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  1. In times like this when an update is anticipated to be (somewhat) soon, I get bored of playing normal survival play throughs because I may want to restart after the new update drops. So, I'm trying to think of some fun survival minigames to try while I wait. Something that won't last very many in-game days. Have any ideas? Here are some I've tried: Living with a Wolf: - Spawn next to Scruffy's cave in DP, never leave the cave. - Or use the time capsule to downgrade to a previous build with Fluffy in the Dam. Kegstand: - Spawn in FM on Interloper, never leave the region. Literally just Build v.236 Silent Hunter: - Use the time capsule to downgrade and play Silent Hunter. Very limited resources and lethal wildlife attacks. Runs usually don't last long. And that's really all I've found to be short enough to do in a couple of days. Of course you can go for really long on Kegstand but chances are, you won't lol. Any other minigames you all enjoy?
  2. There are some songs that just go great with the atmosphere of TLD. My favorites are the ones chosen by the developers for their trailers: "Lion's Roar" - First Aid Kit "Tall Tall Shadow" - Basia Bulat What are some other songs that would go good with TLD? Post your suggestions below!
  3. Technically this should go in Misc Topics but no-one ever goes there . If this looks familiar, it is, there's an archived thread like this and it seems like a good way to pass time while waiting for the next Dev Diary. I was wondering what stories are behind our choices of usernames and/or profile pictures... I'll start: mine is pretty simple. Just Conan, which is my name, and jaguar, which has been my favorite big cat since I was about five years old, and has been my email address for as long as I've had email, which is why it's lowercase . I've used it as my handle for just about everything because I'm sentimental like that.
  4. I was once attacked by a German Shepherd, but that's all. What about you?
  5. IT’S BEEN A WHILE Hey everyone, Kai here. It has been something like twenty months since our last public DevLog, so I believe we are long overdue for a progress report. Lots has happened over that time so buckle up, we have some exciting news. For those of you that are members of our TLDev server; much of this information is a rehash of what you have already read, so feel free to skim. As always, our teams statement: “The Long Development is a small team project and a collaborative community effort to expand 'THE LONG DARK's' Great Bear Island in both a beautiful and balanced way. Our team is focused on creating as 'Hinterland-like' regions as possible to ensure that they fit within the world of the vanilla game. We are not out to make perfect idealised locations, but rather ones that are balanced. Consisting of a handful of core members, our 'TLDev' team brings a variety of work that allows this mod to be as expansive as it is. Our mod contains hand-crafted regions that seamlessly connect to the larger world of Great Bear, featuring custom 3D-modelled structures that make these regions' identities feel unique. Last but not least we have an additional 20 minutes of brand-new music that fit in our various regions' atmospheres. Currently, we have two major regions and two transition regions in development, with more planned for the future. We take our time creating these regions, and as every member contributes to this project with our own free time; we apply ‘no crunch’ rules. Our work releases whenever we feel it is ready, and it will be completely free for anyone who owns THE LONG DARK and TFTFT.” - THE FIRST FEW The last couple months have been monumental in terms of our team's progress and this has led to the big next step in bringing custom regions to this game; I am very excited to announce that we have begun closed beta testing for a couple of our regions. We currently have people scouring the shore for all kinds of issues as well as testing the general balance and integration of the regions. The feedback we have already received has been number one; positive, and number two; extremely valuable. It has been so fun to engage with testers and be able to work through tangible criticism and praise – so thank you to all our beta testers that have and will continue to help us push this mod to the highest standard we can. Looking forward, we plan to expand our current testing team. So if you have some spare time and love this game as much as we do then you can fill out our quick survey provided below for a chance at a spot. No worries those who are not selected as these regions will go public, eventually. Let it be noted that you may need some understanding of mod installation and general feedback loops to be selected as a tester. TLDev Beta Tester Application: For those that are accepted into the tester pool; you will now have access to separate channels on our server that are used to provide feedback and share thoughts. We have decided to keep our testing closed for now in order to preserve the surprises and discovery for public