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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. I have an old Survival game (on day 740) and I've noticed that the placement of certain objects are different than more recent Survival games (e.g. the truck outside CHD is in a different place, items in the Camp Office, etc.). How is it you preserve those "earlier versions of the game" in recent versions?
  2. Depending upon your Wintermute difficulty level, you may not have to hunt at all (plenty of loot). Save those bullets to fend off wolves (as a last resort).
  3. Funny I see this post sitting at the top because I was just about to comment on the rope. My Father is new to the game and has misplaced his rope in Milton. This is a game-breaker for him and will need to restart unless he can find out where he stored it. Hmm...unless I can show him how to goat down...not sure if that is possible...
  4. Welcome to the forums, @jrbluto! I'm sure Hinterland will address this quickly when they get back. Try survival mode while you wait (or a challenge)
  5. Sounds like he has found the spear.
  6. Might be worth submitting a support ticket. Have you played around with your video settings? I'm guessing it has something to do with the Unity upgrade and/or the Nvidia issue.
  7. Hmm...getting labelled a psychpath or obtaining a tool that may save my life...hmm...tough choice.
  8. That was my dominant thought, which is why I pulled it.
  9. Entertaining read! Would have been fun to watch you streaming it. Many of us are so familiar with the game now, we know what's around every twist and turn, where the shelters are, etc. I envy those playing for the first time and discovering all the wonderful things TLD has to offer. Don't rush into loper - find a challenge you enjoy and do that. I play custom games 100% of the time now to keep it interesting. Have fun.
  10. It appears from your early dev diaries (circa 2014) and TLD prototype videos, that you originally intended to have other NPCs in the game. Yes, there are those in Wintermute, but did you ever intend to have them in Survival Mode as well? If so, why did you make the decision to not include them?
  11. I know you guys are focused on current issues and future content, but have you ever considered releasing prior versions of the game? Looking through some of your older YouTube videos gave me a great sense of nostalgia.
  12. Who is Ryan Smith? (Grave outside St. Christopher's church).
  13. I've been there several times and have never seen a moose carcass. But, then again, I tend to re-trace prior known routes I've taken. I'll have to take some more time to look around next time I'm there. BUT....will I ever go back? Last time I went was to finish up carto ach... I've skipped it on my last couple playthroughs when I'm in the Milton region.
  14. In my experience, if an animal is "fleeing" you can pass time, but if it stops it's fleeing near enough to you, you could be attacked (just like any other time).
  15. You can pass time (or read a book), etc. but (like it used to be) the bear won't be in the same place once you're done with your flavor of passing time. In the new system, if I choose to pass time somehow, I usually have to rely on crows to tell me where the body is, since the tracks and blood have disappeared.
  16. Since the original post was created, HL has re-vamped bleeding out. We used to be able to shoot something, pass time for an hour and it would drop dead at the same spot. Now, you have to track it and wait Real-Time.
  17. Purely exploration and a new challenge. Yup, free satchel too!
  18. Regarding the names you chose for regions and buildings, etc.: How did you decide on those names? Some are pretty self-explanatory (Broken RR, Ravine) but others are more...unique (Forlorn Muskeg, Quonset Garage, etc.). Are those based upon real locations, perhaps from a favorite book or just made up?
  19. That's why I chose Quonset.
  20. Started at Quonset. Took the hike up to the Abandoned Lookout to check for a pie - none. Made my way back down through the blinding snow. Glad I know the map well! Frostbite set in very quickly but it's progression seemed very slow. That wind is howling like mad though! Think I'll stoke up this fire and be glad I stocked all this wood.
  21. Still at work so haven't played Day 4 yet but... I hate to say it, but it was kindda funny watching everyone scurrying around to outside locations while I stayed put in my very comfortable garage. I hope the 200 reclaimed wood is enough. Additional thoughts on the event: It seems that most of us were so focused on getting those badges, that we hunkered down the last 3 days to ensure we did - risk aversion. That discouraged going out to fully explore what HL may have put out there for us (we were able to do this on the last day after obtaining the badge, but Days 2 & 3 were pretty shot). Some kind of hybrid would be interesting for next time - at this moment, I'm not sure how that would be accomplished...
  22. I've recently returned to the game after a several-month hiatus. I was playing custom-mode heavily and recall some "issues" with it: Some settings seemed to work in the opposite manner as intended/understood Some settings were unclear on how they would affect the game (I recommended at one point adding some clarification/detail to them) To your understanding, are custom settings working as intended? Also, could we get #2 addressed? Thanks!
  23. Knock out them bugs!! Could we get some more attention on Custom Settings? Namely, making sure they all work as intended/understood, a little more clarity on what they do, <reaching here> allow us to change them mid-game Custom games are really the only thing keeping me going at this point, and knowing that some aren't working properly is discouraging.