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Everything posted by Kranium

  1. There's a mod for that, if you are able to use mods, anyway. Can't remember the name, but I used it for a time, and it was awesome. You can even remove cobwebs!
  2. Lead bullets always deform. At the very least, you'd need to re-cast.
  3. This is the problem. Ash Canyon is a great example of that. It's nonsensical, honestly.
  4. Yes, the mapping is horrible, IMO. IRL wouldn't draw anything remotely resembling the in-game map, the times I have made my own impromptu maps, the look more like the 2nd one posted above. Simple outlines, overhead view. Not whatever you want to call the in game monstrosity. It doesn't even match the art/feel, either, IMHO. (not that any of it matters once you have an area memorized, however)
  5. I never play as much after the snow melts away here. Which is what happened last weekend. Although there's still a small pile of snow near our front door, which I call the Beer Garden, which is where I put my beers when I'm mucking about outside. I think even the beer garden will stop blooming by this weekend. I read much more than I game in the spring/summer.
  6. Indeed, doing the Tales on Interloper is extremely difficult. It requires top-tier patience, planning, and awareness. Especially patience! I've been absolutely loving the experience. It has made so many of the regions fresh again.
  7. Spruce tips are different than pine needles... but yes, for sure. I can't say I'm bothered by the marks the acorns leave on the ground. You should see how messy the snow actually can get in the forest, by the end of winter. A lot of tree debris accumulates on the snow. Mind you, it's the fresh snowfalls that keep it looking pristine, and mostly melting that uncovers all the tree litter (not to mention animal dung - rabbit & deer pellets everywhere!)
  8. I'm posting this as a tangent, seeing as how oak trees are way more rare here than spruce trees: SPRUCE TIPS!
  9. No 100% official word yet, but yeah, most likely. It's too early to say anything definitively. Don't change the map until it happens. There may be more transition zones, who knows.
  10. The railroad tunnel, on the way to the far territories... when you're squeezing along between the tunnel wall & stranded freight cars, and there's that one car with the side door open, and you take a look inside...
  11. I warned you, but did you listen to me? Oh, no, you knew it all, didn't you? Oh, it's just a harmless little bunny, isn't it? Well, it's always the same.
  12. Perhaps some of you have travelled this way, but there's a cool part of the railroad in BC where trains loop over themselves, in tunnels, twice! Kicking Horse Pass: This is the same train:
  13. I'd like to be able to find an Auger as loot, and be able to drill holes in the ice anywhere to fish. The % success rate should be quite variable - all the way down to 0%, even. Would cost a fair amount of energy to drill, comparable to a rope climb? Never mind the potential for freezing while fishing out in the open... Ice fishing on the open ice is a very normal winter pastime here in the Great White North. But it definitely gets very cold just sitting out in the open on the ice! It could be a great mechanic which shouldn't be hard at all to balance out.
  14. This is a long-time request for many of us. It is not logical to have Feats enabled (for example) Pilgrim but disabled for a Custom run which uses Interloper settings but tweaked to be even harder. 🥴
  15. tyranny of the majority Anyway, I just wish folks would allow legit criticism to simply stand, rather than turning it into a war of attrition. I'd rather not see this official forum turn into an echo chamber. It's otherwise pleasant here.
  16. Correct, they should be equal, or players should be told before handing over their money if there will be exemptions or whatever (eg. like when old saves were going to be incompatible a few updates back). I'd prefer that custom was all there was, if anything. (just leave the templates there). I haven't been beachcombing yet. Been stuck in a blizzard > glimmer fog > blizzard loop for a few days in FA. Can't wait to see how that shakes out! My quest for 1000+ days on Interloper has been revitalized, thanks to this new content, I'm loving it thus far. My thanks to the team. 😄
  17. Speak for yourself, city slicker 😛
  18. Congrats! That was one of the big ones, for me.
  19. The cause isn't what you think it is. Fun community & great game, though. And you should add the ability to make snowmen to the game. Just throwing that one out there.
  20. @Leeanda I deleted that post well before you posted yours, after reading further posts. It's all good. I may be the first Interloper to get the badge, unless someone else also managed to hack an existing Interloper run, too 😁 Although I can't call it "pure" Interloper, since I've had non-Interloper items spawning in the bunkers now. (I've only grabbed the 1 pair of climbing socks I've found, still debating on if the technical balaclava counts)
  21. I feel the criticism was completely valid, and the result speaks volumes. Things were OK here. Saying one was blindsided or ignored was perfectly accurate, at that time. Now here were are. All good. 👍
  22. I'd rather not turn this thread into another debate about custom settings. (even though I agree with it) I would be pretty shocked if Hinterland didn't include Interloper in the future content, after what happened previously + the fact they've now announced they will release a patch to include 'lopers.