'Stranded Deep' game


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Ditto! Been playing it multi player, it's good fun, especially for fans of The Forest who don't want constant surprise cannibal battles all the time.  Agree about the URL too- I first got it nearly two years ago but gave up initially as I could not work out how to pull the raft onto a beach... def one to play with the wiki open initially.


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1 hour ago, Valuable Hunting Knife said:

Ditto! Been playing it multi player, it's good fun, especially for fans of The Forest who don't want constant surprise cannibal battles all the time.  Agree about the URL too- I first got it nearly two years ago but gave up initially as I could not work out how to pull the raft onto a beach... def one to play with the wiki open initially.


I'm on day 23.  My biggest challenge now is remembering which islands I've been to.  Took me forever to figure out how to get back to the big ship (where the plane is).  I'm trying not to use the compass (for the achievement).  I've begun using a ho and coconut symbol to point to my potato patch (where I'll brew fuel) and the 'bird trap' pointing my way back to the big ship.

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I really didn't enjoy stranded deep... it was interesting enough but just kinda hollow on content and well story for that matter... has anyone tried Green Hell ? I want to give that a go as it is apparently quite brutal... I have heard

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1 hour ago, Cr41g said:

I really didn't enjoy stranded deep... it was interesting enough but just kinda hollow on content and well story for that matter... has anyone tried Green Hell ?  . . .

I have tried a few of these survival games, Green Hell, Survive the Pacific, (or something like that. It seemed to be a precursor for Stranded Deep), Raft, Northern Lights, and a few others that I can't remember.  Usually I enjoy the games for a few evenings, but after those few evenings I lose interest.  The problem is that TLD is so good in so many ways that, in spite of the bugs which many of us complain about, it is considerably better than all of the others such that I can't be bothered with those other games.

TLD has spoilt me for all other games.  That is why I am interested to see what HTL comes up with next.

Edited by peteloud
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I played Green Hell alot, Craig. Its another cool Survival Game, and a little bit discounted now on Steam. You dont have to worry about the Temperature there, but it has alot of features i really like. You need to inspect your body parts in order to see whats wrong, the game just hints with a lens symbol that theres something off. Instead of Hunger and Thirst, you need hydration, protein, carbohydrates and fats. If you lack one, your maximum health and stamina gets reduced. You can build houses there and grow your own plants, also alot of crafting, and Skills like in TLD. The more fires you make, the better you get at it. Same for hitting things with a knife, axe, bow etc. It has a story mode as well, but the real fun is playing the survival sandbox. Another similarity to TLD. 

But it doesnt have a Custom Mode! I know that can be really important for many People. You have to select premade difficultys, and you cant adjust everything as you wish like in TLD. Being able to customize everything is something you will miss in many games, unfortunately.

Another really nice feature is that theres a rainy season, and a dry saison for every 30 or 60 ingame Days. And like the wind blows out your fire in TLD, rain can put your fire out in Green Hell. For that reason its recommended to put it where rain cant reach it, just like you would want your fire be windshielded in TLD.

What i also like is the Mental Health system. Things like being injured for too long, eating human meat or maggots, dont cure illnesses for too long and this kind of stuff reduce your mental health as well. And below 50/100, you start to see hallucinations. You can get the mental up again by sitting on your campfire, sleep for more then 6 hours straight. This game has alot of amazing Features!

Sorting around your Items in your Backpack while Navigating, checking time and health status on your solar powered Smartwatch is a very interesting UI as well. 

I can recommend it, but dont expect it to be as huge as TLD is. Green Hell has by no means a small map, it will keep you busy for a while. I can only think of one Survival Game that can be as huge as TLD is, and thats Ark. But Ark is more like a RPG with survival elements, and while i enjoyed that as well, TLD is the survival game i keep coming back after every few months. Its almost perfect in my opinion. 

For those who want to buy it, buy it on PC! I own the game on PC, and on Switch as well. But the controls on Switch are clunky as fuck, and its not up to date yet. 

Edit: Sorry, went completely offtopic :P Im currently watching a deep stranded lets play, and its interesting but i have not played it yet. I will probably buy it as soon it becomes full release for PC. Mist Survival was showing me that i should probably better wait before buying early access games.

