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  1. I feel non-research books should be readable. because they have no purpose currently other than just a fuel source, it would be cool to have them be able to be read. Maybe they could have a small chance to give a random number of points to a random skill upon completion, or maybe they don't even do that and it would be a different way to pass time. i think it would just give us something to do other than practice our shuffling skills!
  2. Consider 1) allow chopping a hole in the ice for New Fishing even when indicator is red and 2) require that a fishing lure would have to be used for such a hole in the ice. Too many locations have suitable ice except the game indicator remains red and there is no green anywhere. Fishing lures have no particular use (that I know of) that justifies the effort to make one at a higher cost in materials compared to ordinary fishing tackle. Other than flavor. Under these circumstances, using a bare fishing lure gets the lower class fish (no special ones) for the location such as white fish or trout and those would tend to be of the smaller size of those classes. Baiting a simple fishing lure then generated the normal range of lower class fish (can get the larger ones). Baiting one of the more "sophisticated" lures gets a normal chance of fish catch. The expanded capacity to fish gets balanced by a need for bait and a more costly (in terms of materials) to craft fishing lure. At least this would allow fishing in more locations where suitable ice was located but nowhere was any of it really suitable for New Fishing.
  3. I think it would be a good idea to have the ability to spawn in the same way as you do in Wintermute in any difficulty for survival. That being (for those that have yet to play Wintermute) at night, during an Aurora, in Mountain Town, under the plane crash. The plane and surrounding area would be on fire, you would have that metal shard in your hand (yes, a tool in interloper, its not a good one and wont upset the balance at all). HL could also add other such spawn points with different results wherever there are plane crashes or helicopter crashes.
  4. I think it would be awesome to be able to find stray dogs (maybe 4-5 in the whole set of maps in survival mode) and the dog that lived in the abandoned dog house in one of the maps. When you're close to one, you'll hear barking. The models and personalities for the dogs would be randomized so you never know which ones you'll find when you play. You'd need to earn their trust with a certain amount of canned dog food or meat and spend time around them when you find them; finding a dog would unlock leather collars & harnesses, bandanas made from cloth, beds made from hide or old sleeping bags, boots for their paws made from cloth or leather (decreases the chance of cracked paws) and the ability to name them! The limit would be however many are in the game (4-5 for this example) and they can die; if that happens, for every dog that passes away in your group, a new generated dog will appear somewhere in the game. The dogs have a random set of traits that are: "Hunter" - Kills rabbits automatically, has a 65% chance to bring it instead of eating it; has a cool-down period after killing two rabbits. "Independent" - Most wild of the group. Will accept pets sometimes, warms a little slower than the rest, has a 68% chance of listening when not pulling the sled and will be off by itself most of the time but will establish a close bond with one other dog in the group and will be seen with it quite often; is a great tracker. "Friendly" - Stays close to you and follows commands 95% of the time, is the most willing to bond with you and will keep you warm when you're sleeping. "Leader" - Can rally the others to intimidate a bear or wolf -which works 70% of the time and hunt larger game as a pack but always takes 10-15% of the kill for itself and there's a 30% chance someone gets injured in standoffs and hunts. "Guardian" - The only one who will go one on one with a wolf to protect you, has a 45% chance of winning unharmed, 25% of winning with injuries, 20% of it being a draw and a 10% chance of dying in the fight. It's odds can be increased in its favor by adding spikes made from scrap metal to the collar you make for it. The final one is "Wise" - Will show the likelihood of success when hunting & facing off and will tell you what areas have danger through body language. Has a 15% chance to bring you a bag of chips, soda or jerky when your hunger is's kinda the "Nanny Dog" in that way. Commands would be: "Stay" - For when you want to go somewhere alone, just don't be gone for more than 24 hours; there could be danger while you're away or they might come looking for you if you didn't leave enough food and water. "Come" - When