release – as these are the best parts of this game. This means testers are asked to not share media or heavily discuss outside of those dedicated channels. - “ARE YOU” SHORE? Yes, we have decided to stick with its original name despite some overlap with a certain airfield. FORSAKEN SHORE is set to be our flagship ‘hub’ region for whenever public launch time comes around. Design wise, this region is basically finished and while we have some larger implementation issues to wrestle with still, I am very excited to see what everyone thinks. This region was my ‘original’ idea when we started TLDev, and seeing it come to fruition is mindblowing. Make sure you bring your respirator, I heard the oil rig wreck is not very environmentally friendly. A few weeks ago we released a short teaser that shows off a unique fishing lodge location. At this point the video is fairly behind in terms of its env. design development – but take a look if you haven't already. Forsaken Shore Teaser Trailer: - TRANSITION TIMES TWO When FORSAKEN SHORE releases, it won’t arrive by itself as two transition regions; ROCKY THOROUGHFARE and DESPONDENT CRAG will also be joining the roster. As of the current beta build; the coastal region ROCKY THOROUGHFARE serves as our connection between TLDev’s portion of the island and the rest of Great Bear. This is subject to change but for now; the broken bridge in Desolation Point has been repaired and venturing across it allows access to our content. ROCKY THOROUGHFARE has a few unique features such as the radio tower and lake cave, but at a baseline it is really an introduction for FORSAKEN SHORE. Keep your eyes ‘peeled’ for who the testers call ‘Potato Pete’. The second transition region is titled DESPONDENT CRAG. It is situated high up in the mountains of FORSAKEN SHORE and later down the line will connect to a future region. It has no man made shelters and is split up between Descent and The Spine, both of which are visually distinct and should provide a fun challenge when travelling between regions. My advice; bring coffee and warm clothes. Testers; DESPONDENT CRAG should be in your hands fairly soon as well as FORSAKEN SHORE Update 2 which brings a new birch area to the ‘High Shelf’ and a balancing patch. Stay tuned. - ABOUT THAT MOUNTAIN MOUNTAIN PASS. TLDev’s first region that has not seen the light of day yet is still currently on hiatus. It has not yet been fully restructured since the TFTFT update. Once that is all sorted out I will need to go back and revamp much of the design work as it is painfully outdated compared to what we are putting out now – but we still plan on releasing it down the line. THE REAL MUSIC DEAL If you haven't heard yet; we have our own soundtrack that comes alongside our project. Me and our composer Joeler worked together to package up his work creating a cohesive first volume. The entire album can now be streamed through Joeler’s Soundcloud page, if Soundcloud doesn't float your boat the original YouTube videos are still up just now with the fresh coat of paint. TLDev OST Volume One -- Soundcloud: TLDev OST Volume One -- Youtube: - ROUND OF APPLAUSE In complete transparency, TLDev’s 2022 (and a bit of 23) year had some large hurdles we had to overcome; between the release of TFTFT and TLDev’s previous programming stepping down. That being said, I would like to give special thanks to Dom (STBlade for anyone in the modding scene) who has taken on the programmer role and managed to tackle all the new problems that have sprung up over the last year. It has been such a pleasure to work alongside him and without his work this mod would not have been able to continue. On the technical side; the foundations of our project have been overhauled allowing for future regions to be built much quicker than we have done in the past (looking at you MOUNTAIN PASS) granted no new game updates uproot anything. This process will also be further accelerated by the onboarding of a second environmental artist sometime this year. More on that when it happens. A reminder that due to the complex nature of this project; the TLDev team is not building tools for public release. This means; no, people will not be able to create their own regions. If you have any questions or just want more information you can come join the community over on our Discord Server. The Long Development Discord Link: We are heading towards year 4 of this project's development and that is insane to think about. Our team is still dedicated to getting these region's out to everyone, and I personally am excited to continue building away for years to come. Thanks for reading and sticking around for this long development. As always, stay tuned. - Kai 53 68 61 74 74 65 72 65 64 20 4D 61 72 73 68
  6. “What I am living for and what I am dying for are the same question.” - Margaret Atwood It’s been a while since I’ve done a vanilla ‘Loper run, so why not! No restrictions, no rules, no custom settings to screw things up, just Snow Walker and Cold Fusion. Oh yeah, one rule. Make it to 100 days, and woe unto any wildlife that gets in my way.
