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  1. Hi every one, first message on this forum. I fall randomly on this thread and i read everything...an interesting debate... First of all, we should say that TLD is a good game, yes some elements aren't realistic and yes it's only a game. I think what dev tried to make is basically a story-telling game and I think you focus too much on the survival part of the game, a lot of work was done here and that's the first thing I appreciate with TLD. @vargata I approve some of your points (but totally disapprove the tone you used, that was a bit too aggressive) , being myself a boyscout, some details are bothering me, I think that there's just a lack of interaction with the environment, as you said, IRL you could easily grab a bigger branch a take it near the fire, etc. but I don't think that TLD is an illogical game. It has logic, but it's own logic. It's different from irl, yes, however it's not illogical. You talk about some choires being boring etc., yes I found it too when I stayed too long in the same place, but hey, isn't real life boring too ? You basically : wake up, eat, work, eat, work, eat, watch tv/play games, sleep the 4/5 of the year, so it's the same in TLD. My opinion is that TLD is an exploring game, so you have to explore to enjoy it and at this moment, things will become a lot different, you will need wood, food, water and shelter every night, without knowing what you'll find. I started a random survival and fell in Hushed River Valley. This was a REALLY hard start, but I enjoyed it so much. Then I found Milton and things become a lot easier. That's normal. I agree on the fact that you need to eat quite a lot, but on the other side, the cold is a determining factor. Indeed when you're inside you're not freezing but the energy you consume to keep yourself warm is pretty big. I don't think we should compare with reality, because it's very very hard to reproduce irl mechanics. Edit : I hope this was understable, english is not my main language