A New Day... Another New Beginning


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That personal challenge was probably my most intricate (and probably most lengthy)...  I made several overarching restrictions, provisos, victory conditions, and as I went along I would frequently think up and add little side challenges just to see if I could push myself that much farther... to make the struggle a little rougher. :D

I hope you enjoy it.

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After giving the bear some time to clear out, I knew I'd have to soon see about getting to work on some ice fishing.  I'd accumulated/crafted five sets of fishing tackle so far on the journey, so I could afford a few line breaks (those being why I would normally hold off until I'd read enough skill books to boost that skill up until I was at least "intermediate").

When I went out on the ice I found that there were also wolves prowling out by the docks.  Fishing at the nearest fishing hut was going to be out of the question...

I decided to head for Jackrabbit Island.  I was reasonably certain I could find enough meat to get me through at least a couple of nights.  I made my way to the island, but slowly crept up the hill (hoping there wasn't a wolf waiting to ambush me).  When I spotted a rabbit wandering along the hillside, I took it as a good sign.  I didn't dare stand up until I'd crested the hilltop and was able to carefully look down the other side.  Thankfully the island was clear of wolves (at least for today).

I picked up a single stone along the way, and managed to catch three of the four rabbits that were milling about on Jackrabbit Island.  This would at least provide what I need for the time being.  I set up my campfire on the porch and spent the rest of the evening cooking up a bit of rabbit meat, but was mainly focused on water.  The wind was a bit gusty at times, so I kept the fire going just one or two sticks at a time.  The place I picked seemed decently protected, but I didn't want to chance loosing a lot of burn time if the wind changed directions.

I kept producing water (with just my one can that I brought with me) well into the night before finally heading to bed.



Unimportant Side note:

I just realized today, I've surpassed the 2,000 hour mark. :D 

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No problem at all. :) 

If you are referring to what I think you are referring to, then:
"Against All Odds" is the name of a Custom Settings code that was put together by @Hadrian.

Custom Settings Code : 8pnM-mioP-GgoH-Df9d-+gAA

This code in particular was created and used for his series Against All Odds: Season 5 (YouTube).
The first episode goes over the particulars of each setting.

I haven't checked in sometime, but last I knew the channel had been dormant for at least a year now... so this code is at least a few updates behind the current patch.

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Just now, ManicManiac said:

No problem at all. :) 

If you are referring to what I think you are referring to, then:
"Against All Odds" is the name of a Custom Settings code that was put together by @Hadrian.

Custom Settings Code : 8pnM-mioP-GgoH-Df9d-+gAA

This code in particular was created and used for his series Against All Odds: Season 5 (YouTube).
The first episode goes over the particulars of each setting.

I haven't checked in sometime, but last I knew the channel had been dormant for at least a year now... so this code is at least a few updates behind the current patch.

Oh right thanks. I'll have a look on ytube to see if it's still around. 

Wonder if it's as bug free😁



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I'd gotten to bed a little bit late, so I slept in a bit more than usual and got up sometime mid-morning.  I realized I'd neglected to finish harvesting up my catch of rabbits (since last night I was really only concerned with food and water).  I quickly gathered them up, took them inside, and started stripping the carcasses down for pelt & gut.  Just as I was finishing up the first rabbit, I heard horrible sound of blistering winds outside.

...I was kind of kidding before, but I'm really starting to feel like Pleasant Valley weather actually is following me around. :D  I took a peek outside, and sure enough it was another blizzard.  I wasn't expecting another one to hit so soon, but I do have enough rabbit meat outside and about four liters of water stocked up.  If the weather doesn't clear before nightfall, I'd still have what I need to hole-up until tomorrow.

I finished harvesting pelts/gut from my rabbits, and left them out to cure.  I searched through the house, while I did find some found food (which of course I'm only going to be stockpiling for much later) and a few handy items (sowing kit, bandage, etc...), but found absolutely nothing in any of the cupboards, drawers, or containers.  Bad luck I guess, the previous occupant must have done a pretty good job of cleaning the place out before they left.  Also of note, I didn't come across any recycled cans or cooking pot either.  Which is not really a problem, since I have the one can I brought with me from Pleasant Valley... but I was kind of hoping to find at least another can. 

