why those illogical mechanisms?


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6 minutes ago, thefistoffury1 said:

Ok, this is important. The game has realism in mind, but it's a GAME still. I personally would have a ridiculous amount of Fish, even on Stalker. Combined with other animals and how much food they yield, it would be WAY too easy to kill a deer and have weeks worth of food (closer to real life, but not good for gameplay). Having more realism is great, but when one rifle cartridge/ arrow gives you weeks of no worries for food, it would make the game (even on iterloper) extremely stress free and frankly, not challenging enough.

This is actually a quality point that addresses the OP's conjecture.  If the game were "more logical" then the timeframe of game-play would have to be much different.  Once a deer were downed, starvation would be eliminated from the list of dangers for a week or more.  This would also be the case for injuries and sprains: the character would be out of commission or disabled for weeks of recovery.  Really, it sounds like most of the "illogical" aspects of TLD are to accelerate the time-frame of play so the player isn't just sitting around waiting for weeks in recovery, or in little danger for weeks at a time.  Really wouldn't be a very interesting game, IMO.

35 minutes ago, vargata said:

As a bowhunter i used to run and walk in minuses all day long, never had to sleep after 2 hours. maybe do something your body is up to . . .

Pretty sure running a Sub-3hr marathon qualifies as being in shape.  ;)

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5 minutes ago, NardoLoopa said:

This is actually a quality point that addresses the OP's conjecture.  If the game were "more logical" then the timeframe of game-play would have to be much different.  Once a deer were downed, starvation would be eliminated from the list of dangers for a week or more.  This would also be the case for injuries and sprains: the character would be out of commission or disabled for weeks of recovery.  Really, it sounds like most of the "illogical" aspects of TLD are to accelerate the time-frame of play so the player isn't just sitting around waiting for weeks in recovery, or in little danger for weeks at a time.  Really wouldn't be a very interesting game, IMO.

except it could be fine tuned with other aspects. currently you can just cut up a deer, bag it and take it home in your pocket which is just as silly as eating it at once. you should be only able to take it bits by bits, snow could bury it, wolves eat it or pull it to shelter, this would actually add to the complexity and variety of the game instead of making it boring. where will you store the food to make sure it wont deteriorate or being stolen? how will you take food for journeys with you? dont think having a deer that is enough for a week would solve your problems

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I think you have makings of a very interesting game, there.  It's a different game than TLD, but interesting.  Perhaps you should seek capital backing and a development team to implement your vision.  I think if you were to consider the same timeline and budget as TLD's development, you'd need to make large sacrifices elsewhere to realize some of the complexities you're after.

I certainly think I'd enjoy playing it too.

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17 hours ago, vargata said:

hard? noobs can only come with this all the time? this game is not hard, its easy, very easy, its just illogical and boring as you don't do anything but fishing hunting eating it all. i hate snares, they are cruel. did you ever leave your basement? i mean in real life, i was a traditionalist bowhunter in a country where winter is really cold (i still have 4 of my 6 bows), no, nobody eats 12 kilos of fishes or a whole deer, not once, not even a whole day, ffs not even in 3 days, not even out hunting in -15. Lions eat around 3.5 kg meat a day in captivity, slightly more in wild and lions are a lot bigger than men. I can go out fishing a few hours catching enough fish for a whole family. Did you ever kill a pig? you know, cut it up putting in the freezer? or you just buy them in the supermarket? even one gives an insane amount of meet, a deer gives FAR FAR more. the challenge in the game shouldnt come from just getting food. wood, heating the cabins (that gives you now automatic above zero safeplace) would be much more logical... no house in -30 would be a safe place without constant heating. also, climbing a cliff makes you tired, not sleepy. nobody gets sleepy right after sleeping 12 hours just because had a little activity... these stupid things can come only from someone never ever done anything like this. i used to wander the mountains for days, actually slept a lot less than at home. you get more tired but will have a much better sleep...

You Sir, seem to still have a lot of hatred inside you. Why do you bother sharing it?

