What is your favorite map?


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I am on day 49 and I have explored Mystery Lake, Pleasant Valley, Coatal Highway and I'm starting Desolation point. I'm sad for when I will have explored all the maps. It's so fun exploring new places, I can't wait until the full game comes out! I like desolation point and coastal highway the best so far. Coastal highway is easy to navigate, everything is pretty close and desolation point is just cool and has lots of different stuff. What's yalls favorite map and why??

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I atm like CH - coastal highway . has everything you need to get a decent run going. Then again with every update things change so who knows. edit: new run still love the Coastal Townsite as a base, over the road you have the gas/garage station to craft stuff when needed.

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Yeah, the dev's missed the boat when they didn't put a crafting table in the Lonely Lighthouse. Crafting table on that second floor with the lockers would have nailed DP as my #1 favorite map, but since they didn't, I would have to go with Coastal Highway. CH is just an excellent area to jump back and forth between maps when you gotta stage a base for your foraging runs. Gas Station hands down best possible home base imho.

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...Gas Station hands down best possible home base imho.

If you like that as a 'Standalone-Base' try to combine it with the blue House on the right side of the station.

Bed, Fireplace, much storage room, usable lighting and two entrances like the gas station. ;)

From the Map-Design for me it's PV...but as a 'jump-Point' between Maps it's CH.

But it's a hard decision...DP is also a very good Place to stay... :D

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I like to start at ML with a quick supply run at the beginning , then i head for PV . I like the massive scale of the map and vast areas without structures, really forces you to live off the land sleeping in caves etc(PV is the only map i currently feel the need to carry a bedroll.)

Also hunting is better with long lines of sight.

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When I first started playing it was PV. Wide open with a lot of area to explore. Only problem with PV is the constant blizzards and the cold. Now my main base is CH and I use 2 locations there. The gas station and the house behind it that has a fireplace. Some like Jackrabbit Island better but I like to use the inside fireplace in case a blizzard blows in. The gas station has a fire barrel which is really nice also. Tons of storage space at the gas station and the house is pretty decent also. Wolfs at the gas station is a constant issue until you kill them off and an occasional bear with walk right past the station.

Lots a savaging to do in CH that will get you far in the game. When in CH you have access to Crumbling Hwy to DP on one side and PV on either side of the map. I make temp bases in those 2 areas when on long runs.

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