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Just now, Semple Fi said:

It looks like all the ideas from the thread “useless things that would still make sense” 😂😂😂

 I’m pretty sure I remember depression and RA being mentioned in that….

I love it. It's a little cheeky and plays right into the "wait, this game STILL isn't hard enough for you? Are you crazy?" feeling. LOL

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6 minutes ago, Sherri said:

Not only does it look like it will still come with an array of punishing consequences (can you imagine choosing to respawn in a far but "safe" location - only to land in a zone you fully stripped of resources? Aaaah!).... but it will also be optional in a future release.

I don't think that last part has been confirmed yet. The way I see it, Cheat Death will be made optional at the start, if we all ask for it. My opinion so far, it should be made optional, because otherwise playing with one life is a self-imposed challenge, not a core part of gameplay.

Edit: By "self-imposed" I also mean it feels less real. It's like you can change your mind whenever you want, so it's not really a challenge.

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6 minutes ago, Ghurcb said:

I don't think that last part has been confirmed yet.

Oh yes "we may make it optional"... thanks for correcting!

I do think it should be optional in the game setup.💯

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1 minute ago, Semple Fi said:

…Was that a cougar skin Balaklava at the end of the video…?

and the cougar claw/bone knife?

Yup. It's not called balaclava, though. It's a Cougar Hide Wrap.

Finally, a new scarf!

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14 minutes ago, Ghurcb said:

I don't think that last part has been confirmed yet. The way I see it, Cheat Death will be made optional at the start, if we all ask for it. My opinion so far, it should be made optional, because otherwise playing with one life is a self-imposed challenge, not a core part of gameplay.

Edit: By "self-imposed" I also mean it feels less real. It's like you can change your mind whenever you want, so it's not really a challenge.

While I understand that some view it that way, I really don't see the difference.  If one doesn't have the fortitude to adhere to a permadeath run of their own volition and have to see it forced upon everyone else to make it seem "scary" enough for them, then that's their problem, not mine.  They are not going to be less tempted by toggling it off at the start of a run than just choosing to end the game in the middle... or even ending any game that even allows infinite respawns when they've self-imposed a "permadeath" label on the run.  Personally, I might have labeled it "near death" instead of "cheat death" and avoided the drama.  At the bottom line, it is a means for a player to take a run to a "harder" and "harder" difficulty by going forward.  Not perhaps as hard as starting out in a harder difficulty, but a little movement towards the game getting harder over its duration is better than none, IMO.

PS:  I would still love to see the ability to access the difficulty setting to ratchet it higher at any point during a run (at least in the case of a run started in a custom setting to begin with).

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3 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

They are not going to be less tempted by toggling it off at the start of a run than just choosing to end the game in the middle...

I disagree. The longer your save goes on for.... the more attached you become to it.... and the more that dying will hurt. It will be easy to say "I don't need no stinkin' cheat death training wheels!" before you start your run.... but hundreds of days in.... it would be a whole other decision to make. For me at least. 😁

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5 minutes ago, Sherri said:

I disagree. The longer your save goes on for.... the more attached you become to it.... and the more that dying will hurt. It will be easy to say "I don't need no stinkin' cheat death training wheels!" before you start your run.... but hundreds of days in.... it would be a whole other decision to make. For me at least. 😁

I you really playing in fear of permadeath it you're starting a survival run expecting to go 100s of days?  I say, if so, you're playing at too low a difficulty for yourself to start with.  In Misery mode, going longer (even by cheating death) now means the game unavoidably gets harder - so maybe move up from interloper?


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Just a general word of caution:
Let's be careful not to be judgmental about how others may feel about a save (or losing a save) or how they may wish to play the game.

These are all subjective points of view, let's keep it respectful and civil.

Also, let's not pass judgement on whether or not someone is playing on "too low a difficulty," again this is subjective and should be solely dependent on how each player wishes to experience the game.


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11 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

While I understand that some view it that way, I really don't see the difference.  If one doesn't have the fortitude to adhere to a permadeath run of their own volition and have to see it forced upon everyone else to make it seem "scary" enough for them, then that's their problem, not mine.  They are not going to be less tempted by toggling it off at the start of a run than just choosing to end the game in the middle... or even ending any game that even allows infinite respawns when they've self-imposed a "permadeath" label on the run.  Personally, I might have labeled it "near death" instead of "cheat death" and avoided the drama.  At the bottom line, it is a means for a player to take a run to a "harder" and "harder" difficulty by going forward.  Not perhaps as hard as starting out in a harder difficulty, but a little movement towards the game getting harder over it's duration is better than none, IMO.

To be clear, I like idea of "Cheat Death", and I'm definitely going to try it out. But I don't want it to be turned on by default. Imagine if firearms were added to Interloper. If you think it would make your game easier, you can just not pick them up, you have the willpower for it, right?

In the end of the day, if you like to be tempted like that, you should be able to enable it. If you don't, you should be able to disable it. As simple as that.

Also, there only being two toggles for rules when starting a new game feels like not enough toggles. Three would be better, in my opinion.

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Cheat death or no cheat death I'm going to treat my run the same as I do already.. permanently afraid of dying and losing all that time and work..and doing my hardest to not lose it..   

I'm sure if it happens though I ,like many others,will be so upset i'll just quit without thinking .    