[in your aggressive writing style] Have you ever wondered what is the difference between a Game and a Simulator? Men, it's written white on black when you launch the game, can you read? Thinking houses are thermalized with outside air ? Never heard of of thermal inertia? these stupid things can come only from someone never ever done anything like this. Have you never seen a basement? Do you have any idea what temperature it actually is just below the earth surface? Oh, and did nobody tell you about what we call clothing? Have you ever tried, during your traditionalist bowhunting, to climb a cliff just on pure strength on a rope with 30kg in a backpack?

I could go on like this for days, that's so easy not being constructive...

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18 hours ago, BareSkin said:

You Sir, seem to still have a lot of hatred inside you. Why do you bother sharing it?

[in your aggressive writing style] Have you ever wondered what is the difference between a Game and a Simulator? subnautica for example is not a simulation, its a game and its an extremely enjoyable and LOGICAL game Men, it's written white on black when you launch the game, can you read? Thinking houses are thermalized with outside air ? Never heard of of thermal inertia? these stupid things can come only from someone never ever done anything like this. DID YOU TRY it? Because I did, If its minus 30 outside and the house had no heating it is -30 inside too. Have you never seen a basement? Do you have any idea what temperature it actually is just below the earth surface? The houses are not below the earth surface, actually underground caves could be realistic to have around 0 temperature even when its really cold outside... Oh, and did nobody tell you about what we call clothing? Have you ever tried, during your traditionalist bowhunting, to climb a cliff just on pure strength on a rope with 30kg in a backpack? LOL, in our eastern society climbing rope with just your 2 hands, not even on cliff, just being hanged on the ceiling is a gymnastics requirement in primary school, everybody has to learn it, though not with a backpack, it wont change much...

I could go on like this for days, that's so easy not being constructive... yes, i see, as you weren't any constructive :D 


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On 20/01/2019 at 8:32 AM, vargata said:

yes, this is a point, but finding food shouldnt be the drive to go out, it should be exploration, hunting for resources and primarily heat, whenever I was out in the nature that was the most pressing matter. get enough wood to have a fire all night but in this game even that is ridiculous, chopping a piece of wood with an axe takes hours and you cant even drag it close to the fire :D:D:D really? Hunting also should be much more challenging, having less animal and running further away on an unsuccessful attempt or straight away hiding, for now its just ridiculously simple. go there, shoot miss wait while calms down rinse and repeat...


I agree with general premise of the OP that making things more logical to real world experience is preferable. I think that if you base the mechanics on the real world (or at least the effects of the mechanics line up with with real world experience), then they tend to balance themselves against each other. When you start abstracting them too much, you end up having to fiddle with everything to make them fit, and you probably create weird loopholes and exploits.

To address the above quote directly, you can create that sort of experience for yourself if you play in a certain way. By forcing yourself to live in the Mountaineering Hut on Timberwolf Mountain, you bring collecting firewood as a crucial daily task into the survival equation. You can make hunting more difficult by turning up animal detection ranges as far as possible in the custom menu. You can turn their population rates right down as well.

That doesn't totally solve the problem you're identifying, but it goes some way towards it. You're not going to be able to change the harvesting time for branches and tree limbs, probably until modding becomes officially supported. And when that happens, I expect there will many different mod versions that try to make the game more true to life.

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53 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

Lusing a nuclear reordering device (???) 

clearly are violating general relativity

You ever heard of molecular binding energies

Thermodynamics, anyone?

 projected gravity (which in itself is a nonsense term as gravity is a scalar field) 

you might have heard of E = mc²

 you get the relativistic mass you'd require to curve spacetime 

"projecting" a grain sized black hole that then disperses?

Hawking Radiation

Quantum explosions?

Lead suits that are light enough to swim in but that also shield (presumably gamma) radiation? 



Subnautica is great.

Dragging tree limbs would be cool... 