The blizzard was still raging outside, so I opted to just lay in bed and let time pass. 😵

Thankfully, the storm passed.  However, by then it was very nearly sundown.  Since I'd been idle for just about the entire day, I wasn't tired enough to try and sleep though the night.  Instead, I decided I would head back out on the ice to get started on fishing.  Since wolves have already shown up at dock over at the Fishing Camp... that's probably not going to be a good fishing spot going forward (except perhaps on days that the wolves decide to prowl someplace else).  I figured I would head to the Fishing Hut positioned almost perfectly half way between the Fishing Camp and Jackrabbit Island.  Firstly, it would make a good waypoint between the too where I can get a quick bite to eat before moving on.  Secondly... it had a door! :D  At least this way, when wolves show up to skulk around that fishing hut, I should be able to secure the hatch and fish to my heart's content (or all my lines break).

Thankfully the way was clear.  I quickly used my prybar to chip through the ice and got settled for at least 6 hours of fishing.  Almost immediately after the hook hit the water... the line snapped. 😒  Which is why I've been slowly collecting sets of fishing tackle, so losing one wasn't going to be an issue... still though, would have been nice to have at least caught something before it snapped.  The second line held up fine for the entire six hour stretch.  I caught a fair amount of Rainbow Trout, but only one Coho Salmon.  Not the best catch, but it was going make for a a good start at building up a steady food supply.

For the rest of the night, I just started up a fire and proceeded to cook up my catch.  The lantern oil was also very welcome.  Too bad I hadn't found a cooking pot over on Jackrabbit Island.  I would have like to get more lantern oil out it, but I'm still thankful for whatever I can get. :D

After the fish were done cooking, I kept the fire going for a couple more hours just to build up a couple more liters of water.  Once I decided to laydown the bedroll to try to take a nap, it was getting very close to sun up.  I decided I would just eat my smallest fish, sate my thirst, and just rest for 4 hours.  The last thing I needed was to turn my sleeping habits upside down.  

After I woke up, headed back towards the Fishing Camp.  Sure enough, the wolves were there skulking around the dock.  Unless I wanted to start trying to cull the wolves every time they come around, the fishing hut nearest the Fishing Camp just wasn't going to be a good option for fishing.  Great spot for boiling water... but fishing, I think, was just going to be too risky (particularly when I can expect a bear to additionally drop by at the most inopportune times).

I took a slightly longer way around to give the wolves (and any potential bear) a wide berth.  Once I got to the road and saw it was all clear, I went inside one of the cabins at the Fishing Camp to think about how to proceed.  It's going to be along day ahead of me, and I'm going to be exhausted for most of it.  Probably a good day to just focus on fishing a little bit more, but for the time being I'm going to drop off a few things and think about the next move.

I also need to start beachcombing... that was the primary motivator for me coming here after all.  Though, if I am to go beachcombing today, I'd better do it before I'm completely exhausted.  Otherwise, I probably ought to save that for after I've gotten a good night's sleep.

Edited by ManicManiac
Fixing some typos
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Despite my better judgement, I decided to map my way all the way to Rockfall, then followed along the ridgeline out across the ice, and started beachcombing.  I also took the opportunity to survey while following along the edge of the weak ice.  Constantly testing the ice to ensure I was getting as close to the water as possible, I searched along the water's edge.  While I found a fair number of items that washed up... however, most weren't very notable.  I'd managed to make a good deal of progress considering I'd only been out on the ice for maybe a couple of hours.

All the while, the weather had turned from sunny blue skies to an ever increasingly heavy snowfall.  I kept making my way along the edge of the week ice until I came upon the Fishing Hut just past Jackrabbit Island.  I went inside to see what I could find...  I was pleasantly surprised. :D 
The rifle is always a nice find (even if I'm not likely to use it), the reclaimed wood will make nice snare, and the cedar wood is always a welcome find.  So far, I've not yet used any of the hatchets I've come across for chopping wood, and I'm probably not going to anytime soon.  I've had a habit of just trying to stockpile all the cedar and fir wood I find (using it only in emergencies, but mostly saving it for use on the later end of the run).  In the corner nearest the door on my right, I found a can of Stacy's Grape Soda and bag of Beef Jerky (of course this will be added my growing stockpile of found foods to also be saved for later end of the run).

While I was rooting around and even took a quick survey from this hut... the weather took another dramatic turn for the worse.  I should have known... and now I was caught out in whiteout blizzard.

