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  1. Is there any chance my save file could be modified to provide a battery and a workbench vice? Those are the only items i lose that I cannot replace easily and I'm currently avoiding progressing anymore in case my savefile is restored. it would help a lot.
  2. I did have a decoration in my travois but the fact the battery and lampoil i placed down have also disappeared makes me think the world didnt 'save' properly. If that is the case i wonder if the travois is in the last loading screen i was in (crumbling highway). I dont think so because i was holding it at the time but maybe? I will go check. Otherwise I will hope the support team send me back my save file with the battery and workbench vice, the only two items i cant replace Good luck to you
  3. I've encountered a bug in which my travois and several items i placed on the ground have disappeared. I think this may have something to do with the cougar entering the zone. I took out and placed a car battery and 0.5l of lamp oil near the trader box, i then took my travois which was loaded with a workbench vice, 10 metal, several bags of flour and bottles of cooking oil and dragged it to Misanthropes Homestead. After entering the homestead the game saved so this is where my save file starts currently. When i leave Misanthropes homestead a Video plays which introduces the Cougar to the region, upon the video ending I am outside of Misanthropes homestead but my Travois which should be immediately infront of me is gone. In addition the battery and lampoil i placed adjacent to the trader box has also disappeared. I have tried the lost and found box and the items are not there. I assume that the Cougar entering the world is having some interaction with recently placed objects on the ground. Edit: I have submitted a bug report with my savefile, dx diag info etc. If nothign else I'd really appreciate a car battery and workbench vice back - the save file is ~318days Interloper and it took me a couple of hours to get the battery from Desolation point to the trader box. if I've lost a battery it will really hurt. The trader wants three!
  4. I have just had the same issue; I unloaded some oil and a battery from my travois and placed it on the ground, i then parked my travois with some items (flour and oil) outside and entered misanthropes. When i exit the cougar video plays annoucing its entrance to the region and when i return to my game the travois, battery and oil are all gone. They're not in teh Lost and Found box for coastal highway either.
  5. A picture of every skillbook I've found in my nearly 300 day fully explored Interloper playthrough. In total there are; 8 Harvesting 7 Sewing 6 Cooking 8 Firestarting 6 Gunsmithing 6 Revolver 5 Fishing 7 Archery 6 Rifle shooting 3 Advanced Rifle shooting My aim was to get all skills to level 5 on an Interloper playthrough, I've taken the well-read feat so I gain 10% more skillpoints per book but I will still not have enough to get either gunsmithing or shooting to level 5 with what I have. I've been quietly hoping then Trader will introduce a way to get more books or Perseverance Mills will add some lootable locations and I get lucky. Thought you'd all enjoy the final tally though.
  6. Hello, The wolf inside the bleak inlet cannery building is re-spawning whenever I load a save inside the cannery. If i load a save in the cannery building, the wolf is there and I leave / re-enter the wolf will have despawned. CJ
  7. I don't know that anyone can answer this for you, unfortunately you may have to attempt it. Your post has made me cautious about interacting with any Signal Void content on Interloper though as I understand its all 'in there' already but obviously Hinterland plan to give us access to the Shortwave soon. I don't want to mess up my 140 day run. Sorry i can't offer more than that, but if they've listed it in 'known issues' its clearly a bug and they'll try to fix it. Maybe just carry on and do Signal Void?
  8. I would like the trader in Interloper. For me personally I play Interloper because I think that the risk / reward balance best suits my playstyle. the harm caused by weather, wildlife and deprivation give me a solid risk of losing if I take too many risks. What would make my game more enjoyable and what i consider to be good content is more REASONS to take risks. I was upset TALES wasn't in Interloper because i felt that encouraging me to explore during an aurora was absolutely brilliant gameplay design, it asked me to prepare for and take greater risks in order to experience a new reward. I feel the addition of a Trader would be a good addition for the same reason TALES aurora exploration is good game design. Currently once you have crafted a bear coat or moose satchel you have little reason to hunt Bears or Moose further. If a trader wants you to provide pelts from these animals, maybe within a certain timeframe, that encourages riskier behaviour for some sort of reward. I like that. Alternatively if the Trader wants certain items brought from one location to another then that encourages travel with weight management and perhaps travel to riskier zones (Blackrock to Bleak Inlet perhaps?). Again, sounds thrilling. At the risk of speaking for other people, I have sometimes heard that Interloper is supposed to be a solitary experience? I have not really understood that argument. There is as much sign of life in Interloper as there is any other difficulty mode. There is less loot and more damaging weather effects but that doesnt make the game solitary. I don't see why a Trader wouldn't fit into a Interloper gameplay as much as any other difficulty mode. I trust Hinterland to find a way to integrate the new features without disproportionately negating the current risk/reward system. To be honest, the weather and the wildlife damage are the main risks anyway. So long as the new content increases exposure to risks rather than negating them entirely i don't really see a problem.