  7. Recently, I've been delving into custom mode, and have read and adjusted the many settings you can change that'll impact your survival playthrough. Though I have started many survival playthroughs with different challenges and unique variables, there are always two that I fall back on that actually make it past 20 days. Super-Pilgrim: Default Pilgrim settings, with the exception of all wildlife being set to max spawns, and fastest respawns, with their player detection set to its minimum. I primarily use this to work on the "Faithful Cartographer" achievement, but also have been doing it along side the "living off the land" achievement as well, to mix things up. I set the animal detection to very low, as I always find it a pain to hunt on default pilgrim, due to deer spotting me from two miles away. I quite enjoy how alive the world feels when there are so many animals living in the world, and makes everything feels less desolate as I wonder from POI to POI (point of interest). Collector's-Interloper: Since the release of the DLC, I've always wanted to collect all of the unique items, but since default interloper disables firearms as well as cleaning kits, this has been my go-to to still find neat loot, whilst still having the harshness of Interloper. Simply put, its Interloper with medium loot, and firearms turned on. Simple as that, but I quite like having the goal of searching for the unique weapons and thermoses. If I had more patience, I'd probably play on the Endless night settings more, but the constant dread of using up all of my lantern fuel, and not being able to use a workbench usually ends the playthrough early. Curious on what settings everyone else typically runs with on custom, and what unique playthroughs have been created! Hope everyone has a good day!
  8. You hear a crow while driving and your first thought is there's a corpse somewhere
  9. This cave was one of the most braindeadedly confusing things i have ever encountered in this game. if you have done it you know what i mean. Never in this game in the story mode wintermute or the tales have i encountered something with SO MANY paths and SO FEW correct ways to go even in the MINES. Hands down the worst experience i have had ingame in 4 years of playing. whoever designed this please...just stop
  10. The title says it all... if you were sucked into your computer and transported to Great Bear Island this very second, what would your skills look like? Mine would be... Carcass Harvesting: 1 Cooking: 2 Fishing: 0 Sewing: 1 Fire Starting: 2 Gunsmithing: 0 Rifle Firearm: 1 Revolver Firearm: 1 Archery: 1 True, not very impressive but at least better than Will .
  11. Finally, my PC has been repaired! Back to Great Bear I go! Only... I've probably gotten rusty over my absence and I don't want to risk losing my current run to a dumb mistake until I'm fully ready to tackle it! So, here goes on Wintermute, Hardened Survivor difficulty: *** The Joker. Figures. That smug little wolf face ruined a perfect run of solitaire. I pour myself another shot from the half-empty bottle of whisky that sits on the desk in front of me, take a sip, and relish the slow burning feeling. Booze may not actually make you warmer, but it feels like it... which is good. It's cold in here, has been for a few weeks now since the heater conked out. Maybe I should light a fire? Yeah... a nice warm fire would feel good right about now and give me something to do besides play cards and get hammered. I check the area around the desk and find some old newspapers, a few cedar logs, and a box of matches. Perfect. I get ]on my creaky old knees and light up the equally creaky and equally old wood stove. This baby is an antique, I picked it up at Bubba's for just a few dollars and its worth every penny of it. No gas, no electricity, just fire. I spend a few minutes walking around the hangar, grumbling at the cheap electric hotplate, and reminiscing about the good old days. My beloved floatplane, especially, was a major part of those days... I'd sure love to give her one last great adventure.
  12. I've been debating for a while where the best place to post this would be but I finally decided on Fan Creations because this is very much inspired by TLD. Imitation is the best form of flattery, as they say. *** PROJECT: SURVIVAL INTRODUCTION So what is Project: Survival? Well, it's a game concept that I've been tossing around in my head for a while, but have never quite had the confidence in my game development skills to attempt. Until now, that is. The vision is for a survival game that is very much inspired by TLD in its gameplay and visuals, but expands on and encourages real-world survival strategies as well as featuring a limited building system. That's very ambitious, especially considering I'm doing this on my own and have exactly one game to my name, but I'm confident I can pull it off and go for an eventual Steam release. I'll be posting dev diaries on this thread every month or so, so stay tuned if you're interested!
