Problems with TLD.


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A couple of years ago someone posted a message about the problems of TLD.  I replied half flippantly, half seriously, that my biggest problem was not the wolves or the bear but all the waiting for water to boil,  meat to cook, etc. etc. when I had to sit at the computer waiting.  At these times I would pick up my glass of wine and have a quick sip. 


After several months of not playing TLD and the reduced availablitiy of cheap French wine due to UK leaving the EU, I recently returned to TLD.  I was reminded of my earlier posting when I have found that my wine consumption is much greater when playing TLD then during other activities.


Perhaps I need to find an American lawyer, who works on taking a percentage, to sue HTL for the health problems that I might be suffering from as a result of my increased wine consumption while palying TLD..

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unfortunately the cunning beeings at HTL have foreseen Your move to grab some easy cash. As You can now speed up the cooking process until every chosen state by pressing the space bar, any lawsuit filed will utterly be smashed. 
On the other hand, regarding my headaches after putting too much attention into my cheap French cooking wine, maybe the Brexit does have some benefitial aspects towards Your health.

Have fun.

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I don't think you can sue Hinterland but you can keep drinking if you like.

The only problem with combining The Long Dark and alcohol is that my survivor will tirelessly tumble off the broken rail bridge by the Ravine to meet his maker. Kinda takes the fun out of whiskey. 

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On 8/31/2021 at 10:08 PM, Leeanda said:

What's wrong with cheap English wine?🙂

There isn't such a thing. 

Expensive English wine doesn't mean that it's good.  It probably means that a trendy wine field is trying to make their wine look quality wine by setting a premium price.  At the moment I'm drinking South African Shiraz, which is surprisingly good.  It was on a special weekend offer at my local LIDL supermarket for £2.99.  That is a very low price for UK supermarkets.

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1 hour ago, peteloud said:

There isn't such a thing. 

Expensive English wine doesn't mean that it's good.  It probably means that a trendy wine field is trying to make their wine look quality wine by setting a premium price.  At the moment I'm drinking South African Shiraz, which is surprisingly good.  It was on a special weekend offer at my local LIDL supermarket for £2.99.  That is a very low price for UK supermarkets.

I will have to take your word for it! I'm teetotal! Cos it all tastes like cat pee to me☺️ 

Still like to watch drunk people trying to take down a bear! I'd watch that video for sure!


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6 hours ago, Stinky socks said:

I am surprised hinterland hasn't incorporated drinking habits into survivor mode🤔


Perhaps they thought it was hard enough without the staggering around and blurred vision!☺️

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19 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Oh you have a very liberal boss then☺️

Oh I can do ya one better. Back when we all still worked in office, we had an xbox in a break room just outside the help desk call center. Someone bought a copy of TLD and gifted it to the company, and I would frequently play while on break. (That's how I concluded I can't aim worth a damn with an analog stick.) But my inability to hit the broad side of a barn notwithstanding, I do kind of miss being able to awe my co-workers at my unerring ability to survive Interloper runs beyond the first day.

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On 9/5/2021 at 2:38 AM, Stinky socks said:

I am surprised hinterland hasn't incorporated drinking habits into survivor mode🤔


Would be kind of cool if they could measure our degree of intoxication from how we handle the controller/mouse and award us with a suitable drunkness affliction.  Until  there's a case where the presumed constant intoxication is in fact a gamer suffering from Parkinson's disease...

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It would totally make sense for Astrid to get drunk, given the island suffered from alcohol abuse when times became hard and loss of employment was rising. 

I'd imagine a drunkard buff would make you more furious during wolf attack and give you higher chance of causing lethal wound to the wolf during struggle! Accompanied by some profanities which can be disabled for younger audience.

I can only imagine her rip apart that grey dog in rage!

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8 hours ago, Leeanda said:

You played interloper early on then?I haven't even tried it yet! I like the cowards way☺️

It's not my preferred mode, but I kept getting called out on it since I've been playing since ...dang. 2015 I think? Honestly surviving a day on Interloper is not at all hard. It's surviving that first week that can be a pain. But if surviving 24 hours is your only goal, well heck you're not gonna get cabin fever in that amount of time. Just make a beeline to the nearest indoor bed and wait it out. 

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2 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

It's not my preferred mode, but I kept getting called out on it since I've been playing since ...dang. 2015 I think? Honestly surviving a day on Interloper is not at all hard. It's surviving that first week that can be a pain. But if surviving 24 hours is your only goal, well heck you're not gonna get cabin fever in that amount of time. Just make a beeline to the nearest indoor bed and wait it out. 

I have tried a couple of the challenges but never even finished day 1. My nemesis Yogi was always right outside the door every time I opened it! After a while I gave up and stuck to pilgrim. 

Just when you get used to something htl throw a spanner in the works but I suppose you're used to that?

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