Edited by Shadox
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As an aficionado of survival games, I see a lot of titles I recognize!

Stranded Deep is a fun crafting experience, but the game lacks any real depth. As often happens with these types of games, I mastered the basic survival mechanics fairly quickly, made a megaproject base in one game, and lost interest.

Resource scarcity isn't very well balanced, and you're able to simply grind whatever you need to survive. The environment isn't a major threat to the player outside of the obligatory giant scary fish. You need to work really, really hard or make some phenomenally poor choices to starve to death in this game.

I admit to never actually bothering with The Forest, since I don't have any interest in zombie survival games, and this game is simply that genre with a mild flavor twist. Again, resource scarcity is never really an issue in this game. It's about avoiding or defeating the scary forest men, which isn't the genre of game I wanted to play.

Green Hell is a game I spent a fair bit of time with, but ultimately became dissatisfied with the simplicity of the mid to end game content. Beyond the first few hours of a game, once you've established a base and have farming capacity there's little worthy of challenging your character. Then it's simply another resource grind to make iteratively better equipment for the sake of being able to make iteratively better equipment.

Overall, despite how old The Long Dark is in comparison to newer releases in its genre, it definitely does all the right things when you measure it as a survival game. True resource scarcity. Actual threat of death by exposure, starvation, and dehydration. Avoiding the cliché of zombies/walkers/cannibals/mutants/infected/aliens or whatever trope of the week is used as a crutch for danger in the game instead of designing a game around the true survival elements of man versus nature.

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I think Stranded Deep is a nice simple game.  I often return to it when I feel like taking a tropical vacation from the deeply frigid temperatures of Great Bear Island.  Dealing with Tiger/Hammerhead sharks with nothing but one simple spear takes a little bit of practice, but I've gotten pretty good at it. :D 


Edited by ManicManiac
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21 hours ago, Cr41g said:

I really didn't enjoy stranded deep... it was interesting enough but just kinda hollow on content and well story for that matter... has anyone tried Green Hell ? I want to give that a go as it is apparently quite brutal... I have heard

I liked Green Hell.  It was decent.  I also enjoyed "The Forest", though it isn't to some folks' liking.  One of my biggest "Oh s__t ..." moments in gaming was hearing those weird cries at night for several days, then finally seeing the source shambling along the shore in the moonlight.

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8 hours ago, Jimmy said:

Stranded Deep is a fun crafting experience, but the game lacks any real depth. As often happens with these types of games, I mastered the basic survival mechanics fairly quickly, made a megaproject base in one game, and lost interest.

Resource scarcity isn't very well balanced, and you're able to simply grind whatever you need to survive. The environment isn't a major threat to the player outside of the obligatory giant scary fish. You need to work really, really hard or make some phenomenally poor choices to starve to death in this game

Completely agree. Its more like a minecraft game than a survival game. But its a question of liking/flavor I guess.

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I picked this game up myself back in January of 2020 and spent a few evenings playing it.
I'd have to agree with @peteloud that somehow after a few hours of game play, the excitement level seemed to wane and I quickly lost interest.
I think @Looper summed it up for me when he wrote, "Its more like a minecraft game than a survival game. But its a question of liking/flavor I guess." 

It was definitely better than that cheezy Raft knock off game I bought on Steam I accidently purchased...

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57 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

I've finished the game and am now grinding some achievements.  I do agree with the assessment of most here.  Once I've gotten the achievements I want, I will likely uninstall it.

lol, when storage space became an issue for me, it was the first thing I uninstalled

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I've recently been playing Green Hell.  I've got about 20 hours in and am still enjoying it (still lots to do).  I finished the Story, began SoA and a survival save as well.  So far, the crafting system seems more robust and varied.  The navigation system takes a little getting used to - until you find your first map, you just wander around (which I guess is what it would be like in a jungle!).  The affliction system also seems more varied, or maybe just different than TLD?  

Anyways, something to pass the time until TLD comes out with more content.  Kindda got burned out on it for now.

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