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Everything posted by ManicManiac

  1. Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World (MTV Unplugged)
  2. Peaches... ...that is all. The Presidents of the United States of America - Peaches
  3. That's very true 🤭... and that that poor rabbit was a mistake. I was going to start on a set of mitts and hat when I was in Mystery Lake. But that was also about the same time I decided not to stick around in any one spot for too long, so that project got abandoned. I didn't have to take the two rabbits at all, and I think I would have preferred it if I had not hunted at all... but oh well, I can live with one mistake.
  4. For those interested: The stats so far...
  5. Today I got started just a little bit before sunup. I want to get both caves prospected before nightfall. I picked the route that I thought would be most convenient (considering I was likely going to have to goat back down with a heavy pack). All-in-all a really nice trip... nothing too risky and leaving so early paid off. I did end up with a sprain on the way down, but nothing that slowed me down too terribly much. I think I'll spoil myself this evening with a purely coal fed fire. I'll be warm and cozy tonight. This completes my visit to Timberwolf Mountain. I think tomorrow I'll moving on. Next on the list: Forlorn Muskeg Region Discovery Mystery Lake 22 Sep 2014 Coastal Highway 30 Oct 2014 Pleasant Valley 7 Feb 2015 Desolation Point 18 Sep 2015 Timberwolf Mountain 16 Dec 2015 Forlorn Muskeg 19 Dec 2016 Broken Railroad 1 Aug 2017 Mountain Town 1 Aug 2017 Hushed River Valley 14 June 2018 Bleak Inlet 10 Dec 2019 Ash Canyon 7 Dec 2020 Blackrock 6 Oct 2021
  6. Certainly, enough to last me a month or more if I was careful about rationing. However, I'm keen to get moving on. Once I can get the caves prospected... I'm off to Forlorn Muskeg. I'm hoping since that is mostly outdoor spaces, that I can get that region done in relatively short order. It's a "long road"... but I'm glad to be walking it.
  7. ...Four consecutive failed fire-starting attempts; wasting nearly 25% of a good torch. This is why we use torches for this. 😋 Still not really well organized, but it will do for now. 🤭 Weather's been getting nasty outside... That's fine, I've got a very warm fire inside. Took the opportunity to cook any remaining canned goods, brew coffee, and a rather large batch of water (thanks to more purification tablets found). A very nice and peaceful day... tomorrow I will have to get back to work and start prospecting the Cave Systems.
  8. It was a long trek indeed, but relatively safe... though I did have a few close encounters. 🤭 Deer Clearing Cave... one piece of coal... that is all. As I rounded the bend, I've been noticing animals roaming in odd areas (here a deer and a wolf both far from their normal "territories") ... I'm going to take it to mean that Eric's Falls Bear has been visiting the Deer Clearing rather frequently lately. Hmm, more wolves prowling much farther from the ridge line... That bear's got to be close by. Yep... there's the bear now, and a wolf sprinting towards and past me to get away. I'll have to be careful slipping by on this route today. The way ahead was thankfully clear. I dopped off a bundle of 50 sticks in the Eric's Falls Cave. I do this a lot... and more often than not, future me is always thankful. Deployed a rope near the cliff side... This makes for a "quicker" if more exhausting way up (rather than transiting the trail past the Deer Clearing). I had thought the way was clear, but as I was approaching the Cargo Container... I heard light footsteps. I quickly got low and backed off. Sure enough, there was indeed a wolf prowling around. I ended up having to lure it to a rabbit in order to make sure I had the time to clean out the Cargo Container. I did scout around on the other side of the river... but there wasn't much to find. On the way back down to Deer Clearing... I decided I would goat down the ridge line rather than deal with all the blind corners. The bear's on the way back... because of course it is. Free and clear... I was able to clean out both Cargo Containers near Deer Clearing. I was running heavy now, so I'd just have to goat down to make my way home. It got deadly dark very quickly... but rather than burn lantern oil, I had to carefully (and slowly) feel my way through the darkness (and avoid a bear mauling) to get home. After all this, I'm going to take a day to organize and get some more water prepped. I think I need another easy day after this last hard push. I doubt I'll chronicle it... but just know that it happened
  9. Buster Bunny's no joke... You'd need a "Holy Hand Grenade" to even have a chance.
  10. @Lone Walker Welcome to the wilderness.