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7 hours ago, Pillock said:


I agree with general premise of the OP that making things more logical to real world experience is preferable. I think that if you base the mechanics on the real world (or at least the effects of the mechanics line up with with real world experience), then they tend to balance themselves against each other. When you start abstracting them too much, you end up having to fiddle with everything to make them fit, and you probably create weird loopholes and exploits.

To address the above quote directly, you can create that sort of experience for yourself if you play in a certain way. By forcing yourself to live in the Mountaineering Hut on Timberwolf Mountain, you bring collecting firewood as a crucial daily task into the survival equation. You can make hunting more difficult by turning up animal detection ranges as far as possible in the custom menu. You can turn their population rates right down as well.

That doesn't totally solve the problem you're identifying, but it goes some way towards it. You're not going to be able to change the harvesting time for branches and tree limbs, probably until modding becomes officially supported. And when that happens, I expect there will many different mod versions that try to make the game more true to life.

Finally, at least somebody understands what I'm talking about, thank you for stopping by. As you say, the more made up things get in, the more balancing is needed and the more made up things will have to be used. the end is that instead of just using intuition and real survival skills you need to learn the game mechanisms, hell, you even have to learn the maps or on most of them you have no chance at all, and live with them, which, exactly because they are not logical and intuitive will become boring chores instead of fun choices. sadly as you say, these options do not solve the ones I mentioned and last year I played so much I just cant justify it again, even though these custom options made it somewhat better. Im still hoping a little that this can be better, I might be back when mods will be a thing, hell, maybe I will make a realism mod for the game, the problem is only how much access we get. unity games are not difficult to mod so... we will see.

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Hi every one, first message on this forum. I fall randomly on this thread and i read everything...an interesting debate...

First of all, we should say that TLD is a good game, yes some elements aren't realistic and yes it's only a game. I think what dev tried to make is basically a story-telling game and I think you focus too much on the survival part of the game, a lot of work was done here and that's the first thing I appreciate with TLD. @vargata I approve some of your points (but totally disapprove the tone you used, that was a bit too aggressive) , being myself a boyscout, some details are bothering me, I think that there's just a lack of interaction with the environment, as you said, IRL you could easily grab a bigger branch a take it near the fire, etc. but I don't think that TLD is an illogical game. It has logic, but it's own logic. It's different from irl, yes, however it's not illogical.

You talk about some choires being boring etc., yes I found it too when I stayed too long in the same place, but hey, isn't real life boring too ? You basically : wake up, eat, work, eat, work, eat, watch tv/play games, sleep the 4/5 of the year, so it's the same in TLD. My opinion is that TLD is an exploring game, so you have to explore to enjoy it and at this moment, things will become a lot different, you will need wood, food, water and shelter every night, without knowing what you'll find.  I started a random survival and fell in Hushed River Valley. This was a REALLY hard start, but I enjoyed it so much. Then I found Milton and things become a lot easier. That's normal. I agree on the fact that you need to eat quite a lot, but on the other side, the cold is a determining factor. Indeed when you're inside you're not freezing but the energy you consume to keep yourself warm is pretty big. I don't think we should compare with reality, because it's very very hard to reproduce irl mechanics.

Edit : I hope this was understable, english is not my main language

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1 hour ago, Tetrs said:

@vargata I think that there's just a lack of interaction with the environment, as you said, IRL you could easily grab a bigger branch a take it near the fire, etc. but I don't think that TLD is an illogical game. It has logic, but it's own logic. It's different from irl, yes, however it's not illogical.


I still disagree with this... dragging anything through deep snow is a monumental task.  Moving a large branch that has sat frozen into deep snow for any length of time is a monumental task.  What is not realistic is how, in this game, you easily walk across the top of the snow without the benefit of snowshoes or skis; particularly when large amounts of fresh snow is falling every couple of days.  IRL, we'd be sinking to our knees and waists with every single step.

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28 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

What is not realistic is how, in this game, you easily walk across the top of the snow without the benefit of snowshoes or skis; particularly when large amounts of fresh snow is falling every couple of days.  IRL, we'd be sinking to our knees and waists with every single step.

