Stick harvest confirmation screen frustration!


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I feel like one major and easy way to streamline the daily experience of surviving would be to not have the pickup confirmation screen each time you pick up something that has no chance to have less than 100% condition, like picking up sticks, wood, saplings, and maybe harvesting cat tails. I understand that they come up for the option to not pick it up, and to see the model up close, but I'd say it's safe to assume that the player wants to pickup a stick or sapling they specifically walked over to and clicked on. Maybe have the confirmation for the first time a player encounters that item? For most items sure, since the condition can be a factor in determining whether you want to keep it or not, and maybe players would want to keep the cat tail stalks but not heads, but even just on sticks would save I think most players a huge number of irritating and flow breaking double clicks. just my two cents :), cheers hinterland!


PS. anyone else think cattail stalks are OP being so abundant, efficient and long-lasting? let me know your thoughts!

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+1, would be a quality-of-life improvement. And yes, the stalks are slightly OP (although I appreciate that they don't decay). They were even more so when they were introduced, their caloric value was reduced later.

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The extra click doesn't really bother me, I guess to me it just serves to represent that the action is deliberate and not accidental.  Plus, sometimes I just want to look at an item as opposed to picking it up (such as when you want to find a smaller piece of meat for whatever reason, or to check on the over all status of the item - such as condition).

So, I like the system the way it is.

As far as the cattail stalks, I like them fine the way they are too... besides they are far from being the most efficient food in the game (cal/kg - 3000cal/1kg is pretty good, but the most efficient food presently are the crackers at a whopping 6000cal/1kg - If I remember right) :) 


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On 5/18/2019 at 4:40 AM, ManicManiac said:

As far as the cattail stalks, I like them fine the way they are too... besides they are far from being the most efficient food in the game (cal/kg - 3000cal/1kg is pretty good, but the most efficient food presently are the crackers at a whopping 6000cal/1kg - If I remember right) :) 

True about the crackers, but there is a fundamentally finite number of crackers, don't cattails regrow? Even if they don't there'd still be easily dozens of stalks to crackers in the game, possibly hundreds, with at least like 70-odd in the muskeg at least lol :) 

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I guess I'm neither for this nor against it.  I wrote an AutoHotKey script to make picking up and dropping piles of sticks easier on my click finger (it basically just rapid-fires the mouse button once every 20 milliseconds) so problem solved there.  I guess I don't care so much about having to confirm each pickup, as I do having to confirm that pickup EVERY time.  I would rather have the ability to wrap sticks into a bundle as a single firewood item.  Currently you have to click once to pick up, then again to confirm. That's 160 clicks to accumulate enough sticks for a 12 hour fire.  Then another 320 clicks to pick those sticks back up off the floor and toss them into the flames.  I'd rather just be able to bundle those sticks together into a 12 hour fire bundle, and chuck it in the corner.  When it's time to start a fire, toss in a single 12kg 80-stick bundle and boom instant 12 hour 80C flame.

Cat tails are not OP in my opinion, because they are finite.  They're a good famine food if your hunt goes sideways and you need to recover from a first degree moosing or something.  But you can't rely on them for long.

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1 hour ago, ThePhoenics said:

True about the crackers, but there is a fundamentally finite number of crackers, don't cattails regrow? Even if they don't there'd still be easily dozens of stalks to crackers in the game, possibly hundreds, with at least like 70-odd in the muskeg at least lol :) 

Cattails do not regrow.  Forlorn Muskeg is probably the region with the most cattails.  Desolation Point has absolutely none.  I don't think Crumbling Highway has any either and other regions, like Pleasant Valley, HRV, and TWM, have relatively few.  In addition, the amount that spawn in decreases as difficulty increases.  I believe there's only about 1/3rd the amount in interloper as in voyageur.

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I agree with picking up sticks needs to just be one click, not click > confirm.  Why confirm what a stick is?  you soon learn what they are.

As for other items well yeah maybe just do sticks as a starter devs.

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7 hours ago, ThePhoenics said:

don't cattails regrow?

No they don't respawn.  Once you pick them they are gone forever.

As for the rest... the system works fine as it is.  Somethings are more advantageous to be able to look at rather than immediately pickup...  If you had to pick up everything in order to look at it, then people would complain about that instead.  You need to keep in mind that interacting with objects is all one system, not segmented between different items... that's why it all works the same way.

In my opinion, the extra click is just not that much of a nuisance.  Sure it does suck when you are moving a large pile of sticks and you have to individually pick up each stick... but honestly it's just not that big a deal.  :) 

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