  11. I think today is going to be a long one. I want to sweep and clear the last three remaining Cargo Containers. Perhaps a judicious use of coffee is in order.
  12. Today was rather relaxed... I did go back to the cave just before the climb to Deer Clearing to pick up what I had to leave behind yesterday. On the way, I was looking for the Echo Peak Bear... but they were nowhere to be found. Possibly slumbering in its den, but I wasn't so curious that I was going to go and see. I gathered up the remainder of the gear and supplies I'd left behind and had a nice leisurely hike back to Crystal Lake. I spent the remainder day sorting and stowing... getting my things organized. Tomorrow... I'll see about emptying the last three Cargo Containers (Eric's Falls and Deer Clearing). If there's time, I may also start prospecting the caves systems. Though that may have to wait for another day, I'll have to see. Once those two things are done... I'll be off to Forlorn Muskeg.
  13. I'm glad I brought this up. The amount of good discussion right here is great.
  14. Honestly, I'm not sure... I just assumed High fear would equal greater fear response (or likelihood of fleeing) @Leeanda, I think you've had more experience with those particular settings than I've had... is it a direct correlation or an inverse correlation?
  15. Be sure folks are creating trouble tickets too... it's the best way to make sure the team is aware of the issue. They can then investigate and troubleshoot; sometimes they need saves to analyze and additional snapshots from us... and a ticket is the best way to facilitate that.
  16. @Admin I know at least one ticket has been made for this, has there been any thoughts on it from the team's end? Are they aware of the idea? Is there any word on whether they are considering it? So summarize:
  17. That's some great science @Leeanda. Thank you for clarifying and expounding on that. 🌞
  18. That's entirely up to you. As far as I know... Wolf Fear only affects wolves. it's not the same as "Passive Wildlife" You could have "Passive Wildlife" set to no... and "Wolf Fear" set to high/medium... whatever you think would be interesting/fun to play. Me... if i was going for "realistic" I'd probably go with High Wolf Fear. @Leeanda can attest that even with Passive Wildlife it's possible to provoke them into attacking.
  19. As I said before, it's cool to take suggestions... but don't let anyone dictate how you play. There's nothing to be sorry for.
  20. That's entirely up to you. I hadn't noticed this thread until it was too late; so that's on me... I just wanted to get the idea out there. Taking suggestions is good (of course) but don't let anyone dictate how you play. 🤭
  21. I guess I missed the boat on this one... maybe next time. For "realistic" settings, I would suggest setting "Wildlife Detection Range" to maximum, "Wildlife Smell Range" to maximum, and the "Wolf Fear" to maximum/near maximum. In "real life" animals nearly always prefer to avoid us and get away rather than get aggressive. This also makes hunting a bit more challenging too... can't so easily use yourself as bait.
  22. I quickly double checked that everything except the barest of essentials (which today includes a hacksaw) were dropped off and set out on today's route... Weather was already turning... On the way towards the Chasm... I checked on this little out of the way nook. Good to know that in a pinch I can go just round the corner from Casm Cave and have a meal close by. (poor soul... this is why they warn us not to read the comments section) As I started scouting the Chasm... I spotted two wolves, but I wasn't leaving empty handed. I was going to have to Metal Gear my way to the containers. I was able to empty the containers and slip away undetected. I'm going to pass it by for now... I'll prospect the cave systems another day. Echo Ravine entry to what I've come to call "Three-way Cave." "Left" side exit - Alternate climb near Deer Clearing (and more Cargo Containers). "Right" side exit - continuing far right leads to the Alternate Climb to/from the Chasm. Following the path onwards to the left... I spent a good deal of time goating around the rock formation and checking on the nearby cave. Eventually though, I had to start back for Home. I dropped of a few items to lighten the load. At this point I was hauling nearly 56 kg and could barely walk. I dropped some less important items and got the weight down to about 48 kg. I would have to burn another day to come back and collect the gear and supplies left behind... but it was worth to be able to walk back to Crystal Lake before sunrise. Lightening the load was a good call... it still took me until midnight to get back to my primary encampment. 🤭 I sorted and stowed some of the gear and supplies, but ultimately had to leave the rest for the morning... I needed sleep. Tomorrow is just going to have to be a return trip for the rest of gear and supplies left behind. ***Be warned... there be spoilers here***