you're ready to go or there's danger you'd rather avoid. "Go" - To activate their special trait; a "Leader" will rally the rest, an "Independent" will start to track, a "Wise" will show success % and "Guardian" will fight for you. And "Break" They do idle things like lay down, groom, sniff about, sleep and play with sticks or each other if the individuals have a good bond; all within 30-40 feet of you. *Must be looking at the dog to give commands* If you're on the sled the commands are: "Hike" (let's go), "Gee" (turn right), "Haw" (turn left), "Easy" (slow down) "Woah" (stop). All controlled via WASD or console controller but they do have a 10% chance of refusal if your bond isn't high enough or if they're new to your group. The 2nd thing goes with the dog idea; when you get 2 or more dogs and have a good relationship with them, it unlocks the blueprint for a sled! It'll be difficult to make but the perks would be moving faster and extra storage. You'll need harnesses to use it though! If a dog is "Wise" then they will slow the sled down on their own and whimper to show that there's danger in the area; it will stop whimpering and slowing down if you make them run through the area but be careful not to push them too hard; they'll get fatigued or crack their paws (each dog will have a 30% chance of either happening and a 7% chance of both happening; the only way all the dogs will have an affliction is if you don't slow down for a while) The last is multiplayer; co-op and online would be so much fun! Of course they'd probably have to add some type of building and farming mechanics to keep it interesting..just a little though, we don't want to lose the game in all the changes. The number of dogs would stay the same so you'd have to share the sled with your teammates (which would probably have a group max of 4 to keep the game challenging and avoid depleting resources too quickly). The building mechanics would have to be a cabin of some sort, a teepee, primitive furniture made from lumber, sticks hide and cloth (like chairs, tables, bunks & regular beds and storage cabinets), stone fireplace, a shovel to dig up rocks, dirt and a small chance of scrap metal, dog houses to leave the dogs at base or pick which ones you want take or leave at the moment, and slightly advanced furniture if you have enough hide, cloth, leather and metal scraps. The farming mechanics would be small. Like window planters of berries and pots with fruits & vegetables set in a warm environment and by a window. You could find seeds in truck-beds, floorboards, houses, the abandoned convenience store and by trash cans.
  5. I've been thinking about this for a while, but cranberries would be a great addition to the game. They grow in bogs in Canada and are harvested in winter. While the majority of cranberry farming occurs on the Atlantic coast of Canada, the highbush cranberry does grow wild on Vancouver Island (the island Great Bear is based on) and in much of the bogs in British Columbia. With the new scurvy affliction, cranberries would be one of few naturally-growing items that could provide significant amounts of vitamin C, and they'd be a really easy item to add to the game: they basically look like taller rose hip bushes. For realism and balance, I think they should only be in "boggy" regions, like Forlorn Muskeg, Bleak Inlet, and a few areas in Transfer Pass and the Airfield. A half a cup of highbush cranberries contains about 25% DV of vitamin C and 60 calories, and that seems about right for the game as well.
  6. Something I noticed is how quickly the Tip Ups can break, especially during a blizzard, which makes sense. Tip Ups look fairly crude, pretty much just three sticks tied together, which I like. Perhaps, as our character increases their fishing level, they begin to learn just how durable a Tip Up needs to be in order to hook a Bass or Salmon without loosing significant condition or breaking. My idea is simply to increase the base condition of Tip Ups with each level of fishing, maybe an additional 5% each level up for a total of 20% at max. It's not enough to make Tip Ups last for weeks, especially in harsh conditions, but it would reflect your character becoming more experienced with crafting them. Another idea I will credit to @Leeanda, is to attach more hooks to a Tip Up at higher levels, like 3 hooks at level 5. This bonus to condition should also only apply to Tip Ups made after you leveled up, Tip Ups that are already made/placed shouldn't suddenly have their condition increased. Maybe the model of the Tip Up could look more refined as you level up, but I'm also happy with the simplistic design we already have.
  7. I was thinking of special items (For example, the crampons) and I came up with this item in the image attached. (Sorry, this was made in MS paint.)
