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Everything posted by Syraith

  1. They are nice, organized zones for sure. Straight path mostly and serve their use. I would never complain about expanding any area though. Continue across the bridge in BR or in DP. Maybe have more like a town in DP to the bottom left. Seems like there would be a closer living area to something like the processing plant. The logging business has its area in CH, why not them? Broken railroad always seemed weird to me as well. Why is there a hunting cabin on a ledge looking over a maintenance shed? Seems like they could have had a large wooded area and the cabin on the edge or middle. A working shed seems like it would have been too noisy for anything to stick around to hunt. Unless it was a spite maintenance shed because of some long time rivalry on the island. Seems like the camp office in ML is better located with the wilderness around.
  2. I like the idea. As I was reading I was thinking of a benefit during a wolf struggle then you mention the “sure hands” benefit. A quiver makes sense too. I love the idea of new craftable items so this would be fantastic! And it makes sense. Maybe have factory made ones rarely found with better benefits? Or different at least, and the hand made their own. Seems like belts and holsters would be common around the island.
  3. In the name of SCIENCE! 🧐
  4. @Lycristive never seen one “in” a cave but depending how they spawn, it’s likely moved on its patrol path and you’d have to catch it when it returns. I’ve seen many right outside of their caves, the one in TWM by trappers cabin, or the three in CH, but I’ve never sat in a cave to see if they return.
  5. @Lycrist thank you! That’s kind of what I figured. I’m sure something is tied to the player location that an animal won’t respawn within ... meters as to not have a wolf just appear once the weather is “safe.” Might just have to do some research and follow a bear to see. If the bear is adventuring out when a blizzard strikes, their cave might be “safe” enough to recover a bit, but I wonder for how long...
  6. Is there a good reference on how the animal spawning during blizzards works? I know they all pretty much go away until a specific point as the blizzard calms down but do they just simply get pulled from the region completely? Do they respawn where they disappeared from? Do they respawn at their origin? Only reason I ask is it’s quick to notice they disappear once the blizzard hits but when I was wandering around, saw a cave that ended up being a bear cave, but no bear. Just curious if anyone has any info or experience with this.
  7. @UpUpAway95maybe “The Long Dark” is more of a state than literal darkness. As in dark or dismal times 😏
  8. Not possible without a complete revamp yeah. All the snow/ice is just a texture so they’d have to essentially start from scratch. But I completely agree, seasons would be a great feature for survival. I think I saw somewhere that the aurora is the factor that keeps the winter going (or maybe that was a fan theory?) as even some of the coldest places up north can also be some of the hottest. Take Fairbanks AK for example. Well into the double digits -F in the winter but HOT summers. I lived in Anchorage for a number of years but different areas of Canada definitely have different climates. Having a warm season would add fun dynamic changes. Heat condition over cold. Rain instead of snow (wet cloths still a factor), faster food condition change if left outdoors but reduced on refrigerator? No ice fishing but rivers would be the better source. Faster curing if left outside in the sun with an actual curing rack. Obviously traveling would also change since rivers would be flowing (possibly current makes areas non-traversable). I hope if there’s a TLD 2 they consider this but the simplicity of what they created is also just as amazing as this concept.
  9. I can see it in the first pic. Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever dropped matches, only put them in storage. Kinda weird you find them face up but they drop upside down like you show lol
  10. Going to agree, most likely forgetting to bandage the hand from the shard. Inside a building you’d only gain heat from sleeping so if you are losing health in a bed that early, bleeding out is the likely suspect.
  11. This is what I was pointing out. Setting up variables to effect how often you’d like an item to spawn in a specific spot isn’t hard coding. Take the distress pistol. Say it has three spawn points. Lighthouse at DP, the office in Ml, and The summit wreck in TWM. you go to lighthouse. Roll a random number between 1-100 at spawn. Chance to spawn is 1. If number is 70+, pistol spawns. You roll a 50, nope. No spawn. But chance to spawn variable increases to 2. Get to summit, roll another random number, let’s say 36 this time. Normally no spawn but since it missed last time, chance to spawn is 2 so we multiply the roll by 2, 72 now, so it spawns! Chance to spawn drops back to 1. You get to the office in ML, roll again and this time you get a 59. No spawn since chance returned to 1. Say it didn’t spawn at summit, chance went to 3 so the chance it would have spawned at the office would have gone up substantially. Anyway, just pointing out that even with some simple coding it’s not hard to get a good system set up for objects in areas. Can even set it up like with food. If peanut butter spawns, chance for crackers goes down. Doesn’t make it impossible, but goes down. There are lots of ways to effect “randomness” in games. Like I said before, I love setting up spawns of objects. So many different and creative ways to control things like that 😁
  12. @UpUpAway95 I agree, I was just commenting on the fact that randomizing caves wouldn’t really effect much when so many other options are available. Maybe if more buildings had the chance to be burned out that would be better! I definitely get frustrated when I run towards a building for shelter to see it was a burnt shell on that run 😋 @peteloud @UpUpAway95 it would not be hard to effectively set up a “safe” spawn system. You already have a chance to not have something spawn you’d expect to see (like mother’s house being barren as a possibility). You’d just use two variables to effect the spawn. One a random number generator to spawn the item(s) and a second variable that would increase or decrease the range to spawn the item depending on if/how many times it’s spawned. For example, say you spawn in Milton, go to mothers house, look under her bed, no revolver. Chance for revolver spawn would go up. You go to the crash site, still nothing. Chance goes up more. Go to the hydro plant, revolver spawns, chance goes down. You could easily code items to have a higher or lower chance to spawn within the random chance based on how many times its spawned rather than 100% guaranteed locations. There are lots of fun ways to change spawn rates on objects 😁
  13. Personally, I rarely use caves unless in areas with little to no man made structures. Buildings have better cover, better loot, are mostly more plentiful, and easier to memorize locations. I don’t see random caves being a major game changer on their own. Just my opinion though from my experience. It would be much more devastating to (for example) be in the midst of a blizzard in PV and heading toward the barn or farmstead to see it had been moved than a cave I’m looking for. Structures are my safety net, not caves. You CAN with what they have already, just would be annoyingly time consuming. You would just have to have cutout sections of mountain/rock/ground as a game object and caves as other objects. Cut out areas where caves could spawn (the opening would have to match the spawn objects) and then just generate the cave or wall depending on how it’s coded. Again, very time consuming as almost each one would have to be custom textured to make sure it isn’t an obvious spawn area, but very doable. Just not practical unless like you say, it’s done from the beginning.