  13. I’ve been hauling my loot from the zone of contamination to coastal highway. Recently got through the branch line, which, bringing through the tunnels was a nightmare on its own, I discovered an interesting skip possible with the travois. You normally are unable to climb the avalanched area on the train tracks from the BR side. On the right side, there’s rocks, which you arn’t able to climb up (atleast I wasn’t able). However, there’s your able to walk along them easily enough. And if you finagle the travois down to it and have the handles face outwards, you’re able to reach it and climb up. This allowed me to consistently reach the travois and allowed me to unload it. Unfortunately I don’t have any picture of it since I’ve already left the region, but here’s a scetch of it. since you always move to the travois handles when interacting with them, this also brings you up to them. I feel like this could open up a lot of possibilities for travois based skips. Of the top of my head, I wonder if you could use travois to be able to avoid fall damage. It would probably be incredibly hard, but would be possible based on how it works. There’s also a few skips that I feel like could work. The shorter pathway at airfields could more easily be reached. I’m unsure but possibly an area at the cannery could also be reached? I’m thinking somewhere along the trailers but there may be a better spot? I don’t think anyone else has talked about this, so I hope you all find this info useful.
  14. @Leeanda I like the bigger regions because it takes planning to things. I feel like I'm ML or Milton you have so little space to travel, that a simple trip to a forge doesn't take any time. I like needing to plan a few week excursion just to get stocked. I've also gone from Black Rock to Bleak Inlet all the way out to the Mindful Cabin in FA in a few weeks time in game. And I'm no where near ready to head home to PV. Just seeing what's out there for giggles. I've got no mission in mind. Just face whatever I come across.
  15. Introduction Ash Canyon. You either love it or hate it. I happen to hate it. And since Steam will stop running on Windows 7 in a few weeks (at which I will upgrade to Windows 10 and hopefully start uploading videos of my runs ), I thought I’d give snowballing here a try. The Challenge Whether you call this challenge Snowballing, Region Lock, or One Region Challenge, they’re all the same. The goal is to survive for as long as possible in a single region on Interloper difficulty (or if I get fed up with random spawns, changing the time and weather to noon/clear so I can choose AC as my starting region), without ever leaving that region. Accidentally leaving a region is allowed as long as I go right back in without taking anything from that region. Transition caves (for coal and resources) are allowed. Enough babbling, let the games begin!
  16. I honestly can't get enough of the "Escape the Darkwalker" challenge, its atmosphere, and just overall dread caused by the setting of the challenge, and I would love a new mode that follows a similar premise, but designed for long term survival. My ideas for the mode involve the Darkwalker searching all of great bear to find you, starting in a random region that isn't your starting region. As you survive, the Darkwalker will slowly transition to each of the regions, until it eventually enters yours. This is when the Darkwalker will comb the region, and actively look for you, resulting in the region becoming inhabitable, and if it finds you, a similar deal will occur where it will attempt to chase you, with its speed becoming faster the longer you survive. Warning!!! I go far more into detail beyond this point, and its quite a lot of reading. Go ahead and stop here if its a bit too much. 🙂 More in-depth on how this mode will work: Phases: Grace Period phase: Upon spawning into a region of your choice or randomly, you'll have 5 days before the Darkwalker will spawn. These 5 days are essentially the base game, where you just survive, gather resources, and prep for later phases. There are no visual effects yet, the ost is still the same as survival mode. You will be given a journal entry, that tells you to prep for the Darkwalker's arrival to the island in 5 days. Searching Phase: Once day 5 arrives, the Darkwalker will spawn in a region that you are not currently within, this will be completely random so luck could be a factor. Once spawned in, the Darkwalker will be at its lowest aggression, and will "search" the other regions in an attempt to find you. What this entails in gameplay, is that the Darkwalker will take a random amount of time to "explore" a region, based upon aggression and depending on the region's size, with small regions like bleak inlet, taking the least, and Pleasant Valley taking the most. Time to search regions will decrease as aggression increases, which will be discussed later. The Searching Phase will end, upon the Darkwalker entering the same region you are also present. During this phase, much about the game is unchanged, other than the looming threat of the Darkwalker being "somewhere out there." Ost is the same. If the Darkwalker is in a nearby region