  8. I'm not sure it makes sense to make my own list rather than new topics for each. I also did not search for redundancy thru the 25k posts out there. Apologies if any have been done. I have put over 500 hours into this game and have what I think is a good list of suggestions for issues and additions to the game. These are relatively in order of importance, and in categories. I should first note I play this on PC and exclusively with a steam controller. First, these are issues in the game and QOL could be improved, potentially with my suggestions. 1. When fishing there is an option to put a fish back and it is tied to the cancel button. This can lead to me releasing fish when I just want to check my fire for another fish or something. I am not fishing for fun. No catch and release when surviving bear island. I suggest the option to put back be replaced with dropping the fish as if it were in your inventory. I understand that may be an issue with nearby predators, but I still see it as a good option. The other possibility would be to keep the fish but quit fishing. I have accidentally lost several great fish with this and is my number one frustration with the game. 2. There is a lack of consistency and transparency when using tools for various tasks. Primary is opening cans. I didn't realize for a long time I was using my knife to open them and thought smashing open sometimes got me a can out of the deal. Once I figured it out I still am not sure what the pecking order of tools is. You may want to implement a tool selection screen for this, and please include the smash option, as to me this is the only way to give realy value to the level 5 cooking bonus of efficient can smashing. If you have maxed cooking and have no tools your problems run deeper. The other I have seen mentioned is with torch lighting. You can light a torch with cardboard matches, but only if they are your only matches. Seems odd. Adding user consistency here by allowing to choose tools always makes sense to me. 3. Very similar to 2 above, but I would like to see what percent of sewing tool I have left, even when it is the only one. If I have multiple I can see this. Might as well always be there. Also seen suggestions to see cloth/leather stacks in this view, and I second that suggestion. 4. when I open the main inventory menu, it is set to the last tab and in that menu somewhere. I have to hit back to get to where I can select other inventory tabs. Often when I do this, maybe alittle too fast, It will instead just leave the menu entirely. I'm not really sure why this is or have a suggestion. Maybe just always or never be in a tab already? sometimes I accidentally eat food this way so I would err on the side of never. That does it for my list of things I think need a little "fixing". Here are some things I think would be cool or helpful: 1. Non-potable water is not exactly common to come across, yet we have purification tablets. 2 things about these tabs and this fact. 1. the tablets are weirdly heavy. I refuse to go down the rabbithole of realism and weight and suspended disbelief, but this one just stands out to me. Not that important though. 2. There are ways I think I should be able to get non-potable water already in the game. There are waterfalls and a couple of running streams and ice fishing holes. I think weight is enough of a limiting factor that being able to pull unlimited non-potable water out of these locations shouldn't be an issue of balance. 2. Rifle and Mending skills seem to level a bit slow. Mending in particular. Getting good at this requires wasting time and resources practicing in addition to fixing the stuff you actually want. It feels a lot grindier than other skills to me. The rifle skill just has limited ability to level, since ammo is needed. I suggest allowing missed shots to give you a little xp, hits much more, and cleaning a little. This might balance it out a bit imo. This is exacerbated by the fact archery levels by making the items you need to even get started and rifles have no such mechanic. Now for some random ideas and items that I think would be cool just for fun! 1. What if you could make a torch with a cattail head instead of cloth? gives them a purpose again after you hit lvl 3 firebuilding, and is realistic. Might take more lamp oil though... 2. Binoculars! That would be the best! 3. What if when a vest is your only jacket it just adds its wind resist to your outer shirt instead of superseding it? makes sense to me and makes for a decent lightweight outfit. 4. those chemical heat packs that you can boil to reset. 5. foil thermal emergency blankets to use like a bedroll, but single use or tears up really fast or something. 6. muzzle loading rifle you can forge bullets for. this is a huuuge longshot, since it means you have to add loose gunpowder, and that is just such a tease to not then make bombs with. 7. Maybe crows could occasionally feed on corpses and if you happen to hit one with any weapon they give you a bunch of feathers. I'm not saying it would be fun to hit crows with rocks and watch them burst into feather clouds, but...well yeah that is exactly what I'm saying. I hope you guys at Hinterland see this list of suggestions and like some of them! All things considered you have made a wonderful exploration and survival game that has eaten up more of my time than I think any other game. Excellent work and I cannot wait to see what is next!
