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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. That is probably the tip of the rising crescent moon. if you would have taken this screenshot a few minutes later it probably would have been a bit more visible.
  2. Used the fire marker symbol to tie in this ice cave system. Amazing how far it crosses the map from one entrance/exit to another. This by far is the wettest, loudest cave system in the game. The sound of rushing water reverberates like a dull roar and boy oh boy is that water ever cold. Although I was fortunate to avoid them, but there be furry monsters in there so bring plenty of torches and some bandages cause it gets pretty dark and scary as you go Reclusive Falls enterance/exit yellow arrow marker Middle Cave entrance/exit west of Signal Fire green arrow marker Mammoth Falls Area entrance/exit red arrow marker Hope you enjoyed my little spelunking adventure!
  3. from the final cutscene of episode 3, had to replay it a few times in order to get this shot. makes you wonder what kind of cataclysm took place that would freeze Orca whales into place like that. whatever it was, it was catastrophic. It would been very cool however to have Coastal Highway look like that in survival mode, don't you agree? oh, well, if wishes were fishes, we'd all be eating well and refilling our lanterns!
  4. huh, you never know what your gonna get with Hinterland. maybe you will get your wish, just in time for X-mas when they release the new region in survival mode. I bet they make those prisoners really deck the halls with boughs of jolly during the holidays! I could see a big tree in the courtyard all decorated in twinkling lights as they are energized by a random aurora event!
  5. Nice night for a forge... got a crate full of coal and a brand new shovel!
  6. @Leeanda I think I'll be needing that ice melting harpoon? eh?
  7. well thanks for the geography lesson. Did not know that Tasmania was in a temperate climate with 4 distinct seasons and in the southern region as I was under the impression that it was in the northern regions in a more tropical zone. Goes to show you that I shouldn't believe everything that Bill Nye the Science guy says...
  8. the silly things you can do when your bored in the sandbox and have plenty of flares... Ice melting Harpoon Heat Seeking Bear Buster Rockets Red Glare 3.... 2.... 1! Ignition! Prepare Firing Solution Guidance Chip Malfunction Abort Mission Complete system failure
  9. Now wouldn't it be cool if could do stuff like that in the game? I'd be taking the hood off of one of the cars to use as a sled, which would be used to haul a couple of stoves to my new crib. Of course, I'd have a team of Reindeer all hitched up to pull my hoodsleigh around as I went about looting and salvaging the region of its salvageable building materials. All those planks laying around just waiting to be repurposed! Imagine what you could do with all those pallets! I can imagine flattening out all those left over tin cans and using them as roof materials. You're what? Tin roof Rusted!
  10. Yeah, I used the old dungeon master logic at first by always turning right and placing a lantern whenever I was in a dark passage. It wasn't until I was back tracking that I discovered there were actually three entrance/exits connecting this system together. The dead end side of the labyrinth, in the darkest corner yielded the most loot as it turns out. I explored this cave in Pilgrim mode so there may have been more loot that what you might find using a more challenging difficulty. Plus I wanted to avoid any wolf encounters as I explored. It does get extremely dark in some sections, so I wouldn't be to keen to venture in without an adequate light source(s). I suspect that the other maps are fairly similar in design with perhaps minor variations. I am now looking forward to seeing what I find!
  11. There's a couple more systems that I'm going to do a walk thru on. I decided to use the same paint symbol at each entrance for each system, that way it helped me to visualize where on the map each entrance was located. seems odd how time is altered as you transition thru the caves as well. For example if you were to walk from one entrance to another it would take hours overland, but mere minutes thru the cave. Kinda like doing the timewarp again.
  12. Shout out to @Sito for suggesting this diversion Here's one of the ice cave systems that I've explored so far. Big cave marker in lower left is the transition cave/tunnel HRV to Mountain Town Yellow entrance Red Entrance Green entrance two entrances, seem so close together but are so far apart on the map I left all the loot intact although I was pretty tempted to pick it up. I found it pretty interesting that the cave entrances seem to be reversed from the direction once you get inside. let me know what you think. Did you envision the caves looking like this?
  13. 🎶 that's just me in the corner loosing my intestines 🎶
  14. Wow, that was pretty cool, indeed! Thanks for sharing. Interesting to see an aurora event over a tropical area and according to the news article supposed to get even more intense over the next two years due to increasing solar flares and activity. Lets hope the effects aren't as severe as the reporter made them out to be. eh?
  15. I just repaired the hole in the roof the other day! Looks pretty good too! Now move in ready!
  16. Wow and yet another discovery? Makes me wonder if you finally got the all or not? Nice work my good man! on a side note, this latest message just gives me another reason why I have such a hard time wrapping my head around them still shipping prisoners there. If all the roads are damaged how are they still transporting convicts to the prison on a bus? yeah, the can still send people to jail but they can't feed them? And why would you wanna work in craphole like BlackRock if you were a guard?
  17. Funny you should mention that. I was actually thinking the same thing. The one thing about HRV that always baffles me is the weird interconnectedness where you can go in one place and come out literally on the other side of the map. If I could only figure out what goes where, it would be so much easier to navigate. Maybe even avoid all those rope climbs, eh?
  18. Yeah, I think the substation is actually pretty perfect for a player base. I decided to adopt it while playing the campaign as a sandbox in my second play thru. All the amenities you mentioned come in really handy. Also, if you climb halfway up the stairs, you can venture out on the rocks where you can take on the roaming timberwolf pack without fear of being touched. They just come running up and around the stair case where you can take your time dispatching them at your leisure. Convenient as well to harvest their carcasses as well since you don't have very far to go being just outside the front door! The other ideal spot in my opinion will be the Bricklayer's Retreat. Got all the amenities of home except for that broken front door and that hole in the roof, but otherwise a solid base for the most part. Plus you do have the moose that lives there. The only big issue for me, is the lack of shelf space. Plus it's kind of drafty. On a side note, I sure hope the put a fishing shack somewhere on the map. It sucks not having the ability to replenish my precious lamp oil fuel.
  19. hmmm, I am equal opportunity survivor. Sometimes the player wins, sometimes the bear wins! reminds me of a joke my grandfather used to tell... apologies in advance if any one is offended... A man was visiting Spain and passed by a restaurant in Madrid after a bullfight. They were advertising that they served the balls of the bull who lost the bullfight. Intrigued, the man went inside, only to find that there was a six-week waiting list to get to eat the loser’s balls. So he signed up and came back six weeks later. When he got his meal, there were two teeny, teeny balls on his plate. He called the waiter over to complain. “I’ve waited six weeks for bull balls. What are these?” “Sir,” the waiter said, “sometimes the bull wins.”
  20. You make a great point about bears being able to climb trees. but since the player isn't actually climbing up a tree so much as walking up on a deadfall tree, I think you are right that the bear should be able to bound right up your tree perch to have you for lunch!
  21. I'm leaning more towards Bleak Inlet in that case. Considering that I have access to two fishing shacks on either side of spit and an active bear cave closely nearby as well. Not to mention being able to find coal that is routinely unearthed in the nearby destroyed cannery employees cabins. Then there is the prolific deer population as well as rabbits in the same area as the bear den. And lastly continued access to the machine shop at the cannery when the need arises. All things considered, with the exception of having to deal with the timber wolves, BI offers a vastly superior advantage to amenities than does DP.
  22. yes, I did the dam but it was in another post that was debating the direction of the water flow. wasn't a stand alone exploration and I had stripped the entire dam of all all metal fixtures and wooden crates. It looked pretty empty after I had harvested all the "resources" as I recall.