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Everything posted by Patriot

  1. Would we need different tournaments for console V PC users? I don't know if there is anything in place to identify mods, and modding would give an unfair advantage.
  2. So you're saying the post in the middle of the thing-a-ma-jig should be directly under where you're trying to hit?
  3. For some reason I feel like this was around in the early days of the game. Frankly I'm glad it's not any more (if it ever was) as others have said too much micro management. In life I always take my clothes off before going to bed. In the game the fella never takes a bath, urinates, or washes his clothes (intentionally at least)
  4. I agree that having it change IE it shows rabbit mittens, gauntlets, driving gloves, etc... would not be necessary, but no one is going around without gloves on therefor his hands ought not be bare. The only discrepancy would be if you didn't have gloves on for some reason, but you're not doing that for extended periods at least. Now ideally it would be "nice to have" if it would change cosmetically, but that's not my point.
  5. @ManicManiac I can think of one cosmetic that I'd prefer. For our fella to stop walking around with bear hands on the time. It's bizarre when you know you're supposed to be wearing gloves.
  6. Well @ManicManiac the value added is subjective. I'm with you in that I couldn't care less if something has a different aesthetic. However, in games like Persona for example I'm fond of using different costumes on characters. Which adds some subjective value for me. So I can sympathize if someone here feels the same about firearms.
  7. WHAT! How does one do that? I have seen them, but didn't know you can get to them!
  8. For example climbing down the ravine and climbing from the tower to the lower inlet in the area beyond.
  9. As for faster Stamina depletion. This is what I'm referring to with the Endurance skill. I don't mind cutting it in the beginning and building up to higher levels over time. Some ropes right now I find I can't climb unless I'm fully rested and take my gloves, boots, and pants off.
  10. You know what. There are all these useless radios around a survival map. At first I discarded the idea of using them for this, but I just had an idea. If each radio had a different episode or show those could be saved in your collectibles to listen to at another time. That way if you like to listen to things in order like I do you can find them out of order and then listen to them later as you collect them. Alternative each radio can have a unique show, but I'm still loving the idea of making them collectibles!
  11. So I hvae cmoe up wtih a soitulon. A porpsoed sgugsetion for a new sikll. This ought to rselove this bug inadvertently. Saw a post recently so testing out this alternate form of typing. Y'all oughta be able to read it without an issue.
  12. I believe they have commented on that as well and said they aren't doing it. I don't feel strongly about that one way or another. I actually care more that your hands are always bare on your avatar since you see your hands often and you can't really live without gloves.
  13. So yeah, that's what I was figuring. Which, at least for a few of the mainly used homes, you could expand the house house map to have a short distance outdoors and simulate what's happening on the actual map outside your house. Or use the windows like TV screens, figuratively, and simulate what's happening outside, if there are three wolves then perhaps you'll see a wolf walking back and forth. Deer you might see a couple of deer grazing. Weather you see a default image of the water. Etc... I actually don't think it'll be a lot of work if you don't try to integrate the house map with the region map. Which is what I'm imagining you're thinking.
  14. The devs have already stated they will not be expanding the number of firearms. They believe the long range hunting rifle, for hunting, and the short range pistol, for scaring animals (I like to hunt with it though), are sufficient for the game and they do not want to inadvertently turn this into a first person shooter.
  15. So...I am fairly certain that when you enter a building the outside world sort of ceases to exist. I'm no programmer so I don't know what that may be called. But assuming that is the case maybe the devs can consider this possibility. Take the boards off the windows and let us see outside. If I'm using this word right you could make an "instance" around the house and show things like the weather outside if there are deer, a bear, or wolves nearby. It wouldn't need to show what is literally outside, but since I believe there is a system in the background tracking the positions of animals and I know there's a system tracking the weather the instance beyond the window should be able to at least simulate to a degree what's going on. It would be nice to look out the windows.
  16. So, I'm wondering how to properly aim with the hunting rifle. I do pretty well with the Pistol even at mid range, longer if it's a bear or moose. I do pretty well with the rifle if I'm aiming at a bear or moose at mid range, but hitting a deer or wolf or rabbit at mid to long range has been a struggle. Most times I simply use the bow, but I would like to understand the rifle mechanics better if I can. Thanks!
  17. The primary use for peroxide is exactly how it is used in game. To treat a wound so as to prevent infection. I don't know how flammable it is, but I suppose if it is one might use it as an accelerant.
  18. Well having done a little reading just now supposedly deer eat about 2-4 (4-5 during winter) pounds of food each day where cows eat 24-26 pounds each day. Which I would quantify as being much more than deer being 5-6 times greater. The rest of what you mentioned I can't say one way or the utter.
  19. If that's in the game already what's this conversation about then O_O. Apparently I don't accidentally eat raw food enough.
  20. You lost me at the "are you sure you want to eat that prompt" I have yet to see that. The only hand holding prompt i've seen is "are you sure you want to burn that book" which I'm like "yes I've mastered the skill...duh"
  21. @ManicManiac I agree about the concept of hand holding, but this doesn't have to be an in your face prompt. As I said earlier unless you're desperate there's no reason a sane man would drink dirty water or eat uncooked meat. So I'd propose this if you're above 25% hunger or thirst then the option to eat uncooked meat or drink unclean water simply not be available. You can accidentally click away and it'd do nothing unless you were dehydrated or starving. This should satisfy both parties. As none of us are choosing to eat raw meat in the game unless we have no other option...which means you're likely dying of hunger or thirst and you need a few more valuable minutes to get to base so you risk it.
  22. @Joelle Emmily I'd love a cow too, but I think the only place you could reasonably have one would be in the pleasant valley area since there is some hay there. Without the hay there just isn't enough vegetation to feed the cow, and that hay is finite (not even a collectible resource currently) so eventually you'll have to serve up some steak.
  23. @sonics01 I hear you there, I considered this when writing my dog sled/wolf taming proposal. If you have a tamed animal I imagine they would go feral during an aurora. In my opinion this can lead to a chance of them not returning by being killed or simply forgetting about you (sad, but their mind is being affected), but after the aurora they'd try to return. I don't see a problem with this. Alternatively, if through the story there was a discovery to block the effects of the aurora on the "predators" that may be an interesting way to go about things.
  24. So, I know I'm probably gonna receive hate for this, but gonna propose it anyway. So in the beginning when you start your adventure you can carry 66 pounds of weight. Alright you're a pretty strong dood carrying that weight around everywhere. No wonder you're getting winded so fast. With being well fed you get another 11 pounds and having a moose satchel another 11 pounds allowing you to carry up to 88 pounds. Wonderful! You're my hero carrying all that weight on you not to mention wearing all those clothes that get wet heavy and frozen. Truly herculean! However. It doesn't make much sense if this is a normal guy that he's at the peak of human fitness. You're pretty much engaged in around the clock physical training. So I would like to suggest a minor overhaul, if that's a thing. Cut the weight starting out down to lets say 55 or 44 pounds. With maybe half the stamina you currently start with. We're going to assume this guy is healthy, but not Hercules. There would be two additional skills, who doesn't love leveling skills, One would be strength and the other endurance. You'll gain a little strength and a little endurance XP as you walk around encumbered. You could also do strength training when you're stuck inside during a blizzard. Such as push ups and sit ups. You'd also gain strength and endurance by rope climbing. Perhaps to keep that from being exploited you'd get a "muscle fatigue" debuff after long sessions of working out or rope climbing. Of course you'd get benefits like everything else for higher levels including being able to carry that magical 88 pounds (which I know never feels like enough to you hoarders) Alright haters fire away. It'd be nice to receive some support though