Considering my location, I knew I could keep oriented.  I decided to step outside, make my way to the edge of the weak ice and follow it until I could see the edge of Jackrabbit Island.  From there I just had to cautiously make my way up the hill (hoping a wolf hadn't moved into the area).  It took a few minutes carefully feel along the weak ice, but I soon came upon the shore of Jackrabbit Island.  I pulled a stone out of my pack... and carefully (but with determined urgency) crested the hill.  Thankfully, the way was clear, and soon I could make out the outline of the cabin that would be my shelter for the night.  Since I'd already had a little extra rabbit meat stashed on the porch, I knew I'd be able to weather the storm; safe and warm.

I ate just what I needed for the night, sated my thrust and went to bed.  It wasn't long after I laid down that the storm passed...  However, as I woke up the next morning, another blizzard stuck.  This isn't ideal, but I don't have much choice but to wait.

I don't mind saying that the sheer number of blizzards is unbelievable. 😖 My luck with the weather is clearly cursed.
This streak of storms has got to end at some point...  I may just have to start fishing though blizzards if these weather patterns are going to continue. 🤔

As for beachcombing, I was able to gather up the following from the weak ice:
Flare Shell, Ragged Cotton Toque, Cloth, Reclaimed Wood, Rifle Shell Casing, Stick, Birch Bark, and another Stick.

As I mentioned before, not much of note... but at least there's a few interesting things I could save for later on. :) The reclaimed wood of course will serve to give me another snare (once the first three raw gut from the rabbits finish curing)

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Hmm, so it's not just me a having really cursed run then?  :D  

I'd have to go back through my journal entries to avoid hyperbolae... but it certainly seems like I've not gone more than two days without a blizzard since I left Pleasant Valley.   I suppose regardless if the weather is perhaps bugged, I'll just have to roll with it.  Unexpected challenges are fun for me too, I was just a bit taken aback when the frequency of bad weather was getting to uncanny levels (to the point where it's getting a little noticeably ridiculous). :D 

I've got another ticket in for the broken Mapping Progress tab in the Journal, I may give it a few more sessions, (and a tally from my journal entries to an accurate count) before I make a ticket.  Part of me still wonders whether the RNG is broken, or just really hates me right now.  :)  But if you're noticed more frequent severe weather too (and perhaps other folks as well)... maybe it's worth it to make a ticket, just to see if Hinterland might look into it.

In the meantime, I might just have to get more brazen about traveling during whiteouts (that would certainly test my map knowledge).  Of course, if I don't have enough resources to keep a fire going... this could naturally be a pretty risky course of action as well.

Hmm... I guess I'll just have to keep rolling with the punches for now.  :D 

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2 hours ago, ManicManiac said:


Hmm, so it's not just me a having really cursed run then?  :D  

I'd have to go back through my journal entries to avoid hyperbolae... but it certainly seems like I've not gone more than two days without a blizzard since I left Pleasant Valley.   I suppose regardless if the weather is perhaps bugged, I'll just have to roll with it.  Unexpected challenges are fun for me too, I was just a bit taken aback when the frequency of bad weather was getting to uncanny levels (to the point where it's getting a little noticeably ridiculous). :D 

I've got another ticket in for the broken Mapping Progress tab in the Journal, I may give it a few more sessions, (and a tally from my journal entries to an accurate count) before I make a ticket.  Part of me still wonders whether the RNG is broken, or just really hates me right now.  :)  But if you're noticed more frequent severe weather too (and perhaps other folks as well)... maybe it's worth it to make a ticket, just to see if Hinterland might look into it.

In the meantime, I might just have to get more brazen about traveling during whiteouts (that would certainly test my map knowledge).  Of course, if I don't have enough resources to keep a fire going... this could naturally be a pretty risky course of action as well.

Hmm... I guess I'll just have to keep rolling with the punches for now.  :D 

There's definitely an increase in them. Funny how we seem to be the only ones noticing them. Unless it's just not getting posted.  I suppose newbies wouldn't know it's unusual and the lopers probably think it's normal🙂  

I think there's a bug or two with the journal as well ,notes disappearing I think. But it's definitely worth keeping an eye on it.  I'll log them in my daily log as well.   

I hope you get some blue skies soon though👍

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I hope so too... :D 

I can hole-up on Jackrabbit Island today, maybe tomorrow too... but then I'd be in bad need of food again.

Regardless of what goes on tomorrow, I think I'll almost have to get back to fishing.  I was hoping to have made more progress, this is usually a pretty short stay when it comes to mapping this area.


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Just now, ManicManiac said:


I hope so too... :D 

I can hole-up on Jackrabbit Island today, maybe tomorrow too... but then I'd be in bad need of food again.