  9. Throughout the history of The Long Dark, the UI have been updated a lot, going from this To this The difference is staggering, yet there's still a lot of room for improvement. Here are some of my suggestions for making TLD UI better. 1) First aid menu. Honestly, that part of the game only got worse as it was updated. Back in the days, we had a separate first aid tab, where one could only use the items, that would help to recover. Now you have to find the correct item in your inventory first and only then use it. Not only that, but you can waste your medical supplies by using them for wrong afflictions. Seriously, how can you even ATTEMPT curing food poisoning with a bandage? Do you just eat it? Well, you can't use it afterwards, so this is my headcanon now. The worst part is that players would only use the wrong item in two situations. It's either a misclick, or a misunderstanding of game's mechanics. Neither should be punished, in my opinion. The best way to fix this would be to add a "use" button to the status menu, and to make it so the players can't treat afflictions with items that won't help. 2) Crafting menu When I turn my mousewheel ONCE, the blueprints tab scrolls though a WHOLE PAGE. That's extremely disorienting. It would be better to change it so that a single turn of mousewheel would only scroll though a single recipe. Like this. Another way to improve the crafting menu is to add the "available recipes first" option This option would be especially useful for the new players, who don't yet know if they can craft anything from the materials they have. 3) Missions. Why can't I move it with my mouse wheel? 4) Start fire There are two problems with this part of UI. First, all the materials are sorted alphabetically, and not based on the success chance. Just... Why? Second, nobody cares about fire starting base chance. Sure it does matter, but no one needs to see their crit. chance as they aim. The same applies here, you can already see the chance of success, anyway. On the other hand, it SURE would be convenient to know the time it takes you to start a fire. Unfortunately, it's nowhere to be seen. I think, this menu would look way better like this. Well, those are all the UI-related problems I could think of. If anyone has something to add or disagree with, fell free to comment.
  10. Train a crow companion to help you map your location to you, level 1-5 just like any other skill, lower level less area you can map, and you can only use on a clear non windy day just like regular mapping
  11. You come across a tape player and one tape and there's a message, clues, creepy static, some stranger beckoning to you and as you follow the clues you find more tapes, having to focus on survival in the midst of a web of intrigue, Will you find the stranger that's recording the tapes? Or are you following mere ghosts that have long been dead?
  12. Can we get some wind related improvements? For one, walking into wind shouldn't slow you down as much. Anything below 60 km/h without gusts should have almost zero effect and below 40 km/h absolutely no effect. Gusts are where the player should be slowed down, unless that makes the game feel like its stuttering. The player should also slowly become used to the strong winds, maybe as a hidden skill or badge (or both). This can also be where windproofness becomes more useful as it would reduce the effects of wind, rather than just the windchill
  13. The Aurora is said to have odd interactions withy animals. Humans are animals. So why not have some odd interactions after a while for the player? At the start of the game, the player should be unable to sleep anywhere near Aurora activated electronics, since they are so damn loud. Same for just out in the open. After a few months exposed to the Aurora, the player starts showing "Aurora Affliction", which has both pro's and con's. General Affects: During an Aurora: Parts of the players skin now glow, like everything else Pros: During an Aurora: The player now blends with wildlife. Both passive and hostile wildlife no longer reacts to the players presence (making hunting easy). Cons: During an Aurora: Artificial lights are now extremely bright and cause damage to the player Sleep is now entirely impossible, but also unneeded
  14. Bringing the Bear Spear to survival would finally give survival players a way to "win" bear struggles. Bringing the Scrap Metal Shard as well would give interloper players an easier first knife, something that they could find around any crash and on bodies near that crash. And the last tool I think would have a use in survival is the Bolt Cutters. They could be used to breakdown some things, open cans and if HL wants to, they could add some locked gates around the world. Then there are the side missions. While not all of them would actually work in survival, due to them requiring people, alot of them are there to either teach you about the game or enhance the lore of a region.
