Lost my main run 213 days


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Fs in comments for my Survivor, please

I got got by the bear at Pleasant Valley crash site. It came into the cave and I couldn't kill it or get away. It came back too quickly, and got me again. I stimmed to run out of there, fell off the log bridge and died before I could bandage my bear bite.

This was my most proper run to date. I got 213 days (about 100 more than my previous pb), survived 50 days in the Airfield at the start, went all over after that, got the technical backpack, went to the Summit, made a moosehide satchel, had good clothing, lots of skills at 4 or 5, lots of good bases all over the place. It was called First Run because it was my first after the TFTFT DLC was added.

It was always going to be a bear wot done me in. I knew as soon as it came into the cave that I was done for.

Goodbye Survivor.

Edited by xanna
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9 minutes ago, conanjaguar said:

In some game or other, there was a prompt to “Press F to pay respects”… it’s become popular in meme culture :D.F84C4D8B-8408-42CC-AA97-421511A656A0.jpeg.9c235bbf6aa369ca540f6b5c48e76f36.jpeg

Oh I see thanks....   Some of us are too old to understand all this new lingo😁

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I know that place. I was lucky. I was in the airplane, opened door and heard the bear. So I stayed in the plane, waited. After few seconds, revolver, point blank, blamo. Another victim of the airplane crash.


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This was in the Burned Ridge Cave, the one with the leaf bed near the wreckage.

I was in the cave and I heard the bear, but couldn't see it nearby and it was a long time before it showed up. I went into the rear of the cave and crouched, I had no smelly items on me, so I thought I was safe. I didn't realise that bears would wander into caves unless they were already tailing you, which this one wasn't.

I did have a second stim and I think I maybe could have saved the run. I definitely think I ought to have responded differently to the first bear attack. This is exactly how I died on my first ever run a few years ago - bear attack, bandage up but no time to run, bear attacks again, no bandages left, bleed out. So this feels like a 'Maul me once, shame on you. Maul me twice, shame on me' situation.

New run has started in Bleak Inlet - eek! - and I lost a lot of condition from the cold, but I will probably be OK. Looted enough to get warmer clothing, finally found some matches, and I plan to escape out to Forlorn Muskeg and Mystery Lake ASAP.

Made a couple of tweaks to my custom code - now with slower condition recovery during the day, and very high item decay.

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Wow, that's intense. I never knew that bear could even enter the crash site at all; there's an invisible wall that predators can't cross at Skeeter's Ridge but can animals come in from up the hill? Maybe that wall was removed recently. 

8 hours ago, xanna said:

I was in the cave and I heard the bear, but couldn't see it nearby and it was a long time before it showed up. I went into the rear of the cave and crouched, I had no smelly items on me, so I thought I was safe. I didn't realise that bears would wander into caves unless they were already tailing you, which this one wasn't.


I wonder if the bear heard you. If you have no scent, animals can still hear you if you move around while they are close by. They'll start walking towards wherever you made that sound like they would a smell. 

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26 minutes ago, Pencil said:

I wonder if the bear heard you. If you have no scent, animals can still hear you if you move around while they are close by.

You'd think so, but the bear was pretty far away when I first heard it, or at least it took it a long time to come to find me, so I didn't think I'd got its attention. 🤔

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A bear that follows You into the cave must be pulled by something smelly. Maybe a gut or some piece of meat? His normal walking path is from top of the crash site down towards the hunters blind. Or the pathing has changed drastically after the update...

I repaired some clothing once at the upper part of the wreck. I finished my work staring into a snarling bears face - mauling time. 

Edited by mfuegemann
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/26/2023 at 11:11 AM, acada said:

How on Earth the bear shown up there? I thought it is blocked by aiplane form one side and narrown path with some fallen trees on the other side. Some odvanced pathing there.

I thought that, too, but I was fatally wrong!

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