This could be an interesting new mechanic if they introduced it. They could have the same relative ease of walking across the top of shallow snow on hard ground as we have now, but restrict it to the common paths or main routes across maps. There could then be deeper snow, which would be slower and more hazardous to traverse in more 'off piste' areas. 

Places like TWM would be primarily made up of the latter, making the trek to the summit (and back) more challenging - and therefore more of an accomplishment. Desolation Point and CH would be primarily easy walking along roads and trails. Mystery Lake and Pleasant Valley would be more of a mixture.

It would make certain short cuts or wolf avoidance routes more treacherous, but perhaps giving a risk /reward balance. 

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I agree on the deer. One deer, a decent sized deer, will feed you for months in real life. The amount of meat we get from deer in this game is a little low. But besides that. If you want to do more exploration just play on voyageur or pilgrim. The hunger and thirst isn't so bad on those and there's no shame in playing the easier difficulties, because it's all about the experience you're looking for. Personally I like surviving for more than a month at a time so I typically play on voyageur. I only play stalker when I want a challenge and have only tried interloper once. Named my save file "the grim reapers Sprint." It was very appropriate. Survived 20 days on that one first try. Oh and there's also custom sandbox. Tailor your experience. Turn your hunger down. It doesn't effect achievements. There are plenty of ways to address this issue

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On 24/01/2019 at 5:53 PM, Tetrs said:

You talk about some choires being boring etc., yes I found it too when I stayed too long in the same place, but hey, isn't real life boring too ? You basically : wake up, eat, work, eat, work, eat, watch tv/play games, sleep the 4/5 of the year, so it's the same in TLD.

you are easy to understand as your command of english is pretty good, dont worry, I would just react to this as I gave up the game (again, will check back in an other year or so)
for many... sure, life is like that, but i do archery, due to health no more mountain hunting but still shooting targets, also fencing and horse riding, now designing and building a 35ft sailboat, just planning to sail around the entire planet of ours so no, life dont have to be boring get up work watch tv stuff. Aaaaannndddd games are about a virtual reality where theoretically you can do way more than in real life... sadly not in TLD. They have twisted all logic and oversimplified everything with illogical crappy mechanisms to save on work.

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On 24/01/2019 at 8:43 PM, Tbone555 said:

I agree on the deer. One deer, a decent sized deer, will feed you for months in real life. The amount of meat we get from deer in this game is a little low. But besides that. If you want to do more exploration just play on voyageur or pilgrim. The hunger and thirst isn't so bad on those and there's no shame in playing the easier difficulties, because it's all about the experience you're looking for. Personally I like surviving for more than a month at a time so I typically play on voyageur. I only play stalker when I want a challenge and have only tried interloper once. Named my save file "the grim reapers Sprint." It was very appropriate. Survived 20 days on that one first try. Oh and there's also custom sandbox. Tailor your experience. Turn your hunger down. It doesn't effect achievements. There are plenty of ways to address this issue

again, the issue is not that you need to eat, the issue is the illogical way of solving it... eat 600-1000 cal a time max depending on food type because that will fill your belly, eat 2-3000 cal a day as its sufficient even while active, starve to death in 4-5 days not in 12 hours BUT to balance and dont make it too easy make it NECESSITY to have both plant and animal based food in your diet, if you miss meals lose strength (stamina?) that would need a couple of good meal and activity to gain back etc. there are so many logical solutions that would make the game both more logical and more interesting. the problem is that you can freeze to death while just chopping a few sticks, that you can starve to death while cooking a whole deer and die for thirst surrounded by snow that you could just eat, that you can only cook 1 venison at a time or 2 on the bigger stove while in fact I could cook the entire deer over a fire.......... its the logic, the immersion is thats missing. I can turn down the settings i will still have to eat a deer at a time to satisfy my hunger I just need it less frequently. thats not a solution... what is the point of a nice mountain winter survival game if not to immerse yourself into the situation of the guy/girl out there? I was hoping to relive part my youth but every time I run into these illogical stuff i just shake my head and quit...