Regardless of what goes on tomorrow, I think I'll almost have to get back to fishing.  I was hoping to have made more progress, this is usually a pretty short stay when it comes to mapping this area.


I'm wondering now if each region has had a tweak. I gave up in coastal because of the blizzards and mystery lake was almost constant fog. 

I don't even want to think about going to blackrock or K pass north.   

It's a pity you couldn't come back to coastal at another time but I know you wouldn't want to do that . Just a shame that whatever's going on is having such a bad impact on things.   

Maybe you'll get some aurora's ,I know the wildlife isn't the best in that situation but you could at least map while it's around.. plus it's beautiful to watch of course😊


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Well if it got to the point where weather was just making mapping an unreasonable drag, I would entertain picking up and leaving.  With this run, I didn't anchor myself with region restrictions like I have in the past... so at least for this run I've left myself the option of coming and going as I pleased (hence my quick Ash Canyon trek).  However, I do tend to want to stick around in each region until I'm done with it... but I'm going to have to keep in mind that I'm not bound to that this time. :D 

On the other hand... the idea of stubbornly digging in my heels to see if I can out last the weather has a certain charm to it, in my mind.  🤭

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Stubborn as a pv  blizzard 😊 

They can't (or shouldn't)  last forever though unless you have a bugged run.. I hope not ,it's frustrating at the best of times .your experience will keep you in good stead though and I'm sure you'll pick the right way (for yourself)  to go with it👍

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So, I patiently waited for the storm to pass...

Once it finally blew itself out, I quickly got back out on the ice to try and finish beachcombing the length of the bay.  I'd managed to get a fair bit of mapping done along the way and was able to survey as far along as Commuter's Lament.  As I surveyed the nearby waterfront cottages... another blizzard hit.  That's three in a row now with maybe about 3-4 hours in between.  🤔

I decided enough was enough.  Rather than hunker down, I took the initiative and searched though both cabins (the third was burned out).  Afterward, I wasn't going to sit and wait.  I pressed onward headlong into the storm.  I was able to feel my way to the road and committed to a hard push against the biting cold.  At this point, I wasn't even frustrated... now I'm just determined.  As hypothermia risk began to set in, and I knew freezing was going to be a quick way to being in a bad way.  I began to push myself even harder, sprinting as much as I could despite the 40+ kg of things I was hauling (from beachcombing and searching those cottages).

No matter what, I could not stop... and every time I'd recovered enough stamina to try and push ahead a little faster, I did.  The coastal highway trailing along the seashore felt longer that it had ever been.  The blistering winds, I'm sure weren't helping.  Every step was agony, as I knew every second that I was out freezing was one step closer to death.  I had to find shelter, but the only way to do that was going to be to push through it and keep moving forward.

Before too much longer, I saw the slope that I recognized... 

Yes, it was indeed the slope that would lead up behind the Lone Cabin just outside of town.  I made it... I could hunker down here and be close enough the fishing hut I'd fished at the night before (so I could eat).  I had a good supply of found food... but that's getting put away and saved.  Now I just need to rest... and hope that tomorrow the weather clears.

As I laid down, I heard the storm break... and drifted to sleep hopeful.
However, when I woke up... my heart sank.  Another blizzard had struck with a cruel hateful rage.


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My first instinct was to head out into the storm and keep to the road.  At least with the storm beating down on the coast, it was likely that animals would be hunkered down... so I was fairly sure the way would be clear.  However, I did decided to wait it out a while, after making the relatively long trek from the Waterfront Cottages to the lone Coastal House just outside of town... I at least wanted to survey the area.

Since I was already starving and fatigue had set in, I knew I could sleep as much as I wanted (even though it wasn't going to be any more restful).  Still, it laying in bed snoozing was at least a comfortable way to pass time.  Eventually the storm passed, so I quickly stepped outside to survey.  Rather than following the road, I opted to head back out over the ice.  The idea was to hit each of the Fishing Huts and try to map out the rest of the bay before the next blizzard rolled in (which I knew with a fair amount of certainty would hit before the end of the day... and it was already noon).

My pack was pretty heavy, about 50kg now in total.  Yesterday had provided a pretty good haul: a good quantity of found foods, a hefty load of clothing, knife, hatchet, some ammo/casings, and even two cooking pots (as well as a couple of recycled cans).  I trudged on, albeit a bit slower than I might have liked... I'd managed to search/survey all the remaining fishing huts.  All the while, the weather shifting from clear skies, to overcast with light snowfall, to gusty heavy snowfall, and once again... blizzard.  By the time the blizzard hit I'd managed to return to the fishing hut I had used for fishing (just about half way between Jackrabbit Island's Cabin and the Fishing Camp).  

