Doesn't even have to be more powerful or better.
  10. I want one of those rugs with the bear claw in the center.
  11. Very vocal to be sure, but I'm not sure it's small. It wouldn't surprise me if interloper players are over-represented in both the forums and in the ranks of players with say, over a thousand hours in the game.
  12. I think we've got a fundamentally different take on the matter. First of all, I always carry the hammer in my interloper runs because I find it's the quickest way to get a wolf off you. In interloper, the damage they cause to your gear is maybe even worse than the injuries, so I like to get them off quickly if I screw up and end up fighting one for some reason. Second, I like the addition of things like the acorns and bow that aren't "optimal" by any stretch, but maybe still useful under certain in extremis situations. I've been in a few pickles in interloper where I'm starving to death and I would have welcomed even those acorns. Early game, I could easily see the fire-hardened arrows being useful for rabbits before you've been able to make a forge run, but after you have a bow and cured birch saplings. Or maybe when you run out of "real" arrows and you just need to hunt a bit of quick food.
  13. My sense is that it's the latter. We've been over this in the other release announcement for pages and pages and pages. Much more bitter than any topic I can remember related to this game. I'm pretty much resigned to starting a stalker run to play it. It's not all bad, the guns in stalker are fun to play with and I'll see the new loot from the first TFTFT release.
  14. Fluffy is there intentionally. It's easier to fight her if you open the workshop door while the aurora is active, but wait until it stops to take on Fluffy. Wolves are more aggressive under the aurora.
  15. You know, in the interest of keeping this positive, I really, really like the way the acorns work in the game, and the fire-hardened arrows do have their niche to fill. Mostly very early game.
  16. That's what I want too. If it means I have to bring up a completely new stalker run to get it, I will, but boy, that's a lot of grinding to get to the point where my 500 day interloper Astrid is right now. I think it's pretty clear that all or almost all disappointed interloper players don't care about the loot, because we didn't get any of the cool new gear with the last major release, and no one really cared because reduced loot is central to the interloper mode. I'd like the badge, but that's a very low priority for me.
  17. That might change my thinking about the matter, but this is a little speculative.
  18. Always? I don't know about always, but Hinterland made some nice changes to the interloper standard difficulty with the last major release: my interloper run has a gin-u-wine store-bought hunting knife, a revolver, and a fisherman's sweater. These dilute the difficulty a little bit, but the new loot was such a welcome addition because they give you a reason to explore the entire map. As it turns out, the only one of the three things that's a significant boost is the hunting knife. Sweater is seond place. I was hoping HL would engineer a "difficulty appropriate" way for interloper players to enjoy the new content. That doesn't sound wildly unreasonable or demanding to me.
  19. You get it. It would be difficult, but we like it difficult. Once you get some hours in of dodging timberwolf packs in interloper, aurora navigation shouldn't be an impossible task.
  20. This is mostly how I feel about it as well. I don't want to spend hours grinding a stalker run to see the new content, I want to play it in my 500 day+ interloper run which I feel is the most interesting mode to play in. I loved the first installment because I always go into these things "blind", without any knowledge of the new maps or what I might find. So there was real (in-game) danger to my interloper run as I explored the airfield and environs. Finding the cabin was amazing, and I loved it! I hope Hinterland will consider making adjustments so that the new survival mode content can be seen by all players.
  21. I don't have the answer to your question, but I can tell you for sure that some items take much longer to dry than others even from the same "state" of wetness. Maybe that's confusing the issue.
  22. Does the area show up as complete in the overview? I think I remember having only one of the two possibilities mapped, but seeing HRV as complete anyway.
  23. This is what I do. It works very consistently unless I'm forced to tangle with the wolf on uneven ground. I always try to get them on ice, or at least a flat patch of snow or road.