that connects to the region you are currently in, a faint green fog can be spotted on the horizon, though it's exact source will be unclear. Stalking Phase: Upon the Darkwalker entering your region, the sky will turn green, clouds will blot out the sun, and the ambience that plays during the regular challenge will being to play. You will be able to hear the roars and growls of the Darkwalker in the distance, giving you an idea of its location in the region. During this phase, the Darkwalker doesn't know your exact location, but will use clues within the environment to determine your approximate location, known as "heat". Low heat actions: Small item piles, singular animal carcasses that are not naturally spawned, and extinguished; player made campfires will attract little attention from the Darkwalker if it comes accrossed it. These will not give away very many clues to your postion if they are spread apart, and might help lead the Darkwalker away from your primary location, if spread quite a bit. High Heat Actions: A lit outdoor campfire, a chimney with smokes wafting out of it, large amounts of animal corpses concentrated around a location, far distant gunshots, and other light sources placed on the ground, like flares or lanterns. These will be very obvious trails that the Darkwalker will pick up upon, and investigate immediately. Detection: The Darkwalker requires line of sight too see you. Though it needs to be quite close to detect the player, its vision will easily pick up on light sources that pierce the fog, and can immediately detect you if said light sources are currently in your hands. Upon reaching a medium distance to your location (assuming your not holding any lightsources), and obtaining line of sight, it will enter its chasing phase. If the Darkwalker investigates all high heat areas, and cannot find the player after combing the region, it will travel to a different region and once again enter its searching phase, with the caveat of not being able to enter the region again, for at least 5 days, dependent upon aggression. During the Stalking Phase, the ost will be replaced by the strange sounds and instruments that play during the regular challenge, following the same concept of the ost becoming louder and stranger as the Darkwalker grows closer, only becoming dampened when indoors. The Ost will not return to normal if the Darkwalker leaves the region without detecting you, due to a aspect described later. Chasing Phase: Upon spotting the player, the Darkwalker will take chase. Its speed will be based upon its aggression (discussed later), and will act similarly to how it does during the challenge: Moving in a straight line, the Darkwalker will ignore all terrain, and will kill you upon making contact, staying too close, or reaching within a short distance of you, if indoors. Escaping the Darkwalker during this phase will require a long distance between you and the Darkwalker, broken line of sight, and either distractions such as High Heat Actions, or runes which will be discussed later. It will follow you into another region if close enough. Upon escaping from the Darkwalker, it will once again enter its Stalking Phase, though it will attempt to follow your tracks for a little longer, heading in a similar direction you were when it lost you. During this phase, a green fog will envelop the region, making navigation more difficult, its density based on aggression. Much like the challenge itself, the ost will begin to go crazy and frantic, as the Darkwalker chasses you. These are all of the phases of the Darkwalker. Darkwalker Aggression: The Darkwalker's aggression works on a point system, from 0 - 20, with every point increase resulting in slightly faster movement speed. Every 5 points, the Darkwalker's vision will improve, as well as its ability to track the players actions, and return to an already searched region. At aggression zero, the Darkwalker just entered its first Searching Phase on day 5. Its speed is at its slowest, allowing the player to easily outwalk it, even when fairly encumbered. Its vision is the worst, as it will likely not investigate low Heat Actions, though High Heat Actions will still grab its attention. It also takes the longest to search through regions, likely taking a minimum of 5 days before moving on during a Search Phase. At aggression 5, the growl of the Darkwalker will be audible a crossed great bear, indicating to the player that its aggression has increased. The Darkwalker is still slower than the Player's walk speed, though it may be able to gain ground if the player is encumbered, or really tired. Now, the green fog will begin to settle during a Chasing Phase, obscuring the landscape far in the distance. The Darkwalker will begin to take interest in low Heat Actions more often, and will spot out High Heat Actions far better now. Its searching time remains unchanged. At aggression 10, a roar can be heard from the Darkwalker a crossed Great Bear, once again indicating that its aggression has increased further. The Darkwalker is only slightly slower than the player's walking speed, now being able to gain significant ground if the player is encumbered. The green fog