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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Outstanding! You got quite a bloodbath going on here, got that dead deer in the background, and looks like your just about to meet your maker with wolf number two. Is that your own puddle of blood here in the foreground... From that angle it looks like this has got to be your last glimpse before you wandered off into the LD.
  2. @Blinkin, I am sorry you missed out. I certainly hope they, meaning Hinterland, don't forget about getting those backer's sentiments immortalized in the game. Since there is still so much updating going, I would think there is still time to complete that aspect of the game. I would venture to guess that the community could come up with some pretty witty prose if given the opportunity in the event a Backer wanted to remain anonymous. Make a good contest if you ask me.
  3. thanks for the heads up. kinda figured that was the jist of things. I always enjoy finding one that has a message, but so many that i do find seem to be incomplete. @Blinkin. since you're a TLD Backer, if you don't mind me asking you, why are so many of the cairns i find, without a story?
  4. I must admit, I don't pay attention very well, my mind is always wandering and I must have missed the explanation or the announcement of these Cairns. Some of them have some interesting comments therein, but the majority it seems are incomplete. Were these part of some in game recognition for financial contribution, cause if so, can the community still get in on that now? So many I have clicked on say the story remains to be told. and then there is the question of placement... numbers 142 and 145. Never seen 'em this close together. Happy accident?
  5. Here's some pics from my hatch collection... it's a work in progress... Hunter's Prep Cache located directly across the tracks from Camp Office Behind CHD and next to train loading, this spawned Clothing Prepper Cache Nestled high in the tree line across from the electric tram, Food Prepper Cache High above the lake cabins looking down on the southern access, Hardware Prepper Cache top of the rope climb western access, Medical Prepper Cache High above Lookout well up the hill from Deadfall, Firelog Prepper Cache
  6. @greatwhitegamer, your narrative paints a vivid picture in my minds eye, having made that trek many times myself. My first encounter with the moose by happenstance was also right there as you described, however mine did not end as well. Takes a long time to recover with broken ribs. That moose can kick some ass. on a side note, only got the audio portion of your recording, might just be a conflict with the various media players i employ, but thought i would give you the heads up in case it isnt.
  7. wow, you kept a real steady hand considering how hungry you were... i bet you were salivating the whole time you were aiming. lol
  8. Eclectic mix of shots, but ya man, you been around the da island a bit. Nice shot of Bullwinkle taking a nap!
  9. I woke up early in the morning to find myself at the near end of a spectacular sunrise Aurora event that made it seem like the horizon was on fire as I turned about to admire the view, I got a glimpse of these crows fly towards me, it looked like the crows were trying to escape a burning sea of fire
  10. Good question, but why is that every post apocalyptic game has garbage on the floors is beyond me. Why do I have to chop up that broom? Can't you just let me sweep my place?
  11. No, this was only about half the world map looted. Roughly 45% of the area discovered. Lots more stuff to collect before this walk through is completed.
  12. Thank you, it was fun putting it together. for some more frivolity, check out my post on turning the CH Quonset Hut into an indoor firing range.
  13. not sure you got it all... last time I cleaned out that map I came away with over 300 Kilos of stuff. Which I did haul all the way to ML, 35 kilos at a time. lol
  14. @devamadhu, thanks for the kind words. If you really wanna see some footwear, check out my post Setting up Shop at Camp Office .
  15. You can try to cure some skins in place like I did... covers the dead guy up for the most part. You never see him anymore after that. Where's Waldo?
  16. Love it! Over encumbered and tired as hell! It's good looting the summit.
  17. And a damned fine checklist at that! Thank you for sharing. I was just in the process of penciling a list together and now you've saved me significant time and effort. cut, paste and print. boom!
  18. @Senauer, thanks for the list. Although I am almost certain that I've hit each of these spaces, I do it over again when I get home from work tonight. Appreciate your detailed list of destinations, you assistance here greatly appreciated!
  19. yeah, eight lanterns can make it pretty bright. That place has never been lit up like that for sure. I'll make sure I got my light meter handy next time around.
