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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. yes, very warm and inviting. the shadowing of the chairs really adds some depth to the room. good eye!
  2. damn batteries and their constant bar-b-ques....
  3. Been setting up a little side camp in the lookout and just noticed this conduit coming down from the roof and leading down and connecting to the pot belly stove. I popped out and checked out the back and of course the conduit lines right up with the antenna. So what kinda antenna is this? RadioThermic? Does the pot belly stove emit some kinda RHF signal went lit? Maybe the stove is some kinda power source, 'cause as i look around there arent any electrical outlets in this structure. So why even have an antenna on the building? No radio, tv, computer or laptop either, nor any power lines to speak of. Could this insidious connection be the real reason behind the event?
  4. no worries, I liked the pic, feels oppressive and foreboding
  5. what is that the eye of sauron in the lower left corner here? looks ominous for certain
  6. Been playing the game for a while now and until just recently I really wasn't aware of how many corpses were really laying around. Not including the all the ones you find in the cabins on top of that. Got me to wondering, who were these people in the game? Where they the unfortunate residents of the island in their attempt to flee to the mainland? Or were these dead npc's part of the Tree Talker activists? I really would have expected that as residents of the island, those npc's would have better cold weather survival skills and not have been struck down so easily. Many of them apparently close to shelter as it would appear in so many cases. Now on the other hand, if they were mainlander eco activists from the big city, perhaps they would not have possessed the bushcraft necessary to survive outdoors indefinitely. Which might support the fact that when they are looted they dont have that much usable gear in their possession. So what can you do with your local corpse? they, the dead are a constant reminder of the brutal nature of the elements that make up the game, Can't eat them, can't bury them, can't move them...
  7. Yeah, there's a certain allure to that in a game and this one certainly does bring that to the table. When ever I enter this map, I feel lost from the moment I get started.
  8. are losing your religion?
  9. ...I think someone misunderstood... I believe it's "batten the hatches!" I think the only downside to having a battery powered hatch in this game is that it would only open when there was an aurora, lol.
  10. @Serenity, @UpUpAway95, @Stone, appreciate your comments! I got a love hate relationship with that map... typically the weather just kicks my ass, but yeah, the bounty is plentiful. I do however so miss not having a crafting bench... my last play through I launched a new game and randomly spawned in Hushed River, but ironically right by the mouth of the cave entrance that transitions to Mountain Town. When the irony struck me, I decided to head in and make a go of it. While battling an ongoing blizzard and darting from cave to cave and taking a chance on warming up I entered an ice cave. It was like a supermarket in there... somehow ended up on the other side, geared up, fed and well rested. next thing i know i am chopping my way up a precipitous path and finally find that mysterious signal fire. After that, finding anything else seemed anticlimactic. Once I started working my way back down to familiar ground, I just made a bee line for the exit and didnt stop walking til I got back to Milton, lol.
  11. I honestly haven't spent very much time exploring Hushed River since the region was introduced. All though I've explored it a few times, it's one of those maps where almost every turn looks familiar and surviving there really seems to test my skills. Fortunately the developers were gracious enough to include a good number of caves and caches that provided a fair amount of food, tools and weapons. Besides finding your way to the top of the cliff and discovering the mysterious signal fire and subsequently the moose satchel, what else keeps you in the area?
  12. Hey fellas, first off, thanks for the lively debate on this topic. I see the various perspectives and respect both points of view. So thanks for contributing to the discussion. I think we can all say that Hinterland has developed an outstanding project and kudos to the team for staying the course with their vision considering the games lengthy ongoing development. I personally would like to see more craftable items on the survival side of the platform, hence my topic was a craftable fishing shack. only for the reason to catch fish for producing lamp oil. Food production in this case would be a fortunate by product. As to the logic behind Hinterland's reasoning for placing some items in the game world and not in others, that's is a topic worthy of another discussion thread in and of itself. lol!
  13. Basin! yes of course, my bad... definitely no cloth in Milton Basin! that area devoid of most items for sure.
  14. Your not implying there's a lack of cloth in Milton are you? Yes I agree with that observation for DP, but all those curtains in Milton?
  15. A big shout out to @ajb1978, for having discovered the curing in place glitch! His discovery has brought many hours of enjoyment to the game and especially to decorating my player base. For those of you who may not know about this phenomena, it's a fairly simple process. This works on any pelt or hide, although not all wall spaces are conducive to the trick. As your hide/pelt is drying, pick it up when the item reaches 99% cured. Hold it up to where you would want to be and just wait. and wait. and wait. (be sure to hydrate and eat, some items take longer than others to cure in place, rabbit skins are the quickest and moose and bear hides take the longest.) This was the culmination of hours of game play. Hunting and stoning rabbits, subsequently harvesting and drying pelts and ultimately "curing in place." The last time I posted a picture of rabbit pelts on a pegboard, some knucklehead accused me of posting a screenshot using a mod and had my work deleted. That just inspired me to do it better, so here's part two! This is my personal masterpiece of curing in place... Behold... Multilayered Rabbit Pelt Pegboard!!! My Magnum Opus! first screenshot is natural light, the second a lighter brighter by way of torch light. It took hours to hunt down all these bunnies, I got pretty good at throwing stones, although i did catch a few with snares. I typically would get 3-4 rabbits every couple of days. I found it goes pretty quick the more pelts you have drying. Especially when you forget a few or don't get to them in time. Hence the gloves and hats, Lol. I was surprised and very pleased when I discovered I could layer this pelts. It's different each time you pick a pelt up as the angle of your approach affects the final placement. Now you also have to take into account the "sway" of your character as they stand there over time. I usually eat and hydrate before I put any hides up cause sometimes you gotta wait a long time before the hide final cures. I typically swiffer my hardwood floors at home when I am curing in place cause that helps to pass the time, lol. Got 40 pelts on this pegboard wall and each is perfectly layered with no clipping I am proud to report. That by far was the most arduous yet rewarding tasks that I've yet achieved in the sandbox. Hope you like what you've seen! Your comments and thoughts greatly encouraged and appreciated. Thanks for reading!
  16. yeah, maybe you've got a point, but nevertheless, i am getting tired of eating rabbits and wolves, lol.
  17. come back the next day after you've harvested. arrow will typically be there on the ground nearby. I shot a bear the other day and the arrow sunk in all the way to the feathers... I couldn't retrieve my arrow as everytime my mouse hovered over the arrow, the harvest blurb kept popping up. I figured, another arrow lost. I ended up just taking the hide on my first pass at harvesting. When i returned the next day, the arrow was on the ground.
  18. you might wanna hit up @ajb1978, i think he has kinda cobbled together a pretty decent map, which might be just what your looking for?
  19. I'd have to agree from a gameplay perspective in story mode... but from a survival sandbox perspective and perhaps also from a lore perspective, Milton Town was also probably one of the first settlements on the island, given that it was founded in 1911 about a year after the coal mines were established. You would think that a forge in that location would be standard equipment and fishing shacks would be common place considering the remote nature of the islands location and it's relatively inter-independence of the mainland. Given the nature of the township's 100+ year history , it would be hard to believe the locals wouldn't have already developed those amenities.
  20. really could use one in Hushed River Valley as well...