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I'll be honest when I say literally screamed when I saw the announcement posted and then cried from joy at all the stuff planned for the end of TFTFT and Wintermute. To say this is my favourite game would be an understatement, but I've been following the game since 2014, and playing since it launched on Xbox Gold (I think it was still that way back when TLD came to Xbox One), I think it was even back before there was a pilgrim mode, so I spent many hours jumping from wolf attacks and maybe it's just because this game is one of my biggest special interests but I love the game to the point I've bought it on three platforms (Xbox One, Switch, PC) for myself including getting the DLC on launch because I was just so excited for it and it has never disappointed. I love this game so much to the point I bought my best friend the game + DLC on PC last Christmas, and before that I bought my cousin both the game & DLC on PC, and then the DLC for her Playstation because of how insanely much I love this game and want others to experience how wonderful it is, I can't wait to see what comes next and to continue supporting you guys for years to come, the work you do is amazing and I'm so happy to hear about what games come next for Hinterland!

I really hope the team knows how much joy this game has given so many people like myself, and I'm so excited to see part six upon release. <3

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1 hour ago, Sherri said:

I think a really great addition would be to have them steal any food items left out in the snow when the user is away from the area. 

I’d love this so much. As it stands, I only hunt for what I need, so this wouldn’t be applicable to me, but it would still be an excellent pressure mechanic overall.

Similarly, mice that attack dry food ingredients if a single base has been established and the ingredients are not stored properly. This may mean that items like Flour need a special craftable container to avoid disappearing when it becomes Ruined … or that the Ruined mechanic is reëxamined in general. 💜

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6 hours ago, Sherri said:

Speaking of foxes... or any of the existing predators actually... I think a really great addition would be to have them steal any food items left out in the snow when the user is away from the area. It would really push the value of building the stone caches to prevent these wild 'looters' and also be a way to nerf the piles of meat that build up after a bear or moose kill. Force users to have a strategy for care of meat/food outdoors. Also create a feeling of the wildlife messing with you when you aren't around. It could be accomplished by just having a % of outdoor food items vanish over time with drag marks and/or paw prints left behind. Or even convert them into 'scavenger scraps' that are inedible by the player but maybe still usable as bait.

Might also lead to a crafting item that lets you build a food storage up in a tree...

I love this!

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On 10/17/2024 at 1:31 PM, Raphael van Lierop said:

Collect and move every framed pancake photo in the game to one place.



I think this is directed to you...

On 7/6/2024 at 1:07 PM, ThePancakeLady said:

(I really really really want one or more of the small Pancake framed pictures!).


I think it is SUPER amazing to be able to directly see player suggestions being implemented in game.


Thank You @Raphael van Lierop for dreaming up, and creating such an amazing game, and an even more amazing Game Development Studio...


Thank You Hinterland

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18 minutes ago, Cattleman said:

I think this is directed to you...

Just a little payback for years of me pestering him to get my Pancakes in the game, lol! 

(You know he will make sure each one of those pictures weighs as much as a quartered bear, right? Just because he knows I will try to carry them all to one place, all at once...) 🤣

Edited by ThePancakeLady
Added some stuffs...
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It's great to see the Cougar back. The idea of a custom home will add excitement to the game in the long run. I hope the Global Wildlife Refresh is comprehensive. It would be great if all animals moved and spawned randomly. Every development effort is appreciated. Thank you.

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I'm super excited to see what changes will be made to the Custom screen and Custom runs. It was great to be asked for our opinion and experience about that. I use Custom a lot, and not just for community challenges.

TLD is already one of the most customisable game experiences I'm aware of. It's something Hinterland should be very proud of. I'm really happy they're showing it some love and can't wait to see what changes are made to the UI and to the options.

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On 10/18/2024 at 4:34 PM, Raphael van Lierop said:

Re existing Modders -- yes for sure, we will reach out and open a dialogue about wishlist stuff, best practices, etc etc. Out intention is, amongst other things, to make sure we can set up as stable a platform for modding as we can, knowing that as the game continues to be updated we don't want to be breaking stuff if we can avoid it. It'll be easier to dedicate resources and focus to this when much of the other stuff on our plates is done. But yes, we absolutely want to connect with and grow the existing modding community, in partnership. 

I'm sure you probably know this, but it's worth saying I think. You mentioned the issue of wanting to ensure ongoing income for Hinterland from TLD, so that employees have a stable future and the studio can develop new stuff. One way of helping to ensure that will be getting the modding tools and support (and engagement with modders) right. One thing that really brings in new players is an active community that is still playing the game, even where that is in modded form. 

If the modding tools are done right there is no reason why people won't still be playing TLD - and bringing in new players - in 5 or even 10 years time. I still play JA2  a game released 25 years ago. The graphics are dated, but the game play and countless possibilities are still fantastic. TLD could easily be similarly long lived. OK, it's not going to generate the same level of income as it does now, but it could still be significant.

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I suddenly remembered that in 2022, it was mentioned that the DLC would undergo several price increases, eventually reaching $29.90. Will this price increase happen when part 6 is updated, or will there no longer be a price increase, or will it increase by more than $5?

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