  15. Listen... I really hate how fire is handled right now and let me explain, 1) can we please have a fire/ember carrier? For instance it could be a tin can, charcoal, tinder plugs, and maybe some old man's beard lichen. You would just need to add more charcoal and tinder. You could also, if you are feeling nice, simply add a bundle of tinder wrapped in old man's beard lichen. The idea is that it would last longer than a torch and be something you would actively craft while it wouldn't give off any light or heat. Similar to fires and torches wind would make it burn faster so taking it out in a storm would be a bad idea for longevity of your ember. The motivation for this change would be to remove the weird torch judgling that later survivers need to do before the magnifying glass (and to take fire indoors), and for another reason further in this thread. 2) Add late game renewable starters. So far there is only the magnifying glass, and it is all powerful for a matchless world. This tool makes a lot of sense, it doesn't degrade on use, but it is hard to find, and it can only be used outside on a sunny day. Again makes sense, but why not add fire plows? So, what would this entail? I propose that you would need to craft the plow out of a stick with either a knife, a hatchet, or even a stone (possible, but very time intensive) it would break quite easily. However, the fire board must be a branch. You would need to prepare the branch/limb out in the cold with a higher time sink than the crafting of the plow. This would give you only several tries before becoming useless 5 tries but a fail only counts as a half, for example. Make the staring chance 2% therefore it would only become useful for firestarting at level 5 with a max of 52%. Have the act of fire starting with a plow drain your stanima, use a buttload of calories, and make the starting of an ember not the end, you still need to carry it to the place you want to make the fire (i.e you need to make the fire again). I.e. it would be a fustrating way of making a fire that would onyl become attenable at the end game, and the magnifying glass would still be better overall, you just can't "softlock" yourself by never finding the mag before your matches goes out. This is completely optional in my mind, but you could also add pyrite stones and quartz/flint stones. The former could be exceedingly rare if you want, and the starting chance would be equally low. It basically would be a reward for exploring and keeping an eye out for stones that stick out. It could also give a reason to use the "viewing" screen when you pick something up. 3) Please add brands back. I hate with a FIERY passion that I can pull out a fully formed torch from my campfire. I really liked the brand, it made you need to get close up and personal to scare away a wolf and was always a last ditch attempt at scaring away a wolf if all else failed/ you didn't plan for it. I don't like that I have to throw the cussing thing (I imagine the torch going head first into a snow bank and fizzeling out). the brand should not last long and should be dim. I don't think I have ever crafted a torch in game after this change since it is always a waste of fuel, firewood, and cloth that I could make a quincy or bandage (if I'm not doing so hot). This is also why I think there should be a ember carrier because the removal of a torch would require a carrier to make the game more or less playable at harder difficulties (ehem... just interloper really, but stalker doesn't give me the experience I really want). I mean, I get throwing a flare, but would it kill to add brandishing back with throwing requiring a held button instead of a click? You could even throw the brand too, just have it lose a lot more durability when you do it. If you really need to have some form of torch early game when exploring a cave, just have tinder torches. three tinder plugs and a couple of sticks, or so, that goes through durability really fast, so you would still need to make a bunch before you enter the caves. I know these are asking a lot, but I think since fire is the core of almost all systems it should be attenable through multiple methods. I also want to play "The Grey" with the wolves. Stay warm, Gabe
  16. I think it would be a really good idea if we were able to make jerky or dry/smoke meat so it would decay much much slower. Also i feel like the rate of decay is still way too fast considering below freezing tempetures. It'd also be neat if ocasionally we found food that was FROZEN, like it had to be warmed up or thawed out before you could even begin to cook it. Also why arnt snowballs a thing? I mean rocks work great for startling animals and stuff but they dont spawn everwhere. Obviously there should be drawbacks like you cant carry multiple of them and holding one makes your gloves get wet faster or increases your frostbite risk or something I really hope they add a sled into the game, i know their adding a travails thingy but wouldnt a sled make almost more sense? Imagine being able to zoom down steep hills in seconds, even if you cant ride them you could still pile stuff ontop Also does anyone find it strange there isnt a single hardware store or anything like a cafe or small resturant? I know its middle of nowhere island but i live in the middle of nowhere country and we still have a little place for locals to eat out at. And a sawmill! Theres a ton of logging but nowhere the logs would be processed, hope an additional area for it gets added to the far territories, we could even use it during the aurora to make stuff for crafting, like planks and arrow shafts, be a great way to keep using bows after you gather all the birtch saplings
  17. Bruh-Ness


    I think i'd be great if the player could pick up a snowball just about anywhere outside these snowball could have a small chance to scare away wolves and bears for when the player has no flares or a flare gun. These could also be used to put out campfires. Or just be an item to to play around with.