during chases will now be thicker, and grow closer, obscuring the landscape at a medium distance. The Darkwalker will now Stalk a region far faster, investigating Heat Actions far quicker, and taking quick notice of low Heat Actions, and easily spot out High Heat Actions. It can now take a minimum of 4 days to search a region. At aggression 15, a far louder roar will echo a crossed Great Bear. The Darkwalker is now evenly matched with your walking speed, now requiring you to be at extremely low carrying capacity for the slight speed boost to outwalk it, and will very quickly gain ground if encumbered. The fog during chase is now its heaviest, obscuring all but a few feet in front of you. It will quickly investigate low Heat Actions, and high Heat Actions are guaranteed to be spotted and investigated. It moves within a region far faster, and will only take a minimum of 3 days to search a region. At aggression level 20, the Darkwalker's rage has shrouded Great Bear in darkness. A booming roar will fill the air, as the clouds will now be obscured by green clouds and fog in every region. It now moves faster than the player's walking speed, only being matched by your sprint. If it spots you now, nothing but runes will save you. It can detect you from far farther away, it will quickly investigate low Heat Actions, and always spot high Heat Actions. Fog will obscure heavily obscure the region as it stalks you now, making navigating extremely difficult. It only takes a minimum of 2 days to search a region, and can now double back to a region without any delays. The Darkwalker's aggression will increase by 2 or 3 every 10 days, and an additional point if it loses you during a chase. The Poisonous Fog: Once the Darkwalker finishes stalking through a region you are in, it will leave a poisonous fog. This will not harm the player, but instead will leave the region uninhabitable by nature. Animals will no longer spawn, and fish will no longer be catchable, and any food left outside will spoil. This effect will be permanent unless a specific action is taken. Now, for the actions the player can take to help aid in their survival: Runes: The runes from the original challenge and their spray paint will return, with some tweaks. Lure rune: This will lure the Darkwalker to the location the rune is sprayed if the Darkwalker is in the same region as the player. It will degrade after a short amount of time. The Darkwalker will ignore the player when this rune is placed. It will destroy the rune upon reaching it. (Uses 25% of the spray paint can) Ward rune: Creates a small area where the Darkwalker is unable to detect you. When standing in the ward during a Stalking phase, the Darkwalker cannot spot you, and will not enter chase. If place during a chase, the Darkwalker will freeze for the duration of the rune, giving some time to rest. Lasts approximately 4 in game hours. (uses 50% of a can) Dispel fog: Placing this rune will completely dissipate the poisonous fog in a region, allowing life to flourish within it again. Animals will once again spawn, fish can be caught, and food won't spoil. This rune can only be used once per region. (Consumes 25% of a can) Dispel the Darkwalker: Much like the challenge, you are able to find green fires located in each of the non-dlc regions of great bear, and are only lit once the Darkwalker arrives in the same region. They provide a warmth bonus guaranteed to keep you warm, and provide 4 hours of the ward effect. Around these fires will be supplies to help your survival, as well as a note. These notes will give hints towards the location of the banishment circle somewhere on Great Bear, and collecting all notes in each of the regions, will give you the final Banishment Rune. Using the Banishment rune in the banishment circle will banish the Darkwalker for 10 days, removing all poisonous fog from the regions, as well as resetting its aggression to zero once it returns. Additionally, banishing the Darkwalker will give the player a special trait that allows them to easily see through fog, as well as be unaffected by wind effects for the remainder of their save. Banishing the Darkwalker will also allow you to once again use the Dispel Fog rune in each region again. AND THAT... is it... dear god. So, I hope you enjoy my idea of a long term survival mode of Escape the Darkwalker, and the 5000 words that probably belong in the general discussion category. Got any ideas on what could be tweaked, add or removed? I'd love to discuss it! Either way, 100% worth taking 3 hours to write this 😄 Stay warm out there! Thanks for reading this far!
  17. This topic is entirely dedicated to the plot of survival mode! Here you can publish your theories and assumptions. For a long time, the mystery of Aurora’s appearance was not revealed, but the new fairy tale “Signal Void” helped us get a little closer to the truth! Here I will present my theory of the appearance of Aurora, supported by facts! And you can help me develop this theory! The theory itself will come out in a few hours!
  18. ...I both love you and hate you. I have been jump scared on multiple occasions by these things...and it certainly keeps you on your toes!
