Mir krocop

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Ight boom so check it, I defiantly think spears are a realistic and super helpful thing they can add to the game. I understand there is a bear spear in story mode you can harvest for 1 scrap metal and a maple sapling. I feel like 2 scrap metal and 2 maple saplings to make one is fair. To be used as a weapon you can throw or melee with. The hunter gatherers have be using spears since they’ve been able to make tools I’m sure our survivor can figure it out. What do you guys think or has it been discussed before I’m kinda new here? Also a ladder would be useful as a make shift bridge for small gaps that you need to cross over I think that is also a very simple helpful tool. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spear would be nice as a better melee option for wolves, or just to finish off a deer running away/to you.

Can’t think of anytime I’ve sat there thinking I needed a ladder though. Limited mobility sure, but I don’t there are any shortcuts needed unless I can climb a tree with it when running from a bear.

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On 3/2/2021 at 11:37 AM, LoneWolf5841 said:

They said a while ago that the spear in story mode was supposed to be added to survival eventually. Not sure what happened or if it's still planned.

I admit I might be wrong with this, cant remember everything, but I dont believe Hinterland actually said they were going to add the spear into the game. Im pretty sure it was widely required by the player base but dont remember it being something the staff confirmed. They said the Bear spear was going to be added into the game but I believe that was meant to be the Story mode. 

But I might be wrong.

I think it would be neat. However, gotta point out a few things. There are different kinds of spears, the one we see in storyline is definitely not for throwing, it is heavy as heck. As it should be - from what other forum members said, it depicts a hunting spear used to hunt wild boars. Basically animals that charge in an attack, and utilizes thick, strong build when the end is rooted into earth and the spear head is pointed towards the charging animal to stop its charge and impale it at the same time. The two hands on the spearhead are there to prevent the spear from going through the body fully, in order to keep some distance between the hunter and the charging animal. So its not a spear for throwing - it would be heavy, would not fly straight or far, and it would not cause a lot of damage. It is meant to be a offensive hunting weapon, using the charge speed and weight of the animal against it. 

I think it would be cool if it were made from maple sapling, cured gut and a forged spearhead. The spearhead could be forged from 3 scrap metals and 1 improvised knife. This would make the spear forging a decently long task, and the materials would fit in pretty well. One would have to forge the improvised knife for the head piece, or they would have to find one in the wilds. Additionally, only 100% durability knife could be used - so again, either forge one, or with the found one, the player would have to sharpen it before it could be used. Any thoughts on the idea?

As for its uses - I see people suggest its to be used in struggles as a weapon. The game has no melee fighting, that is something that should be kept in mind, I think. I reccon it could be used as a weapon to do the same thing like in Story mode, basically give you "struggle" option with bears (and maybe with moose, too?) - as a way of defending oneself against great bodily harm, and harm the big animal in stead. But for wolves, I reccon it could be used in struggle as a "weapon you chose" the same way you chose tools now. I believe it would not be very effective weapon to fight off wolves because of how heavy the spear actually is. It could also be used to break ice holes for fishing in the proper fishing spots.

As for the ladder idea - now that is interesting. Problem I see with it is that its pretty heavy, very awkward to carry around, and it would have to be used in some specific way... I just dont see the current game mechanics working well with it if it were used to climb to higher spaces. If it were something like a placeable object, something one would place like bedroll for example, which just adds short bridge that can be crossed, that would be neat idea. I can see people using these in the game to fortify the precarious locations like the Ravine trestle tear in railway tracks. Might still cause issue with people using these to get to places where they shouldnt be.

Edited by Mroz4k
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From what I remember they did mention the spear but they said they would look and see if it would fit. They never said they were planning to add it, they said they were planning on considering adding it. Whether they've thought about it and decided no, decided yes but haven't done it, or haven't decided yet I have no idea.

Edited by odizzido
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As I vaguely recall, the devs were considering the implementation of the Bear Spear into the survival mode game, but I suspect they found that its implementation as a general purpose tool/weapon was significantly more problematic than its use in a story-driven and limited story mode game.  They probably have the working assumption that anything introduced into survival mode, which would then be "expected" to be available in story mode, had better work satisfactorily, as far as they were concerned, in the various activities that players would use and misuse it in.  Once in survival mode there it will stay whether it proves to be workable, useful, or not. Things in story mode - like carrying survivors - do not have to be present in survival mode. 

As @Mroz4k pointed out the Bear Spear would be just one kind of spear meant for a specific purpose - defense against a charging dangerous beast - with limited applicability to other purposes like throwing.  The devs would certainly know that adding one spear would bring about requests for other spears that were lighter, could be more easily thrown, etc. which would make the Bear Spear a kind of Pandora's box or can of worms.  Whether they would want to open themselves to some implied "they did this so they must be willing to do that" position is unlikely or unknown.

A ladder to use as a bridge across gaps would be essentially a "jump" by another name. Its use as a way to 'climb up' to a spot that is currently inaccessible would be a "climb" by another name.  All at the player's discretion.  I understand that the devs chose to not have a "jump" because they thought that it would cause them more problems that was worth it.  I am sure we, as players, would disagree but then again the devs would be the ones who have to work out the mechanic and live with its ramification. 

I would have no problems with a spear. I would have no problems with some kind of "jump" and "climb" even in some limited sense.  I feel that I am only pointing out something that I infer would be in the devs thought process about what to implement. They are the ones who will have to do the work and live with the results.

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