You get so involved in the game it's hard to imagine losing gear and it having a completely different feel to it ..  it might ruin your run or it might not.

The only way to know is to try it, preferably on a side run,..then decide whether you want to use it again.

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Loaded up in excitement and instantly got 2 surprises I was not expecting.

1. Cougar warning 5days. Seems like the timer started before the drop as I have been in transfer pass for 5-8 days ish. Not a problem, will be heading out after some prep for the new region anyway.

2. Scurvy warning @ 99% which I didn't expect. I had thought the decision not to enable it for existing saves had remained, but I guess not. It's the first I have seen of this affliction and starting so high was a bit of an eye opener. Cattails and rose hips will hopefully sort it so I don't have to delay heading out to the new region to go on an unscheduled fishing trip first.

Nether are really issues for me at all, but I didn't expect them and don't think there's a way to disable on my existing Loper save so just wanted to give ppl the heads up. I assume this is intentional and I just missed that part of the announcement.

Tomorrow is a day off work and I am ready for it!

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25 minutes ago, Ghurcb said:

Yup. It's not called balaclava, though. It's a Cougar Hide Wrap.

Finally, a new scarf!

Sadly, I can’t download and play until at least tomorrow… I’ll be behind on the new stuff 😅

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9 minutes ago, Hazelnut said:

Loaded up in excitement and instantly got 2 surprises I was not expecting.

1. Cougar warning 5days. Seems like the timer started before the drop as I have been in transfer pass for 5-8 days ish. Not a problem, will be heading out after some prep for the new region anyway.

2. Scurvy warning @ 99% which I didn't expect. I had thought the decision not to enable it for existing saves had remained, but I guess not. It's the first I have seen of this affliction and starting so high was a bit of an eye opener. Cattails and rose hips will hopefully sort it so I don't have to delay heading out to the new region to go on an unscheduled fishing trip first.

Nether are really issues for me at all, but I didn't expect them and don't think there's a way to disable on my existing Loper save so just wanted to give ppl the heads up. I assume this is intentional and I just missed that part of the announcement.

Tomorrow is a day off work and I am ready for it!

I too opened my current save with scurvy which I wasn't expecting! I'm on 513 days at the moment so limited on vitC items, but I'm happy enough to go fishing to sort it out and get more lamp oil at the same time :). Looking forward to the cougar attacking me haha!

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18 minutes ago, Ghurcb said:

To be clear, I like idea of "Cheat Death", and I'm definitely going to try it out. But I don't want it to be turned on by default. Imagine if firearms were added to Interloper. If you think it would make your game easier, you can just not pick them up, you have the willpower for it, right?

In the end of the day, if you like to be tempted like that, you should be able to enable it. If you don't, you should be able to disable it. As simple as that.

Also, there only being two toggles for rules when starting a new game feels like not enough toggles. Three would be better, in my opinion.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not against them making a toggle at the start of the game in addition to leaving the choice of ending the game option in the middle.  I just don't think it will satisfy those who are adamantly of the opinion that they need an enforced permadeath in this game.  I don't need one - never have - to play any game as a permadeath one and I've said goodbye and cried over saves that I've put hours and hours into just because some stupid glitch caused a death in the game.  Having that will power to stick with a permadeath choice is all part of playing permadeath, IMO.

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Another quick general note:

As with any release... we may run into some bugs while we're out exploring.
If you find a bug, I urge you to report and please have patience.
I think it's fair to say that Hinterland has been rather good about addressing critical bugs found after a release.

Hinterland Support

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4 minutes ago, Grieger said:

Does anyone know how you can disable cougars/scurvy in existing saves? The video mentioned you could but I don't see any options, unless it's only for custom games?

I didn't get the option either (I'm on a standard stalker run). I'm going to report it now to let them know.

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40 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

Just a general word of caution:
Let's be careful not to be judgmental about how others may feel about a save (or losing a save) or how they may wish to play the game.

These are all subjective points of view, let's keep it respectful and civil.

Also, let's not pass judgement on whether or not someone is playing on "too low a difficulty," again this is subjective and should be solely dependent on how each player wishes to experience the game.


... and also let's then not pass judgement on people using the "cheat death" that they are somehow doing it to just try to get out of permadeath rather than trying to find a way to make their saves get harder over time, OK?  Both sides of these opinions are, wiithout exception, passing some sort of judgement on others.

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I'm simply encouraging/reminding everyone to be mindful to stay civil and respectful... and to recognize that we all may have differing points of view.  All sides of the conversation are welcome (of course)... as long as it stays respectful.


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4 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

... and also let's then not pass judgement on people using the "cheat death" that they are somehow doing it to just try to get out of permadeath

which is also what I was referring to when I said:

47 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

Let's be careful not to be judgmental about how others may feel about a save (or losing a save) or how they may wish to play the game.


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1 minute ago, ManicManiac said:

I'm simply encouraging/reminding everyone to be mindful to stay civil and respectful... and to recognize that we all may have differing points of view.  All sides of the conversation welcome (of course)... as long as it stays respectful.


So, continuing the discussion - let's say they had called it "near death" and had the choices menu trigger when the player dropped to 1% health instead?  Should it then have been a choice we could toggle on or off at the start of the game?  In the minds of those that associate it with the "permadeath" nature of the game, would it have been more palatable?  It's only a cosmetic difference in my mind, but perhaps a significant one?

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