  19. After i collected some avaiable data and stories + my personal interloper experience.. Concept was born.. (still need full clinical tests) For long inerloper runs Scurvy timer= avarage dose vit c for the last 20 days. 20 vit c units per day on interloper is required. If not enough vit c was consumed, scurvy risk apear and you have approximately 5 days to develop scurvy. 20+5=25 days. Similar to matches and fire starting policy: In the early interloper stage when you stil exploring, visiting all maps and complete buried echoes, everyone should feel free to use avaiable man made food, experiment and beat scurvy risk your own way. But you will have no full control because of that last 20 days avarage vit c consumption factor. You need full control. So take scurvy in "controlled condition" and enjoy 20 days scurvy free. When scurvy risk strike, you will know that you have 5 days to go to the nearest fishing hut for treatment. After early interloper stage you should have supplies of fish around fisihing huts waiting for scurvy treatment. You can do this Japanese way- sushi (raw fish have more vit c) or traditional cooked fish(with additional oil). Dealing with food poisoning shouldnt be problem already for you. So you take scurvy under control: waiting and fishing in hot fishing hut with plenty of fish around. Wait for scurvy.. Heal instantly.. Enjoy next 20 day free from scurvy circle. Treat scurvy risk like a" reminder from you doctor " and head for the nearest, prepered fish hut for treatment. This all hassle is because of your mental health. Remember that uncontrolled scurvy is your worst enemy. Its a endless fight with scurvy risk,and because it is that "avarage last 20 days, 20 unit per day minimum vit c dose" mechanism you will have constant scurvy risk which can lead to your (non game) insanity, or you risk need to treat scurvy in unpredictable, not under your full control moment. All that advise is still during test stage. Help with reaserch, share your story. Its dedicated for long interloper cave man's. Thats why i mention raw fishes because of that ultra late "mag lens fire only" times. Scurvy data was taken from famdom wiki. Just google if you are intrested in all that vit c dose stats etc. Ps. No native english speaker, so sorry, anyway maybe someone found that intresting
  20. Throughout my playthrough, I noticed cured leather to be a limited resource to get your hands on. Cloth is usually not that hard to come by and recycling shoes feels like a waste of good clothing. I'm proposing the idea of a tanning rack found throughout the world. Essentially you can use it to cure animal hides/guts slightly faster (10-15%, calculation not final) to reduce the very long wait time for players wanting to craft fur clothing. In addition, once a fur is cured, you can use a knife/axe to skin the fur out and acquire cured leather instead. The amount of cured leather you acquire will depend on the animal hide you cure. This new feature will give early-late game players another reason to harvest hides from animals. In terms of where a tanning rack would be located, it would be close to individual shelters that exist within the wilderness (ex: Timberwolf Mountain hut, Mystery Lake Trappers Cabin, etc.). You won't find a tanning rack in a town with multiple shelters close to each other. Furthermore, The amount of hides/guts you can place on the tanning rack will depend on the size of the animal. You can put 3 rabbit hides and fresh guts on 1 tanning rack, while other animals take up all 3 slots due to their sizes. Feel free to share your thoughts down below if you think this concept idea would fit the game, or if you have any feedback or suggestions on how to improve this idea as a whole. Cheers
  21. I don't like the way feats work right now. By the time you can use them you don't need them. And you can get access to them by simply grinding. If you play TLD for long enough, you will obtain all the feats. The only exception is the Darkwalker feat, but not many people use it. I don't like feats, but a lot of people do. After all, it's a whole new level of strategy and a way to add some meta progression to the long dark. At the same time though, they make the game easier for the players who are quite experienced already. So here's my idea. Defeats! As the name implies, they are the opposite of feats. Instead of making the game easier, they would make it harder. You would unlock new defeats by completing some difficult tasks. Here are a few examples I came up with. UNFLINCHING FOE - The immortal bear is constantly following you in every region you visit. (Obtained by surviving for 30 days in "Hunted, Part 1") DREADFUL HORDE - Timberwolves spawn in every location. (Obtained by reaching the top of Timberwolf Mountain) UNEAGER WANDERER - It is as cold inside the buildings as it is outside. (Obtained by surviving outside for 15 consecutive days) If you have any other ideas, be sure to leave them in the comments.
  22. What’s the only way to upgrade the most overpowered self defense weapon on the game? Add another barrel to it, like this WWII-era German flare pistol: Both barrels could fire in quick succession to help save your bacon if you miss your first shot. It might be a bit heavier than the normal flare pistol, and be an extremely rare item. Realistically, I’m not even sure where you could find something like this on a remote island like Great Bear…
  23. Please add polar bears to this game I think it would be pretty cool to have polar bears in this game, it fits the theme of the game, my idea is, some regions would have a possible rare polar bear spawn (kinda like the moose) but even harder to find. it would be stronger and more agressive than the black bear and you could craft something usefull out of its hide maybe a coat with almost no reduction of sprint speed, (it obviously doesnt have to be that) but i love the idea of finding a polar bear in this game Just an idea, maybe its stupid... Give me your opinions tho, do you think it would work?
