To be able to sit in chairs


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I stream the Long Dark, and find that it lends itself incredibly well to a slower paced, more commentary focused play-style. Many times, in game I will have a fire going, crouch by it and share a story/discuss something with my viewers and just talk for a bit. This game in my eyes is near perfect, but hot damn what I wouldn't give to be able to sit in a chair by the fire or freely place chairs ( With right click, like foodstuffs etc.) and just be able to sit. This may sound like a silly idea, but I think it would add a lot to the already impressive immersion of the game. 
Love the game!

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Not a silly idea in the slightest. Things like these are what helps with immersion of just making the TLD one step closer to realistic game. I fully agree - and seeing as the Hinterland now has new equipment and new animators on the team, this could realistically happen.  I wouldnt mind if the player could rest up in a chair, armchair or on a bench somewhere, even if it would have no actual effect on the game. Just something you can do to make things seem more realistic (kind of like the chance to open the gas cover or blinds in the car)

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There are many times when, after a very hard day, I'd like to get to a base and collapse in a chair. (In real life this is when, break off from TLD and pop down to the kitchen to refill my wine glass).  In the game there is no need for it, you can just start cooking, repairing clothes or sleep. 

I suspect that the excitement and stress of the game, that is surviving a difficult situation, and the excitement and stress of playing the game are linked and we feel a need for a rest, i.e. sit in a chair and unwind.

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I agree totally, I think just as survival means finding food, staying warm and keeping hydrated, so does it also mean times where realistically, one would need to wait out a storm, rest an injured limb, sit and read or just lazily sit by the fire and have a fleeting moment of security in a chaotic world. As opposed to squatting on the floor of course. 

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We gotta remember, that until recently, the Hinterland had very limited access to making the animations, because they had to lent out equipment for recording them, and the team didnt have a lot of animation programmists - but recently, they hired three new animators, and got equipment of their own...

So here is hoping we will see more animations in the future, and that they will also focus on some of that "little" stuff like this here suggestion. Anything that adds more immersion to the game AND promotes people from taking their time as opposed to chaotical running around, hoarding everything, is in my opinion a content worthwhile the development.

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2 hours ago, Skelegutplays said:

So what hacks does granny aka grey mother use to sit in her chair.



So grannys chair is a special one.


She has a special skill, and that greedy witch didn't teach it to Will. It is a very long and sad childhood story, but the thing is, Will never learned how to sit in the chairs in his youth. And neither did Astrid.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this idea. I particular i would like to be able to sit on the porch of certain in pleasant valley or Timberwolf mountaineering  house overlooking the lake. sitting by the fire on the bedroll would be nice. sitting at a table to eat or read. sitting by the fire in the pleasant valley house inside as well. so many chairs in so many places. please let us use them, move them, as well as have the option to break em up for firewood. Thanks!  

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10 minutes ago, Moll said:

Sitting may provide some crafting bonus for handcrafted items or for repair. If you repair your parka, its better when you sit and calm, than repair it in  snow while squatting.

This, I always found it strange that I can technically be standing at a workbemch crafting for 8 hours straight as long as I had enough daylight and had my food and water meters full.

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