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/29/2019 at 5:54 AM, vargata said:

again, the issue is not that you need to eat, the issue is the illogical way of solving it... eat 600-1000 cal a time max depending on food type because that will fill your belly, eat 2-3000 cal a day as its sufficient even while active, starve to death in 4-5 days not in 12 hours BUT to balance and dont make it too easy make it NECESSITY to have both plant and animal based food in your diet, if you miss meals lose strength (stamina?) that would need a couple of good meal and activity to gain back etc. there are so many logical solutions that would make the game both more logical and more interesting. the problem is that you can freeze to death while just chopping a few sticks, that you can starve to death while cooking a whole deer and die for thirst surrounded by snow that you could just eat, that you can only cook 1 venison at a time or 2 on the bigger stove while in fact I could cook the entire deer over a fire.......... its the logic, the immersion is thats missing. I can turn down the settings i will still have to eat a deer at a time to satisfy my hunger I just need it less frequently. thats not a solution... what is the point of a nice mountain winter survival game if not to immerse yourself into the situation of the guy/girl out there? I was hoping to relive part my youth but every time I run into these illogical stuff i just shake my head and quit...

mmmk here we go


I'm not usually one for feeding the angry demitrolls, but...

1) this is a game.

2) since when can you just... eat snow? yes, it will satiate your thirst, but it will a) cause you to burn calories to melt it and b) might have any number of bacteria in it.

3) this is a game.

4) you can survive quite well with just a diet of meat and fat/marrow, fish are a good addition, but also the stomach contents of herbivores. no, never tried it, but the arctic peoples of Earth have.

5) this is a game.

6) our playable character is not a survivalist. they are a pilot or a medic(?) in Wintermute, I believe. so they probably aren't used to carrying the weight of a grown person on their back while climbing a rope. and while in Survival mode you can pretend to be whatever, the game's canon suggests the former situation.

7) this is a... you got it... game.

8) I've never have, could not if I wanted to, eaten an entire deer in one go in the game. granted some animals would be (realistically) lean as hell, so yeah, some animals would yield very little meat (esp scavenged ones). But never have I ever downed an animal in a game and been able to eat the entire thing in one go. Except for fish, if I was starving and the fish was smallish. The rabbits are gonna be lean as all hell too--and they're ALREADY lean ("rabbit starvation", anyone?)--so I wouldn't be surprised if one didn't get much yield from them. True, the meat yields in the game are overall, what, halved? from what they'd be IRL (maybe more drastic than half; I forget what the game yields are per animal). But as I see it, you being on your own and downing a moose with realistic yields, you'd be able to sit on your arse and not do a damn thing for a long, long time, and therefore removing the exploration/looting aspect of the

9) game, which this is.

10)  what is the difference between 'tired' and 'sleepy'? I'll wait.



12)  while it's true the 'animal fleeing' mechanism is silly, so is the respawn rate (depending), so is the fact that rabbits exist at all, so is the fact that ANY animal exists because all those grasses should be DEAD. but it's fine, because


14) If @vargata  asks one more time "have you ever" I'm going to morph into a rage demon and destroy you all. Seriously though. write a damn letter to the devs. Don't parade your outdoorsy experience in front of fans of the game while simultaneously belittling "n00bs" who just want to have a good time just to make a point of how unrealistic a video game is. jfc. 


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11 hours ago, reginaphalange said:

mmmk here we go


I'm not usually one for feeding the angry demitrolls, but...

1) this is a game.

2) since when can you just... eat snow? yes, it will satiate your thirst, but it will a) cause you to burn calories to melt it and b) might have any number of bacteria in it.

3) this is a game.

4) you can survive quite well with just a diet of meat and fat/marrow, fish are a good addition, but also the stomach contents of herbivores. no, never tried it, but the arctic peoples of Earth have.

5) this is a game.

6) our playable character is not a survivalist. they are a pilot or a medic(?) in Wintermute, I believe. so they probably aren't used to carrying the weight of a grown person on their back while climbing a rope. and while in Survival mode you can pretend to be whatever, the game's canon suggests the former situation.