  18. You know that future updates to Tales from the far territory should add a camera. But how will this camera be useful? After all, you can just turn on screen recording! I think that this camera can be placed on the ground and left. The camera will record what is happening. It will be possible to record a bear up close, or a wolf! What do you think? Write!
  19. The vast majority of cairns that I have found in TLD are "Lost Cairns", with their stories "yet to be written". It would be nice if, with a bit of community input, we could flesh out these cairns. Like maybe a database of short quotes that players can add to after they die in a run, like Subnautica's Time Capsule mechanic? (In case it isn't obvious, I absolutely LOVE Subnautica's Time Capsules .)
  20. I'll be honest this is a very dumb suggestion, but the first time I got my hands on a skillet, I've thought about how effective it would be as a weapon. I mean, it's got a decent handle and weight behind it, so if you'd ever get into a wolf struggle and don't have anything ells, perhaps the good ol' skillet might be enough to stop the wolf from eating you for breakfast by serving it up a delicious cast iron sandwich. Or you could cook up the wolf a meal and become friends! Either way I just wanted to share something that has been in the back of my mind for a while.
  21. Challenges are very old code wise. They tend to have the most code debt and it shows when attempting to use mods with them (some are buggy others outright dont work). So it would be nice to bring them to survival mode. Most of them can be brought into survival with minimal changes. Challenges may need some form of explicit trigger. Each challenge trigger would be unique since each challenge is unique. Hopeless Rescue This would require only minimal changes, perhaps with adding a tracking property to the assigned flare gun so you are required to not only acquire that exact spawn of it but also use it. The trigger for this could be as simple as picking up that flare gun. The Hunted This would be the most difficult to bring to survival mode. Triggering it would be hard since it doesnt really have much in the way of backstory yet. The start (by being mauled by the old bear) would need to be entirely redone. Whiteout No real changes needed to make this work. Other than giving the nor'easter a proper duration. The trigger for this could just be a random chance, which the player would have the option to turn off. Nomad Even less is needed to make this work, since you only need to stay in the required locations for 3 days. This one wouldnt need a trigger Archivist This could be made even longer by requiring the player to get all the buffer memories, instead of just one per location. HL could also add more of them to more computers and more regions. This one wouldnt need a trigger As the Dead Sleep This is just about getting to 5 graves. Nothing much else to it. This one wouldnt need a trigger Escape the Darkwalker Adding this to survival mode would be hard, but could allow HL to add even more lore to it. The trigger for this could be some form of spawning ritual, potentially tied to the TFTFT story line in some manner. Basically spawning it or just simply attracting it to you in order to eventually permanently banish it. Would allow for the Darkwalker to be fully fleshed out
  22. Меня очень беспокоит материал, из которого сделаны сани! Вдруг для их создания нужны шкуры сразу НЕСКОЛЬКИХ животных! Например: шкура лося и шкура того неизвестного хищника (возможно, пумы). Но убить пуму, наверное, будет очень сложно! Вы стреляете в нее и она, раненая, прыгнет на уступ и умрет там! Как его получить?! Напишите, что вы думаете!
  23. We have seen in the game that Great Bear Island used to be a thriving place for many different industries. One that I am particularly fond of is gold. We know there is a decent amount of gold on the island because of the mine in Ash Canyon. There are also lots of streams and rivers throughout the game. It would only make sense that there would be the coolest form of extracting that gold mankind has ever made. A gold dredge. These beasts would tear through rivers to gather as much gold as possible while leaving a long lasting scar on the landscape. These things where in use all around the world, but mostly found between California and Alaska. So it would make sense to see this mammoth on Great Bear.
  24. Not anything urgent but I just wish I could put down the ptarmigan meat rather closer to each other than the game currently allows. You can see rabbit meat and moose meat in the image and the ptarmigan meat. It gets to be irksome how far apart the ptarmigan meat has to be placed.
  25. So I was attacked by a timber wolf and tracked it down to see where it was going and wait for it to die but when I found it I was very scared and surprised I couldn’t believe it and I could still carve him up and it was freaky 😖 IMG_4191.MOV