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Everything posted by ManicManiac

  1. Honestly... I really hope it's not a "fish anywhere ya wanna" situation. I think that might skew some of the very careful balance that each region had. Specifically I mean that before this update... there was no one spot that had ready access to every feature - every place had a bit of a drawback or something lacking that kept there from being any one spot that was obviously and objectively better than everywhere else. It meant that where we wanted to set up a primary encampment was more about our playstyle. Don't get me wrong, we will just have to wait and see what the expanded system really means... and how it will meld with our existing survival experience.
  2. Thank you, Hinterland. I'm looking forward to seeing how all of these things will meld with the existing survival experience. A tip-up? I think that's wonderful news (it's one of the few things that has been on my own wishlist for several years). Thank you again, just for that. 🤭
  3. I mean in reality, yes of course. 🤭 Sometimes a videogame just has to "videogame." I just enjoy putting together my own little theories about details we don't have an established canon explanation.
  4. You mean Great Bear Island's location? Sure, that's certainly possible too. We don't really have a canon source to know where it's geographically located... just that it's Canada. 🤔 That's a fair point also.
  5. ...we also don't really know the full situation following the "First Flare..." I don't think we even know for certain what it was in the first place (sure, most educated guesses look towards the Carrington Event - but orders of magnitude more severe and with lasting effects)... we don't really know for sure. It's entirely possible that the event has affected/impacted climate as well as the power grid. It's admittedly a bit of a stretch just to explain a foundational design choice... but who's to say that First Event didn't do more than just effectively EMP the planet... perhaps the boundaries of the polar regions have expanded to encompass so much more of each of their respective hemispheres. This might very well explain the perpetual winter. Again, yes... that seems a bit of a stretch, but that's MY headcanon anyway.
  6. @xanna Oh, that's got to be a problem then. I'd submit a ticket just to make sure they are aware of it and have it on their list of bugs to troubleshoot and fix.
  7. This option does already exist in the regular game settings... no custom run, or special accessibility setting needed:
  8. Holy Frith! That's a fantastic film... and a delightful selection of music.
  9. Now, considering the variants... this changes the landscape somewhat. Specifically, among the hunting rifles... I have to say I favor Barb's Rifle. I think that in a world were making the most out of our recourses counts for a lot, I'd say Barb's Rifle is ideal (even if it is a little bit heavier). The stopping power & range of the standard hunting rifle is sufficient enough for me that it feels like the Curator's variant trading durability for "greater range" feels too costly in the long run. I only carry a hunting rifle when I intend to use it... so Vaughn's variant trading durability for being a lighter weight doesn't feel worth it to me either.
  10. Also yes... I can't say I have a favorite weapon (in that list I'm also considering the Hatchet, Hunting Knife, Prybar, and Heavy Hammer). I say that because each has their unique strength and/or niche utility where they can shine brighter than the others. However, if I consider which weapon I use the most... well then, easy... that would be stones.
  11. I believe you mean PFC Hudson... put some respect on it. 🤭😋
  12. It's been a while since I checked over my region route. (Updated to include The Far Territory) Each day getting closer to the Far Territory. Between Bleak Inlet and Blackrock... I do have to decide if I'm going to bring a weapon with me. 🤔 I'll have to think about it some more. Part of me feels like it's just a wise decision... just dealing with the Cannery alone feels like it justifies bringing a weapon of some kind. Another part of me wonders if I can weather that onslaught with nothing but a pocket full of rocks. 🤔...
  13. I forgot this bit... Honestly, I don't know what the Aurora frequency feels like in Broken Railroad. However, I owe that to only having been in the region maybe a total of five (?) days now. Though, if Broken Railroad keeps being kind to me... I may have to reevaluate where it sits on my region rankings list. 🤭
  14. @Leeanda With the predator paths/spawn points getting refreshed (and perhaps that's already started, I don't know), perhaps they will maybe become somewhat more dynamic.
  15. @Leeanda Oh... well in that case, I imagine the same is true. Just lucky that I the wolves were all out prowling other territories in the region. Which now that I think about it... Broken Railroad has been far kinder to me this run than I generally recall. 🤭
  16. @Leeanda As I remember, there is at least a couple wolves that would normally be prowling around that area outside the fence line. I think that day I was just very lucky that the wolves were off skulking in other areas. That spot below the climb down from Rickety Foot Bridge is certainly in the normal rotation of territory they frequent.
  17. I checked through my pack and was determined to try and finish exploring Broken Railroad today. I decided that once I deployed the rope out behind the Lodge, I'd still be comfortably encumbered (meaning while the pack was going to be a little heavy... it wasn't going to slow me down in any meaningful way). So having decided that, I was not going to bother setting up a secondary encampment up at the Lodge... I was going to haul it all back to the Maintenance Shed. I didn't have a rope to deploy (I'd already set it up behind the lodge), but truth be told... I didn't need it, and I wasn't planning to use this spot a shortcut to get back to the lodge. I'm not really likely to even be back this way anytime soon. I was able to goat my way down easily enough. At first, it looked like the coast was clear... but as I was sneaking my way back to the Maintenance Shed, I head the patter of skulking paws. I saw so many more oak trees on the route today than I would have expected. I spent the rest of the day sorting through and stowing gear and supplies. I did start a fire to while away a few hours boiling water... but I didn't really need to; I just wasn't tired because I was subsidizing my lack of water with coffee. I'm not sure if I should wait until morning... or go on a night-hike to make a push for Milton Basin. 🤔
  18. @Leeanda I didn't realize it was still happening... but I suppose since I very rarely hunt, I have even fewer chances to see it that most. For any readers curious what's being referred to:
  19. That's about as unnerving as when they used to sometimes die standing up and "frozen" in a snarling taxidermy pose.