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Everything posted by Lohaan

  1. @dudushow As if none of this has ever been discussed on the forums. You just came up with genius ideas nobody ever thought about. Like binoculars. Genius. Ooh and...."priorities"....phew...that has never ever been mentioned..And the sled part. Or coop!! Never ever ever heard that one ....no sirree. LOL. Hinterland wasted their time on this mode. Just wait for December's update and then you will have even more ideas to complain about lol.
  2. It's one of my favorite challenges. I'm literally thinking of rolling Archivist but playing a survival game and have Aurora every night. There's no time limit to that challenge. I think I finished it in 4 days or something. Check this out.....
  3. This guy left a note on his laptop. It reads: " “Happiness is only real, when shared". There were no other clues to indicate how he ended up here or why.
  4. This unfortunate soul got stuck inside the dam without any light source. Seems he had been stumbling around in the dark for hours. The final desperate attempts of a man at the end of his journey are evident. He collapsed far from any exits, clearly lost, overcome by exhaustion, hunger...and frozen limbs....before he faded away into the long dark.
  5. Just Google that shit I'm not posting a link to it, but yeah it has many ways to enhance your game graphically if you're on pc. I mostly use it to sharpen the image.
  6. No, it's just highest possible settings and I also use ReShade.
  7. That's great work! This is a very grindy challenge as it is....so well done for pushing it. And thanks for sharing the strats! I don't have the balls to grind this out right now cos had a long run on Hopeless Rescue recently, fastest time in the end 12 hour 9 minutes...so the first sub 12 hour run on the cards too but...I dont even have the energy for that .Recently came up with a new strat for Hunted Part Two also. 2 Hr 57 minutes. At least that's only a 15 minute run, not like Whiteout or even HR....and Hunted Part One's fastest time now is 4 hour 47 min by @sholtolsen....and that's also less than 30 minutes to complete...so don't disappear just yet! There are other runs to optimize 🏃🏃
  8. Very fast time congrats! Can't wait to watch the upload!
  9. Lohaan

    World Map

    I should mention, here is the original source for the map https://www.reddit.com/r/thelongdark/comments/bpgo99/great_bear_map_wip_help_orientation_is_slightly/
  10. What do you think about this map?
  11. Lohaan

    World Map

    I meant to post this map on that thread you linked actually...but ended up posting it here somehow
  12. Lohaan

    World Map

    Where would you place Ash Canyon and Perseverance Mills on this map?
  13. I played with a time accelerator like this....and ended up not liking it at all. It's one of those ideas that you think will be cool, but then, it spoils the game. Just like many players think a jump button is a good idea..but there is really no need for it once you have it...and the binoculars too...the novelty wears off fast. I honestly see very few players actually enjoying this function. You could still try it out on an older modded version of the game ( I think ) just to see what it's like
  14. New personal best for The Hunted, Part Two