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Everything posted by Lohaan

  1. New fastest time...


  2. It was a glitched run with flare gun exploit too, but its not possible to do this anymore...
  3. Here is my last run. 13 hours 3 minutes without glitches.
  4. Most people probably don't agree with this statement. Same as "I think we pretty much all unanimously hate the fact that..." Look, you have to realize that some gamers will never be interlopers....cos they simply don't have the skill. Point one, resting anywhere....so you have to plan less, less is at stake...and the excitement is totally taken out of transitioning through areas or looting regions strategically, to name only a few points. Point two: Yes, new items to craft would be awesome. But a lot of this is basically just asking to make everything easier which you are stuggling with... Point 3: This is not really criticizm or suggestion. You are frustrated so you want the game to change. Many people have ended up here on the forums after yet another death that left them frustrated and thinking of reasons why "this is wrong, it needs to change". Making it easier so that you personally can enjoy the game won't improve the experience...and that's what you are proposing. It's really hard to make calls and suggestions about a game when you have not been there during the development process...You can assume some of these points were discussed by Hinterland over time. Their solution was Custom Sandbox....so that you can fine-tune it to your own experience. If you are getting frustrated with Lopers, go Voyageur. Many people, including myself, find Loper more enjoyable, and easier to some degree, than Stalker. All you have to do is play custom sandbox...or alternatively, ...#gitgud...and die trying. One of the best parts about this game is that you can find a level you are comfortable with, and submerge yourself. And either push through to get to Loper level, or accept that you are never gonna enjoy Loper, and be comfortable with that too.
  5. Please join #TheLongDark Gaming Community on Facebook and submit your best challenge and survival times. https://www.facebook.com/groups/LongDarkCommunity/

  6. Tournaments ...not sure if this is what you actually want, but we have set up leaderboards and a Hall of Fame system in our group The Long Dark Gaming Community (#TLDGC) on Facebook. Anyone can submit their times for Challenges or Survival and its updated monthly. We have some of the fastest speedruns in the world for the challenges from players who are here on the forums too...so please join us if you're on Facebook and you want to have some friendly competition and measure your skills against the rest of our community 😎👍.
  7. Hahaha! "Several players/ dozens of days" is an understatement! Everybody will learn this lesson at least once. But, it's perhaps not the burn so much but the high voltage electrocution that gets you within seconds? Rule #1 - Don't step in the fire Rule#2 - Avoid the sparkly wires while the Aurora is out Good luck!
  8. Region Location Mission Title Mystery Lake Camp Office Camp Office Mystery Lake Trapper's Homestead Trapper's Cabin Mystery Lake Forestry Lookout Forestry Lookout Mystery Lake Carter Hydro Dam Upper Dam/Lower Dam Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Outbuildings Barn Pleasant Valley Signal Hill Radio Control Hut Pleasant Valley Skeeter's Ridge Skeeter's Ridge (Basement) Pleasant Valley Rural Crossroads Rural Store Coastal Highway Quonset Gas Station Quonset Garage Coastal Highway Abandoned Lookout Abandoned Lookout Timberwolf Mountain Mountaineer's Hut Mountaineer's Hut Desolation Point Lonely Lighthouse Lonely Lighthouse Desolation Point Stone Church Stone Church Cinder Hills Coal Mine Abandoned Mine Cinder Hills Coal Mine Old Island Connector Abandoned Harris Home Crumbling Highway (Basement) https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Nomad
  9. Hopeless Rescue is the best challenge because you have to almost run across the whole map, reach the summit and end at the lighthouse. But Archivist was really beautiful too. All the challenges offer something else. We have unofficial leaderboards for challenges and survival in The Long Dark Gaming Community, so if you're on Facebook, should join us and submit your times