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I just saw a spider scurry on my wardrobe, a big one too. Here in Oz, spiders are quite plentiful and certainly terrifying. 

This made me think... Imagine if spiders were added to the game? wouldn't that be fair dinkum horrifying? Perhaps unnecarry, but still an interesting detail. theey could cause an affliction, too! perhaps they could be rare - or imagine walking through a cave only to see a particular chamber crawling with them! black widows, perhaps. Maybe you'd find one under the stairs in the camp office or something. 





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I like spiders, and anyway they would hardly be detectable. And Canada is not a home to many dangerous spiders, I think.

If you think about some creepy crawliness, rats would be more likely and could actually have some relevant in-game effect (oh no they ate my cat tails!)

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perhaps, if / when you break down a crate, there is a chance that a spider will pounce onto your screen and inflict some debuff ?? perhaps, if it were a venemous species, like a black widow or brown recluse, (which can inhabit Canada)  until you treat the bite with antibiotics, say, you continue to loose condition slowly until it reaches 50 percent? idk, but I think it would frighten a fair amount of players- not that that is, in fact the goal of the long dark, but many have been complaining that they no longer feel scared with all the new weapons e.g revolver, and that they never want to feel safe - perhaps this could be a viable solution?

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6 hours ago, cranny said:

perhaps, if / when you break down a crate, there is a chance that a spider will pounce onto your screen and inflict some debuff ?? perhaps, if it were a venemous species, like a black widow or brown recluse, (which can inhabit Canada)  until you treat the bite with antibiotics, say, you continue to loose condition slowly until it reaches 50 percent? idk, but I think it would frighten a fair amount of players- not that that is, in fact the goal of the long dark, but many have been complaining that they no longer feel scared with all the new weapons e.g revolver, and that they never want to feel safe - perhaps this could be a viable solution?

The brown recluse spider is not native to Canada. 


If you do see one in Canada, it has likely been accidentally transported in during that spring/summer by tourists and/or Canadians who live in the Southern US during the winters (commonly known as Snowbirds).  They generally don't survive the winters here.   Conversely, there are a few black widow spiders in Southern Canada (near the US border).

Since Great Bear is isolated and perpetually locked in winter and the homes are not heated, it is highly unlikely that you should expect to see any active spiders there.  Spiders native to Canada are generally dormant during the winter (because they are cold-blooded) unless found inside a heated environment.

All in all, I don't think adding them to the game would scare me in the least unless they are trumped up into being something they simply aren't (like the meme used above).  Even encountering a venomous spider would be a very low-risk encounter for Will or Astrid, covered as they are from head to toe in heavy clothing.


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whoops lol. i didn't really research, I just looked on google, haha

indoors, though, perhaps.  The goal would not be to scare, (though the creators might have fun doing so), ans the long dark is not a horror game, but rather another aspect of wildlife to be wary of.  Keep in mind, hinterland did state in the intro to the long dark that they are not trying to create ''realistic'' animal behavior -  Maybe it could pounce on ur face or somethin' idk 

although, now that you mention turning them into something they simply aren't.... Horrifying aurora spiders, perhaps? the wolves are already all glowy and stuff, so maybe it wouldn't be too far fetched... Image result for australian spiders

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2 hours ago, cranny said:

whoops lol. i didn't really research, I just looked on google, haha

indoors, though, perhaps.  The goal would not be to scare, (though the creators might have fun doing so), ans the long dark is not a horror game, but rather another aspect of wildlife to be wary of.  Keep in mind, hinterland did state in the intro to the long dark that they are not trying to create ''realistic'' animal behavior -  Maybe it could pounce on ur face or somethin' idk 

although, now that you mention turning them into something they simply aren't.... Horrifying aurora spiders, perhaps? the wolves are already all glowy and stuff, so maybe it wouldn't be too far fetched... Image result for australian spiders

Aurora effects on spiders would not be too outrageous for this game, but, TBH, aurora animals are probably my least favorite aspect of this game.

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I have to say "No" to this. It makes little sense. The game does not strive for complete IRL "reality", but it does strive to have enough reality for things added to have some significant, and believable purpose. In Pilgrim, maybe Voyageur, the ambient temps may be warm enough for dormant spiders to be alive. But... no insects for them to catch and eat if they come out of dormancy. In Stalker, and for sure in Interloper, the ambient air temps + windchill mean spiders are not likely to survive past the first hard freeze. 

I think the cobwebs are meant to show how long the island has been decaying, things left unfinished, unkept, since The Collapse. That the places we find, and loot, have been left untouched by human hands, that cared to keep them up and maintain them, for a long time. Like bark scrapings for moose... just because you see them, does not mean they are around that area at any time. The spiderwebs show me an island in complete disrepair. No one cared, or had a reason to care enough, to go and clean these places when there were few residents, and no tourists coming to hunt, fish, cave, and climb any longer. 

I don't see how spiders would add anything to the game that would make them worth the time and effort of the devs to add them. Maybe something for an arachnophile modder to add as a mod, when we have full modding support. A mod I will never use, since I am a complete arachnophobe.

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32 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

I have to say "No" to this. It makes little sense. The game does not strive for complete IRL "reality", but it does strive to have enough reality for things added to have some significant, and believable purpose. In Pilgrim, maybe Voyageur, the ambient temps may be warm enough for dormant spiders to be alive. But... no insects for them to catch and eat if they come out of dormancy. In Stalker, and for sure in Interloper, the ambient air temps + windchill mean spiders are not likely to survive past the first hard freeze. 

I think the cobwebs are meant to show how long the island has been decaying, things left unfinished, unkept, since The Collapse. That the places we find, and loot, have been left untouched by human hands, that cared to keep them up and maintain them, for a long time. Like bark scrapings for moose... just because you see them, does not mean they are around that area at any time. The spiderwebs show me an island in complete disrepair. No one cared, or had a reason to care enough, to go and clean these places when there were few residents, and no tourists coming to hunt, fish, cave, and climb any longer. 

I don't see how spiders would add anything to the game that would make them worth the time and effort of the devs to add them. Maybe something for an arachnophile modder to add as a mod, when we have full modding support. A mod I will never use, since I am a complete arachnophobe.

hmmmm.... perhaps an addition to the Halloween event? /╲/( ͡° ͡° ͟ʖ ͡° ͡°)/\╱\                         /╲/( ͡° ͡° ͟ʖ ͡° ͡°)/\╱\


/╲/( ͡° ͡° ͟ʖ ͡° ͡°)/\╱\ SPOOPY         














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20 minutes ago, cranny said:

hmmmm.... perhaps an addition to the Halloween event? /╲/( ͡° ͡° ͟ʖ ͡° ͡°)/\╱\                         /╲/( ͡° ͡° ͟ʖ ͡° ͡°)/\╱\


/╲/( ͡° ͡° ͟ʖ ͡° ͡°)/\╱\ SPOOPY         














Ummm, yeah. Okay then. 

And still a "No", from this old lady.

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Spiders and centipedes, while one could argue that we might possibly run across these critters in caves or areas we've kept warm for a lengthily amount of time... I think that the effort involved in designing, programing, and implementing... would be far too high considering it doesn't seem like they would add much in terms of gameplay value.  While details and esthetics are great (and don't get me wrong this game is already filled with little details that I appreciate very much), I just think that this particular detail would be a little too labor intensive without much pay off; all things considered.


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