7) this is a... you got it... game.

8) I've never have, could not if I wanted to, eaten an entire deer in one go in the game. granted some animals would be (realistically) lean as hell, so yeah, some animals would yield very little meat (esp scavenged ones). But never have I ever downed an animal in a game and been able to eat the entire thing in one go. Except for fish, if I was starving and the fish was smallish. The rabbits are gonna be lean as all hell too--and they're ALREADY lean ("rabbit starvation", anyone?)--so I wouldn't be surprised if one didn't get much yield from them. True, the meat yields in the game are overall, what, halved? from what they'd be IRL (maybe more drastic than half; I forget what the game yields are per animal). But as I see it, you being on your own and downing a moose with realistic yields, you'd be able to sit on your arse and not do a damn thing for a long, long time, and therefore removing the exploration/looting aspect of the

9) game, which this is.

10)  what is the difference between 'tired' and 'sleepy'? I'll wait.



12)  while it's true the 'animal fleeing' mechanism is silly, so is the respawn rate (depending), so is the fact that rabbits exist at all, so is the fact that ANY animal exists because all those grasses should be DEAD. but it's fine, because


14) If @vargata  asks one more time "have you ever" I'm going to morph into a rage demon and destroy you all. Seriously though. write a damn letter to the devs. Don't parade your outdoorsy experience in front of fans of the game while simultaneously belittling "n00bs" who just want to have a good time just to make a point of how unrealistic a video game is. jfc. 


haha, I see the sad fanbois have arrived to defend their masters creation :D have you ever tried to listen a bit and think or you just spit the official excuses?
1 yes, this is a game, we are all aware of it so get over it
a: no, you dont burn extra calories to melt snow, you ALREADY do it and generate heat, your body is not a fkin calorifier
b: no, in fresh white snow there are no bacterias especially not in -20, its as safe to drink as any tap water, there is an other issue with it actually, thats called osmotic effect (drinking such clear water can damage your body cells)
3 dont you say :D 
4 so?
5 are you sure?
6 they are mountain rescue based on the story, the guy is the pilot and the chick is the medic, they used to be a team up there so even if not survivalists, they should have quite some skills to get over a little cold
7 now i start to think its a mission for you and not a game, thats why you went all mad. did I hurt your little soul?
8 a little? a freshly downed deer would be enough for weeks yet in game you eat it in a maximum of 2 meals which can easily be on the same day and yes, rabbits are lean but eating 4 rabbits for one meal and not even filling your belly is funny, if you think this is even just close to logical or fun, then the issue is in your machine and no, it wouldnt remove the exploration, it would actually add. currently to get food just go always to the same valleys and you can hunt non-stop, you dont need to go to anywhere, get snares and arrows and you can survive in the same hut. Make a deer give actually realistic amount of food but make them rare so you need to go and hunt, not just go over the nearest hill and keep shooting retarded deers who keep running to and back. dont even mention the rabbits, they dont even try to escape
9 ohh, no, now im 100% sure its your holy mission instead
10 :D:D:D if you dont know this, maybe get out from the basement... everybody who ever done any physical activity knows clearly whats the difference between being tired and sleepy. you know tired->rest sleepy->sleep. logic yeah? no wonder you dont need it in the game when you dont have any anyway
11 pffff
12 you know that animals are far better survivalists than you are. small ones like rabbits can live on lichen pine cone or even on green sticks while the bigger ones like deers can eat the bark or branches pine cone and anything else they can find, again you just showcase how you know nothing of the real world, no wonder you dont expect it in a game... knowledge is not a gift, we learn it, you can still do it too
13 for me it is, for you it seems like something else
14 ahhh, now I see what is your problem with my comments :D you know it was about you and it hurts... man up bro

