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Everything posted by Sito

  1. That's why I turn my neighbor's agro off.
  2. I doubt it. That would be copyright infringement. If you google some of the phrases you will get nothing. This stuff was contributed by the early backers of the game to add to the lore of TLD and the world going into a deepfreeze after the "event." You can look up the long dark wiki and read about the notes and the lore.
  3. A corpse sitting on the toilet would be golden!
  4. Supply chain from China to Canada is a bit broken is a likely cause. also Canadians are not very happy with China since the 2 Michael's hostage taking. Maybe they are looking for other suppliers.
  5. The long wool scarf is a rare item. I think it should be .5deg C warmer than the toque to make it worth finding. I wear it anyway because it looks cool with the balaclava.
  6. You were naked? But yes I was outside. I remember something about player position is the factor. And I was outside and not just standing by the fire waiting for it to finish. That must be it.
  7. Thank you for your post Wonderland Wanderer. You are very poetic in your writing. Yes, The Long Dark is a beautiful escape from the uncertainty of life. I live there many hours every day for many years now. You are not alone.
  8. I want the bomber jacket that Will wears with his air service logo on the back. (Rabbit Air? I think.) I would pay anything to have one of those. Or a hoodie with the Hinterland logo on the back. I would rather that all stuff at the store is made in Canada and not China but that would make it so expensive. I would love to support Hinterland in this way. Oh yes, and Mukluks and Cowachin sweater. But who could afford those? Hinterland is sensitive to the economies of the different realities of game players.
  9. Is this a bug or a new feature? The fireplace in the hut is behaving like an outdoor fire. I noticed this when I went to boil 2L of water so I set a fire time of 87 minutes. It takes 84 to boil water at L5 cooking. I went outside to watch the weather and when i heard the fire winding down I went to check the water. It said 15min to boiled dry. What? I expected it to have a few more minutes to go. So I collected the water and restarted the fire for another 87 minutes with 2L of water, went outside again to watch the weather but came back just as the water finished boiling. The fire still had 23 minutes more burn time left. That's 20 more that it should have. I have never seen this before and I have lived in Mountaineers Hut for many many days over countless runs. Did something change with 2.00 or was I unobservant for thousands of hours of gameplay?
  10. Raph, you and Hinterland rock! I have over 4000 hours of enjoyment in this game. The many updates and improvements that you have given for free just show your commitment to the quality and experience for your players. You have a loyal following. Take my money! I am happy with paid DLC however that will work but I know you and your company are honorable and dedicated to the game, your fans, and not money grabbers. I look forward to many more thousands of hours in the Long Dark and whatever new project you come up with.
  11. My advice for new players: Try to avoid looking at the Whiteberry and other maps. Go in to a region blind. It is absolutely the best experience. Use the charcoal mapping feature to get an idea of where you are but since you already travelled there you already have a mental picture of your surroundings. Build the map in your mind using the landmarks and features that identify where you are. Travel back and forth on the same path and soon you can do it in a blizzard and still find your way home. Recently I looked up a map of ML because I wanted the name of a burnt out cabin but the map looked nothing like my mental picture. In my mind the train tracks are east-west, the trappers cabin is north and the camp office and the lake is south. Nothing can dispel that from my mind and I can land anywhere in ML and know exactly where I am. Whiteberries trail markers did not match at all my way of getting from one place to another. Unfortunately I did look at the maps for the first few regions but since HRV I stopped doing that. HRV, BI, AC, and BRM were the absolute best experiences. I know every tree, pathway, structure, and dead body with crows above. It is like coming home when I enter a region to camp out there for a while. TLDR; Don't look at the maps.
  12. Absolutely! Start him off on pilgrim in ML. It is the atmosphere of the game he will love. No zombie wolves. Signed Elderly Canadian
  13. I like searching for the bunkers as part of my long play after getting bases established in every region. The weapons bunker is golden but rare. Only ever found it once. A few days ago I decided to go walk a ridge in ML that I couldn't recall ever doing, although I must have since I have done FC twice on 2 different runs. (Technically you can only do FC once, but since HL added the location list in the Journal, you can still attempt to complete each site if you want to in any run.) Maybe you will know the one as I describe how to get there: Starting from Trappers and head towards Unnamed Pond I go up the incline then down to the 3 rocks and the fallen tree where there is usually a body, turn right at the 3 rocks to go into the valley that heads towards the deadfall area but before you get there, there is another valley on the left that takes you towards the firewatch tower. There is an easy to walk ridge at the beginning of the valley on your right that I start to head up. As i get up to the top and start walking it I suddenly see a bunker hatch! WHAT??? So I scout around to get my bearings and I can look down from the high ridge to the camp office below. AH! It is this one! I now found an easier way up without all those broken ankles! It is the one from the camp office directly across the tracks and up. Feels like a golden moment to find something new after so many hours of play!
  14. Sito