  24. As we all know Aurora Borealis is caused when charged particles from a solar flare hit the atmosphere but how big of a solar flare could have caused this catastrophic damage? any thoughts?
  25. This is just my personal opinion on how the update was. The TL;DR of this update is: Incredible environment and story telling, weird + impractical new items, and a few missed opportunities. Let's start with the good: New Region: Incredible. The layout of Zone Of Contamination is great. It looks very nice and the theme is excellent. The region has both contaminated dead areas and unaffected areas with life. The pools of toxic chemicals and red, corrosive water are very threatening and cool looking. Lots of warning signs as well, which helps the atmosphere a lot. The region's mines are so amazing that i can't describe it, you have to experience it yourself. Massive size and depth, with many dangers. Just perfect, loved all of it. Also, we have a and while it's not too practical because of it's awe-inspiring size, it's an amazing source of coal and also just plain awesome to explore. Felt like a true cavern, nothing like the usual caves this game has. The new mechanic of toxic chemicals is unique and fun, poisoned wolves are also unique, a new challenge because you cannot get food out of them. You have to leave the contaminated area and go explore the region to find things to hunt so you can eat. Very nice choice. The new gas mask is very well made, lovely sound and image distortion while wearing it New Tale: Great. The tale largely takes place inside the mine, and because of this it has an amazing atmosphere all the way from start to finish. I like the story we got with "buried echoes", it's quite dark and mysterious, a choice that fits like a glove to the theme of the region and the dangers of the underground mines and tunnels. Also, the story telling feels much more well thought out and solid this time around. I have high hopes for episode 5 if it's handled with this much care as well. And here's the bad: New Clothing: Weak. Unfortunately, the new clothes we've gotten are pretty bad, and there's not a lot of reason to use them. Their theme is "physical protection" because they're used by miners, but they're just.. bad. Hardhat: Absolutely pointless. It has the exact same protection as a rabbit/aviator hat, so it is a massive downgrade and has no purpose Jacket: Weak. A heavier, weirder version of a ski jacket with 1% more protection. Largely pointless. Pants: Weak. A lighter version of work pants, with WORSE physical protection. Largely pointless. Boots: Too limited. These boots serve a very important role inside the region by resisting toxic chemical spills, but their mediocre stats and inability to be repaired means that they'll never see use outside the region, where their gimmick isn't useful. New Tale Reward: Weak and boring. Spoiler ahead: New gas mask: A beautiful tragedy The gas mask looks and sounds incredible, but its functionality is pretty terrible. The filters are hilariously bad at their job. Our survivor's lungs can last for 50 seconds before suffocating, but a gas mask filter can only function for 20 seconds? That's really, REALLY bad. The amount of canisters you're given should be cut by half and their duration should be doubled because right now the gas mask feels like a cheap chinese toy, not like an actual gas mask. I literally never had to use the gas mask at all inside the mines (except once), because you can rely on your trusty lungs and sprint through the toxic air without issue Also it is an absolute tragedy that the gas mask doesn't have any functionality outside of the Zone of Contamination (excluding Last Prospect). It looks, sounds and feels amazing, but you have no reason to ever wear the damn thing. Maybe it could give you a warmth bonus, since it insulates your face from the cold air and traps your warm breath inside the mask, but also give you a mobility penalty since your breathing is restricted? Maybe it could give you a bit of physical protection in struggles, since your face is protected from wildlife behind glass? Maybe it could slow down how quickly your thirst meter depletes, because you're not breathing in super dry, frozen air all day? You have to do SOMETHING with the gas mask. The first tale gave us the radio, which you can use everywhere during an aurora to find loot. But the gas mask is just a pointless trinket outside of the poisonous air inside sections of mines. That's all for now. Overall this update was very very good, but once again the balancing of the new items and tale rewards left a lot to be desired, plus the new gas mask is unfortunately useless once you're done with the region.