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18 hours ago, vargata said:

haha, I see the sad fanbois have arrived to defend their masters creation :D have you ever tried to listen a bit and think or you just spit the official excuses?
1 yes, this is a game, we are all aware of it so get over it
a: no, you dont burn extra calories to melt snow, you ALREADY do it and generate heat, your body is not a fkin calorifier
b: no, in fresh white snow there are no bacterias especially not in -20, its as safe to drink as any tap water, there is an other issue with it actually, thats called osmotic effect (drinking such clear water can damage your body cells)
3 dont you say :D 
4 so?
5 are you sure?
6 they are mountain rescue based on the story, the guy is the pilot and the chick is the medic, they used to be a team up there so even if not survivalists, they should have quite some skills to get over a little cold
7 now i start to think its a mission for you and not a game, thats why you went all mad. did I hurt your little soul?
8 a little? a freshly downed deer would be enough for weeks yet in game you eat it in a maximum of 2 meals which can easily be on the same day and yes, rabbits are lean but eating 4 rabbits for one meal and not even filling your belly is funny, if you think this is even just close to logical or fun, then the issue is in your machine and no, it wouldnt remove the exploration, it would actually add. currently to get food just go always to the same valleys and you can hunt non-stop, you dont need to go to anywhere, get snares and arrows and you can survive in the same hut. Make a deer give actually realistic amount of food but make them rare so you need to go and hunt, not just go over the nearest hill and keep shooting retarded deers who keep running to and back. dont even mention the rabbits, they dont even try to escape
9 ohh, no, now im 100% sure its your holy mission instead
10 :D:D:D if you dont know this, maybe get out from the basement... everybody who ever done any physical activity knows clearly whats the difference between being tired and sleepy. you know tired->rest sleepy->sleep. logic yeah? no wonder you dont need it in the game when you dont have any anyway
11 pffff
12 you know that animals are far better survivalists than you are. small ones like rabbits can live on lichen pine cone or even on green sticks while the bigger ones like deers can eat the bark or branches pine cone and anything else they can find, again you just showcase how you know nothing of the real world, no wonder you dont expect it in a game... knowledge is not a gift, we learn it, you can still do it too
13 for me it is, for you it seems like something else
14 ahhh, now I see what is your problem with my comments :D you know it was about you and it hurts... man up bro


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Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Some of us like the game and how many of the things work in it, others don't, and it's okay. There's a train for every passenger.
What both sides should do though, is to take some of that Canadian spirit and BE NICE TO DEATH to each other.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of the best turn-based tactical combat simulators ever created, called "Chess", has very little realism and the set of rules is very limited. However, you must be a true genius to become a Master. I try to apply to TLD the same standard: They proposed a set of rules to emulate a survival experience.

I have to admit I've been losing grip with TLD during the last year. I've spent (invested, enjoyed... you name it) over 1.000 hours and it's not the set of rules which prevented me to enjoy the game, but some technical limitations:

  1. Not to be able to jump/prone/climb. Please don't say AGAIN that you are tired, cold, encumbered... Please, don't. You can't even step up 10cm slopes while naked and well-feed. It's a technical limitation. The engine is complex, mapping takes time, etc. It's a limitation. And when you are cornered by a pack of Wolves, you'd want to climb the nearest tree or run tirelessly due to the adrenaline, not to mention getting over that 70cm (2ft) fence.
  2. Interior lights are broken. In minutes it can get pitch black even in full moon. Damn it, you can only see your breath. Even in warm interiors you keep seeying you damn breath. Please stop it!! I'm wearing a scarf to cover my mouth so I can stop seeing it!!! To no avail
  3. AI is... there is not

Every now and then I try new runs. I love the pace and relaxing atmosphere, the challenge... but eventually I get some inmersion breaking experience that remembers me why I quited.

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3 hours ago, Wolfbait said:

One of the best turn-based tactical combat simulators ever created, called "Chess", has very little realism and the set of rules is very limited. However, you must be a true genius to become a Master. I try to apply to TLD the same standard: They proposed a set of rules to emulate a survival experience.