I quickly ate and I leaned into the storm to try to "feel" my way back to shore.  Though as I went, I thought I could make out the shoreline and changed course a bit  Unfortunately, I soon found that I had gotten turned around.  The "shore" I thought I'd spotted turned out to be one of the very small islands out in the bay... I got my confirmation of this when I suddenly found myself on weak ice.  I'd managed to end up more than 180* off course :D 

I was able to reorient and follow the string of small islands back towards shore.  After I spotted the Fishing Hut nearest the Fishing Camp, I knew I where to go for shelter... I just had to hope that the bear wasn't out in the storm.  Thankfully the way was clear, and I spent the rest of the evening sorting & dropping off all the gear and supplies I'd gathered along the way.

I suppose as long as I get at least a little time between storms, I can make this work.  Most of the ice has been surveyed, but I'd still have to map out the roads/switchbacks leading up the ridge line to the upper levels.  I will also have to make my way back around to Coastal Townsite; I kind of skipped over that entirely. 🤭

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Okay... I may be writing this a little prematurely at this point, but it looks like the curse may be broken. :D 

Today has been a pretty good day, even if I didn't get much work on the map accomplished.  Went back out on the ice to my chosen fishing hut and committed to 6 hours of fishing.  Once again, my line snapped almost immediately, but I still had plenty of spares.  The catch wasn't great and the Coho I did manage to catch were pretty kind of the small side, but I still came out ahead for my food supply.  Having the cooking pots is nice, at least I can get a little more lantern fuel now.

After the fishing was done, the sun was shining and I was able to use my mag-lens to get the stove in the hut going.  It was a bit too windy to get a campfire going outside, but by the time I got the fish cooked it had settled down and a heavy fog had rolled in.  With there being little to no wind, I got a campfire going just behind the open door of the fishing hut (it was about the most protected spot I could pick given the area.  I didn't keep more than a hour of burn time on the campfire.  If the wind picked up, I didn't want to loose too much to a windblown campfire.

I did take a quick trip back to the fishing village to grab the 30 coal I had stashed there, and brought it back to my fishing hut.  However, as I approached on the return trip, a wolf had started stalking the nearby deer.  I cut around wide to make sure I didn't get between the wolf and it quarry.  As I slipped back inside the hut, I was able to watch the deer take the wolf on a wild chase back towards the dock.

I decided I would try to take advantage of the opportunity...
I was able to sneak up on the wolf while it was eating, and with one clean shot ended up with two pretty good sources of meat.  Though, having to tend the fires... I wouldn't have time to harvest them today.  I'm hoping that the wolves don't return to the docks overnight.  I'd like to make the shot worth it and get all the meat, pelts, and gut.  I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if I can safely get that done.

The rest of the day (and well into the night), I was working on building up a decent supply of water (at least for the time being).

After I let the fires burn out, ate, and carried back about five liters of water with me... it had began to snow.  I went to bed hoping for good weather.  Much to my surprise, I didn't wake up to the sounds of a blizzard.  That was such a relief.  I don't know if my bad luck with weather is over yet... but I'm going into the new day hopeful I can get more work done. :) 

Because I've been paying closer attention to the weather, I've also remembered to take more snapshots.
So here is a few moments out of my day:

The definition of "Cozy" :) 
(I didn't bother trying to avoid the HUD elements for most of them,mainly because I wanted the time of day reference in case of another sudden blizzard - it was for science 😁)

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I was surprised by that too.  The dock was clear, the other two fishing huts were clear.  They must have been thick over at the Townsite, or maybe in the upper areas on and around the Switchbacks.

The wolf that had been chasing that deer came all the way over from around the shore at Jackrabbit Island.  :D 

Thank you, I've been trying to get better at taking snapshots.
For the briefest of moments, there was a really surreal pink fog... but by the time I'd picked the shot I wanted, it faded (which is the ones posted). 


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Well at least you're clear to harvest in peace,weather permitting anyway😊

Love the pink fog, don't remember seeing it very often. It's just a reminder how beautiful this game is😊. And your pics show that very well

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Just now, ManicManiac said:


Thank you.  This game is so full of really gorgeous moments, and I so easily get engrossed not just in what I'm doing but also in just how beautiful Great Bear Island is.

(one of my *many favorites from a run along time ago)

I can see why..  so many to choose from though😊

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