  14. I agree more randomness could add to the challenge and obviously those that have playing for years could probably draw perfect topographical maps of each region from memory, but if we say some random cave spawning, then you’d kinda have to say the same about buildings and other structures. Its kind of a catch 22, there are many reasons to keep it the same (immersion, for some explainable reason you know the land, the first time through “should” be the story mode to get familiar in a designed manner, and do on) but same could be said to change it, as you state. From a programming perspective, it would be a challenge. But has obvious reward/value from it even if it’s a custom option you can enable.
  15. I agree there could be some different coding to the weapon drops. I can’t say how frustrated I get going from potential spawn to potential spawn just to find ammo instead of the weapon. Still handy but have priority to some “obvious” spots like gun mounts, next to bodies in dangerous animal areas (near bear caves for example) and like you say, those golden moments like next to a tree. It can get “dangerous” as you don’t want to make it too random that you don’t find one until you’re exploring your 6th region but there are variables you can use to increase specific drop chances.
  16. I’ve said it elsewhere but I do wish there were more aurora accessible places like the milling shop or mine in CH. I do like the idea of lighting torches on exposed wires but I don’t want to get that close lol
  17. They owe nothing to us in terms of content. People are still buying the game for what it is, not what it might become. That’s why I bought it. To each his own but again, saying something is “easy” to do is unfair. Expecting them to add content because we want it, yeah, it would be nice to get some of these things, but it’s their game, not ours. They will do what they want, when they can, and only as much as they can handle. So all we can do is sit back and enjoy the ride or get off now and move on to maybe come back later. If I completely misread your Portuguese then I apologize 😶
  18. I’m sorry but comments like that are a huge slap in the face to developers. It is incredibly time consuming to do what is being proposed. In terms of difficulty maybe not, but the amount of resources and time make this a monumental task. To start, character models. Animations and full body renders of the player that aren’t there currently. Camera motions are, but not the animations. Completely reworking the AI of animals to support multiple targets. Converting a build designed to load/operate one player’s movements through the world to having at least two running at the same time. There are tricks to utilize system resources to do this without dropping frame rates and such that are likely not there currently. You’d have to go to a completely different running build. Even if you solve all that, how about making the mechanics work better? What if a player is being mauled, how do you change the mechanics to save the other? Apply medical treatment? Other tasks like harvesting? Can two harvest the same animal? Im going to stop there but people seriously need to stop making comments like this saying how “easy” something is to do in game development.
  19. Forum has a couple of hundred threads regarding multiplayer already 😋 General consensus is it would be fun, but not possible to implement due to the time functionality (can’t speed past things, all would have to be real game time). There are other factors but that’s the gist of it 😁
  20. @hozz1235 you kind of went back and forth on my points. They are working on mod support, so in the end it is what it is. My points were just that there is such a small amount of developers that do have supported mods for their games, that by people making the claim that it’s something more or less “owed” to them is inappropriate. In my opinion, TLD has many mechanics that work together in a very nice harmony, and although I know there are talented programmers out there, I see that balance being disturbed. Again, just my opinion, I just don’t see TLD in the same category as those games that do get the supported mod treatment.
  21. @UpUpAway95 I agree. Some are set to a difficulty because the challenge needs to be completed under certain circumstances. Challenges like Hopeless Rescue, Nomad, Archivist, and possible the Escape the Darkwalker would be nice to do under differently circumstances. It’s likely easier to just all or none, but I’m just sayIng not all of them necessarily are reliant on the difficulty.
  22. I was actually surprised they didn’t offer the standard difficulty settings when starting them. A couple I think are fine with a default difficulty but others seem like they’d be fun to try on harder settings.
  23. @jeffpeng and I’m going to be shortly lol One of the reasons I’ve loved playing TLD so much is because I took a couple game design classes as I’ve worked on my CS degree. They were 2D and 3D gaming courses with unity so it’s very enjoyable to see games from that perspective/knowledge of how the code works, how the environment is crafted, etc. Also ruins some of the fun looking at objects and seeing things like a bullet as the code and how it interacts with surfaces, variables, physics and everything else lol You don’t see games the same or other software properties the same after opening that door 😋
  24. I said, unity is more than capable of stunning visual effects and realism. Unreal does go further in many ways but unless you’re looking for a machine destroying game, unity is more than capable of handling more than what is necessary. Hinterlands went with the art style and effects they did by choice, not limitations.