I have to admit I've been losing grip with TLD during the last year. I've spent (invested, enjoyed... you name it) over 1.000 hours and it's not the set of rules which prevented me to enjoy the game, but some technical limitations:

  1. Not to be able to jump/prone/climb. Please don't say AGAIN that you are tired, cold, encumbered... Please, don't. You can't even step up 10cm slopes while naked and well-feed. It's a technical limitation. The engine is complex, mapping takes time, etc. It's a limitation. And when you are cornered by a pack of Wolves, you'd want to climb the nearest tree or run tirelessly due to the adrenaline, not to mention getting over that 70cm (2ft) fence.
  2. Interior lights are broken. In minutes it can get pitch black even in full moon. Damn it, you can only see your breath. Even in warm interiors you keep seeying you damn breath. Please stop it!! I'm wearing a scarf to cover my mouth so I can stop seeing it!!! To no avail
  3. AI is... there is not

Every now and then I try new runs. I love the pace and relaxing atmosphere, the challenge... but eventually I get some inmersion breaking experience that remembers me why I quited.

screen_(-1, 2, -19)_44927571-b8e3-40ad-8d14-e8df7f7f0014.png





You'll have to explain to me why you find the last two images "immersion breaking."  For the first... Are mirages in a desert "immersion breaking."  I have seen sunrises and sunsets that are very intense and almost make the horizon look like it's on fire.  I've also seen many, many very bright sunny days that were bitterly cold.  Also, this game has an art style to it that is not realism... more based on Canada's "Group of Seven" artists like Emily Carr and Tom Thomson.  I do agree that the interiors can be annoyingly and unnecessarily dark, particularly at dusk and dawn and during moonlit nights.  I'd also love to be able to jump.  I've played many games that don't grant the player the ability to go prone, though.  Personally, just crouching is fine for me.

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I'm probably alone in this, but I would fine the ability to jump "immersion breaking" (a term thrown about as if it were some sort of cardinal sin).  Jump, with 40kg on your back?  While wearing 2 pair of work-pants on top of 2 pair of wool thermals?  Right.  "Straddle" I could see.  Jump?  No.  Actually, I'd find typical FPS jump animation to be pretty silly in TLD.

And really, I find the inability to jump a nice comfort, so I don't have to stand near some cliff-side pressing the "hop" button to see if I can inch up Skyrim style.  Yes, I will agree that being caught up by a bit of fence poking out of the ground is annoying . . . a tad.  But I kinda enjoy that Hinterland took away a ubiquitous (and often silly) mechanic that plagues the first person experience in most games.

Would be funny if they implemented "Jump" with some very involved animation and grunts from the voice-actor, as they squat and then lift themselves 1cm into the air, only to come down over the obstacle with zero sprint left and a sprained ankle.

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4 minutes ago, NardoLoopa said:

I'm probably alone in this, but I would fine the ability to jump "immersion breaking" (a term thrown about as if it were some sort of cardinal sin).  Jump, with 40kg on your back?  While wearing 2 pair of work-pants on top of 2 pair of wool thermals?  Right.  "Straddle" I could see.  Jump?  No.  Actually, I'd find typical FPS jump animation to be pretty silly in TLD.

And really, I find the inability to jump a nice comfort, so I don't have to stand near some cliff-side pressing the "hop" button to see if I can inch up Skyrim style.  Yes, I will agree that being caught up by a bit of fence poking out of the ground is annoying . . . a tad.  But I kinda enjoy that Hinterland took away a ubiquitous (and often silly) mechanic that plagues the first person experience in most games.

Would be funny if they implemented "Jump" with some very involved animation and grunts from the voice-actor, as they squat and then lift themselves 1cm into the air, only to come down over the obstacle with zero sprint left and a sprained ankle.

Perhaps "hop" or "skip" is a better term for what I was thinking about... the ability to lift a foot high enough to get over, say, the curbs in front of the store at the Rural Crossroads or the ability to get up onto some of the logs lying down in the Forlorn Muskeg without having to pace back and forth to find that sweat spot where the game will let the player climb up that few inches.

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