  20. At this point of my play through, I have finished looting Mystery Lake, Forelorn Muskeg, Broken Railroad and Mountain Town. I collected a ton of stuff and although I did use some stuff, mostly I brought it all to Camp Office. It was lots of trips up and down the ropes between Milton and Trapper's. Lots of trips... anyway, I hope you enjoy my tour of an alpine inspired working camp and survival gear store. Welcome to Camp Office Outpost & Outfitters! A working home base and trading post. Ready to provided for anything and everything you could want or need for extensive cold weather survival under one roof! The place really gets to hoping on Aurora night! Welcome to the lobby area. As you enter you'll be welcomed by an army of 2 liter pots. Can't have too many pots in the apocalypse, am I right? Feel free to look around, there's a lot to take in. As you turn to your right, you'll find our featured beginner adventurer package. Most everything you'll need for a successful hunt under serious weather conditions. This load out features an expedition parka, thermal long johns, work cargo pants and your choice of blue wool mittens or Hunter's orange fleece mittens. You also get a rifle, with 10 rounds of high quality ammo, a fully fueled lantern, a tin of coffee and two tin cans. Rope is recommended, but optional in this package. As you move to your left, you get a good view of our working gun collection. 8 working rifles, each at 100% condition and at least 150 rounds of ammo and a dozen cleaning kits. Get a free box of herbal tea with each 2 liter pot purchased. Moving past the counter, you get to the kitchen/larder and food prep area. We got a pretty good assortment of goodies going here. Not too much of any particular thing, but a little bit of everything. If your hungry we can cook you up a great meal in no time! You should try our brook trout glazed with our grape soda reduction sauce. You've never tried anything this good. lol, most things are good when you're hungry enough, right? \ glancing back to the door, you wish there was a little more shelving... wonder what happened to that chair? as you round the corner you come to our workbench and hardware collection. ( This whole labor of gathering everything started when I couldn't find a single hacksaw when I spawned here on the Mystery Lake Map. Now I got about a dozen of everything except the heavy hammer. ) There's pelts on the floor and guts in the drawer, for your crafting needs and desires. Got anything that needs fixing, scrap metal just to the right of the pelts, just outta the pic. As your finish rounding the corner, you find yourself behind the counter. Here you will find curing maple and birch saplings, fishing tackle, improvised axes and a closer view of guns and ammo. as your gaze sweeps down the counter, you see the under stock where lantern fuel and flares are stored. The lanterns themselves are being used to provide needed lighting until such a time that power is permanently restored. Since that isn't going to happen any time soon, it sure is convenient that we can harvest fish oil to fuel our assortment of lanterns. Clerks view from behind the counter. Just waiting all day for a customer to come in... a quick turn about view from the back door.... still no customers... as you pass by the woodstove, you can check out the food prep area, Here you have access to knives and can openers. Love the fact that I can keep beverages warm, that means there's always a hot drink anytime you visit. Checking out the larder, you have found the canned goods section. mostly coffee, pork n beans and dog food. Don't have any good recipes for dog food, so am saving that til the absolute last. Here's the dry goods section. Got a good assortment of crackers, crunchies and dried jerky. Got a few MRE's as well. Got a ton of water set aside, it was easy to do considering I had all those 2 liter pots. I made 7 fires in a row and brewed 14 liters a shot. made like 4 batches, enough to last for a while at least. There's a pretty good soda supply under the counter. Stacy's grape soda is by far my favorite, followed by orange soda. For some reason Summit soda reminds me of an really inexpensive brand of lemon lime soda in a familiar looking can. But I can taste that orange right now! Tastes like sunshine! Looking back into the larder, a broader look at all the yummies... Looking back to the front door from your vantage by the wood stove, you see even more coffee tins pointing you up the stairs to your right. as you climb the stairs, you get another peek at the larder through the broken balister. as you reach the first landing on the stairs, the room spreads out for a better view. The upstairs mezzanine area holds assorted clothing and health related sundries. A little higher up the stairs and the view continues to fold out some. The red fire light reflecting on the floor is neat. At the top of the stairs you find an assortment of hand crafted items, including a bear skin sleeping back, wolf skin coat and a few pairs of deer skin boots. Nearby is our sharps table with holds a variety of cutting utensils. Hatchets, Knives and improvised axes. Everything you see has been sharpened to 97% or better. At this point whetstones are worth their weight in gold. I wish I had as many whetstones as I do rifle cleaning kits. As you come full circle to the top of the landing, you get a good look int the upper gallery. There are some handcrafted items stored here. Deerskin pants and some rabbit fur gloves. Down along the bottom of the rail you can see lots of boots and along the top is a nice assortment of hats and scarves. Down the left side of the wall you can find some handy self help magazines and books. There's Guns Guns Guns, Surviving the Outdoors, Stay on Target not to forget Wilderness Kitchen and the Frozen Angler. Next to the literature section, you can find a display featuring everything archery. At Camp Office Outfitters you can get pre-fabricated bows and arrows. Or you can use our crafting bench and make your own. There's an abundance of materials here as well as plans, books and hands on guidance. Stepping back from the archery display, you see the shared sleeping area. Staff claims the bottom bunk, the top bunks are always available for visitors and the weary. We try to keep this fire going, so if you are going to stay here, it's everyone's job to collect firewood. As you pan right from the wood stove, you see the infirmary and medical supplies display. A close up look reveals a plethora of antibiotics and pain killers. Just gotta harvest some mushrooms, rose hips and lichen and we can supplement these man made chemicals with natural holistic herbal medications. following the banister you find clothing and boots lined up in a row. The bottom features fully repaired and in new condition clothing made out of nylon and cotton. Clothing items on the top rail are all wool or otherwise of organic materials. The boots however are arranged by condition as each shoe requires cured leather to fix and there is definitely a limited amount of cured leather to be found that would be needed to repair all these boots to new condition. Boots, Hats and Scarves and a couple pairs of deerskin pants Looking back down from the top of the stairs walkway. Looking back to the stairway, can you see Waldo hiding in the back corner there? Where's Waldo? Get back to work, deadbeat! Well thank you taking the Camp Office Outpost & Outfitters Tour. I hope you enjoyed the frivolity of it all. At least as much as I enjoyed making it. Love to hear your comments, questions and feedback. Thanks for reading!
  21. I have launched in Pilgrim mode more than once and there are always burned out buildings on either CH or ML maps. If what your saying is correct then there is no way to complete the achievement in any evolution where a building has been burned down. Maybe @admin, would care to comment on this question? At least they should Know if this achievement is still viable and if the burned out house theory is sound. Ok, for me still looking for any place I could have missed since I started playing this game back in 2015.
  22. I have been trying to complete this achievement since I started playing the game. The instructions are simple: explore every interior location on the Mystery Lake map and the Coastal Highway map. Doesn't sound so difficult, but I am exhausted from covering the same two maps over and over and still coming up short. Although this current play through I did stumble on a previously undiscovered clearing with a cave high up on the hill looking down onto camp office that I hadn't found before. In this particular play through I have also found the prepper bunker in ML, so I figured I must have found all the interior locations. So are caves with a warmth bonus considered interior locations, because the only thing that could be hindering me from completing that achievement is maybe I have missed a cave? I know I have entered every physical interior space that generates a load screen, or at least I think I have. Does interior space include cars? I kinda would expect that it does. any help, ideas, suggestions?