  9. Firstly i want to say Thank-you to Hinterland for adding the narrative TALES content to Interloper. Regardless of any other thoughts on this, i am grateful. This post is about a concern that future TALES content may also be locked behind certain difficulty modes. The lack of the TALES narrative content from interloper was a suprise to me, it was only unveiled on the day of the content drop without being hinted at prior to the release video and this makes me worried. While you have now added the content, it took a near unanimous outpouring of feeling form the community to do so. Such vocal responses are rare and shoudl be avoided. From previous experiences you are naturally cautious about making blanket statements to the community (they can be a rough bunch!). Things change and i understand that. However I also feel that some additional clarity would be useful so that I do not hold my breath at every future content drop! Your roadmap is well designed, it builds hype and anticipation! I read the roadmap and I'm motivated to play the game and wait eagerly for the next drop. Just as a recap; The new maps: industrial Mine and Mountain Pass The enhanced cooking The trader Ptarmigan hunting The Travois Safehouse Customisation The Camera and Darkroom The deadly Cougar This sounds awesome! My original assumption is that all of the above would be in my current Interloper run started shortly after the TALES update, I am sure others are also progressing with their own runs on various difficulties eagerly awaiting the new additions to the game! However should we be looking forward to this? Will the Travois be considered 'too easy' for Interloper? Will the Cougar be considered too hard for Stalkers and below? Will Safehouse Customisation be considered against the spirit of the 'barren interloper experience'? Will the camera and darkroom be considered more for a Voyageur only experience? I think this is where some sort of communication would be useful. Without words to the contrary I would assume (perhaps wrongly) that the intention is for all of the above features to be in survival mode across the board. Not just to certain difficulties. it is dangerous to speak for 'the majority' but I will risk saying that regardless of peoples opinions on whether TALES narrative content should or shouldn't be in the Interloper game mode I feel the lack of narrative TALES in interloper was a SUPRISE to the community. Can we avoid that in future please. What upset me personally was getting hyped for the new narrative experience only on the day of hte release to find out i wouldn't get to enjoy it. It was a real gut-punch there! So what am I asking for? Some clarity on whether the roadmap items are (generally) going to be available in some form across the whole of survival mode. If specific items are being left out, it woudl be great to know that ahead of time!
  10. Thank-you for adding TALES to Interloper, I very much am looking forward to exploring the new content on my Interloper run. I have no idea what your future plans were / are with regard to TALES but I hope that the future content being released from TALES, such as the base customisation, the Ptarmigan, the Travois etc will also be included in Interloper. Thank-you again
  11. Ralph, long time player of the long dark here and I want to start by saying I really enjoy the game, currently on 326 hours played! I'm not usually the sort of person to post on a forum but I read every Milton Mailbag. I saw that last weeks mailbag didn't have as many posts so I created this account to post my own comment. I hope you will excuse the length but it's something I've been thinking about for a while. I should say that I play almost entirely on Interloper so this may not be as relevant to others but as I reach the 50day+ mark I start to 'run out' of in game goals for my character, this becomes more pronounced on my current run which just passed the 125 day mark. Beyond that 50 day period once I have my bow and have cured my bearskin hides I'm left with something of an anticlimax. I understand there is a certain amount of setting self goals in the game (for instance I just camped out in Desolation point and decided to move to Hushed River Valley in as few days as possible), but these self challenges often feel counter-intuitive to the enjoyable desperate survival and goal driven play of the first 50 days, having further in game goals would provide some playability enhancements. Probably the biggest example. My first Moose or second Bear is a real challenge with an in game reward, but once I have that wonderful +5kg backpack or bearskin roll I'm left with no reason to hunt any further dangerous wildlife. I understand that you've previously said the reason for different furs being used for different clothing slots is to ensure the players need to interact with all of the wildlife types and this is understandable logic. My suggestion is to add a secondary use for in game materials which provide a relatively small bonus but represent significant time investments. Using existing resources but in new ways to create additional 'content'. I'll leave game design to the experts but a few illustrative suggestions below so you can see my thought process: An 'enhancement' to clothing (lining maybe?) to provide a small additional bonus at a cost of additional furs. For example a moose skin providing +10% water protection, a Bear skin lining providing +1deg C of additional warmth, rabbit lining a move bonus? This would present players with both an additional 'resource sink' and goal at the endgame. I'd see making a 'full set' of bear lined gear a goal that may take hundreds of hours to complete. Bear fur lined rabbitskin mittens anyone? Campfires currently remain in game after creating them. What about being able to craft a 4 slot cooking enhancement to fires. Perhaps requiring 4 large pots, a hammer and multiple scrap metal to craft at a forge? Let me turn that campfire in the cave into a real home! This logic could be extended to metal and reclaimed wood or cloth. 'Enhanced bed frame' providing a small boost to warmth or health regen requiring sacrificing a bedroll? Make the reward small and the investment huge, the aim wouldn't be to make the game easier exactly but provide a longer term challenge with a tangible reward. I really do enjoy the game, I suppose after 300+ hours I may have just naturally reached the 'end' of the games playability but the Long Dark keeps drawing me back and I hope that's not true. I just wish I had some additional in game goals for my Long Dark character to strive for. Whether you take any of this on board or not, great game and take care. CJ