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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. I have timed other spawns (bear & deer) and they are fixed. I know moose have "spawn areas" in which they may spawn, which is why I think I was lucky to kill it, and have it re-spawn at 37 days. I would expect the respawn "counter" to be longer for moose just as it is for rabbit --> deer --> bear.
  2. I've finally managed to time a moose respawn - given that they're not guaranteed to respawn like bear, deer, etc. On Voy setting, in HRV, I camped out and at 37 days the respawn occurred. How about you guys?
  3. I have other options for rope climbs so don't even wear them then.
  4. Be it: rifle, knife, hatchet, etc. I let mine get to 20% because I've found not much breaks at that percentage or higher.
  5. Welcome to the forums, @Frenky893! Glad you're enjoying the game as much as the rest of us. 1400 steam hours here so far. I know others have much more.
  6. "Best" or "Most difficult"? Or, both?
  7. @Govner: A couple things: Was AC your starting zone? If so, you may want to pick an easier one to gear up. You might want to consider a custom game. You can make it even easier than Pilgrim. Consider mods to make it even easier.
  8. I am hoping they will introduce a mechanic to repair them. Until that time, I only put them on when I'm around ice (FM coming to mind). I wish I could wear them all the time...
  9. Light-switches is what I was referring to.
  10. The SB I'm referring to are not the ones used to block pathways (such as we find in HRV).
  11. @peteloud, didn't you know it's because you exist in an alternate dimension??
  12. SB = Scrub Brush. FM = Forlorn Muskeg
  13. I didn't keep track of that.
  14. Is it re-growing? I could of swore I cleared most of FM, but when I came back to visit, I'm finding SB everywhere! Thoughts?
  15. The rifle is going to do more damage. You can use both to scare wolves. You can also use a revolver as a struggle weapon in a wolf fight.
  16. That is the million-dollar question! I think: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_(legendary_creature)
  17. https://hinterlandforums.com/forums/forum/100-time-capsule/
  18. Not I but the gauntlet has been thrown!
  19. You'd think if they could climb the first part of steps, they could go all the way to the top and through the (open) door. Imagine waking up to your leg being gnawed off!
  20. Not quite - He's pelted me with snowballs.
  21. I haven't had time to confirm or deny all your items, and I guess my question was much more open-ended than I had intended! 😃 I'll give you a hint of the thing I noticed and prompted this thread: It's located on walls.
  22. In PV Town Hall, what is missing that is in most other buildings? I won't give any hints initially, but will if the answer is not given.