    Heat management

    Yeah I already said that I am not sure if I would like it, but I am always looking for something to do inside rather than just stand in a corner and pass time. Anyway it could be an idea for a mod or an option rather than a forced mechanic to annoy players.
  15. Sito

    Heat management

    I copied this from Steam forum but I think Hinterland pays more attention here than Steam. Plus I had a few more thoughts about this. From Steam: I am just thinking out loud but it has often occurred to me when I see my feels like temp at 31 deg c as I click on my bed to go to sleep that I surely would take my boots and parkas off before I jump in bed and add another 8 deg to my temp.We already have cold management where char complains when he is losing heat and getting too cold. What about getting too hot to function?A lot of players report about doing clothing choices depending on the weather and what they are planning to do that day. I wonder if having to do some clothing management when inside or by a fire should be a thing. Surely you would need to strip to your underwear when forging for 10 hrs straight in front of a 150 deg fire.I'm not sure if I would even like this but it seems to me that it would fit with the game mechanics of having to manage your heat loss outside, your food and water management, your time management while cooking and other things. Heat management would mean that you can't just pop inside your hut fully dressed in arctic expedition parkas and start a roaring fire to get a feels like of 53 deg c. Gotta take some clothes off to get to a reasonable feels like of 23 deg plus or minus something. Maybe the feels like HUD icon could change to indicate taking on heat, and how fast, until you are really uncomfortable, unable to sleep or do anything, or pass out because you did nothing about it same as if you ignore the cold warning and do nothing about it.Of course this would not apply to loper where it is always cold. End of Steam and now some additional thoughts: Hypothermia risk starts at feels like 0c (nice easy game number) but reality is that you start hypothermia at about 10c and overheating at 30 or 35c. How about if you have to keep your character at a FL of between 10 and 30c? Either you warm up with fire or cool down with removing clothes, or you start losing condition. This could apply both inside and outside although I doubt you would need to cool down outside but you sure do inside standing next to a fire. Maybe this is an idea for a mod. Just my 2 cents. No need for heated discussion.
  16. I love the Ravine transition zone and it could be so much more. When HL finishes ep 5 and the game is done and they switch to some paid DLC I would like to see some additions to Ravine that would make it a fully livable zone. Maybe a hiking trail down to below the trestle bridge following the river to the coast. The river ending in a bay at the sea with a lone small cabin like the BI cannery worker hut with a bed and a fireplace. One deer spawn area and one fishing hut on the coastal ice. No wolves. Just peaceful place to hang for a while. Maybe beachcombing. Or not. Also enhance the 2 north and south transition zones into Blackrock. Both seem to have upper levels like AC that could include additional content that is independent of the path to BRM. I love how AC has this upper level of habitat. Especially Keepers North could have that when you come out of the cave and go to the right up a slope it could take you to a different level above the path to BRM. There could be all sorts of stuff up there to delight.
  17. It looks nice! What did you do with the gun rack above the fireplace? What bugs my OCD is that the inside does not match the outside. I go out and wander around the lodge and try to force my mental map of the upper floor to match up with the obvious errors displayed on the exterior portrayal of it.
  18. Yes UnPleasant Valley can be a game breaker. I started a new game with some harsher weather conditions than the previous one and started in CH to loot clothes and get kitted out. It was cold and I had to manage my condition but it was fun. When I got to PV however, the conditions were so bad that there was no chance to play outside and travel and map. I was not prepared for that level of harsh weather so I quit that game and started another with a bit easier settings. I am better used to condition management now after many more hours of play that I plan on starting up a new game that will be very unpleasant. Just waiting for the next update to fix the corpse disappearing bug.
