Optional NPCs in survival mode


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What about having the option to add some random-generated characters at some points through survival mode?

They can have text-based dialogue and you can trade survival goods with them, or you can create survival groups where you help each other out.

Kind regards,


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  • 3 weeks later...

I know that I am perhaps a little too late to this topic, but I have a handful of ideas as to why NPCs shouldn't be added. 

First of all, they would most likely need a lot of coding and work just to implement them into the game. I would also expect most players, myself included, to not have them, so it would be hard work for something few would actually use. 

Secondly, one of the main things in TLD is the feeling of isolation. Adding NPCs would, in my opinion, take that away and make it feel like less of a mental struggle. 

Finally, the trading and such would not fit in a game like this, where you have to fend for yourself and not have any help by others. Getting a reward after little to no hard work would make it rather substantially like less of a harsh survival game. 

I can see why you think it's a good idea, and I respect your idea, however, I simply disagree with it. 

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To me it would ruin the “last person on earth” vibe of the game in survival if there were NPCs. And I’m pretty sure if trading was an option, I would figure out a way to break the system and ruin a really fun game. Cause it’s always possible, and once you know, you will do it. At least I will. So I’d never pick the option even if it existed.

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On 9/20/2020 at 6:16 AM, RegentRelic said:

But It oPtiOnaL•)

Just because it's identified as "optional" doesn't mean folks have to automatically like the idea.  :D

As I said before: I appreciate that in the original post it was stipulated as an optional setting, but fundamentally I don't really like the idea of NPC's in survival mode.

I just think that the human NPC's belong in the Story Mode... and not in the Survival Sandbox.


On 10/7/2020 at 11:18 AM, TiffTastic said:

To me it would ruin the “last person on earth” vibe of the game in survival

Right on, I agree.  :)


On 10/6/2020 at 7:03 PM, Catlover said:

one of the main things in TLD is the feeling of isolation. Adding NPCs would, in my opinion, take that away and make it feel like less of a mental struggle.

Agreed (regarding Survival Mode).


Edited by ManicManiac
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I don't feel we need NPCs in the survival sandbox. Story mode is a good place for voice-acted NPCs. 

Normally, I'm in favour of making things Optional, so as not to intrude upon other players... but in this case, I don't even think the option should be added. The Sandbox is about surviving yourself, not trading for items.

if there was a "The Long Dark 2: Longer and Harder" sequal game, I think a trading post mechanic would be cool, but it's something that has to be in-built from the beginning. 

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I'd like it, as long as there's danger in it.

"Ah, friendly survivor, come here, take this gun I have, leave me a piece of meat, and we're fiiiiinnneeeee"

Naaaah. Of course I'm exaggerating HARD, but still, being balanced and all, Naaah.

But then again, if you see a light inside a house, you know there's a NPC there. You enter the house, you get a cutscene where you're mouled down with a rock, and get a few items stolen when you wake up - IF you wake up - then that's a different story.

That would be the right kind of balance - the risk of actually being killed or robbed by a NPC, would make you think twice before going into an encounter with one.

But that's a L-O-T of coding, a L-O-T of work, and I don't think it would happen.


Also, I think the 'unseen' NPC would be nice too - just some footsteps around your base after a long night, would be scary.
Something missing here, some item you left behind secure not being there anymore... It's all nice, but at the same time, would be just and only, frustrating.

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah. I see now some players could hack trade systems and the game would be ruined.

Anyhow, I think that some dialogue between different individuals would do the game good. Everyone is not a hardcore survivalist gamer.

For example, finding a campfire with Methuselah saying some weird things. Or finding someone else.

Adding some of the robbers from the prison bus (from Wintermute) could appeal to these hardcore gamers.

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