Jumping Mechanic


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It could be useful at times to be able to do a small jump. Just a teeny tiny jump to boost you over small things that you can get stuck on.

Jumping would make you get more tired and/or use up some calories. Jumping while being overburdened (you are carrying too much stuff) would have a higher chance of causing an ankle sprain. You would not be able to jump in situations when you are unable to sprint (ankle sprain, fatigue, hunger, etc.).

If you jump onto a rock to try and get away from wolves, the wolves would do an animation where they lift themselves up against the rock with their forelegs. This would allow them to reach up higher to try and bite at your legs. If that fails, well then they just keep pacing around the rock, barking at you every now and then. Then you would either have to wait until they get tired and go looking for other easier prey, or you would be forced to get off because you're getting cold, tired, hungry or thirsty.

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Apparently they don't want to add jumping because it would make it too hard to contain the player where they want them to be.

Honestly if we could just lift our legs more than 5mm that would be great. Getting jammed up on every twig and tiny snow drift is just......not great.

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Please, no more ways to injure yourself...

From a technical standpoint, to maintain the accuracy/realism, adding a jump function changes a lot of physics in the game. If you’re being lunged at by a wolf and you jump, how does that effect combat, if a moose charges you, same, how does that effect injuries, etc...

Then you also run into mountain climbing like in Skyrim when you’re able to reach areas by spam clicking the jump button. 

I get frustrated as well trying to navigate the maze that is some areas trying to find the walkable path around a couple of fallen limbs, but rather than an itty bitty exploitable jump mechanic, a better way to report those glitched spots so they can fix the collision may be a better option.

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7 hours ago, Hotklou2404 said:

Rolling sounds like it would be very clumsy and take a lot of effort to do with that heavy backpack on your back.

That was bad communication on my part. I always think of our character as someone who has no legs but has wheels and that's why we are the way we are in the game. It came out in a way that wasn't understandable but what I mean is if we could "step" over objects.....but in the game it would be more like pushing ourselves over or something because we kinda slide around the ground in the game engine.

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1 minute ago, odizzido said:

That was bad communication on my part. I always think of our character as someone who has no legs but has wheels and that's why we are the way we are in the game. It came out in a way that wasn't understandable but what I mean is if we could "step" over objects.....but in the game it would be more like pushing ourselves over or something because we kinda slide around the ground in the game engine.

That would be perfect, if they made us able to just step over small obstacles like rocks and debris that you sometimes get stuck, even though it looks as though you should be able to just walk over it.

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1 hour ago, odizzido said:

I always think of our character as someone who has no legs but has wheels and that's why we are the way we are in the game. It came out in a way that wasn't understandable but what I mean is if we could "step" over objects.....but in the game it would be more like pushing ourselves over or something because we kinda slide around the ground in the game engine.

I linked an image above that shows that feeling precisely. GizmoDuck vibes :D

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On 3/15/2021 at 9:22 PM, odizzido said:

Apparently they don't want to add jumping because it would make it too hard to contain the player where they want them to be.

I used to be worried about this. Until on one day I was exploring an area in Milton's Basin, and I thought I could get through between two rocks, and I did. Only to find myself walking in a white nothingness, seeing the world from outside, and not being able to get back. it was 10% exhilarating, 90% absolute panic. Probably the only time I used Esc and reloading from the last point. This point in the terrain, where you can walk off the "designated playground" had been fixed in the meantime.

I do usually have a problem with restrictions in life, but since that experience I know to trust the developers, that if I cannot get through a certain point on the map, they have a very good reason not to allow it, and respect that choice and turn around.

That said, there are some areas which are for sure meant to be passable, but are a bit clumsy, and you can feel stuck on a 5 cm snow-bump. Those are to be reported as bugs I believe, and are among the first ones listed as corrected on any Change Log. (you may want to hit Esc when getting to such places, or keep backing up your savefiles, for when you cannot hit Esc)

Edited by AdamvR
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