  19. I'm back in BI thanks to Drifter Man. My first attempt went bad. I started from my main base in CH, packed up some meat, lantern fuel and whatever else I needed and headed out to ML to get to the FM cave that would take me to the upper frozen delta which I wanted to finish mapping and bag that moose. The journey was easy. Weather was good all the way, although cold. The trestle bridge always makes my heart race but I got over it and made my way to camp office in ML. I had 2 pots sitting on the stove which I grabbed, warmed up a bit, then headed to FM and my usual path through the marsh, which I can do in full fog or blizzard and not fall through the ice. After transitioning the cave, I step out into BI with brutal wind and 2 arrow down cold. The visibility is good so I decide I still have some day left and I can map from the cave entrance then go look for the other 2 hunters blinds. Mapping cost me about 20% condition loss but didn't worry me. I can still look for the cave that is supposed to be to the right of the FM transition cave. I wanted to make a camp there. On the way I spot the moose. Great! But I don't have time for him now, need to find that cave. It's getting colder and my condition is dropping so I have to retreat back to the transition cave. While warming up I check my inventory. NO RIFLE!!! What??? I forgot to bring the rifle and bullets?!? Feeling like a loser I head back out to ML to reconsider things. I'm low on meat after fooling around in BI with nothing accomplished, but there is some gamey raw meat waiting for me at the camp office so I grab that after warming up then head back to CH where all my bullets are. I still have time in the day so I cook up the meat and I have a full deer to feed me for the return journey. Before bed I check my storage to transfer the stuff I will need. Bullets. 12. Check. Riffle. Waiting for me at ML. Check, but dont forget dummy! 2 Pots. Also waiting at ML. Clothes in good order. Check. Matches. Check. Ok sleep and a clear but cold morning so off we go. I make it to ML camp office as a blizzard sets in so I drop all my meat outside so it does not lose too much condition and sleep and pass time until morning. I grab the riffle and the pots and head out to FM with 2 arrow down cold but I can make it. Through the cave I warm up then it is off to find my cave. The moose is there on my way. Excellent! I sneak around him and follow the circular contour of upper frozen delta until I find the cave where I will set my camp. I have been here before but I hadn't mapped it, so I do it now while I still have some warmth. The day is done and my stomach growls so I go to chow down a steak and WHAT?!? I left my meat at the camp office????? Damn it! I don't want to lose the well fed buff so I grab the riffle and load it with 10 rounds. Usually it takes me 6 or so to down him. I head out to find Bullwinkle and hopefully a good spot to shoot him from. Well I find him but no good spot to shoot from. I circle around and round but I can't find any concealed spot. Should I do it or not? I hate a moose stomping and there is no out running that guy. Maybe if I crouch and sort of hide behind a tree he wont see me if I miss. My heart is pounding and my hands shaking as I raise the rifle. Yes literally. The game gets in to you. I am always careful with the rifle. Aim. Relax. Aim, adjust. Relax. Aim. BAM! I wait for the roar of rage and the running toward me and the pain that I will now endure but instead he grunts and keels over dead! I run over and hover over my new source of meat. Checking my stats I have some heat and hunger left. There is also some day left but it is too windy to light a fire. I chance it and harvest 5k of meat. Still some day and heat. 5k more. Still good. 5 more and the hide then run back to the cave and start cooking. Eat the first steak just before losing the well fed buff. What a nice rush! I still have one more hunters blind to map but now I have food BI is really brutal!
  20. There are many players here who have to collect everything and do everything and achieve everything, so feel welcome. We also have many players with OCD and other disorders that find the game and the forums to be relaxing and inclusive of everyone.
  21. I love you Hinterland. You always respond to bug reports. As for corpses to disappear once you search them.... How would "Max's Last Stand" fare if Max disappeared after you searched him? Would the location disappear too? And so the Faithful Cartographer achievement if you did not map it first before searching poor Max?
  22. The crow squawking is a bit much if you have a corpse outside your crib and you want to stand on the porch and watch the sunset, but other than that I find them useful for landmarks in the fog or for a quick check to see if I should bother with my planned search for that deer that ran off with my arrow in its butt the other day. No crows means no point to search for the deer. For the corpse in my bedroom, that creeps me out, I would definitely like to make that disappear!