Screenshot for Screenshot Saturday

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Oh sure start a new custom save set on Stalker level. Turn the bears on "very high" she said, it will be fun and challenging I said. Yeah sure girl, keep telling yourself that it will be fun.

I went into this save full of vigor and felt like nothing could take me down but a few bear attacks later and one particular encounter that practically made me jump out of my own skin, I've become pretty timid and almost on edge when it comes to bears. Almost makes me want to stop playing for awhile so I can build myself back up and not be so jumpy lol :$

The bear looks far away but this is about as close as I'm willing to get LOL! :D 


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Me: Okay I need to be careful, there could be bears in this area.

The Long Dark: Bears you say? You sound like you need some more bears in your life ^_^ *inserts bear right outside the truck I'm sitting in* 

Me: Now wait just one minute here!!

The Long Dark:


this is the last bear post from me, I promise :D .. maybe 😂

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A few of my favorite captures in The Long Dark so far. I've only been playing for a month, or so, but I can see this will become a long term game for me, and one I'll keep coming back to recurrently. I really enjoy how rich the experience is. Despite its minimalism, it is one of the most engrossing rpg experiences I've ever played. It really captures you in its world. It can be exciting and feel dangerous, but it can also be a contemplative, soothing experience. It's just unlike anything I've ever played. Anyway, here are a few pics. Stay safe out there.






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